113 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Structures of Dinuclear Aluminum Complexes Based on Bis(ÎČ‐diketiminate) Ligands

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    A series of ten dinuclear aluminum alkyl complexes based on rigid, semirigid, and flexible bis(ÎČ‐diketiminate) ligands (NacNac) has been obtained from the reaction of trimethylaluminum and the corresponding bis(ÎČ‐diketimine)s. All compounds were fully characterized using NMR and IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The molecular structures of five compounds have been investigated by means of single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction analysis.image John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Die UniversitÀt Frankfurt : Informationen auf einen Blick

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    ... UniversitĂ€ten werden zunehmend als zentrale Institutionen der Zukunftssicherung dieses Landes wahrgenommen. Das ist Verpflichtung und – angesichts wirtschaftlicher ZwĂ€nge – Herausforderung zugleich. Schwerpunkt- und Profilbildung in Forschung und Lehre und enge Vernetzung mit Institutionen und Unternehmen der Region sind dazu unverzichtbar. Wir arbeiten sehr hart daran, die hochqualifizierte Ausbildung junger Menschen, die bei aller theoretischen Fundierung den Praxisbezug nicht außer Acht lĂ€sst, zu verbessern und Studienbedingungen zu bieten, die den hohen, internationalen Anforderungen genĂŒgen. Die Regierung des Landes Hessen unterstĂŒtzt diese UniversitĂ€t in bundesweit einzigartiger Weise: Wir bauen die modernste UniversitĂ€t Europas. Sie dokumentiert damit ihr Vertrauen in die grĂ¶ĂŸte und schon heute forschungsstĂ€rkste hessische UniversitĂ€t und lĂ€sst ihr zugleich eine fĂŒhrende Rolle zuwachsen. Wir nehmen diesen Auftrag, uns aktiv in und fĂŒr die Entwicklung der Metropolenregion RheinMain als eine der weltweit fĂŒhrenden Regionen einzubringen, gerne an. ..

    Polynuclear Group 13 Compounds: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity

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    This work gives a detailed insight into the stabilization of Group 13 element compounds in the oxidation state +1 and +3 based on bis(ÎČ-diketiminate) ligands. Of particular interest was the application of different linked bis(ÎČ-diketiminate)s and their influence on the molecular arrangement of the resulting metal compounds. The use of rigid, semi-rigid and flexible bridging scaffolds for connecting the NacNac ligands offers a new configuration of metal compounds, which allows or excludes a direct metal-metal interaction. Additionally, polynuclear compounds compared to their mononuclear congeners provide advantages in reactivity and selectivity and finally lead to the opportunities for cooperative and emergent effects

    New applications of the borrowing hydrogen methodology - selective synthesis of amines and mechanistic studies

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    This cumulative thesis deals with the application of the Borrowing Hydrogen methodology in organic synthesis. During my research, the Borrowing Hydrogen methodology was applied in the synthesis of secondary and tertiary amines starting from secondary alcohols by C-O activation. Furthermore, I was able to introduce the selective synthesis of monoalkylated aryl amines using aliphatic amines by C-N activation. This new method was continuously applied in the alkylation of t-alkyl amines. Additionally, mechanistic studies in the activation and deactivation of the Shvo catalyst were performed

    Synthesis of new zirconium diketiminate complexes and catalytic applications

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    RĂ©sumĂ©: Dans le but de prĂ©parer des complexes de Zr pour la catalyse homogĂšne de la polymĂ©risation des lactides et de l’hydroamination des olefines, l’elaboration et l’optimisation d’une mĂ©thode systĂ©matique et efficace de synthĂšse des ligands dikĂ©timines ayant diffĂ©rents substituants alkyles (R) Ă  la position N,N’ a Ă©tĂ© realisĂ©e. Des dikĂ©timines (nacnacRH) symĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus avec une puretĂ© de plus de 95 % et un rendement de 65 % lorsque R = Me et des rendements allant de 80 Ă  95 % lorsque le groupe R = n-Pr, i-Pr, i-Bu, Bu, Cy et (+)-CH(Me)Ph. La synthĂšse des dikĂ©timines ayant des substituants N-alkyls diffĂ©rents, dite asymĂ©triques, donne toujours un mĂ©lange statistique de trois ligands: nacnacR,R’H, nacnacR,RH et nacnacR’,R’H qui n’ont pu ĂȘtre separĂ©s. Seuls les dikĂ©timines asymĂ©triques avec un substituant N-alkyl et un autre N-aryl (nacnacR,ArH) ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus avec des rendements plus Ă©levĂ©s que celui du mĂ©lange statistique. Par la suite, la complexation de ces ligands bidentĂ©s au Zr, la caractĂ©risation de ces complexes et l’investigation de la rĂ©activitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les complexes de Zr de type (nacnacR)2ZrCl2 ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus par deux voies de synthĂšse principales: la premiĂšre consiste Ă  traiter le sel de lithium du ligand avec le ZrCl4. La seconde est la rĂ©action du ligand avec les complexes neutres d’alkyl-zirconium(IV) par protonation de l'alkyle coordonnĂ©. En solution, les complexes obtenus de (nacnacR)2ZrX2 possĂšdent un comportement dynamique via un « Bailar-twist » et les paramĂštres d'activation de cette isomĂ©risation ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s. Le complexe octaĂšdrique (nacnacBn)2ZrCl2 n'est pas rĂ©actif dans la carbozirconation et son alkylation n'Ă©tait pas possible par l’échange des chlorures avec les alkyles. L’analogue dimĂ©thylĂ© (nacnacBn)2ZrMe2 peut ĂȘtre prĂ©parĂ© par alkylation du ZrCl4 avant la complexation du ligand. On a Ă©galement observĂ© que ce dernier n’est pas rĂ©actif dans la carbozirconation. L‘analogue diĂ©thoxyde (nacnacBn)2Zr(OEt)2 est obtenu par Ă©change des dimĂ©thyles avec les Ă©thoxydes. La polymĂ©risation du lactide avec celui-ci en tant que prĂ©curseur est relativement lente et ne peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e que dans le monomĂšre fondu. Par consĂ©quent, pour rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes rencontrĂ©s avec les complexes de zirconium (dikĂ©timinates non-pontĂ©s), un ligand dikĂ©timines pontĂ©s par le diaminocyclohexane, (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2, LH2, (Xyl = 2,6-dimĂ©thylphĂ©nyle) a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©. La complexation de ce ligand tetradentĂ© au metal a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par deux voies de synthĂšse; la premiĂšre est la rĂ©action du sel de lithium de ce ligand avec le ZrCl4(THF)2. La deuxiĂšme est la dĂ©protonation du ligand neutre avec le Zr(NMe2)4 et l’élimination du dimĂ©thylamine. Des complexes du type: (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrX2 avec X = Cl, NMe2 ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus. Les ligands de chlorure sont dans ce cas facilement remplaçables par des Ă©thoxydes ou des mĂ©thyles. On a observĂ© l’activitĂ© la plus Ă©levĂ©e jamais observĂ©e pour un complexe d’un mĂ©tal du groupe 4 avec le complexe de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OEt)2 dans la polymĂ©risation de lactide. L'Ă©tude cinĂ©tique a montrĂ© que la loi de vitesse est du premier ordre en catalyseur et en monomĂšre et la constante de vitesse est k = 14 (1) L mol-1 s-1. L'analyse des polymĂšres a montrĂ© l’obtention de masses molĂ©culaires faibles et l’abscence de stĂ©rĂ©ocontrĂŽle. La rĂ©action de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrCl2 avec le triflate d’argent donne le (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2. Le complexe bis-triflate obtenu possĂšde une activitĂ© catalytique elevĂ©e pour les additions du type aza-Michael. L’utilisation du R,R-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2 Ă©nantiopur comme catalyseur, dans les additions du type aza-Michael asymĂ©triques donne le produit desirĂ© avec un excĂšs Ă©nantiomĂ©rique de 19%.Abstract: In order to prepare the complexes of Zr targeted for homogeneous catalysis in polymerization of lactides and hydroamination of activated olefins, we focused on the elaboration and the optimization of a systematic and efficient method for the synthesis of diketimines ligands with a variety of substituted alkyl (R) on their position N,N'. Symmetrical diketimines (nacnacRH) were obtained with a greater than 95% purity and a yield of 65% when R = Me and yields ranging from 80 to 95% when R = nPr, iPr, iBu, Bn, and Cy (+)-CH (Me) Ph. The Synthesis of diketimines with different N-alkyl substituents, called asymmetric, always gives a statistical mixture of three ligands: nacnacR,R'H nacnacR,RH and nacnacR',R'H that made their isolation problematic. Yields greater than statistical mixtures were obtained only with asymmetric diketimines bearing N-alky and N-aryl substituents (nacnacR,ArH). Subsequently, we studied the complexation of these bidentate ligands with Zr, the characterization of these complexes and investigation of their reactivity. Zr complexes of type (nacnacRH)2ZrCl2 were obtained via two main synthetic routes: the first consists in treatment of the lithium salt of the ligand with ZrCl4. The second is the reaction of the ligand with neutral complexes of alkyl-zirconium (IV) by protonation of the alkyl coordinated. In solution, the obtained complexes (nacnacR)2ZrX2 showed dynamic behavior via a "Bailar-twist" isomerization and the activation parameters of the isomerization were calculated. Octahedral complex (nacnacBn)2ZrCl2, showed no reactivity in alkylation and carbozirconation was not possible by the exchange of alkyl with chlorides. The dimethyl analogue (nacnacBn)2ZrMe2, can be prepared by alkylation of ZrCl4 before ligand complexing. The diethoxide analogue (nacnacBn)2Zr(OEt)2 is obtained by exchange of dimethyls with ethoxides. The latter had slow reactivity in lactide polymerization under melt conditions. Consequently, to address the problems encountered with unbridged (diketiminate) zirconium complexes, a cyclohexanediyl-bridged diketiminate ligand, (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2, LH2, (Xyl = 2,6-dimethylphenyl) is prepared. Complexation of the tetradentate ligand is realized via two synthetic routes; The first is reaction of the lithium salt of the ligand with ZrCl4(THF)2. The second is deprotonation of the neutral ligand with Zr(NMe2)4 and elimination of dimethylamine. Complexes of the type: (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrX2 with X = Cl, NMe2 are obtained. The chloride ligands are in this case readily replaceable with ethoxides or methyls. The (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OEt)2 complex showed the highest activity ever observed for any group 4 metal complex in lactide polymerization. The kinetic study showed that the rate law is first order in catalyst and monomer and the rate constant is k = 14(1) L mol−1 s−1. Analysis of the obtained polymer showed low molecular weight with no-stereocontrol. Reaction of the (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrCl2 with silver triflates yielded the (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2. The obtained bis-triflate complex showed to be a highly active catalyst for aza-Michael additions. The use of the enatiopure R,R-C6H10(nacnacXyl)2Zr(OTf)2 as catalyst for asymmetric aza-Michael additions of activated olefines gave the desired product with an enantiomeric excess of 19%
