3,917 research outputs found

    Geometric Representation of the Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio Frontier Based upon the Shortage Function

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    The literature suggests that investors prefer portfolios based on mean, variance and skewness rather than portfolios based on mean-variance (MV) criteria solely. Furthermore, a small variety of methods have been proposed to determine mean-variance-skewness (MVS) optimal portfolios. Recently, the shortage function has been introduced as a measure of efficiency, allowing to characterize MVS optimalportfolios using non-parametric mathematical programming tools. While tracing the MV portfolio frontier has become trivial, the geometric representation of the MVS frontier is an open challenge. A hitherto unnoticed advantage of the shortage function is that it allows to geometrically represent the MVS portfolio frontier. The purpose of this contribution is to systematically develop geometric representations of the MVS portfolio frontier using the shortage function and related approaches.shortage function, efficient frontier, mean-variance-skewness efficiency

    “Efficiency Flooding”: Black-Box Frontiers and Policy Implications

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    This research aims to comtribute to the discussion on the importance of theoretically consistent modelling for stochastic efficiency analysis. The robustness of policy suggestions based on inferences from efficiency measures crucially depends on theoretically well-founded estimates. The theoretical consistency of recently published technical efficiency estimates for different sectors and countries is critically reviewed. The results confirm the need for a posteriori checking the regularity of the estimated frontier by the researcher and, if necessary, the a priori imposition of the theoretical requirements.Efficiency Analysis, Functional Form, Mathematical Modelling

    Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio Performance Gauging: A General Shortage Function and Dual Approach

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    This paper proposes a nonparametric efficiency measurement approach for the static portfolio selection problem in mean-variance-skewness space. A shortage function is defined that looks for possible increases in return and skewness and decreases in variance. Global optimality is guaranteed for the resulting optimal portfolios. We also establish a link to a proper indirect mean-variance-skewness utility function. For computational reasons, the optimal portfolios resulting from this dual approach are only locally optimal. This framework permits to differentiate between portfolio efficiency and allocative efficiency, and a convexity efficiency component related to the difference between the primal, non-convex approach and the dual, convex approach. Furthermore, in principle, information can be retrieved about the revealed risk aversion and prudence of investors. An empirical section on a small sample of assets serves as an illustration.shortage function, efficient frontier, mean-variance-skewness, portfolios, risk aversion, prudence

    First order optimality conditions in set-valued optimization

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    A a set-valued optimization problem minC F(x), x 2 X0, is considered, where X0 X, X and Y are Banach spaces, F : X0 Y is a set-valued function and C Y is a closed cone. The solutions of the set-valued problem are defined as pairs (x0, y0), y0 2 F(x0), and are called minimizers. In particular the notions of w-minimizer (weakly efficient points), p-minimizer (properly efficient points) and i-minimizer (isolated minimizers) are introduced and their characterization in terms of the so called oriented distance is given. The relation between p-minimizers and i-minimizers under Lipschitz type conditions is investigated. The main purpose of the paper is to derive first order conditions, that is conditions in terms of suitable first order derivatives of F, for a pair (x0, y0), where x0 2 X0, y0 2 F(x0), to be a solution of this problem. We define and apply for this purpose the directional Dini derivative. Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions a pair (x0, y0) to be a w-minimizer, and similarly to be a i-minimizer are obtained. The role of the i-minimizers, which seems to be a new concept in set-valued optimization, is underlined. For the case of w-minimizers some comparison with existing results is done. Key words: Vector optimization, Set-valued optimization, First-order optimality conditions.

    Stochastic efficiency measurement: The curse of theoretical consistency

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    The availability of efficiency estimation software – freely distributed via the internet and relatively easy to use – recently inflated the number of corresponding applications. The resulting efficiency estimates are used without a critical assessment with respect to the literature on theoretical consistency, flexibility and the choice of the appropriate functional form. The robustness of policy suggestions based on inferences from efficiency measures nevertheless crucially depends on theoretically well-founded estimates. This paper adresses stochastic efficiency measurement by critically reviewing the theoretical consistency of recently published technical efficiency estimates. The results confirm the need for a posteriori checking the regularity of the estimated frontier by the researcher and, if necessary, the a priori imposition of the theoretical requirements.functional form, stochastic efficiency analysis, theoretical consistency

    The density functional theory of classical fluids revisited

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    We reconsider the density functional theory of nonuniform classical fluids from the point of view of convex analysis. From the observation that the logarithm of the grand-partition function log⁡Ξ[ϕ]\log \Xi [\phi] is a convex functional of the external potential ϕ\phi it is shown that the Kohn-Sham free energy A[ρ]{\cal A}[\rho] is a convex functional of the density ρ\rho. log⁡Ξ[ϕ]\log \Xi [\phi] and A[ρ]{\cal A}[\rho] constitute a pair of Legendre transforms and each of these functionals can therefore be obtained as the solution of a variational principle. The convexity ensures the unicity of the solution in both cases. The variational principle which gives log⁡Ξ[ϕ]\log \Xi [\phi] as the maximum of a functional of ρ\rho is precisely that considered in the density functional theory while the dual principle, which gives A[ρ]{\cal A}[\rho] as the maximum of a functional of ϕ\phi seems to be a new result.Comment: 10 page

    Input, Output and Graph Technical Efficiency Measures on Non-Convex FDH Models with Various Scaling Laws: An Integrated Approach Based upon Implicit Enumeration Algorithms

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    In a recent article, Briec, Kerstens and Vanden Eeckaut (2004) develop a series of nonparametric, deterministic non-convex technologies integrating traditional returns to scale assumptions into the non-convex FDH model. They show, among other things, how the traditional technical input efficiency measure can be analytically derived for these technology specifications. In this paper, we develop a similar approach to calculate output and graph measures of technical efficiency and indicate the general advantage of such solution strategy via enumeration. Furthermore, several analytical formulas are established and some algorithms are proposed relating the three measurement orientations to one another.Data Envelopment Analysis, Free Disposal Hull, technical efficiency

    The Need for Theoretically Consistent Efficiency Frontiers

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    The availability of efficiency estimation software freely distributed via the internet and relatively easy to use recently inflated the number of corresponding applications. The resulting efficiency estimates are often used without a critical assessment with respect to the literature on theoretical consistency, flexibility and the choice of the appropriate functional form. The robustness of policy suggestions based on inferences from efficiency measures nevertheless crucially depends on theoretically well-founded estimates. This paper addresses stochastic efficiency measurement by critically reviewing the theoretical consistency of recently published technical efficiency estimates. The results confirm the need for a posteriori checking the regularity of the estimated frontier by the researcher and, if necessary, the a priori imposition of the theoretical requirements.functional form, stochastic efficiency analysis, theoretical consistency, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, C51, D24, Q12,

    Product Specialization, Efficiency and Productivity Change in the Spanish Insurance Industry

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    In this paper we analyze the levels of technical efficiency and productivity growth attained by Spanish insurance companies during a period of deregulation. We compute Malmquist productivity indexes using the estimates of parametric distance function for several specialized insurance branches. In this way, we show that branch specialization matters a great deal and that firms combining two or three product lines (Health, Property-Liabilities and Life) perform better than firms operating in one insurance line exclusively. In the light of these results, we recommend that the remaining restrictions coming from the European Third Directives on the operations of multi-branch firms should be removed. Moreover, from a management point of view, it would be appropriate to encourage the creation of multi-branch insurance firms. However, in all cases, the estimated scores indicate low productivity growth (less than 2% per year) compared with a huge increase in insurance activity (premiums were multiplied by nearly 3 in a decade).Efficiency, parametric Malmquist index, output specialization, Spanish insurance
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