6,175 research outputs found

    Estimating the granularity coefficient of a Potts-Markov random field within an MCMC algorithm

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    This paper addresses the problem of estimating the Potts parameter B jointly with the unknown parameters of a Bayesian model within a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Standard MCMC methods cannot be applied to this problem because performing inference on B requires computing the intractable normalizing constant of the Potts model. In the proposed MCMC method the estimation of B is conducted using a likelihood-free Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Experimental results obtained for synthetic data show that estimating B jointly with the other unknown parameters leads to estimation results that are as good as those obtained with the actual value of B. On the other hand, assuming that the value of B is known can degrade estimation performance significantly if this value is incorrect. To illustrate the interest of this method, the proposed algorithm is successfully applied to real bidimensional SAR and tridimensional ultrasound images

    Hidden Gibbs random fields model selection using Block Likelihood Information Criterion

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    Performing model selection between Gibbs random fields is a very challenging task. Indeed, due to the Markovian dependence structure, the normalizing constant of the fields cannot be computed using standard analytical or numerical methods. Furthermore, such unobserved fields cannot be integrated out and the likelihood evaluztion is a doubly intractable problem. This forms a central issue to pick the model that best fits an observed data. We introduce a new approximate version of the Bayesian Information Criterion. We partition the lattice into continuous rectangular blocks and we approximate the probability measure of the hidden Gibbs field by the product of some Gibbs distributions over the blocks. On that basis, we estimate the likelihood and derive the Block Likelihood Information Criterion (BLIC) that answers model choice questions such as the selection of the dependency structure or the number of latent states. We study the performances of BLIC for those questions. In addition, we present a comparison with ABC algorithms to point out that the novel criterion offers a better trade-off between time efficiency and reliable results

    Quantitative magnetic resonance image analysis via the EM algorithm with stochastic variation

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    Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (qMRI) provides researchers insight into pathological and physiological alterations of living tissue, with the help of which researchers hope to predict (local) therapeutic efficacy early and determine optimal treatment schedule. However, the analysis of qMRI has been limited to ad-hoc heuristic methods. Our research provides a powerful statistical framework for image analysis and sheds light on future localized adaptive treatment regimes tailored to the individual's response. We assume in an imperfect world we only observe a blurred and noisy version of the underlying pathological/physiological changes via qMRI, due to measurement errors or unpredictable influences. We use a hidden Markov random field to model the spatial dependence in the data and develop a maximum likelihood approach via the Expectation--Maximization algorithm with stochastic variation. An important improvement over previous work is the assessment of variability in parameter estimation, which is the valid basis for statistical inference. More importantly, we focus on the expected changes rather than image segmentation. Our research has shown that the approach is powerful in both simulation studies and on a real dataset, while quite robust in the presence of some model assumption violations.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS157 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Inferring Latent States and Refining Force Estimates via Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Modeling in Single Particle Tracking Experiments

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    Optical microscopy provides rich spatio-temporal information characterizing in vivo molecular motion. However, effective forces and other parameters used to summarize molecular motion change over time in live cells due to latent state changes, e.g., changes induced by dynamic micro-environments, photobleaching, and other heterogeneity inherent in biological processes. This study focuses on techniques for analyzing Single Particle Tracking (SPT) data experiencing abrupt state changes. We demonstrate the approach on GFP tagged chromatids experiencing metaphase in yeast cells and probe the effective forces resulting from dynamic interactions that reflect the sum of a number of physical phenomena. State changes are induced by factors such as microtubule dynamics exerting force through the centromere, thermal polymer fluctuations, etc. Simulations are used to demonstrate the relevance of the approach in more general SPT data analyses. Refined force estimates are obtained by adopting and modifying a nonparametric Bayesian modeling technique, the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Switching Linear Dynamical System (HDP-SLDS), for SPT applications. The HDP-SLDS method shows promise in systematically identifying dynamical regime changes induced by unobserved state changes when the number of underlying states is unknown in advance (a common problem in SPT applications). We expand on the relevance of the HDP-SLDS approach, review the relevant background of Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes, show how to map discrete time HDP-SLDS models to classic SPT models, and discuss limitations of the approach. In addition, we demonstrate new computational techniques for tuning hyperparameters and for checking the statistical consistency of model assumptions directly against individual experimental trajectories; the techniques circumvent the need for "ground-truth" and subjective information.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Differs only typographically from PLoS One publication available freely as an open-access article at http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.013763

    Segmentation-assisted detection of dirt impairments in archived film sequences

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    A novel segmentation-assisted method for film dirt detection is proposed. We exploit the fact that film dirt manifests in the spatial domain as a cluster of connected pixels whose intensity differs substantially from that of its neighborhood and we employ a segmentation-based approach to identify this type of structure. A key feature of our approach is the computation of a measure of confidence attached to detected dirt regions which can be utilized for performance fine tuning. Another important feature of our algorithm is the avoidance of the computational complexity associated with motion estimation. Our experimental framework benefits from the availability of manually derived as well as objective ground truth data obtained using infrared scanning. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method compares favorably with standard spatial, temporal and multistage median filtering approaches and provides efficient and robust detection for a wide variety of test material

    MCMC joint separation and segmentation of hidden Markov fields

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    In this contribution, we consider the problem of the blind separation of noisy instantaneously mixed images. The images are modelized by hidden Markov fields with unknown parameters. Given the observed images, we give a Bayesian formulation and we propose to solve the resulting data augmentation problem by implementing a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) procedure. We separate the unknown variables into two categories: 1. The parameters of interest which are the mixing matrix, the noise covariance and the parameters of the sources distributions. 2. The hidden variables which are the unobserved sources and the unobserved pixels classification labels. The proposed algorithm provides in the stationary regime samples drawn from the posterior distributions of all the variables involved in the problem leading to a flexibility in the cost function choice. We discuss and characterize some problems of non identifiability and degeneracies of the parameters likelihood and the behavior of the MCMC algorithm in this case. Finally, we show the results for both synthetic and real data to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed solution. keywords: MCMC, blind source separation, hidden Markov fields, segmentation, Bayesian approachComment: Presented at NNSP2002, IEEE workshop Neural Networks for Signal Processing XII, Sept. 2002, pp. 485--49

    A stochastic-variational model for soft Mumford-Shah segmentation

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    In contemporary image and vision analysis, stochastic approaches demonstrate great flexibility in representing and modeling complex phenomena, while variational-PDE methods gain enormous computational advantages over Monte-Carlo or other stochastic algorithms. In combination, the two can lead to much more powerful novel models and efficient algorithms. In the current work, we propose a stochastic-variational model for soft (or fuzzy) Mumford-Shah segmentation of mixture image patterns. Unlike the classical hard Mumford-Shah segmentation, the new model allows each pixel to belong to each image pattern with some probability. We show that soft segmentation leads to hard segmentation, and hence is more general. The modeling procedure, mathematical analysis, and computational implementation of the new model are explored in detail, and numerical examples of synthetic and natural images are presented.Comment: 22 page