224,777 research outputs found

    Dual-Band Infrared Scheimpflug Lidar Reveals Insect Activity in a Tropical Cloud Forest

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    We describe an entomological dual-band 808 and 980 nm lidar system which has been implemented in a tropical cloud forest (Ecuador). The system was successfully tested at a sample rate of 5 kHz in a cloud forest during challenging foggy conditions (extinction coefficients up to 20 km–1). At times, the backscattered signal could be retrieved from a distance of 2.929 km. We present insect and bat observations up to 200 m during a single night with an emphasis on fog aspects, potentials, and benefits of such dual-band systems. We demonstrate that the modulation contrast between insects and fog is high in the frequency domain compared to intensity in the time domain, thus allowing for better identification and quantification in misty forests. Oscillatory lidar extinction effects are shown in this work for the first time, caused by the combination of dense fog and large moths partially obstructing the beam. We demonstrate here an interesting case of a moth where left- and right-wing movements induced oscillations in both intensity and pixel spread. In addition, we were able to identify the dorsal and ventral sides of the wings by estimating the corresponding melanization with the dual-band lidar. We demonstrate that the wing beat trajectories in the dual-band parameter space are complementary rather than covarying or redundant, thus a dual-band entomological lidar approach to biodiversity studies is feasible in situ and endows species specificity differentiation. Future improvements are discussed. The introduction of these methodologies opens the door to a wealth of possible experiments to monitor, understand, and safeguard the biological resources of one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth

    Non-parametric identification of higher order sinusoidal output describing functions

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    In this paper the concept of the Higher Order Sinusoidal Output Describing Functions (HOSODF) is presented. HOSODF can be defined for the class of causal, stable, time invariant non-linear systems which give a sinusoidal response to a specific harmonic excitation. The HOSODF relate the magnitude and phase of the individual harmonics, which together compose that specific input signal, to the sinusoidal output signal of such a system. HOSODF are the dual of the Higher Order Sinusoidal Input Describing Functions (Nuij 2006). Like the HOSIDF, the HOSODF are the results of an extension of linear techniques towards non-linear systems analysis. Using the HOSODF, the non-linear systems under investigation can be modeled as a cascade of the HOSODF and a Virtual Harmonics Compressor (VHC). The VHC is defined as a non-linear component which transforms a harmonic input signal ¿(t) into a sinusoidal output signal y(t) with frequency ¿, amplitude â and phase f. This input signal ¿(t) consists of an infinite amount of harmonics of the output signal y(t) with frequency n¿, amplitude â and phase nf with n=0,1,…8. Special attention is paid to the non-parametric identification of the HOSODF. The identification requires control of the frequency and amplitude of the sinusoidal output of the system within its domain of possible sinusoidal output signals. This specific state of these non-linear systems can be reached by incorporating the system under test in a feedback loop. In this loop the desired sinusoidal output is defined as the control objective of a dedicated repetitive controller consisting of a memory loop with positive feedback. The design of the learning filter required for stability is also addressed. As a spinoff of the identification technique, the authors see opportunities for advanced non-linear control of shaker systems aimed at sinusoidal excitation of non-linear systems

    Non-parametric identification of higher order sinusoidal output describing functions

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    In this paper the concept of the Higher Order Sinusoidal Output Describing Functions (HOSODF) is presented. HOSODF can be defined for the class of causal, stable, time invariant non-linear systems which give a sinusoidal response to a specific harmonic excitation. The HOSODF relate the magnitude and phase of the individual harmonics, which together compose that specific input signal, to the sinusoidal output signal of such a system. HOSODF are the dual of the Higher Order Sinusoidal Input Describing Functions (Nuij 2006). Like the HOSIDF, the HOSODF are the results of an extension of linear techniques towards non-linear systems analysis. Using the HOSODF, the non-linear systems under investigation can be modeled as a cascade of the HOSODF and a Virtual Harmonics Compressor (VHC). The VHC is defined as a non-linear component which transforms a harmonic input signal ¿(t) into a sinusoidal output signal y(t) with frequency ¿, amplitude â and phase f. This input signal ¿(t) consists of an infinite amount of harmonics of the output signal y(t) with frequency n¿, amplitude â and phase nf with n=0,1,…8. Special attention is paid to the non-parametric identification of the HOSODF. The identification requires control of the frequency and amplitude of the sinusoidal output of the system within its domain of possible sinusoidal output signals. This specific state of these non-linear systems can be reached by incorporating the system under test in a feedback loop. In this loop the desired sinusoidal output is defined as the control objective of a dedicated repetitive controller consisting of a memory loop with positive feedback. The design of the learning filter required for stability is also addressed. As a spinoff of the identification technique, the authors see opportunities for advanced non-linear control of shaker systems aimed at sinusoidal excitation of non-linear systems

    The Rocketdyne Multifunction Tester. Part 1: Test Method

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    The Rocketdyne Multifunction Tester is a general purpose test apparatus which utilizes axial and radial magnetic bearings as shaft excitation devices. The tester is modular in design so that different seal and bearing packages can be tested on the same test stand. The tester will be used for rotordynamic coefficient extraction, as well as life and fluid/material compatibility evaluations. Use of a magnetic bearing as a shaft excitation device opens up many possibilities for shaft excitation and rotordynamic coefficient extraction. In addition to describing the basic apparatus, some of the excitation and extraction methods are described. Some of the excitation methods to be discussed include random, aperiodic, harmonic, impulse and chirp

    Blind MultiChannel Identification and Equalization for Dereverberation and Noise Reduction based on Convolutive Transfer Function

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    This paper addresses the problems of blind channel identification and multichannel equalization for speech dereverberation and noise reduction. The time-domain cross-relation method is not suitable for blind room impulse response identification, due to the near-common zeros of the long impulse responses. We extend the cross-relation method to the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain, in which the time-domain impulse responses are approximately represented by the convolutive transfer functions (CTFs) with much less coefficients. The CTFs suffer from the common zeros caused by the oversampled STFT. We propose to identify CTFs based on the STFT with the oversampled signals and the critical sampled CTFs, which is a good compromise between the frequency aliasing of the signals and the common zeros problem of CTFs. In addition, a normalization of the CTFs is proposed to remove the gain ambiguity across sub-bands. In the STFT domain, the identified CTFs is used for multichannel equalization, in which the sparsity of speech signals is exploited. We propose to perform inverse filtering by minimizing the â„“1\ell_1-norm of the source signal with the relaxed â„“2\ell_2-norm fitting error between the micophone signals and the convolution of the estimated source signal and the CTFs used as a constraint. This method is advantageous in that the noise can be reduced by relaxing the â„“2\ell_2-norm to a tolerance corresponding to the noise power, and the tolerance can be automatically set. The experiments confirm the efficiency of the proposed method even under conditions with high reverberation levels and intense noise.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    A closed-loop digitally controlled MEMS gyroscope with unconstrained Sigma-Delta force-feedback

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    In this paper, we describe the system architecture and prototype measurements of a MEMS gyroscope system with a resolution of 0.025 degrees/s/root Hz. The architecture makes extensive use of control loops, which are mostly in the digital domain. For the primary mode both the amplitude and the resonance frequency are tracked and controlled. The secondary mode readout is based on unconstrained Sigma Delta force-feedback, which does not require a compensation filter in the loop and thus allows more beneficial quantization noise shaping than prior designs of the same order. Due to the force-feedback, the gyroscope has ample dynamic range to correct the quadrature error in the digital domain. The largely digital setup also gives a lot of flexibility in characterization and testing, where system identification techniques have been used to characterize the sensors. This way, a parasitic direct electrical coupling between actuation and readout of the mass-spring systems was estimated and corrected in the digital domain. Special care is also given to the capacitive readout circuit, which operates in continuous time

    Bilinear noise subtraction at the GEO 600 observatory

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    We develop a scheme to subtract off bilinear noise from the gravitational wave strain data and demonstrate it at the GEO 600 observatory. Modulations caused by test mass misalignments on longitudinal control signals are observed to have a broadband effect on the mid-frequency detector sensitivity ranging from 50 Hz to 500 Hz. We estimate this bilinear coupling by making use of narrow-band signal injections that are already in place for noise projection purposes. A coherent bilinear signal is constructed by a two-stage system identification process where the involved couplings are approximated in terms of stable rational functions. The time-domain filtering efficiency is observed to depend upon the system identification process especially when the involved transfer functions cover a large dynamic range and have multiple resonant features. We improve upon the existing filter design techniques by employing a Bayesian adaptive directed search strategy that optimizes across the several key parameters that affect the accuracy of the estimated model. The resulting post-offline subtraction leads to a suppression of modulation side-bands around the calibration lines along with a broadband reduction of the mid-frequency noise floor. The filter coefficients are updated periodically to account for any non-stationarities that can arise within the coupling. The observed increase in the astrophysical range and a reduction in the occurrence of non-astrophysical transients suggest that the above method is a viable data cleaning technique for current and future gravitational wave observatories
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