9 research outputs found

    Dual-Band RFID Tag Antenna Based on the Hilbert-Curve Fractal for HF and UHF Applications

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    A novel single-radiator card-type tag is proposed which is constructed using a series Hilbert-curve loop and matched stub for high frequency (HF)/ultra high frequency (UHF) dual-band radio frequency identification (RFID) positioning applications. This is achieved by merging the series Hilbert-curve for implementing the HF coil antenna, and square loop structure for implementing the UHF antenna to form a single RFID tag radiator. The RFID tag has directivity of 1.75 dBi at 25 MHz, 2.65 dBi at 785 MHz, 2.82 MHz at 835 MHz and 2.75 dBi at 925 MHz. The tag exhibits circular polarisation with -3 dB axial-ratio bandwidth of 14, 480, 605 and 455 MHz at 25, 785, 835 and 925 MHz, respectively. The radiation characteristics of the RFID tag is quasi-omnidirectional in its two orthogonal planes. Impedance matching circuits for the HF/UHF dual-band RFID tag are designed for optimal power transfer with the microchip. The resulting dual-band tag is highly compact in size and possesses good overall performance which makes it suitable for diverse applications

    Lowpass Filter with Hilbert Curve Ring and Sierpinski Carpet DGS

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    Good performance and compact size are the paramaters which are vital when desiging a filter. One of the creteria of good performance is selectivity. This research, conducted by Hilbert Curve Ring and Siepinski Carpet, is used as defected ground structure to overcome filter selectivity. By using three cascadeds Hilbert Curve Ring defected ground structure cells and three steps Sierpinski carpet, a lowpass filter is designed and fabricated. The measurement result for lowpass filterwith Hilbert Curve Ring defected ground structure has sharper selectivity with the cut off frequency at 2.173 GHz and the insertion loss value is 2.135 dB. While the measurement result for three steps Sierpinski carpet has the cut off frequency at 1.728 GHz and the insertion loss value is 0.682 dB

    Radiation performance enhancement of an ultra wide band antenna using metamaterial band-pass filter

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    In this paper, a metamaterial structure based on Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) cell is proposed to achieve an isotropic band-pass filtering response. This filter consists of a planar layer formed by a 3×3 metamaterials cell array with transmittive filtering behavior at 3.5 GHz. This design with 45 mm × 45 mm dimension is then integrated in close proximity at distance of 10 mm with an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) antenna to enhance it’ s performances around a 3.5 GHz operating frequency. Simulation results ensure that filter geometry provides the advantage of polarization independency and also exhibits the angular stability up to 45◦ for both Transverse Electric (TE) and Transverse magnetic (TM) modes. More importantly, enhancement in antenna radiation pattern characteristics is illustrated when the planar FSS layer is integrated at a small distance from the radiator. Moreover, antenna gain was improved to 3.22 dBi, adaptation of antenna port (S11) was increased to -53.26 dB and antenna bandwidth reduction to 1.7 GHz is also detected. All these performances make the proposed design as a good choice used to shield signals in UWB wireless applications especially for connected object in 5G

    Transformation Optical User-Friendly Interface for Designing Metamaterials

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    Transformation optics offers a procedure to design the structures of metamaterials to find the material parameters needed in various applications. However, a methodology of a transformation optics is too complicated. To help users who are beginning to study metamaterials and transformation optics, a transformation optical user-friendly interface is developed. The interface is implemented based on the free-form touch transformation. By combining various transformation templates, a fully arbitrary transformation can be realized. Transformation templates are created by basic functions. The interface provides both the input method as well as the real-time visualization of the space. The program uses model-view-controller architecture. Three examples from the touch interface are verified by the FDFD simulation

    Double-Port Slotted-Antenna with Multiple Miniaturized Radiators for Wideband Wireless Communication Systems and Portable Devices

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    Proof-of-concept is presented of a novel slot antenna structure with two excitation ports. Although this antenna provides a wide impedance bandwidth, its peak gain and optimum radiation efficiency are observed at its mid-band operational frequency. The antenna structure is etched on the top side of a dielectric substrate with a ground plane. The antenna essentially consists of a rectangular patch with two dielectric slots in which multiple coupled patch arms embedded with H-shaped slits are loaded. The two dielectric slots are isolated from each other with a large H-shaped slit. The radiation characteristics of the proposed antenna in terms of impedance bandwidth, gain and efficiency can be significantly improved by simply increasing the number of radiation arms and modifying their dimensions. The antenna’s performance was verified by building and testing three prototype antennas. The final optimized antenna exhibits a fractional bandwidth of 171% (0.5–6.4GHz) with a peak gain and maximum radiation efficiency of 5.3dBi and 75% at 4.4GHz, respectively. The antenna has physical dimensions of 27×37×1.6mm 3 corresponding to electrical size of 0.0452λ0×0.0627λ0×0.0026λ0, where λ 0 is free space wavelength at 0.5GHz. The antenna is compatible for integration in handsets and other broadband wireless systems that operate over L-, S-, and C-bands

    Novel Concentric Hexagonal-Shaped RFID Tag Antenna with T-Shaped Stub Matching

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    This paper presents a unique concentric hexagonal-shaped ring antenna for radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. The rings are excited with a common microstrip feedline. The radiation characteristics of the antenna is improved by locating a horizontal a parasitic element in the vicinity of the hexagonal-shaped rings. The proposed antenna was used in the implementation of a 3×1 antenna array. The impedance match of the 3×1 RFID tag was enhanced by incorporating a T-shaped stub. The antenna is designed to operate at the UHF band from 800 MHz to 960 MHz. It was implemented on FR-4 substrate with dielectric constant and thickness of 4.3 and 1.6 mm, respectively. The size of the RFID tag antenna is 36×10 mm 2. Its impedance was matched to Alien Higgs RFIC chip of impedance 10-j 82.5 Ω at 895 MHz. Measured results show the proposed RFID tag antenna provides an impedance bandwidth, maximum gain and radiation efficiency of 160 MHz, 2 dBi, and 66.5%, respectively. With effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) limited to 36 dBm to comply with FCC regulations for UHF band RFIDs it radiates in the broadside direction over a range of 9 m making it desirable fo

    Молодежь и современные информационные технологии : сборник трудов XIX Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных, 21-25 марта 2022 г., г. Томск

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    Сборник содержит доклады, представленные на XIX Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Молодежь и современные информационные технологии», прошедшей в Томском политехническом университете на базе Инженерной школы информационных технологий и робототехники. Материалы сборника отражают доклады студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, принятые к обсуждению на секциях: «Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение», «Цифровизация, IT и цифровая экономика», «Дизайн и компьютерная графика», «Виртуальная и дополненная реальность», «Технология больших данных в индустрии», «Мехатроника и робототехника», «Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств». Сборник предназначен для специалистов в области информационных технологий, студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальностей