9,772 research outputs found

    Modeling the Example Life-Cycle in an Online Classification Learner

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    Abstract. An online classification system maintained by a learner can be subject to latency and filtering of training examples which can impact on its classification accuracy especially under concept drift. A life-cycle model is developed to provide a framework for studying this problem. Meta data emerges from this model which it is proposed can enhance online learning systems. In particular, the definition of the time-stamp of an example, as currently used in the literature, is shown to be problematic and an alternative is proposed

    AMANDA : density-based adaptive model for nonstationary data under extreme verification latency scenarios

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    Gradual concept-drift refers to a smooth and gradual change in the relations between input and output data in the underlying distribution over time. The problem generates a model obsolescence and consequently a quality decrease in predictions. Besides, there is a challenging task during the stream: The extreme verification latency (EVL) to verify the labels. For batch scenarios, state-of-the-art methods propose an adaptation of a supervised model by using an unconstrained least squares importance fitting (uLSIF) algorithm or a semi-supervised approach along with a core support extraction (CSE) method. However, these methods do not properly tackle the mentioned problems due to their high computational time for large data volumes, lack in representing the right samples of the drift or even for having several parameters for tuning. Therefore, we propose a density-based adaptive model for nonstationary data (AMANDA), which uses a semi-supervised classifier along with a CSE method. AMANDA has two variations: AMANDA with a fixed cutting percentage (AMANDA-FCP); and AMANDA with a dynamic cutting percentage (AMANDADCP). Our results indicate that the two variations of AMANDA outperform the state-of-the-art methods for almost all synthetic datasets and real ones with an improvement up to 27.98% regarding the average error. We have found that the use of AMANDA-FCP improved the results for a gradual concept-drift even with a small size of initial labeled data. Moreover, our results indicate that SSL classifiers are improved when they work along with our static or dynamic CSE methods. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of research directions based on this approach.Concept-drift gradual refere-se à mudança suave e gradual na distribuição dos dados conforme o tempo passa. Este problema causa obsolescência no modelo de aprendizado e queda na qualidade das previsões. Além disso, existe um complicador durante o processamento dos dados: a latência de verificação extrema (LVE) para se verificar os rótulos. Métodos do estado da arte propõem uma adaptação do modelo supervisionado usando uma abordagem de estimação de importância baseado em mínimos quadrados ou usando uma abordagem semi-supervisionada em conjunto com a extração de instâncias centrais, na sigla em inglês (CSE). Entretanto, estes métodos não tratam adequadamente os problemas mencionados devido ao fato de requererem alto tempo computacional para processar grandes volumes de dados, falta de correta seleção das instâncias que representam a mudança da distribuição, ou ainda por demandarem o ajuste de grande quantidade de parâmetros. Portanto, propomos um modelo adaptativo baseado em densidades para dados não-estacionários (AMANDA), que tem como base um classificador semi-supervisionado e um método CSE baseado em densidade. AMANDA tem duas variações: percentual de corte fixo (AMANDAFCP); e percentual de corte dinâmico (AMANDA-DCP). Nossos resultados indicam que as duas variações da proposta superam o estado da arte em quase todas as bases de dados sintéticas e reais em até 27,98% em relação ao erro médio. Concluímos que a aplicação do método AMANDA-FCP faz com que a classificação melhore mesmo quando há uma pequena porção inicial de dados rotulados. Mais ainda, os classificadores semi-supervisionados são melhorados quando trabalham em conjunto com nossos métodos de CSE, estático ou dinâmico

    INSOMNIA:Towards Concept-Drift Robustness in Network Intrusion Detection

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    Despite decades of research in network traffic analysis and incredible advances in artificial intelligence, network intrusion detection systems based on machine learning (ML) have yet to prove their worth. One core obstacle is the existence of concept drift, an issue for all adversary-facing security systems. Additionally, specific challenges set intrusion detection apart from other ML-based security tasks, such as malware detection. In this work, we offer a new perspective on these challenges. We propose INSOMNIA, a semi-supervised intrusion detector which continuously updates the underlying ML model as network traffic characteristics are affected by concept drift. We use active learning to reduce latency in the model updates, label estimation to reduce labeling overhead, and apply explainable AI to better interpret how the model reacts to the shifting distribution. To evaluate INSOMNIA, we extend TESSERACT - a framework originally proposed for performing sound time-aware evaluations of ML-based malware detectors - to the network intrusion domain. Our evaluation shows that accounting for drifting scenarios is vital for effective intrusion detection systems

    Improving decision tree and neural network learning for evolving data-streams

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    High-throughput real-time Big Data stream processing requires fast incremental algorithms that keep models consistent with most recent data. In this scenario, Hoeffding Trees are considered the state-of-the-art single classifier for processing data streams and they are widely used in ensemble combinations. This thesis is devoted to the improvement of the performance of algorithms for machine learning/artificial intelligence on evolving data streams. In particular, we focus on improving the Hoeffding Tree classifier and its ensemble combinations, in order to reduce its resource consumption and its response time latency, achieving better throughput when processing evolving data streams. First, this thesis presents a study on using Neural Networks (NN) as an alternative method for processing data streams. The use of random features for improving NNs training speed is proposed and important issues are highlighted about the use of NN on a data stream setup. These issues motivated this thesis to go in the direction of improving the current state-of-the-art methods: Hoeffding Trees and their ensemble combinations. Second, this thesis proposes the Echo State Hoeffding Tree (ESHT), as an extension of the Hoeffding Tree to model time-dependencies typically present in data streams. The capabilities of the new proposed architecture on both regression and classification problems are evaluated. Third, a new methodology to improve the Adaptive Random Forest (ARF) is developed. ARF has been introduced recently, and it is considered the state-of-the-art classifier in the MOA framework (a popular framework for processing evolving data streams). This thesis proposes the Elastic Swap Random Forest, an extension to ARF that reduces the number of base learners in the ensemble down to one third on average, while providing similar accuracy than the standard ARF with 100 trees. And finally, a last contribution on a multi-threaded high performance scalable ensemble design that is highly adaptable to a variety of hardware platforms, ranging from server-class to edge computing. The proposed design achieves throughput improvements of 85x (Intel i7), 143x (Intel Xeon parsing from memory), 10x (Jetson TX1, ARM) and 23x (X-Gene2, ARM) compared to single-threaded MOA on i7. In addition, the proposal achieves 75% parallel efficiency when using 24 cores on the Intel Xeon.Procesar grandes flujos de datos (Big Data Streams, BDS) en tiempo real requiere el uso de algoritmos incrementales rápidos que mantengan los modelos consistentes con los datos más recientes. En este escenario, los Hoeffding Trees (HT) se consideran el clasificador simple más avanzado para procesar BDS, razon por la cual son ampliamente usados como base a la hora de combinar clasificadores en Ensembles. Esta tesis está dedicada a la mejora del rendimiento de algoritmos para Machine Learning/Iteligencia Artificial en BDS que evolucionan con el tiempo (es decir, BDS cuya distribución estadística cambia con el tiempo). En particular, nuestro objetivo es mejorar el Hoeffding Tree y sus combinaciones en Ensembles, con el objetivo de reducir el consumo de recursos y la latencia en el tiempo de respuesta, logrando un mejor rendimiento al procesar BDS que evolucionan en el tiempo. Primero, se presenta un estudio sobre el uso de redes neuronales (NN) con parámetros aleatorios como un método alternativo para procesar BDS con el objetivo de mejorar la velocidad de entrenamiento de Nns. También se destacan problemas importantes derivados del uso de NN para BDS. Como consecuencia, esta tesis tomo la dirección de mejorar los métodos de vanguardia en BDS: Hoeffding Trees y sus combinaciones en Ensembles. Segundo, se propone el Echo State Hoeffding Tree (ESHT), como una extensión del HT para modelar las dependencias temporales típicamente presentes en BDS. La nueva arquitectura propuesta se evalúa tanto en problemas de regresión como de clasificación. Tercero, se propone una extensión para el Adaptive Random Forest (ARF), publicado recientemente y considerado como el clasificador mas potente implementado en MOA (un framework muy popular para procesar BDS). Proponemos el Elastic Swap Random Forest para reducir el número de clasificadores en el ensemble a un tercio en promedio, al tiempo se mantiene un accuracy similar a la de un ARF estándar con 100 árboles. Finalmente, la última contribución de esta tesis es una arquitectura de Ensembles multi hilo para procesar BDS. Nuestro diseño es altamente adaptable a una variedad de plataformas de hardware, que van desde servidores hasta pequeños dispositivos en el Edge Computing (pej, Internet de las Cosas). El diseño propuesto logra mejoras de rendimiento de 85x (Intel i7), 143x (análisis de Intel Xeon desde la memoria), 10x (Jetson TX1, ARM) y 23x (X-Gene2, ARM) en comparación con MOA (un solo proceso) en un Intel i7. Además, la propuesta logra una eficiencia paralela del 75 \% cuando se usan 24 núcleos en el Intel Xeon.Postprint (published version
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