18,995 research outputs found

    An On-line BIST RAM Architecture with Self Repair Capabilities

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    The emerging field of self-repair computing is expected to have a major impact on deployable systems for space missions and defense applications, where high reliability, availability, and serviceability are needed. In this context, RAM (random access memories) are among the most critical components. This paper proposes a built-in self-repair (BISR) approach for RAM cores. The proposed design, introducing minimal and technology-dependent overheads, can detect and repair a wide range of memory faults including: stuck-at, coupling, and address faults. The test and repair capabilities are used on-line, and are completely transparent to the external user, who can use the memory without any change in the memory-access protocol. Using a fault-injection environment that can emulate the occurrence of faults inside the module, the effectiveness of the proposed architecture in terms of both fault detection and repairing capability was verified. Memories of various sizes have been considered to evaluate the area-overhead introduced by this proposed architectur

    Alpha Entanglement Codes: Practical Erasure Codes to Archive Data in Unreliable Environments

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    Data centres that use consumer-grade disks drives and distributed peer-to-peer systems are unreliable environments to archive data without enough redundancy. Most redundancy schemes are not completely effective for providing high availability, durability and integrity in the long-term. We propose alpha entanglement codes, a mechanism that creates a virtual layer of highly interconnected storage devices to propagate redundant information across a large scale storage system. Our motivation is to design flexible and practical erasure codes with high fault-tolerance to improve data durability and availability even in catastrophic scenarios. By flexible and practical, we mean code settings that can be adapted to future requirements and practical implementations with reasonable trade-offs between security, resource usage and performance. The codes have three parameters. Alpha increases storage overhead linearly but increases the possible paths to recover data exponentially. Two other parameters increase fault-tolerance even further without the need of additional storage. As a result, an entangled storage system can provide high availability, durability and offer additional integrity: it is more difficult to modify data undetectably. We evaluate how several redundancy schemes perform in unreliable environments and show that alpha entanglement codes are flexible and practical codes. Remarkably, they excel at code locality, hence, they reduce repair costs and become less dependent on storage locations with poor availability. Our solution outperforms Reed-Solomon codes in many disaster recovery scenarios.Comment: The publication has 12 pages and 13 figures. This work was partially supported by Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF Doc.Mobility 162014, 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN

    Online and Offline BIST in IP-Core Design

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    This article presents an online and offline built-in self-test architecture implemented as an SRAM intellectual-property core for telecommunication applications. The architecture combines fault-latency reduction, code-based fault detection, and architecture-based fault avoidance to meet reliability constraint

    Tagged repair techniques for defect tolerance in hybrid nano/CMOS architecture

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    We propose two new repair techniques for hybrid nano/CMOS computing architecture with lookup table based Boolean logic. Our proposed techniques use tagging mechanism to provide high level of defect tolerance and we present theoretical equations to predict the repair capability including an estimate of the repair cost. The repair techniques are efficient in utilization of spare units and capable of targeting upto 20% defect rates, which is higher than recently reported repair techniques

    Fault-tolerant computer study

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    A set of building block circuits is described which can be used with commercially available microprocessors and memories to implement fault tolerant distributed computer systems. Each building block circuit is intended for VLSI implementation as a single chip. Several building blocks and associated processor and memory chips form a self checking computer module with self contained input output and interfaces to redundant communications buses. Fault tolerance is achieved by connecting self checking computer modules into a redundant network in which backup buses and computer modules are provided to circumvent failures. The requirements and design methodology which led to the definition of the building block circuits are discussed

    Fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture

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    The authors propose two fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture implementing logic functions as look-up tables. The authors compare the efficiency of the proposed techniques with recently reported methods that use single coding schemes in tolerating high fault rates in nanoscale fabrics. Both proposed techniques are based on error correcting codes to tackle different fault rates. In the first technique, the authors implement a combined two-dimensional coding scheme using Hamming and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes to address fault rates greater than 5. In the second technique, Hamming coding is complemented with bad line exclusion technique to tolerate fault rates higher than the first proposed technique (up to 20). The authors have also estimated the improvement that can be achieved in the circuit reliability in the presence of Don-t Care Conditions. The area, latency and energy costs of the proposed techniques were also estimated in the CMOS domain

    Memory built-in self-repair and correction for improving yield: a review

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    Nanometer memories are highly prone to defects due to dense structure, necessitating memory built-in self-repair as a must-have feature to improve yield. Today’s system-on-chips contain memories occupying an area as high as 90% of the chip area. Shrinking technology uses stricter design rules for memories, making them more prone to manufacturing defects. Further, using 3D-stacked memories makes the system vulnerable to newer defects such as those coming from through-silicon-vias (TSV) and micro bumps. The increased memory size is also resulting in an increase in soft errors during system operation. Multiple memory repair techniques based on redundancy and correction codes have been presented to recover from such defects and prevent system failures. This paper reviews recently published memory repair methodologies, including various built-in self-repair (BISR) architectures, repair analysis algorithms, in-system repair, and soft repair handling using error correcting codes (ECC). It provides a classification of these techniques based on method and usage. Finally, it reviews evaluation methods used to determine the effectiveness of the repair algorithms. The paper aims to present a survey of these methodologies and prepare a platform for developing repair methods for upcoming-generation memories

    Development and evaluation of a fault-tolerant multiprocessor (FTMP) computer. Volume 4: FTMP executive summary

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    The FTMP architecture is a high reliability computer concept modeled after a homogeneous multiprocessor architecture. Elements of the FTMP are operated in tight synchronism with one another and hardware fault-detection and fault-masking is provided which is transparent to the software. Operating system design and user software design is thus greatly simplified. Performance of the FTMP is also comparable to that of a simplex equivalent due to the efficiency of fault handling hardware. The FTMP project constructed an engineering module of the FTMP, programmed the machine and extensively tested the architecture through fault injection and other stress testing. This testing confirmed the soundness of the FTMP concepts

    Evaluation of fault-tolerant parallel-processor architectures over long space missions

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    The impact of a five year space mission environment on fault-tolerant parallel processor architectures is examined. The target application is a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) satellite requiring 256 parallel processors to provide the computation throughput. The reliability requirements are that the system still be operational after five years with .99 probability and that the probability of system failure during one-half hour of full operation be less than 10(-7). The fault tolerance features an architecture must possess to meet these reliability requirements are presented, many potential architectures are briefly evaluated, and one candidate architecture, the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory's Fault-Tolerant Parallel Processor (FTPP) is evaluated in detail. A methodology for designing a preliminary system configuration to meet the reliability and performance requirements of the mission is then presented and demonstrated by designing an FTPP configuration