27 research outputs found

    Slight-Delay Shaped Variable Bit Rate (SD-SVBR) Technique for Video Transmission

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    The aim of this thesis is to present a new shaped Variable Bit Rate (VBR) for video transmission, which plays a crucial role in delivering video traffic over the Internet. This is due to the surge of video media applications over the Internet and the video typically has the characteristic of a highly bursty traffic, which leads to the Internet bandwidth fluctuation. This new shaped algorithm, referred to as Slight Delay - Shaped Variable Bit Rate (SD-SVBR), is aimed at controlling the video rate for video application transmission. It is designed based on the Shaped VBR (SVBR) algorithm and was implemented in the Network Simulator 2 (ns-2). SVBR algorithm is devised for real-time video applications and it has several limitations and weaknesses due to its embedded estimation or prediction processes. SVBR faces several problems, such as the occurrence of unwanted sharp decrease in data rate, buffer overflow, the existence of a low data rate, and the generation of a cyclical negative fluctuation. The new algorithm is capable of producing a high data rate and at the same time a better quantization parameter (QP) stability video sequence. In addition, the data rate is shaped efficiently to prevent unwanted sharp increment or decrement, and to avoid buffer overflow. To achieve the aim, SD-SVBR has three strategies, which are processing the next Group of Picture (GoP) video sequence and obtaining the QP-to-data rate list, dimensioning the data rate to a higher utilization of the leaky-bucket, and implementing a QP smoothing method by carefully measuring the effects of following the previous QP value. However, this algorithm has to be combined with a network feedback algorithm to produce a better overall video rate control. A combination of several video clips, which consisted of a varied video rate, has been used for the purpose of evaluating SD-SVBR performance. The results showed that SD-SVBR gains an impressive overall Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) value. In addition, in almost all cases, it gains a high video rate but without buffer overflow, utilizes the buffer well, and interestingly, it is still able to obtain smoother QP fluctuation

    SoluçÔes de broadcast para redes 4G

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    Mestrado em Engenharia ElectrĂłnica e de TelecomunicaçÔesA primeira difusĂŁo de conteĂșdos video e audio teve um forte impacto no quotidiano da população que assistiu a uma revolução nos modelos de transmissĂŁo de informação e de entretenimento. A evolução desde entĂŁo foi significativa, e jĂĄ na era digital, encontramo-nos face a uma nova sub-elevação da metodologia e do conceito subjacentes Ă  transmissĂŁo de conteudos multimĂ©dia. O mundo actual apresenta, contudo, diferentes requisitos, de entre os quais se destacam a procura pela alta definição e mobilidade. A mobilidade tem sido um particular foco de atenção por parte dos operadores que exploram agora modelos para entregar uma vasta gama de serviços que sejam atractivos para os utilizadores. Esta dissertação apresenta um sumĂĄrio das tecnologias emergentes de broadcast que se distinguem nas vĂĄrias partes do mundo com a sua particular incidĂȘncia geogrĂĄfica, caracterĂ­sticas e cenĂĄrios de aplicação. É ainda apresentada uma arquitectura 4G abordando assuntos inerentes Ă  mobilidade e qualidade de serviço com particular incidĂȘncia nos aspectos relacionados com a integração de uma tecnologia de broadcast particular. Para avaliação da arquitectura proposta foram efectuados estudos com base num equipamento de broadcast na sua versĂŁo comercial, permitindo desta forma obter uma anĂĄlise que ilustra o que os operadores podem esperar do estado actual dos dispositivos. Os resultados permitiram retirar ilaçÔes sobre o comportamento de um equipamento considerado como um produto final a disponibilizar aos operadores, quando integrado num ambiente 4G com suporte de mobilidade e QoS. Nomeadamente Ă© discutida a sua aplicabildiade tendo em linha de conta as desvantagens introduzidas pelas caracterĂ­sticas inerentes Ă  prĂłpria tecnologia.Broadcast of video and audio through analogical television completely changed the paradigm of information and entertainment divulgation. Today, in the “digital era”, the Analogue Switch Off revolution is being held. Manufacturers and operators already show concerns regarding the support of mobility, quality of experience and of service. Delivering competitive High Definition contents and providing solutions for the average “on-the-move” user are two of the most important issues to be dealt by the service providers, which are also within the analysis scope of this work. This dissertation presents an overview on the most relevant broadcast technologies which are assumed to be of relative acceptance in their respective target market. It presents their main characteristics and applicability. 4G architectural concepts are also analyzed, closely dealing with mobility and quality of service provisioning, with particular focus on the seamless integration of broadcast technologies. As a mean to evaluate the feasibility of integrating broadcast technologies with 4G architectures, a performance evaluation study was performed using commercial equipment. In this way a several set of considerations constructed illustrating the features and functionalities which operators can expect or disregard from professional commercial broadcasting devices. Results allow the withdrawing of conclusions concerning the integration of a final broadcasting solution when incorporated within a 4G environment with QoS and mobility support. Its applicability is evaluated having in mind the performance drawbacks introduced by the specific technology, and generalized towards the gathering of more general conclusions which consider the main characteristics of the commercial broadcasting devices

    Scalable and rate adaptive wireless multimedia multicast

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    The methods that are described in this work enable highly efficient audio-visual streaming over wireless digital communication systems to an arbitrary number of receivers. In the focus of this thesis is thus point-to-multipoint transmission at constrained end-to-end delay. A fundamental difference as compared to point-to-point connections between exactly two communicating sending and receiving stations is in conveying information about successful or unsuccessful packet reception at the receiver side. The information to be transmitted is available at the sender, whereas the information about successful reception is only available to the receiver. Therefore, feedback about reception from the receiver to the sender is necessary. This information may be used for simple packet repetition in case of error, or adaptation of the bit rate of transmission to the momentary bit rate capacity of the channel, or both. This work focuses on the single transmission (including retransmissions) of data from one source to multiple destinations at the same time. A comparison with multi-receiver sequentially redundant transmission systems (simulcast MIMO) is made. With respect to feedback, this work considers time division multiple access systems, in which a single channel is used for data transmission and feedback. Therefore, the amount of time that can be spent for transmitting feedback is limited. An increase in time used for feedback transmissions from potentially many receivers results in a decrease in residual time which is usable for data transmission. This has direct impact on data throughput and hence, the quality of service. In the literature, an approach to reduce feedback overhead which is based on simultaneous feedback exists. In the scope of this work, simultaneous feedback implies equal carrier frequency, bandwidth and signal shape, in this case orthogonal frequency-division multiplex signals, during the event of the herein termed feedback aggregation in time. For this scheme, a constant amount of time is spent for feedback, independent of the number of receivers giving feedback about reception. Therefore, also data throughput remains independent of the number of receivers. This property of audio-visual digital transmission is taken for granted for statically configured, single purpose systems, such as terrestrial television. In the scope of this work are, however, multi-user and multi-purpose digital communication networks. Wireless LANs are a well-known example and are covered in detail herein. In suchlike systems, it is of great importance to remain independent of the number of receivers, as otherwise the service of ubiquitous digital connectivity is at the risk of being degraded. In this regard, the thesis at hand elaborates at what bit rates audio-visual transmission to multiple receivers may take place in conjunction with feedback aggregation. It is shown that the scheme achieves a multi-user throughput gain when used in conjunction with adaptivity of the bit rate to the channel. An assumption is the use of an ideal overlay packet erasure correcting code in this case. Furthermore, for delay constrained transmission, such as in so-called live television, throughput bit rates are examined. Applications have to be tolerant to a certain level of residual error in case of delay constrained transmission. Improvement of the rate adaptation algorithm is shown to increase throughput while residual error rates are decreased. Finally, with a consumer hardware prototype for digital live-TV re-distribution in the local wireless network, most of the mechanisms as described herein can be demonstrated.Die in vorliegender Arbeit aufgezeigten Methoden der paketbasierten drahtlosen digitalen Kommunikation ermöglichen es, Fernsehinhalte, aber auch audio-visuelle Datenströme im Allgemeinen, bei hoher Effizienz an beliebig große Gruppen von EmpfĂ€ngern zu verteilen. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht damit die Punkt- zu MehrpunktĂŒbertragung bei begrenzter Ende-zu-Ende Verzögerung. Ein grundlegender Unterschied zur Punkt-zu-Punkt Verbindung zwischen genau zwei miteinander kommunizierenden Sender- und EmpfĂ€ngerstationen liegt in der Übermittlung der Information ĂŒber erfolgreichen oder nicht erfolgreichen Paketempfang auf Seite der EmpfĂ€nger. Da die zu ĂŒbertragende Information am Sender vorliegt, die Information ĂŒber den Erfolg der Übertragung jedoch ausschließlich beim jeweiligen EmpfĂ€nger, muss eine Erfolgsmeldung auf dem RĂŒckweg von EmpfĂ€nger zu Sender erfolgen. Diese Information wird dann zum Beispiel zur einfachen Paketwiederholung im nicht erfolgreichen Fall genutzt, oder aber um die Übertragungsrate an die KapazitĂ€t des Kanals anzupassen, oder beides. GrundsĂ€tzlich beschĂ€ftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der einmaligen, gleichzeitigen Übertragung von Information (einschließlich Wiederholungen) an mehrere EmpfĂ€nger, wobei ein Vergleich zu an mehrere EmpfĂ€nger sequentiell redundant ĂŒbertragenden Systemen (Simulcast MIMO) angestellt wird. In dieser Arbeit ist die Betrachtung bezĂŒglich eines RĂŒckkanals auf Zeitduplexsysteme beschrĂ€nkt. In diesen Systemen wird der Kanal fĂŒr Hin- und RĂŒckweg zeitlich orthogonalisiert. Damit steht fĂŒr die Übermittlung der Erfolgsmeldung eine beschrĂ€nkte Zeitdauer zur VerfĂŒgung. Je mehr an Kanalzugriffszeit fĂŒr die Erfolgsmeldungen der potentiell vielen EmpfĂ€nger verbraucht wird, desto geringer wird die Restzeit, in der dann entsprechend weniger audio-visuelle Nutzdaten ĂŒbertragbar sind, was sich direkt auf die DienstqualitĂ€t auswirkt. Ein in der Literatur weniger ausfĂŒhrlich betrachteter Ansatz ist die gleichzeitige Übertragung von RĂŒckmeldungen mehrerer Teilnehmer auf gleicher Frequenz und bei identischer Bandbreite, sowie unter Nutzung gleichartiger Signale (hier: orthogonale Frequenzmultiplexsignalformung). Das Schema wird in dieser Arbeit daher als zeitliche Aggregation von RĂŒckmeldungen, engl. feedback aggregation, bezeichnet. Dabei wird, unabhĂ€ngig von der Anzahl der EmpfĂ€nger, eine konstante Zeitdauer fĂŒr RĂŒckmeldungen genutzt, womit auch der Datendurchsatz durch zusĂ€tzliche EmpfĂ€nger nicht notwendigerweise sinkt. Diese Eigenschaft ist aus statisch konfigurierten und fĂŒr einen einzigen Zweck konzipierten Systemen, wie z. B. der terrestrischen FernsehĂŒbertragung, bekannt. In dieser Arbeit werden im Gegensatz dazu jedoch am Beispiel von WLAN Mehrzweck- und Mehrbenutzersysteme betrachtet. Es handelt sich in derartigen Systemen zur digitalen DatenĂŒbertragung dabei um einen entscheidenden Vorteil, unabhĂ€ngig von der EmpfĂ€ngeranzahl zu bleiben, da es sonst unweigerlich zu EinschrĂ€nkungen in der GĂŒte der angebotenen Dienstleistung der allgegenwĂ€rtigen digitalen Vernetzung kommen muss. Vorliegende Arbeit zeigt in diesem Zusammenhang auf, welche Datenraten unter Benutzung von feedback aggregation in der Verteilung an mehrere EmpfĂ€nger und in verschiedenen Szenarien zu erreichen sind. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass das Schema im Zusammenspiel mit einer Adaption der Datenrate an den Übertragungskanal inhĂ€rent einen Datenratengewinn durch Mehrbenutzerempfang zu erzielen vermag, wenn ein ĂŒberlagerter idealer Paketauslöschungsschutz-Code angenommen wird. Des weiteren wird bei der Übertragung mit zeitlich begrenzter AusfĂŒhrungsdauer, z. B. dem sogenannten Live-Fernsehen, aufgezeigt, wie sich die erreichbare Datenrate reduziert und welche Restfehlertoleranz an die Übertragung gestellt werden muss. Hierbei wird ebenso aufgezeigt, wie sich durch Verbesserung der Ratenadaption erstere erhöhen und zweitere verringern lĂ€sst. An einem auf handelsĂŒblichen Computer-Systemen realisiertem Prototypen zur Live-FernsehĂŒbertragung können die hierin beschriebenen Mechanismen zu großen Teilen gezeigt werden

    Use of V-band geostationary satellites to deliver multimedia services

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Satellite Communications

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    This study is motivated by the need to give the reader a broad view of the developments, key concepts, and technologies related to information society evolution, with a focus on the wireless communications and geoinformation technologies and their role in the environment. Giving perspective, it aims at assisting people active in the industry, the public sector, and Earth science fields as well, by providing a base for their continued work and thinking

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Reception performance studies for the evaluation and improvement of the new generation terrestrial television systems

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    270 p.La industria de la TV ha experimentado grandes cambios en las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas. Las expectativas cada vez mayores de los espectadores y la reducciĂłn del espectro disponible para los servicios de TV han provocado la necesidad de sistemas mĂĄs robustos de TelevisiĂłn Digital Terrestre (TDT).El primer intento de cumplir estos requisitos es el estĂĄndar europeo DVB-T2 (2009). La publicaciĂłn de un nuevo estĂĄndar significa el inicio de un proceso de evaluaciĂłn del rendimiento del mismo mediante, por ejemplo, estudios de cobertura u obtenciĂłn de valores de umbral de relaciĂłn señal / ruido (SNR). Al inicio de esta tesis, este proceso estaba casi terminado para recepciĂłn fija y mĂłvil. Sin embargo, la recepciĂłn en interiores no se habĂ­a estudiado en detalle. Por esta razĂłn, esta tesis completa la evaluaciĂłn de DVB-T2 en interiores y define una nueva metodologĂ­a de evaluaciĂłn optimizada para este escenario.A pesar de que DVB-T2 emplea tecnologĂ­as muy avanzadas, el sistema se definiĂł hace casi diez años y desde entonces han aparecido nuevas tĂ©cnicas avanzadas, como por ejemplo nuevos cĂłdigos de correcciĂłn de errores o la nueva tĂ©cnica de multiplexaciĂłn por divisiĂłn en capas (LDM). Estas nuevas tĂ©cnicas tampoco han sido evaluadas en entornos de interior, por lo que esta tesis incluye el anĂĄlisis de las mismas evaluando su idoneidad para mejorar el rendimiento de DVB-T2. AdemĂĄs, se ha comprobado que los algoritmos tradicionales de los receptores TDT no estĂĄn optimizados para los nuevos escenarios en los que se consideran las señales multicapa y recepciĂłn mĂłvil. Por esta razĂłn, se han propuesto nuevos algoritmos para mejorar la recepciĂłn en este tipo de situaciones.El Ășltimo intento de hacer frente a los altos requisitos actuales de TDT es el estĂĄndar americano ATSC 3.0 (2016). Al igual que con DVB-T2, se necesita proceso completo de evaluaciĂłn del sistema. Por ello, en esta tesis se han realizado simulaciones y pruebas de laboratorio para completar el estudio de rendimiento de ATSC 3.0 en diferentes escenarios

    Proceedings of the Fifth International Mobile Satellite Conference 1997

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    Satellite-based mobile communications systems provide voice and data communications to users over a vast geographic area. The users may communicate via mobile or hand-held terminals, which may also provide access to terrestrial communications services. While previous International Mobile Satellite Conferences have concentrated on technical advances and the increasing worldwide commercial activities, this conference focuses on the next generation of mobile satellite services. The approximately 80 papers included here cover sessions in the following areas: networking and protocols; code division multiple access technologies; demand, economics and technology issues; current and planned systems; propagation; terminal technology; modulation and coding advances; spacecraft technology; advanced systems; and applications and experiments