436 research outputs found

    Sequent-based logical argumentation

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    Time-stamped claim logic

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    The main objective of this paper is to define a logic for reasoning about distributed time-stamped claims. Such a logic is interesting for theoretical reasons, i.e., as a logic per se, but also because it has a number of practical applications, in particular when one needs to reason about a huge amount of pieces of evidence collected from different sources, where some of the pieces of evidence may be contradictory and some sources are considered to be more trustworthy than others. We introduce the Time-Stamped Claim Logic including a sound and complete sequent calculus. In order to show how Time-Stamped Claim Logic can be used in practice, we consider a concrete cyber-attribution case study

    Strategic Argumentation is NP-Complete

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    In this paper we study the complexity of strategic argumentation for dialogue games. A dialogue game is a 2-player game where the parties play arguments. We show how to model dialogue games in a skeptical, non-monotonic formalism, and we show that the problem of deciding what move (set of rules) to play at each turn is an NP-complete problem

    Representing scope in intuitionistic deductions

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    AbstractIntuitionistic proofs can be segmented into scopes which describe when assumptions can be used. In standard descriptions of intuitionistic logic, these scopes occupy contiguous regions of proofs. This leads to an explosion in the search space for automated deduction, because of the difficulty of planning to apply a rule inside a particular scoped region of the proof. This paper investigates an alternative representation which assigns scope explicitly to formulas, and which is inspired in part by semantics-based translation methods for modal deduction. This calculus is simple and is justified by direct proof-theoretic arguments that transform proofs in the calculus so that scopes match standard descriptions. A Herbrand theorem, established straightforwardly, lifts this calculus to incorporate unification. The resulting system has no impermutabilities whatsoever — rules of inference may be used equivalently anywhere in the proof. Nevertheless, a natural specification describes how λ-terms are to be extracted from its deductions

    Representing Scope in Intuitionistic Deductions

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    Intuitionistic proofs can be segmented into scopes which describe when assumptions can be used. In standard descriptions of intuitionistic logic, these scopes occupy contiguous regions of proofs. This leads to an explosion in the search space for automated deduction, because of the difficulty of planning to apply a rule inside a particular scoped region of the proof. This paper investigates an alternative representation which assigns scope explicitly to formulas, and which is inspired in part by semantics-based translation methods for modal deduction. This calculus is simple and is justified by direct proof-theoretic arguments that transform proofs in the calculus so that scopes match standard descriptions. A Herbrand theorem, established straightforwardly, lifts this calculus to incorporate unification. The resulting system has no impermutabilities whatsoever—rules of inference may be used equivalently anywhere in the proof. Nevertheless, a natural specification describes how λ-terms are to be extracted from its deductions

    Beyond Logic. Proceedings of the Conference held in Cerisy-la-Salle, 22-27 May 2017

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    The project "Beyond Logic" is devoted to what hypothetical reasoning is all about when we go beyond the realm of "pure" logic into the world where logic is applied. As such extralogical areas we have chosen philosophy of science as an application within philosophy, informatics as an application within the formal sciences, and law as an application within the field of social interaction. The aim of the conference was to allow philosophers, logicians and computer scientists to present their work in connection with these three areas. The conference took place 22-27 May, 2017 in Cerisy-la-Salle at the Centre Culturel International de Cerisy. The proceedings collect abstracts, slides and papers of the presentations given, as well as a contribution from a speaker who was unable to attend
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