23 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the consumers’ choice of payment instrument in Poland

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    “The project is financed within the framework of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name "Regional Excellence Initiative" in the years 2019 - 2022; project number 001/RID/2018/19; the amount of financing PLN 10,684,000.00.”Purpose: This contribution presents the main findings of a recent survey on consumer payment behavior in Poland. The authors aim to determine the factors influencing the choice of the payment instrument by consumers. This in order to better understand the reason why cash is still the main paying instrument being used by Polish consumers. Design/Methodology/Approach: A survey was carried out between the 7th and 21st February 2019, using Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI), administered on a nationwide sample of Polish nationals aged 15 and above. A total of 1005 interviews were conducted. To ensure the representativeness of the collected data, the edge weighting was applied in accordance with the structure of the Polish population, including variables of gender, age, and education and the iterative technique (rim weighting). Findings: Findings show that despite the development of the cashless payments, the position of cash is still powerful, because it fulfills consumers’ expectations and although, the role of cashless payments increases, this is not happening at the fast pace that the institutional stakeholders of the financial market would expect. Cash in many respects has a lead on the market of the consumer payments, both with respect to the ease of use and the cost of transaction. Practical implications: Understanding consumer trends in their use of payment methods is important for policy makers, the economy in general and the National Central Bank which need reliable statistical data to enable comparison with other countries on the levels of development in their payment systems, the determination of monetary policy and to carry out strategic decisions concerning the cash cycle and the effectiveness of the payment system. Originality/Value: Without precise knowledge of how people actually pay for goods and services, a country is devoid of solid statistical foundations and will result in speculation.peer-reviewe

    Rola i zadania integratorów płatności w polskim e-handlu

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    The paper presents the role of payment integrators in the Polish e-commerce and estimates the factors which have a major impact on cooperation between an online store and the integrator. Author use the statistical data and results of the empirical research which have been conducted by him. The aim of this article is to show the model of payment integrators working and their significance for the development of e-commerce in Poland. It also describes the main changes on the e-payment market with particular emphasis on the growing role of payment integrators.W artykule przedstawiono znaczenie integratorów płatności przy obsłudze metod płatności, a także dokonano oceny czynników mających główny wpływ na podjęcie przez sklep internetowy współpracy z integratorem. Wykorzystano w nim dane statystyczne oraz wyniki badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych przez autora. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie modelu funkcjonowania integratorów płatności w handlu internetowym oraz ich znaczenia dla rozwoju handlu internetowego w Polsce. Praca prezentuje również zmiany zachodzące na rynku e-płatności w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rosnącej roli integratorów płatności

    The impact of the electronic commerce market in the supply chain during COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

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    Purpose: The article presents issues related to the development of electronic commerce market caused by changes in the supply chain in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used world-bank reports from statista portal. Findings: The aim of the article is to present the impact of electronic commerce market in the supply chain. The functioning types of e-business and basic business models used in e-commerce are also presented. Payment methods used in internet sales in Poland are shown. An analysis of the online payment methods preferred by consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic was also performed. Practical Implications: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, retailers must develop increasingly efficient, faster, and more convenient delivery methods. For example, in the last year the number of users selecting same-day delivery in online search options has increased significantly. Originality/value: The publication presents the results of research conducted on the basis statista international portal and central statistical office in Polandpeer-reviewe

    Globalization trends for financial innovations development

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    The article provides systematization of the main development areas of the FinTech industry, identifies key technologies contributing to its rapid development. Fintech companies global investment forecast is made. Some of the world's financial technologies are analyzed and the effectiveness of their use in the context of economic growth is substantiated. The main trends in the development of FinTech in Ukraine are described. The structure of Fintech companies in the Ukrainian financial services market is forecasted to change. The problems of introduction of financial technologies in Ukraine are investigated and the directions of providing economic growth in the country due to the use of the latest financial technologies and digital platforms are proposed

    The Condition of the Cryptocurrency Market and Exchanges in Poland

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    The development of the cryptocurrency market and the implications for the whole economy and finance for all traders cause a keen interest in this subject. The chapter discusses the functioning of a financial system based on cryptocurrencies and its significance for economies. In this chapter, the development of the global cryptocurrency market was presented and the history of the most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin, was analyzed. The analysis and the assessment of the state and structure of the Polish cryptocurrencies market were presented on the background of the global cryptocurrency market. Also, we presented the possible development paths for the cryptocurrencies market in Poland and in the world

    Logistyczne aspekty handlu elektronicznego

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    The Role of Academic Business Incubators in the Creation of Academic Entrepreneurship in the Region of Podlasie

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    Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy SONB/SP/512497/2021.The aim of this paper is to present the role that the Academic Business Incubators play in the development of academic entrepreneurship in the region of Podlasie. The author discusses the notion of entrepreneurship, its essence and development directions, as well as fundamental aspects of undertaking business activity under the auspices of the Academic Business Incubators. AIso current trends related to the issue of academic entrepreneurship are presented.Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAct of 27 July 2005 on Higher Education (Joumal of Laws No. 164, item 1 365 as amended).Bąkowski A. et al., Innowacyjna przedsiębiorczość akademicka - światowe doświadczenia, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, Warszawa 2005.Citkowski M., Przedsiębiorczość w gospodarce XXI wieku [Entrepreneurship in the Economy of the 21th Century], Wyższa Szkoła Administracji Publicznej im. Stanisława Staszica w Białymstoku, Białystok 2009.Drucker P.F., Innowacja i przedsiębiorczość. Praktyka i zasady [Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Practice and principles], PWE, Warszawa.Guliński J., Przedsiębiorczość akademicka w Polsce. Specyfika i uwarunkowania rozwoju, Opole 2009.Innowacyjna przedsiębiorczość akademicka. Wartość dla uczelni - wiedza dla przedsiębiorstwa [Innovative academic entrepreneurship. The value for the university - knowledge for the enterprise], Ministerstwo Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Warszawa 2009.Łuczak M., Przedsiębiorczość w zarządzaniu firmą [Entrepreneurship in Business Management], Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Warszawie, Warszawa 2003.Moczydłowska J., Pacewicz 1., Przedsiębiorczość, Wydawnictwo Oświatowe FO SZE, Rzeszów 2007.Rzeczycka A., Przedsiębiorstwo na rynku, jego cele i determinanty funkcjonowania (w:) Przedsiębiorstwo w gospodarce rynkowej i źródła jego finansowania [Enterprise in the market, its objectives and determinants of functioning (in:) The company in a market economy and sources offinancing], G. Golawska-Witkowska (ed.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Gdańskiej, Gdańsk 2006.Szynaka R., Przedsiębiorczość akademicka szansą rozwoju uczelni, http://www.lppa.wssm.pl/index.php/artykuy/99-przedsibiorczo-akademicka-szans-rozwoju-uczelni.html.Trump D., Przedsiębiorczość [Entrepreneurship], Wydawnictwo Helion, Gliwice 2009.Wissema J.G., Technostarterzy - dlaczego i jak, Warszawa 2005, p. 74, www.parp.gov.pl/files/74/81/105/technostarterzyWojno M., Ostrowska B., Zajkowski W., Witkowski J., Akademia Kariery, Ag-Bart, Białystok 2004.Zasiadły K., Guliński J. (ed.), Inkubator przedsiębiorczości akademickiej, Stowarzyszenie Organizatorów Ośrodków Innowacji i Przedsiębiorczości w Polsce, Poznań 2005.http://www.inkubatory.pl/pl/sie-aiphttp://inkubatory.pl/pllproces-zakadania-firmy-w-ABI/co-daje-ABIhttp://www.kozminski.edu.pl/index.php/pl/pro_publico_bono/seipa/.http://www.mptw.pl/p.przedsiebiorczosc.html/http://www.parp.gov.pl/files/74/81/105/przed_akademicka.pdf.http://www.sooipp.org.pllindex.php/osrodki.ctt.www.aipbialystok.pl/www.e-mentor.edu.pl/www.inkubatory.pl.www.mg.gov.pl/www.nauczyciel.pl/page.php/resources/view_aU?id=sposob_przedsiebiorczy_page2www.polskaprzedsiebiorcza.pl/Promotional materials of ABIs.22323

    The Library’s Website and Its Integrated System as the Tools for Raising Additional Funds

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    Bibliotekarze z polskich bibliotek akademickich, zatrudnieni w oddziałach (ewentualnie na jednoosobowych stanowiskach), których zadaniem jest pozyskiwanie dodatkowych funduszy, w praktyce zajmują się głównie przygotowywaniem wniosków o środki z funduszy unijnych i programów rządowych. Tymczasem są metody mniej absorbujące czasowo, które stosowane systematycznie pozwalają również w znaczący sposób powiększać biblioteczne budżety. Są pewne działania fundraisingowe, rekomendowane w poradnikach anglojęzycznych, które w polskiej rzeczywistości, ze względu na różnice kulturowe, prawne i ekonomiczne, nie miałyby zastosowania lub nie byłyby odpowiednio skuteczne. Jest jednak także wiele metod, które są na tyle uniwersalne, że łatwo dałoby się je zastosować w polskiej praktyce. Przede wszystkim należy tu wymienić wykorzystanie strony internetowej biblioteki i interfejsu WWW bibliotecznego systemu zintegrowanego do powiększania kręgu donatorów. Celem artykułu jest więc omówienie najczęściej stosowanych metod pozyskiwania dodatkowych funduszy z wykorzystaniem strony internetowej biblioteki i jej systemu zintegrowanego. Podkreśla się, że fundraising sieciowy uprawiany za pośrednictwem strony internetowej biblioteki przynosi znaczące korzyści, uwzględniając proporcje między poniesionymi kosztami a uzyskanymi darowiznami. Niestety, polskie biblioteki w porównaniu z bibliotekami w innych rozwiniętych krajach, w bardzo niewielkim stopniu wykorzystują potencjał fundraisingowy swojej strony internetowej. Analiza wybranych stron internetowych, pod kątem dostępności informacji o sposobach wsparcia bibliotek, została uzupełniona metodą analizy piśmiennictwa.The librarians in the Polish academic libraries, employed in the departments (or in the single offices), who are supposed to acquire additional funds, in practice deal primarily with preparing the applications for the grants from EU funds and government programmes. In the meantime, there are less time- -absorbing methods that, when applied systematically, also allow to significantly increase the library budgets. There are some activities recommended in the English fundraising handbooks, which on account of cultural, legal and economic differences, would neither be applicable nor be appropriately effective in the Polish reality. However, there are also many methods which are universal enough so that it would be possible to apply them in the Polish practice. First of all, what should be pointed here is the use of the library’s website and the WWW interface of the library integrated system for enlarging the circle of donors. Therefore, the aim of the article is to discuss the most frequently used methods of obtaining additional funds by using the library’s website and its integrated system. The analysis of the selected websites, with regard to the availability of information on the ways of providing the support for the libraries, has been supplemented by a literature review. It is emphasized that the online fundraising, practiced via the library’s website, brings considerable advantages, taking into account the proportion between the incurred costs and the obtained donations. Unfortunately, in the comparison to the libraries in the other developed countries, Polish libraries make hardly any use of the fundraising potential of their [email protected] Warszawski, Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i BibliologiiAnnual online study shows donors 75 and older now giving online. Dunham+Company. Tryb dostępu: https://www.dunhamandcompany.com/2017/03/annual-online-study-shows-donors-75-and-older-now-giving-online/ [22 czerwca 2017].Beyond book sales. The complete guide to raising real money for your library. Ed. by S. Dowd. Chicago 2014.The Big Boom in online giving. „The Chronicle of Philanthropy” 2013, june 23. Tryb dostępu: https://www.philanthropy.com/article/The-Big-Boom-in-Online-Giving/150689 [20 czerwca 2017].Cooper T.: Getting the most from donations. „Public Libraries” Vol. 49(2) 2010, s. 31-36.Dunham+Company study: explosive growth in donations via mobile devices. Dunham+Company. Tryb dostępu: https://www.dunhamandcompany.com/2016/03/dunhamcompany-study-explosive-growth-in-donations-via-mobile-devices/ [22 czerwca 2017].Foster S., Robinson J.: Donor recognition and cultivation through the use of digital bookplates. „Journal of Library Innovation” Vol. 3(2) 2012, s. 43-49.Friends of the Library. New York Public Library. Tryb dostępu: https://www.nypl.org/support/membership/friends-library [23 czerwca 2017].Frontline fundraising toolkit. American Library Association. Tryb dostępu: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/advleg/advocacyuniversity/frontline_fundraising_toolkit/fft.pdf [20 czerwca 2017].Give. New York Public Library. Tryb dostępu: https://www.nypl.org/give [23 czerwca 2017].Holt G. E., Horn G.: Taking donations in cyberspace. „The Bottom Line” Vol. 18, nr 1 (2005), s. 24-28.Online giving makes it easy for your supporters of all ages to donate. W: Online fundraising: the beginner’s guide for nonprofits. Tryb dostępu: https://www.mobilecause.com/beginners-guide-to-online-fundraising/online-giving [17 czerwca 2017].Price L.: Digital philanthropy and libraries. W: Successful library fundraising. Best practices. Ed. by M. Sandra Wood. Lanham 2014.Survey shows aging donors most likely to give online. Dunham+Company. Tryb dostępu: https://www.dunhamandcompany.com/2016/01/survey-shows-aging-donors-most-likely-to-give-online/> [22 czerwca 2017].Swan J.: Fundraising for libraries. 25 proven ways to get more money for your library. New York, London 2002.Willecki J.: Aktywność prorozwojowa bibliotek akademickich, związana z działaniami na rzecz nauki i upowszechnianiem nauki, finansowana ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w latach 2010-2015. „Przegląd Biblioteczny” 2017, z. 1, s. 21-33.536

    Cryptocurrencies and other forms of payment in the awareness of Poles : declared trust, perceived risk and actual victimization

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to examine the volume, trust and risk perceived by Poles in terms of broadly understood types of payments, from cash, through various electronic payments, to cryptocurrencies. This is particularly important in the context of the hypothesis of a cashless societies predicted by some researchers.APPROACH/METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: The method of computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) was used to achieve the research objectives. The study was conducted on a nationwide sample of N=1001 adult Poles (18+). The analyzes used descriptive statistics and explored a statistical method called two-stage cluster analysis.FINDINGS: A comparison of the results of foreign research and our own research and other Polish research clearly shows that Poles belong to the societies most dependent on cash payments; below the global average use electronic payments and cryptocurrency payments. These barriers are mainly awareness-raising and, to a lesser extent, technological. This is indicated by the discrepancy between high levels of concern and low levels of actual crime victimization in the use of different payment methods. In addition, groups in the technological vanguard (using a wide range of electronic payments, including cryptocurrencies) and digitally excluded groups (using traditional payment methods or card payments) were identified (in social, demographic and psychographic categories).PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Identification of the extent of use, trust, perceived risk and actual victimization associated with different payment methods allows for the formulation of awareness, education and remedial actions on policies for implementing a cashless society. In addition, the article refers to the need to ensure security in the field of payments to citizens, especially those who are informationally excluded.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This is the first study on a nationwide sample of adult Poles that reveals volume, trust and likelihood of victimization of various payment systems.peer-reviewe

    The Black Range, 07-31-1896

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