21 research outputs found

    Phrases Search in non-text Files

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    Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce bolo vytvorenie programu, schopného extrahovať text z obrazových dát vo formáte JPEG a následne v tomto texte vyhľadať zadanú frázu. Taktiež bolo nutné zoznámiť sa so základnýmy technikami používaými v týchto systémoch. V úvode práce je predstavená stručná história týchto systémov, ako aj súčasný výskum. V ďalších kapitolách sa venuje rôznym metódam, ktoré sú používané v týchto systémoch. Tieto kapitoly sú rozdelené podľa jednotlivých fáz systému a zoradené sú v poradí v akom sa vykonávajú. V závere je predstavená vlastná implementácia. V tejto časti sú bližšie vysvetlené postupy, ktoré boli v práci použité. Záver práce je venovaný zhrnutiu dosiahnutých výsledkov. Výsledkom tejto práce je systém pre vyhľadávanie fŕaz v obrazový dátach formátu JPEG implementovaný v jazyku Java. K tomuto systému bola vytvorená aj programátorská dokumentácia a uživatelská príručka.The aim of the bachelor thesis was to create the software able to extract text from visual data in JPEG form and afterwards seek out the assigned phrase. Alongside, it was also necessary to undrestand the basic techniques used in common softwares. In the opening part of the thesis is introduced the brief history of these kind of softwares as well as current development. Next chapters are focused on different metodies used in common softwares. These chapters are divided according to particular phrases of system and lined up in execution orders. In the end of the thesis is introduced the own inplementation. There are also in detail explained the used methodies and summary of achieved results. The result of the thesis is the software for searching the phrases in JPEG form implemented in JAVA. For this software was also created a program documantation and user manual.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Spinoff 2008: 50 Years of NASA-Derived Technologies (1958-2008)

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    NASA Technology Benefiting Society subject headings include: Health and Medicine, Transportation, Public Safety, Consumer, Home and Recreation, Environmental and Agricultural Resources, Computer Technology, and Industrial Productivity. Other topics covered include: Aeronautics and Space Activities, Education News, Partnership News, and the Innovative Partnership Program

    Organ-on-Chip Systems Integrating Human Adipose Tissues

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    Adipose tissue constitutes about one fourth of a healthy adult human’s body mass and is involved in a large variety of (patho-)physiological processes. Especially in the era of ‘diabesity’, a thorough understanding of human adipose tissue has become more important than ever. Yet, research on human adipose biology is hampered by a lack of predictive model systems. Even though many valuable insights could be gained from animal models, they often fall short of predicting human physiology. Then again, unusual characteristics of mature adipocytes, such as buoyancy, fragility, and large size, make conventional cell culture approaches challenging. In recent years, organ-on-chip (OoC) technology has emerged from a synergy of tissue engineering and microfluidics approaches. OoC systems integrate engineered tissues into physiological microenvironments supplied by a vasculature-like perfusion. Yet even though OoC technology is thriving regarding other organ systems, there has only been very little focus on adipose tissue so far. Hence, the objectives of this thesis were to design, develop and characterize adipose tissue-on-chip models. To achieve this, designs, biomaterials and fabrication approaches were developed leading to three generations of microfluidic platforms specifically tailored to the needs of human adipose tissues. Moreover, protocols and logistics for sourcing, isolating, and utilizing almost all adipose tissue cell types from one donor were established. Together, this enabled the generation of white and beige adipose tissues (WAT and bAT, respectively) on chip either by injecting mature adipose cell types (in case of WAT) or by inducing adipogenesis on chip (in case of bAT). Along the way towards a highly complex, immunocompetent autologous model integrating almost all adipose-associated cell types, a mix-and-match strategy was established allowing for a flexible combination of cellular modules to fit-for-purpose models serving a specific scientific question. Moreover, a toolbox of readout methods was compiled that enabled a comprehensive characterization of on-chip adipose tissue structure and function, demonstrating functional on-chip WAT culture times beyond one month. Case studies on compound screening and immune responses highlighted the models’ suitability as tools for target identification in drug discovery or for studies on immunometabolism. All in all, the developed models hold great potential for mechanistic studies on adipose tissue biology or disease modelling in the context of obesity and diabetes, as well as for personalized or precision medicine due to its fully autologous character

    Graduate Catalog/Supplement 1995-1998

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    Contains course descriptions, University college calendar, and college administration.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/universitycatalogs/1040/thumbnail.jp

    The University of Iowa General Catalog 2016-17

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    The University of Iowa 2018-19 General Catalog

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    The University of Iowa 2017-18 General Catalog

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    The University of Iowa 2020-21 General Catalog

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    2016 Annex to the Model Aquatic Health Code : scientific rationale. 2nd edition, July 2016.

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    Posted on 07/18/2016This information is distributed solely as guidance for the purpose of assisting state and local health departments, aquatic facility inspection programs, building officials, the aquatics sector, and other interested parties in improving the health and safety at public aquatic facilities. This document does not address all health and safety concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate health and safety practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to each use.The Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) is a set of voluntary guidelines based on science and best practices that were developed to help programs that regulate public aquatic facilities reduce the risk of disease, injury, and drowning in their communities. The MAHC is a leap forward from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\u2019s (CDC) operational and technical manuals published in 1959, 1976, and 1981 and a logical progression of CDC\u2019s Healthy Swimming Program started in 2001. The 2016 MAHC underscores CDC\u2019s long-term involvement and commitment to improving aquatic health and safety. The MAHC guidance document stemmed from concern about the increasing number of pool-associated outbreaks starting in the mid-1990s. Creation of the MAHC was the major recommendation of a 2005 national workshop held in Atlanta, Georgia charged with developing recommendations to reduce these outbreaks. Federal, state, and local public health officials and the aquatics sector formed an unprecedented collaboration to create the MAHC. The MAHC will be regularly updated using input from a national stakeholder partnership called the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC). The CMAHC was formed to keep the MAHC up to date and current with the latest advances in the aquatics industry while also responding to public health reports of disease and injury. The partnership hopes this truly will lead to achieving the MAHC vision of \u201cHealthy and Safe Aquatic Experiences for Everyone\u201d in the future.The 2016 MAHC utilized the first time CMAHC conference process to collect, assess, and relay MAHC Change Request recommendations to CDC. The first CMAHC Vote on the Code Biennial Conference was held October 6-7, 2015 in Phoenix Arizona, a little over one year after CDC\u2019s release of the 2014 MAHC, 1st Edition. CDC utilized CMAHC\u2019s input to revise the MAHC and plans to utilize the CMAHC conference process to update future versions of the MAHC.CS264311B2016-mahc-annex-final.pdfSupersede