904,507 research outputs found

    Improving Ontology Recommendation and Reuse in WebCORE by Collaborative Assessments

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    In this work, we present an extension of CORE [8], a tool for Collaborative Ontology Reuse and Evaluation. The system receives an informal description of a specific semantic domain and determines which ontologies from a repository are the most appropriate to describe the given domain. For this task, the environment is divided into three modules. The first component receives the problem description as a set of terms, and allows the user to refine and enlarge it using WordNet. The second module applies multiple automatic criteria to evaluate the ontologies of the repository, and determines which ones fit best the problem description. A ranked list of ontologies is returned for each criterion, and the lists are combined by means of rank fusion techniques. Finally, the third component uses manual user evaluations in order to incorporate a human, collaborative assessment of the ontologies. The new version of the system incorporates several novelties, such as its implementation as a web application; the incorporation of a NLP module to manage the problem definitions; modifications on the automatic ontology retrieval strategies; and a collaborative framework to find potential relevant terms according to previous user queries. Finally, we present some early experiments on ontology retrieval and evaluation, showing the benefits of our system

    Object-orientated planning domain engineering

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    The development of domain independent planners focuses on the creation of generic problem solvers. These solvers are designed to solve problems that are declaratively described to them. In order to solve arbitrary problems, the planner must possess efficient and effective algorithms; however, an often overlooked requirement is the need for a complete and correct description of the problem domain. Currently, the most common domain description language is a prepositional logic, state-based language called STRIPS. This thesis develops a new object-orientated domain description language that addresses some of the common errors made in writing STRIPS domains. This new language also features powerful semantics that are shown to gready ease the description of certain domain features. A common criticism of domain independent planning is that the requirement of being domain independent necessarily precludes the exploitation of domain specific knowledge that would increase efficiency. One technique used to address this is to recognise patterns of behaviour in domains and abstract them out into a higher-level representations that are exploitable. These higher-level representations are called generic types. This thesis investigates the ways in which generic types can be used to assist the domain engineering process. A language is developed for describing the behavioural patterns of generic types and the ways in which they can be exploited. This opens a domain independent channel for domain specific knowledge to pass from the domain engineer to the planner

    Towards a Methodology for Semantics Specification of Domain-specific Models through Properties

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    Domain-specific languages are designed for a specific domain and their use in the development of a software system enables domain experts to understand and develop models. The full description of a complex software system uses various domain-specific languages, each language having its own meaning. The definition of the precise semantics of domain-specific models is an important problem because semantics are a necessity to develop tools allowing formal analysis and verification. Current approaches focus on specific formalisms or languages which are the most appropriate to reason about certain properties. In this work we propose an approach that allows domain experts to specify the semantics of domain-specific models through properties expressed in a domain-specific language. The advantage of the approach is that domain experts can write down and understand the properties of the models

    A techniques-based framework for domain-specific synthesis of simulation models

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    The formal specification community has produced many languages but few structured design methods. Those which exist tend to be abstract, providing little guidance in tackling problems in particular domains. One way of devising domain -specific design methods is by reconstructing an example in the domain using the target method; then generalising the design structures to cover a class of designs in the domain and finally building an environment in which these structures may more easily be re- applied to new problems. We demonstrate this approach using animal population dynamics models as the domain and Prolog techniques as the target method.We have identified domain -specific techniques which use a parameterisation method from techniques editing but which contain information specific to the population dynamics domain; we define a problem description language which uses concepts from population dynamics; an interface which allows these concepts to be supplied; and provide an automated system which bridges between population dynamics problem description and the domain -specific techniques needed for model generation.TeMS - Techniques -based Model Synthesiser, is the system constructed as the main instrument of our research. Because it is an embodiment of our views on the issues addressed, we submitted TeMS to user evaluation by ecological modelling experts, which produced material for a broad discussion of the system itself, its approach to modelling and its potential uses on the ecological modelling scenario

    Fund Finder: A case study of database-to-ontology mapping

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    The mapping between databases and ontologies is a basic problem when trying to "upgrade" deep web content to the semantic web. Our approach suggests the declarative definition of mappings as a way to achieve domain independency and reusability. A specific language (expressive enough to cover some real world mapping situations like lightly structured databases or not 1st normal form ones) is defined for this purpose. Along with this mapping description language, the ODEMapster processor is in charge of carrying out the effective instance data migration. We illustrate this by testing both the mappings definition and processor on a case study

    Program comprehension for domain-specific languages

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    In the past, we have been looking for program comprehension tools that are able to interconnect operational and behavioral views, aiming at aiding the software analyst to relate problem and program domains in order to reach a full understanding of software systems. In this paper we are concerned with Program Comprehension issues applied to Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). We are now willing to understand how techniques and tools for the comprehension of traditional programming languages fit in the understanding of DSLs. Being the language tailored for the description of problems in a specific domain, we believe that specific visualizations (at a higher abstraction level, closer to the problem level) could and should be defined to enhance the comprehension of the descriptions in that particular domain.GRICE
