469 research outputs found

    Urban imperviousness effects on summer surface temperatures nearby residential buildings in different urban zones of Parma

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    Rapid and unplanned urban growth is responsible for the continuous conversion of green or generally natural spaces into artificial surfaces. The high degree of imperviousness modifies the urban microclimate and no studies have quantified its influence on the surface temperature (ST) nearby residential building. This topic represents the aim of this study carried out during summer in different urban zones (densely urbanized or park/rural areas) of Parma (Northern Italy). Daytime and nighttime ASTER images, the local urban cartography and the Italian imperviousness databases were used. A reproducible/replicable framework was implemented named "Building Thermal Functional Area" (BTFA) useful to lead building-proxy thermal analyses by using remote sensing data. For each residential building (n = 8898), the BTFA was assessed and the correspondent ASTER-LST value (ST_BTFA) and the imperviousness density were calculated. Both daytime and nighttime ST_BTFA significantly (p < 0.001) increased when high levels of imperviousness density surrounded the residential buildings. These relationships were mostly consistent during daytime and in densely urbanized areas. ST_BTFA differences between urban and park/rural areas were higher during nighttime (above 1 °C) than daytime (about 0.5 °C). These results could help to identify "urban thermal Hot-Spots" that would benefit most from mitigation actions

    The use of satellite data, meteorology and land use data to define high resolution temperature exposure for the estimation of health effects in Italy

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    Introduction. Despite the mounting evidence on heat-related health risks, there is limited evidence in suburban and rural areas. The limited spatial resolution of temperature data also hinders the evidence of the differential heat effect within cities due to individual and area-based characteristics. Methods. Satellite land surface temperature (LST), observed meteorological and spatial and spatio-temporal land use data were combined in mixed-effects regression models to estimate daily mean air temperature with a 1x1km resolution for the period 2000-2010. For each day, random intercepts and slopes for LST were estimated to capture the day-to-day temporal variability of the Ta–LST relationship. The models were also nested by climate zones to better capture local climates and daily weather patterns across Italy. The daily exposure data was used to estimate the effects and impacts of heat on cause-specific mortality and hospital admissions in the Lazio region at municipal level in a time series framework. Furthermore, to address the differential effect of heat within an urban area and account for potential effect modifiers a case cross-over study was conducted in Rome. Mean temperature was attributed at the individual level to the Rome Population Cohort and the urban heat island (UHI) intensity using air temperature data was calculated for Rome. Results. Exposure model performance was very good: in the stage 1 model (only on grid cells with both LST and observed data) a mean R2 value of 0.96 and RMSPE of 1.1°C and R2 of 0.89 and 0.97 for the spatial and temporal domains respectively. The model was also validated with regional weather forecasting model data and gave excellent results (R2=0.95 RMSPE=1.8°C. The time series study showed significant effects and impacts on cause-specific mortality in suburban and rural areas of the Lazio region, with risk estimates comparable to those found in urban areas. High temperatures also had an effect on respiratory hospital admissions. Age, gender, pre-existing cardiovascular disease, marital status, education and occupation were found to be effect modifiers of the temperature-mortality association. No risk gradient was found by socio-economic position (SEP) in Rome. Considering the urban heat island (UHI) and SEP combined, differential effects of heat were observed by UHI among same SEP groupings. Impervious surfaces and high urban development were also effect modifiers of the heat-related mortality risk. Finally, the study found that high resolution gridded data provided more accurate effect estimates especially for extreme temperature intervals. Conclusions. Results will help improve heat adaptation and response measures and can be used predict the future heat-related burden under different climate change scenarios.Open Acces

    Chapter Earth Observation for Urban Climate Monitoring: Surface Cover and Land Surface Temperature

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    The rate at which global climate change is happening is arguably the most pressing environmental challenge of the century, and it affects our cities. Climate change exerts added stress on urban areas through increased numbers of heat waves threatening people’s well-being and, in many cases, human lives. Earth observation (EO) systems and the advances in remote sensing technology increase the opportunities for monitoring the thermal behavior of cities. The Sentinels constitute the first series of operational satellites for Copernicus, a program launched to provide data, information, services, and knowledge in support of Europe’s goals regarding sustainable development and global governance of the environment. This chapter examines the exploitation of EO data for monitoring the urban climate, with particular focus on the urban surface cover and temperature. Two example applications are analyzed: the mapping of the urban surface and its characteristics, using EO data and the estimation of urban temperatures. Approaches, like the ones described in this chapter, can become operational once adapted to Sentinels, since their long-term operation plan guarantees the future supply of satellite observations. Thus, the described methods may support planning activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities, as well as routine urban planning activities

    Impacts of Lateral Boundary Condition Resolution in Tropical Urban Climate Modelling for Kuala Lumpur

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    Choosing the best LBCs is still debated among researchers due to the errors resulted. However, several recommendations have been documented to control the errors propagated by LBCs. One of the recommendations is employing higher resolutions LBCs. In the present, many LBCs are developed with various resolutions; spatially and temporally, for many applications but no claims regarding the best LBCs for tropical climate modelling have yet been documented. Therefore, this study intends to analyse the impacts of lateral boundary condition resolution during numerical downscaling within a tropical city. This study serves as a site-specific investigation to determine the suitable LBCs for the focused study area. Two widely used LBCs with different resolutions were utilized to initiate the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulation model. The performances of the two LBCs were compared using statistical tests and analyses. The study has found that the LBC with higher resolutions excels the other LBC during inter-monsoon season. Nevertheless, it was identified that both LBCs were able to provide reliable reconstruction of the tropical climate condition of the Kuala Lumpur City as portrayed by similar results obtained. Thus, it is concluded that both LBCs can be employed in numerical downscaling for tropical urban regions similar to the Kuala Lumpur City

    The urban climate of Ghent, Belgium : a case study combining a high-accuracy monitoring network with numerical simulations

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    As urban environments have a specific climate that poses extra challenges (e.g. increased heat stress during heat waves), gaining detailed insight into the urban climate is important. This paper presents the high-accuracy MOCCA (MOnitoring the City's Climate and Atmosphere) network, which is monitoring the urban climate of the city of Ghent since July 2016. The study illustrates the complementarity between modelling and observing the urban climate. Two different modelling approaches are used: 1 km resolution runs of the SURFEX land surface model and 100 m resolution runs of the computationally cheaper UrbClim boundary layer model. On the one hand, urban models are able to simulate the spatial variability of the urban climate. As such, these models serve as a tool to help deciding on the locations of the measurement stations. On the other hand, the MOCCA observations are used to validate the high-resolution urban model experiments for the summer (July-August-September) of 2016. Our results demonstrate that the models capture the nighttime intra-urban temperature differences, but they are not able to reproduce the observed daytime temperature differences which are determined by the micro-scale environment

    Land Use Change from Non-urban to Urban Areas

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    This reprint is related to land-use change and non-urban and urban relationships at all spatiotemporal scales and also focuses on land-use planning and regulatory strategies for a sustainable future. Spatiotemporal dynamics, socioeconomic implication, water supply problems and deforestation land degradation (e.g., increase of imperviousness surfaces) produced by urban expansion and their resource requirements are of particular interest. The Guest Editors expect that this reprint will contribute to sustainable development in non-urban and urban areas

    Environ Health Perspect

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    Land surface temperature (LST) and percent surface imperviousness (SI), both derived from satellite imagery, have been used to characterize the urban heat island effect, a phenomenon in which urban areas are warmer than non-urban areas.|We aimed to assess the correlations between LSTs and SI images with actual temperature readings from a ground-based network of outdoor monitors.|We evaluated the relationships among a) LST calculated from a 2009 summertime satellite image of the Detroit metropolitan region, Michigan; b) SI from the 2006 National Land Cover Data Set; and c) ground-based temperature measurements monitored during the same time period at 19 residences throughout the Detroit metropolitan region. Associations between these ground-based temperatures and the average LSTs and SI at different radii around the point of the ground-based temperature measurement were evaluated at different time intervals. Spearman correlation coefficients and corresponding p-values were calculated.|Satellite-derived LST and SI values were significantly correlated with 24-hr average and August monthly average ground temperatures at all but two of the radii examined (100 m for LST and 0 m for SI). Correlations were also significant for temperatures measured between 0400 and 0500 hours for SI, except at 0 m, but not LST. Statistically significant correlations ranging from 0.49 to 0.91 were observed between LST and SI.|Both SI and LST could be used to better understand spatial variation in heat exposures over longer time frames but are less useful for estimating shorter-term, actual temperature exposures, which can be useful for public health preparedness during extreme heat events.2T42OH008455/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United StatesP30 ES017885/ES/NIEHS NIH HHS/United StatesT32AG027708/AG/NIA NIH HHS/United States23777856PMC373449

    Investigating the relationship between land use/land cover change and land surface temperature using Google Earth Engine; case study: Melbourne, Australia

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    The rapid alteration to land cover, combined with climate change, results in the variation of the land surface temperature (LST). This LST variation is mainly affected by the spatiotemporal changes of land cover classes, their geospatial characteristics, and spectral indices. Melbourne has been the subject of previous studies of land cover change but often over short time periods without considering the trade-offs between land use/land cover (LULC) and mean daytimes summer season LST over a more extended period. To fill this gap, this research aims to investigate the role of LULC change on mean annual daytime LST in the hot summers of 2001 and 2018 in Melbourne. To achieve the study’s aim, LULC and LST maps were generated based on the cost-effective cloud-based geospatial analysis platform Google Earth Engine (GEE). Furthermore, the geospatial and geo-statistical relationship between LULC, LST, and spectral indices of LULC, including the Normalised Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) and the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), were identified. The findings showed that the mean daytime LST increased by 5.1 °C from 2001 to 2018. The minimum and maximum LST values were recorded for the vegetation and the built-up area classes for 2001 and 2018. Additionally, the mean daytime LST for vegetation and the built-up area classes increased by 5.5 °C and 5.9 °C from 2001 to 2018, respectively. Furthermore, both elevation and NDVI were revealed as the most influencing factors in the LULC classification process. Considering the R2 values between LULC and LST and their NDVI values in 2018, grass (0.48), forest (0.27), and shrubs (0.21) had the highest values. In addition, urban areas (0.64), bare land (0.62), and cropland (0.61) LULC types showed the highest R2 values between LST regarding their NDBI values. This study highlights why urban planners and policymakers must understand the impacts of LULC change on LST. Appropriate policy measures can be proposed based on the findings to control Melbourne’s future development

    Urban surface temperature time series estimation at the local scale by spatial-spectral unmixing of satellite observations

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    The study of urban climate requires frequent and accurate monitoring of land surface temperature (LST), at the local scale. Since currently, no space-borne sensor provides frequent thermal infrared imagery at high spatial resolution, the scientific community has focused on synergistic methods for retrieving LST that can be suitable for urban studies. Synergistic methods that combine the spatial structure of visible and near-infrared observations with the more frequent, but low-resolution surface temperature patterns derived by thermal infrared imagery provide excellent means for obtaining frequent LST estimates at the local scale in cities. In this study, a new approach based on spatial-spectral unmixing techniques was developed for improving the spatial resolution of thermal infrared observations and the subsequent LST estimation. The method was applied to an urban area in Crete, Greece, for the time period of one year. The results were evaluated against independent high-resolution LST datasets and found to be very promising, with RMSE less than 2 K in all cases. The developed approach has therefore a high potential to be operationally used in the near future, exploiting the Copernicus Sentinel (2 and 3) observations, to provide high spatio-temporal resolution LST estimates in cities
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