1,082 research outputs found

    A semantical framework for the orchestration and choreography of web services

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    Web Services are software services that can be advertised by providers and invoked by customers using Web technologies. This concept is currently carried further to address the composition of individual services through orchestration and choreography to services processes that communicate and interact with each other. We propose an ontology framework for these Web service processes that provides techniques for their description, matching, and composition. A description logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning framework provides the foundations. We will base this ontological framework on an operational model of service process behaviour and composition

    An ontology for software component matching

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    The Web is likely to be a central platform for software development in the future. We investigate how Semantic Web technologies, in particular ontologies, can be utilised to support software component development in a Web environment. We use description logics, which underlie Semantic Web ontology languages such as DAML+OIL, to develop an ontology for matching requested and provided components. A link between modal logic and description logics will prove invaluable for the provision of reasoning support for component and service behaviour

    An ontology for software component matching

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    Matching is a central activity in the discovery and assembly of reusable software components. We investigate how ontology technologies can be utilised to support software component development. We use description logics, which underlie Semantic Web ontology languages such as OWL, to develop an ontology for matching requested and provided components. A link between modal logic and description logics will prove invaluable for the provision of reasoning support for component behaviour

    SSWAP: A Simple Semantic Web Architecture and Protocol for semantic web services

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SSWAP (<b>S</b>imple <b>S</b>emantic <b>W</b>eb <b>A</b>rchitecture and <b>P</b>rotocol; pronounced "swap") is an architecture, protocol, and platform for using reasoning to semantically integrate heterogeneous disparate data and services on the web. SSWAP was developed as a hybrid semantic web services technology to overcome limitations found in both pure web service technologies and pure semantic web technologies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There are currently over 2400 resources published in SSWAP. Approximately two dozen are custom-written services for QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) and mapping data for legumes and grasses (grains). The remaining are wrappers to Nucleic Acids Research Database and Web Server entries. As an architecture, SSWAP establishes how clients (users of data, services, and ontologies), providers (suppliers of data, services, and ontologies), and discovery servers (semantic search engines) interact to allow for the description, querying, discovery, invocation, and response of semantic web services. As a protocol, SSWAP provides the vocabulary and semantics to allow clients, providers, and discovery servers to engage in semantic web services. The protocol is based on the W3C-sanctioned first-order description logic language OWL DL. As an open source platform, a discovery server running at <url>http://sswap.info</url> (as in to "swap info") uses the description logic reasoner Pellet to integrate semantic resources. The platform hosts an interactive guide to the protocol at <url>http://sswap.info/protocol.jsp</url>, developer tools at <url>http://sswap.info/developer.jsp</url>, and a portal to third-party ontologies at <url>http://sswapmeet.sswap.info</url> (a "swap meet").</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SSWAP addresses the three basic requirements of a semantic web services architecture (<it>i.e</it>., a common syntax, shared semantic, and semantic discovery) while addressing three technology limitations common in distributed service systems: <it>i.e</it>., <it>i</it>) the fatal mutability of traditional interfaces, <it>ii</it>) the rigidity and fragility of static subsumption hierarchies, and <it>iii</it>) the confounding of content, structure, and presentation. SSWAP is novel by establishing the concept of a canonical yet mutable OWL DL graph that allows data and service providers to describe their resources, to allow discovery servers to offer semantically rich search engines, to allow clients to discover and invoke those resources, and to allow providers to respond with semantically tagged data. SSWAP allows for a mix-and-match of terms from both new and legacy third-party ontologies in these graphs.</p

    Using Semantic Web Technology to Automate Data Integration in Grid and Web Service Architectures

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    While the Grid and Web Services have helped us support heterogeneous resource access through the use of service oriented architectures, they have not addressed the issue of heterogeneous data representation. Since service providers often describe their service interfaces using different data models than those assumed by the client, it is common for additional processing to be required to compensate for the mismatch in data formats. By utilising technology from the Semantic Web, we are able to augment existing Web Service systems with middleware to automatically perform data harmonisation when a syntactic mismatch occurs. To achieve this, we have developed a mapping language which can be used to annotate XML data structures with OWL concepts and properties, a Mapping Language Engine to implement this language, and a Dynamic Web Service Invocation component to execute Web Services

    Ontology-based composition and matching for dynamic cloud service coordination

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    Recent cross-organisational software service offerings, such as cloud computing, create higher integration needs. In particular, services are combined through brokers and mediators, solutions to allow individual services to collaborate and their interaction to be coordinated are required. The need to address dynamic management - caused by cloud and on-demand environments - can be addressed through service coordination based on ontology-based composition and matching techniques. Our solution to composition and matching utilises a service coordination space that acts as a passive infrastructure for collaboration where users submit requests that are then selected and taken on by providers. We discuss the information models and the coordination principles of such a collaboration environment in terms of an ontology and its underlying description logics. We provide ontology-based solutions for structural composition of descriptions and matching between requested and provided services

    An ontological framework for web service processes

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    The process notion is central in computing. Business processes and workflow processes are essential elements of software systems implementations. Processes are connected to notions of interaction and composition. The Web Services Framework as a development and deployment platform for services is based on the assembly of interacting processes as the compositional paradigm. Service-based software development on and for the Web platform embracing the philosophy of discovering and using third-party services makes a shared knowledge representation framework necessary. We develop a semantical and ontological framework for service process composition. We propose a framework for the compositional de�nition of Web services based on the �-calculus to de�ne protocol-like restrictions on service interactions and based on description logic and ontologies to guide the discovery and modelling of services and processes

    On interoperability and conformance assessment in service composition

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    The process of composing a service from other services typically involves multiple models. These models may represent the service from distinct perspectives, e.g., to model the different roles of systems involved in the service, and at distinct abstraction levels, e.g., to model the service’s capability, interface or the orchestration that implements the service. The consistency among these models needs to be maintained in order to guarantee the correctness of the composition process. Two types of consistency relations are distinguished: interoperability, which concerns the ability of different roles to interoperate, and conformance, which concerns the correct implementation of an abstract model by a more concrete model. This paper discusses the need for and use of techniques to assess interoperability and conformance in a service composition process. The paper shows how these consistency relations can be described and analysed using concepts from the COSMO framework. Examples are presented to illustrate how interoperability and conformance can be assessed