2,241 research outputs found

    Geovisual analytics for spatial decision support: Setting the research agenda

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    This article summarizes the results of the workshop on Visualization, Analytics & Spatial Decision Support, which took place at the GIScience conference in September 2006. The discussions at the workshop and analysis of the state of the art have revealed a need in concerted cross‐disciplinary efforts to achieve substantial progress in supporting space‐related decision making. The size and complexity of real‐life problems together with their ill‐defined nature call for a true synergy between the power of computational techniques and the human capabilities to analyze, envision, reason, and deliberate. Existing methods and tools are yet far from enabling this synergy. Appropriate methods can only appear as a result of a focused research based on the achievements in the fields of geovisualization and information visualization, human‐computer interaction, geographic information science, operations research, data mining and machine learning, decision science, cognitive science, and other disciplines. The name ‘Geovisual Analytics for Spatial Decision Support’ suggested for this new research direction emphasizes the importance of visualization and interactive visual interfaces and the link with the emerging research discipline of Visual Analytics. This article, as well as the whole special issue, is meant to attract the attention of scientists with relevant expertise and interests to the major challenges requiring multidisciplinary efforts and to promote the establishment of a dedicated research community where an appropriate range of competences is combined with an appropriate breadth of thinking

    Firewatch: Use of Sattelite Imagery by Remote\ud Communities in Northern Australia for Fire Risk\ud Communications.

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    This paper presents the contextual background and early findings from a new research project funded by the Australian Research Council titled Using community engagement and enhanced visual information to promote FireWatch satellite communications as a support for collaborative decision-making. FireWatch (provided by Landgate in Western Australia) is an internet-based public information service based on near real time satellite data showing timely information relevant to bushfire safety within Australia. However, it has been developed in a highly technical environment and is currently used chiefly by\ud experts. This project aims to redesign FireWatch for ordinary users and to engage a remote community in Northern Australia in this process, leading to improved decision making surrounding bushfire risk

    Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data

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    In this paper, we propose a semantic approach for monitoring information publishedon social networks about a specific event. In the era of Big Data, when an emergencyoccurs information posted on social networks becomes more and more helpful foremergency operators. As direct witnesses of the situation, people share photos, videosor text messages about events that call their attention. In the emergency operationcenter, these data can be collected and integrated within the management processto improve the overall understanding of the situation and in particular of the citizenreactions. To support the tracking and analyzing of social network activities, there arealready monitoring tools that combine visualization techniques with geographicalmaps. However, tweets are written from the perspective of citizens and the informationthey provide might be inaccurate, irrelevant or false. Our approach tries to dealwith data relevance proposing an innovative ontology-based method for filteringtweets and extracting meaningful topics depending on their semantic content. In thisway data become relevant for the operators to make decisions. Two real cases used totest its applicability showed that different visualization techniques might be neededto support situation awareness. This ontology-based approach can be generalizedfor analyzing the information flow about other domains of application changing theunderlying knowledge base.This work is supported by the project emerCien grant funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2012-09687)

    Analyzing Human-Building Interactions in Virtual Environments Using Crowd Simulations

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    This research explores the relationship between human-occupancy and environment designs by means of human behavior simulations. Predicting and analyzing user-related factors during environment designing is of vital importance. Traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools mostly represent geometric and semantic aspects of environment components (e.g., walls, pillars, doors, ramps, and floors). They often ignore the impact that an environment layout produces on its occupants and their movements. In recent efforts to analyze human social and spatial behaviors in buildings, researchers have started using crowd simulation techniques for dynamic analysis of urban and indoor environments. These analyses assist the designers in analyzing crowd-related factors in their designs and generating human-aware environments. This dissertation focuses on developing interactive solutions to perform spatial analytics that can quantify the dynamics of human-building interactions using crowd simulations in the virtual and built-environments. Partially, this dissertation aims to make these dynamic crowd analytics solutions available to designers either directly within mainstream environment design pipelines or as cross-platform simulation services, enabling users to seamlessly simulate, analyze, and incorporate human-centric dynamics into their design workflows

    Visual analytics of location-based social networks for decision support

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    Recent advances in technology have enabled people to add location information to social networks called Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) where people share their communication and whereabouts not only in their daily lives, but also during abnormal situations, such as crisis events. However, since the volume of the data exceeds the boundaries of human analytical capabilities, it is almost impossible to perform a straightforward qualitative analysis of the data. The emerging field of visual analytics has been introduced to tackle such challenges by integrating the approaches from statistical data analysis and human computer interaction into highly interactive visual environments. Based on the idea of visual analytics, this research contributes the techniques of knowledge discovery in social media data for providing comprehensive situational awareness. We extract valuable hidden information from the huge volume of unstructured social media data and model the extracted information for visualizing meaningful information along with user-centered interactive interfaces. We develop visual analytics techniques and systems for spatial decision support through coupling modeling of spatiotemporal social media data, with scalable and interactive visual environments. These systems allow analysts to detect and examine abnormal events within social media data by integrating automated analytical techniques and visual methods. We provide comprehensive analysis of public behavior response in disaster events through exploring and examining the spatial and temporal distribution of LBSNs. We also propose a trajectory-based visual analytics of LBSNs for anomalous human movement analysis during crises by incorporating a novel classification technique. Finally, we introduce a visual analytics approach for forecasting the overall flow of human crowds

    Barriers to Predictive Analytics Use for Policy Decision-Making Effectiveness in Turbulent Times: A Case Study of Fukushima Nuclear Accident

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    Predictive analytics are data-driven software tools that draw on confirmed relationships between variables to predict future outcomes. Hence they may provide government with new analytical capabilities for enhancing policy decision-making effectiveness in turbulent environments. However, predictive analytics system use research is still lacking. Therefore, this study adapts the existing model of strategic decision-making effectiveness to examine government use of predictive analytics in turbulent times and to identify barriers to using information effectively in enhancing policy decision making effectiveness. We use a case study research to address two research questions in the context of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident. Our study found varying levels of proactive use of SPEEDI predictive analytics system during the escalating nuclear reactor meltdowns between Japan’s central government agencies and between the central and the state government levels. Using the model, we argue that procedural rationality and political behavior can be used to explain some observed variations

    Literature Review on Big Data Analytics Methods

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    Companies and industries are faced with a huge amount of raw data, which have information and knowledge in their hidden layer. Also, the format, size, variety, and velocity of generated data bring complexity for industries to apply them in an efficient and effective way. So, complexity in data analysis and interpretation incline organizations to deploy advanced tools and techniques to overcome the difficulties of managing raw data. Big data analytics is the advanced method that has the capability for managing data. It deploys machine learning techniques and deep learning methods to benefit from gathered data. In this research, the methods of both ML and DL have been discussed, and an ML/DL deployment model for IOT data has been proposed
