13 research outputs found

    Integration between Creativity and Engineering in Industrial Design

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    The objective of the paper is to illustrate which are the key issues today in the industrial design workflow, paying particular attention to the most creative part of the workflow, highlighting those nodes which still make hard the styling activities and giving a brief survey of the researches aimed at smoothing the transfer of the design intent along the whole design cycle and at providing tools even more adhering at the mentality of creative people. Based on the experience gained working in two different European projects, through the collaboration with industrial designers in the automotive and the household supplies fields, a general industrial design workflow will be depicted, highlighting the main differences between the automotive and non-automotive sectors; the problems still present in the design activity will be also illustrated. The paper includes short surveys, in relation to the aesthetic design, in matter of research activities aimed at - identifying the links between shape characteristics of a product and the transmitted emotions - better supporting, in a digital way, the 2D sketching phase and the automatic interpretation and transfer of the 2D sketches into a 3D surface model - improving the 3D Modeling phase

    Perceptual evaluation of point-based object representation

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    Researchers have proposed several methods of representing three-dimensional objects in computer memory along with different methods of displaying these objects on two-dimensional computer displays. Using a polygon-based representation that linearly interpolates between a set of sample points is by far the most popular way of representing objects today, mostly because of its ability to display an object on a computer screen at a fast and consistent rate. However, as graphics hardware increases in speed, polygon-based models prove to be increasingly inefficient. Point-based representations have been proposed that consist of densely sampling some surface and using solely the samples to portray the object on a computer display. This research proposes a similar approach to point-based representation while making use of current graphics hardware to compare the benefits and drawbacks of using point-based representations over polygon-based representations in interactive environments. An experiment has been conducted with human subjects to gather perceptual data about each representation method. The results from this experiment are presented and analyzed

    Dynamic axial curve-pair based deformation and its application.

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    Chan, Man Leung Dunco.Thesis submitted in: Nov 2008.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-91).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.2摘要 --- p.3Acknowledgement --- p.4Content --- p.5List of figures --- p.6Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.9Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.9Chapter 1.2 --- Prior work --- p.11Chapter 1.3 --- Objectives --- p.13Chapter 1.4 --- Proposed method --- p.16Chapter 1.5 --- Thesis outline --- p.18Chapter Chapter 2 --- Axial curve-pair deformation --- p.19Chapter 2.1 --- Axial deformation technique --- p.20Chapter 2.1.1 --- Representing objects in axial space --- p.21Chapter 2.1.2 --- Defining the frame --- p.23Chapter 2.2 --- Axial curve-pair deformation technique --- p.24Chapter 2.2.1 --- Framing the curve-pair --- p.25Chapter 2.2.2 --- Construction of orientation curve --- p.26Chapter 2.2.3 --- Manipulation of the axial curve-pair --- p.28Chapter Chapter 3 --- Dynamic axial curve-pair based deformation --- p.32Chapter 3.1 --- The dynamic mass spring model --- p.34Chapter 3.1.1 --- Dynamic NURBS curve --- p.35Chapter 3.1.2 --- Dynamic Free-form deformation --- p.37Chapter 3.1.3 --- Dynamic Axial Curve-pair deformation --- p.38Chapter 3.2 --- The dynamic mass spring model --- p.41Chapter 3.2.1 --- Curve-pair Fitting --- p.41Chapter 3.2.2 --- Construction of dynamic curve-pair --- p.44Chapter 3.2.3 --- The three-degree torsional spring --- p.48Chapter 3.2.4 --- Conserving feature in a twisting deformation --- p.50Chapter 3.2.5 --- Comparison of mass spring model --- p.51Chapter 3.3 --- Internal and external forces --- p.54Chapter 3.3.1 --- Tensile stress --- p.54Chapter 3.3.2 --- Torsional stress --- p.55Chapter 3.3.3 --- External forces --- p.59Chapter 3.4 --- Equations of motion --- p.60Chapter 3.5 --- System solver --- p.63Chapter 3.6 --- Hierarchical representation --- p.67Chapter 3.7 --- Collision detection --- p.72Chapter Chapter 4 --- Implementation and experimental result --- p.75Chapter 4.1 --- Comparison with original mass-spring system --- p.76Chapter 4.2 --- Comparison with dynamic free form deformation --- p.77Chapter 4.3 --- Comparison with the axial curve-pair deformation --- p.78Chapter 4.4 --- Shape restoring power --- p.80Chapter 4.5 --- Applications --- p.81Chapter Chapter 5 --- Conclusion --- p.84Reference --- p.8

    The evaluation of a novel haptic machining VR-based process planning system using an original process planning usability method

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    This thesis provides an original piece of work and contribution to knowledge by creating a new process planning system; Haptic Aided Process Planning (HAPP). This system is based on the combination of haptics and virtual reality (VR). HAPP creates a simulative machining environment where Process plans are automatically generated from the real time logging of a user’s interaction. Further, through the application of a novel usability test methodology, a deeper study of how this approach compares to conventional process planning was undertaken. An abductive research approach was selected and an iterative and incremental development methodology chosen. Three development cycles were undertaken with evaluation studies carried out at the end of each. Each study, the pre-pilot, pilot and industrial, identified progressive refinements to both the usability of HAPP and the usability evaluation method itself. HAPP provided process planners with an environment similar to which they are already familiar. Visual images were used to represent tools and material whilst a haptic interface enabled their movement and positioning by an operator in a manner comparable to their native setting. In this way an intuitive interface was developed that allowed users to plan the machining of parts consisting of features that can be machined on a pillar drill, 21/2D axis milling machine or centre lathe. The planning activities included single or multiple set ups, fixturing and sequencing of cutting operations. The logged information was parsed and output to a process plan including route sheets, operation sheets, tool lists and costing information, in a human readable format. The system evaluation revealed that HAPP, from an expert planners perspective is perceived to be 70% more satisfying to use, 66% more efficient in completing process plans, primarily due to the reduced cognitive load, is more effective producing a higher quality output of information and is 20% more learnable than a traditional process planning approach

    Towards a digitally conceived physical performance object

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 122-126).In the performing arts, the relationship that is established between what is seen and what is heard must be experienced to fully appreciate and understand the aesthetics of performance. Actual physical objects such as musical instruments, lights, elements of the set, props, and people provide the visual associations and a tangible reality which can enhance the musical elements in a performance. This thesis proposes that new and artistic physical objects can, in themselves, be designed to perform. It introduces the Chandelier, a kinetic sculpture, a central set piece for a new opera, a new kind of musical instrument, and an object that performs. The piece moves and changes shape through mechanical action and the designed interplay between surfaces and light. It is intended to be interacted with by musicians and players of the opera. This thesis also explores the design process and evolution of the Chandelier with a primary objective of realizing a constructible, physical performance object through an authentic and abstruse digital conception. It is a conception not of a static nature, but incorporates a dynamic sense of changeable form through coordinated elements of light, mechanics, and sculpture.Steven L. Pliam.S.M

    Dynamic NURBS with Geometric Constraints for Interactive Sculpting

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    This article develops a dynamic generalization of the nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) model. NURBS have become a de facto standard in commercial modeling systems because of their power to represent free-form shapes as well as common analytic shapes. To date, however, they have been viewed as purely geometric primitives that require the user to manually adjust multiple control points and associated weights in order to design shapes. Dynamic NURBS, or D-NURBS, are physics-based models that incorporate mass distributions, inertial deformation energies, and other physical quantities into the popular NURBS geometric substrate. Using D-NURBS, a modeler can interactively sculpt curves and surfaces and design complex shapes to required specifications not only in the traditional indirect fashion, by adjusting control points and weights, but also through direct physical manipulation, by applying simulated forces and local and global shape constraints. D-NURBS move and deform in a physically intuitive manner in response to the user's direct manipulations. Their dynamic behavior results from the numerical integration of a set of nonlinear differential equations that automatically evolve the control points and weights in response to the applied forces and constraints. To derive these equations, we employ Lagrangian mechanics and finite-element-like discretization. Our approach supports the trimming of D-NURBS surfaces using D-NURBS curves. We demonstrate D-NURBS models and constraints in applications including the rounding of solids, optimal surface fitting to unstructured data, surface design from cross-sections, and free-form deformation. We also introduce a new technique for 2D shape metamorphosis using constrained D-NURBS surfaces

    Els sistemes cinètics com a eina de disseny en arquitectura. Estudi del potencial formal i de control geomètric.

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    Aquesta tesi tracta de les possibles aplicacions que puguin tenir els sistemes de simulació física en el camp de l'arquitectura. Aquests mecanismes s'han fet servir profusament en la informàtica ja sigui per a generar animacions, per a càlcul estructural, per investigació etc. Però només recentment s'ha plantejat la possibilitat de fer-les servir com una eina de modelat per als programes de CAD. En aquest sentit la tesi tracta aquesta possibilitat de manera extensa investigant la viabilitat de la idea des de diferents punts de vista i buscant aplicacions per a la mateixa. Es fa una breu exploració dels diferents tipus de models de simulacions físiques. A partir d'aquest estudi i basant-se en els plantejaments teòrics es va generar un software destinat a comprovar tots els aspectes que es van esmentant. El fet de generar un programa va resultar de molta utilitat a l'hora de verificar les idees i estructurar-les correctament. Amb aquest programa es van poder generar models de tota mena, des de arcs funiculars fins a sistemes de malles de pannells que més endavant van poder-se exportar a altres plataformes de CAD amb les que estudiar els resultats. Les simulacions es basen en les formules de Newton aplicades sobre un model de partícules en el que es tenen en compte forces que fan que interactuïn entre elles. A partir d'aquestes interaccions es defineixen o s'optimitzen models tridimensionals conferint-los una sèrie de propietats que s'analitzen mes endavant. Per altra banda les transformacions que pateix aquest model poden ser controlades des de menús de manera que modificant un paràmetre el model es modifiqui automàticament sense la intervenció directa de l'usuari. A nivell de càlcul el programa fa servir sistemes iteratius per a generar transformacions en un model. Seria doncs un procés equivalent a generar una maqueta física del nostre projecte però en el que a més podem controlar la física del model de manera que les possibilitats d'ús siguin més amplies. Es troben doncs tres possibles camps en els que la tesi pot tenir aplicació directa que seria per a processos generatius en arquitectura, per a pannel•lització i per a generar sistemes tènsils. També apareixen altres possibles aplicacions secundaries per a facilitar la modificació d'estructures complexes o simular el control paramètric d'elements arquitectònics. A més de tot això també sorgeixen aspectes inesperats que durant la tesi no s'havien tingut en compte i que al crear un programa s'han pogut apreciar, com certs processos subliminals d'ajust de la forma que tenen lloc en un segon terme o similituds amb certs elements i processos naturals. Així doncs es presenta un anàlisi complet del que significarien els sistemes dinàmics un cop fossin aplicats a l'arquitectura tenint en compte la seva possible repercussió en el disseny. Un aspecte rellevant de la tesi es la relació que s'estableix entre les funcions dinàmiques i la geometria ja que es pretén que els sistemes de forces serveixin, entre altres coses, d'eina de resolució geomètrica. Estudiant els casos en que es poden aplicar i les característiques geomètriques que confereixen als models es pot establir quins possibles usos generals poden tenir en els projectes. Tot això s'emmarca en un context en el que les eines digitals estan en un clar procés de creixement i en el que hi ha una tendència creixent variar la relació amb l'usuari i la manera de com es controlen els processos interns, avançant cada cop més cap a sistemes visuals de programació i cap a un ús més complet de la capacitat de computació que actualment es fa servir només de forma puntual.This Thesis analyzes the role of physics based algorithms in architectural applications as a generative tool and problem solver mechanism. While physics simulations in digital media had been used for animations, structural calculations or scientific research, there is a lack of studies about the possible uses that it poses for CAD programs. This Thesis tries to fill this gap studying possible applications of this mechanism, from different view points, and trying to extract global rules for their use. In the Thesis we could find an exploration of different methods used in physics simulations, based on this study and some theoretical ideas a software was developed allowing me to test all the theoretical concepts previously exposed. The development of this software was essential to verify that the exposed ideas were correct and also helped to reshape the theoretical structure. All sort of models, ranging from funicular arches to panel meshes were generated using this software and were exported to other platforms to study the results. Physics simulations are based on Newton's formulas applied on particle systems that interact using force fields. These interactions give rise to new 3d shapes and multiple optimization processes that are studied in the thesis. On the other hand the software also allows the user to control the transformations of the model using a parametric tool. The program uses iterative algorithms to modify the model because it is a robust and simple method that could be tested on any computer. The final process is similar to a real physical model of our project but giving the opportunity to control the physics that rule our model allowing more uses than a conventional physical model. There are three areas in which physics based methods could be applied: Generative methods, panelization and tensile structures. There are also other less defined applications as control methods for complex structures and parametric-like control methods of conventional models. Moreover unexpected phenomena takes place in the research process like subliminal long term optimization or natural-like processes. And important issue in this study is the relation between geometry and force fields because there is an interest in solve geometrical problems using forces. Studying the geometric properties that this method gives to the model we can point out which kind of uses is could have. It is also important to look for similarities between geometric shapes and forces to associate both in concepts that could be easily understand by users. This study takes place in a moment when digital tools are growing and the relationship between users and machines is changing continuously in the direction of visual programming. So this study is also trying to make a closer relationship between advanced digital methods and architectural needs to update the current practice. Barcelon

    Designing aesthetically pleasing freeform surfaces in a computer environment

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, February 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 151-160).Statement: If computational tools are to be employed in the aesthetic design of freeform surfaces, these tools must better reflect the ways in which creative designers conceive of and develop such shapes. In this thesis, I studied the design of aesthetically constrained freeform surfaces in architecture and industrial design, formulated a requirements list for a computational system that would aid in the creative design of such surfaces, and implemented a subset of the tools that would comprise such a system. This work documents the clay modeling process at BMW AG., Munich. The study of that process has led to a list of tools that would make freeform surface modeling possible in a computer environment. And finally, three tools from this system specification have been developed into a proof-of-concept system. Two of these tools are sweep modification tools and the third allows a user to modify a surface by sketching a shading pattern desired for the surface. The proof-of-concept tools were necessary in order to test the validity of the tools being presented and they have been used to create a number of example objects. The underlying surface representation is a variational expression which is minimized using the finite element method over an irregular triangulated mesh.by Evan P. Smyth.Ph.D

    Actas do 12º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica

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    Actas do 12º Encontro Portugês de Computação Gráfica, Porto, 8-10 de Outubro de 2003O Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica teve lugar nesse ano 2003, naquela que foi a sua 12ª edição, no ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, entre os 8 a 10 de Outubro. O 12º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (12EPCG) veio no seguimento de encontros anteriores realizados anualmente e reuniu investigadores, docentes e profissionais nacionais e estrangeiros, que realizam trabalho ou utilizam a Computação Gráfica, Realidade Virtual e Multimédia, assim como todas as suas áreas afins, no sentido de permitir a divulgação de projectos realizados ou em curso e fomentar a troca de experiências e a discussão de questões relacionadas com a Computação Gráfica em Portugal, entre as comunidades académica,industrial e a de utilizadores finais. Este é o livro de actas do 12EPCG.Fundação Ilídio PinhoFC