39 research outputs found

    A Proposal on Discovering Causal Structures inTechnical Systems by Means of Interventions

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    Causal Discovery has become an area of high interest for researchers. It haslead to great advances in medicine, in the social sciences and in genetics. Butup til now, it is hardly used to identify causal relations in technical systems.This paper presents the basic building blocks for in-depth research. This paperreviews established causal discovery methods and causal models. In contrast toexisting surveys of this domain, we focus on the causal discovery methods usinginterventions. Based thereon, we propose the idea of a promising interventionaldiscovery approach for technical systems. It takes advantage of not only direct,but also indirect causal relationships, which might improve the learning processof causal structures

    Exploring Dynamic Belief Networks for Telecommunications Fault Management

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    Search and comparison of (epi)genomic feature patterns in multiple genome browser tracks

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    Background: Genome browsers are widely used for locating interesting genomic regions, but their interactive use is obviously limited to inspecting short genomic portions. An ideal interaction is to provide patterns of regions on the browser, and then extract other genomic regions over the whole genome where such patterns occur, ranked by similarity. Results: We developed SimSearch, an optimized pattern-search method and an open source plugin for the Integrated Genome Browser (IGB), to find genomic region sets that are similar to a given region pattern. It provides efficient visual genome-wide analytics computation in large datasets; the plugin supports intuitive user interactions for selecting an interesting pattern on IGB tracks and visualizing the computed occurrences of similar patterns along the entire genome. SimSearch also includes functions for the annotation and enrichment of results, and is enhanced with a Quickload repository including numerous epigenomic feature datasets from ENCODE and Roadmap Epigenomics. The paper also includes some use cases to show multiple genome-wide analyses of biological interest, which can be easily performed by taking advantage of the presented approach. Conclusions: The novel SimSearch method provides innovative support for effective genome-wide pattern search and visualization; its relevance and practical usefulness is demonstrated through a number of significant use cases of biological interest. The SimSearch IGB plugin, documentation, and code are freely available at https://deibgeco.github.io/simsearch-app/ and https://github.com/DEIB-GECO/simsearch-app/

    Olisipo: A Probabilistic Approach to the Adaptable Execution of Deterministic Temporal Plans

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    The robust execution of a temporal plan in a perturbed environment is a problem that remains to be solved. Perturbed environments, such as the real world, are non-deterministic and filled with uncertainty. Hence, the execution of a temporal plan presents several challenges and the employed solution often consists of replanning when the execution fails. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, named Olisipo, which aims to maximise the probability of a successful execution of a temporal plan in perturbed environments. To achieve this, a probabilistic model is used in the execution of the plan, instead of in the building of the plan. This approach enables Olisipo to dynamically adapt the plan to changes in the environment. In addition to this, the execution of the plan is also adapted to the probability of successfully executing each action. Olisipo was compared to a simple dispatcher and it was shown that it consistently had a higher probability of successfully reaching a goal state in uncertain environments, performed fewer replans and also executed fewer actions. Hence, Olisipo offers a substantial improvement in performance for disturbed environments

    Smartwatch-Based IoT Fall Detection Application

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    This paper proposes using only the streaming accelerometer data from a commodity-based smartwatch (IoT) device to detect falls. The smartwatch is paired with a smartphone as a means for performing the computation necessary for the prediction of falls in realtime without incurring latency in communicating with a cloud server while also preserving data privacy. The majority of current fall detection applications require specially designed hardware and software which make them expensive and inaccessible to the general public. Moreover, a fall detection application that uses a wrist worn smartwatch for data collection has the added benefit that it can be perceived as a piece of jewelry and thus non-intrusive. We experimented with both Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes machine learning algorithms for the creation of the fall model. We demonstrated that by adjusting the sampling frequency of the streaming data, computing acceleration features over a sliding window, and using a Naive Bayes machine learning model, we can obtain the true positive rate of fall detection in real-world setting with 93.33% accuracy. Our result demonstrated that using a commodity-based smartwatch sensor can yield fall detection results that are competitive with those of custom made expensive sensors