106,572 research outputs found

    Spionagefilm / Spionageroman : eine Arbeitsbibliografie

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    Die folgende Bibliographie listet die wichtigsten Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Spionageromans und die wenigen vorliegenden Untersuchungen zum Spionagefilm auf. Auf die Dokumentation einzelner Rezensionen und Untersuchungen zu Einzelfilmen habe ich verzichtet, sofern sie nicht allgemeiner auf Strukturen des Spionagefilms eingehen

    Quality-testing the legal Internet: finding law with the SOSIG Law Gateway

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    English language version of a preprint of an article by Steven Whittle, Information Systems Manager at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, published in Recht Bibliothek Dokumentation, the journal of the AjBD Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks-und Dokumentationswese

    De facto anonymised microdata file on income tax statistics 1998

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    With the data of the de facto anonymised Income Tax Statistics 1998 (FAST 98), the German official statistics are for the first time publishing microdata from the field of fiscal statistics. The scientific community can use these data to analyse politically-relevant questions on the fiscal and transfer system at their own workplace, subject to the premises of article 16 subsection 6 of the Law on Statistics for Federal Purposes, on the basis of "real" assessment data. Passing on individual data to the scientific community is only possible in a de facto anonymised form. This form may impair possibilities for scientific analysis possibilities. So that anonymised data can nevertheless be used by the scientific community, anonymisation must meet two equal challenges: It must firstly guarantee adequate protection of the individual items of data, and secondly it must optimally conserve the possibilities for analysis of the anonymised data. In order to achieve the right balance between these two goals, the Statistical Offices have involved potential scientific users in the anonymisation work in a research project.In the article entitled "De facto anonymised microdata file on income tax statistics 1998", in addition to the anonymisation concept the framework conditions of the project are explained and the analysis possibilities of income tax statistics demonstrated

    Preferred vs. Actual Working Hours - A Ten Years Paneleconometric Analysis for Professions, Entrepreneurs and Employees in Germany

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    Labour market dynamics according the individual working hour tension (preferred working hours minus actual working hours) of active people with focus on the self-employed, as professions and entrepreneurs, and employees are investigated in our study. The individual longitudinal analysis based on panel data allows us to follow the individual process of working time preferences and actual outcomes in its individual convergence/divergence balancing process in the course of time. Our microanalytic and paneleconometric results (with pooled, one and two factor fixed and random effects models) quantify the working hour tension developments and its determinants in a decade from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Microdata base is the German Socio-Economic Panel with ten waves from 1985 to 1994. Finally, we discuss impacts of our results for labour market strategies and a targeted economic and social policy

    Documentation of the Poland farm survey 2000

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    This documentation summarises the technical information about the Poland farm survey 2000. This survey was recently carried out in co-operation with Polish partners by the Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO) in Halle (Saale), Germany. The topics covered in the documentation are a description and reprint of the questionnaire, sample design, survey organisation and implementation, data management, calculation of certain compound variables, and a brief assessment of the experiences made with the instrument. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Diese Dokumentation fasst die technischen Informationen über den Poland farm survey 2000 zusammen. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Befragung von polnischen Landwirten, die vom Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (IAMO) in Halle (Saale) in Zusammenarbeit mit polnischen Partnern durchgeführt wurde. Die in der Dokumentation behandelten Themenbereiche umfassen eine Diskussion und Wiedergabe des verwendeten Fragebogens, Stichprobenziehung, Organisation und Durchführung der Befragung, Datenverarbeitung, Berechnung einiger wichtiger zusammengesetzter Variablen, sowie eine knappe Einschätzung der mit dem Fragebogen im Feld gemachten Erfahrungen.Methods of data collection,microeconomic data,survey methodology,Methoden der Datenerhebung,mikroökonomische Daten,Befragung

    Virtuelle Autopsie (Virtopsy) in der Forensik: Vom Skalpell zum Scanner

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    Zusammenfassung: "Virtopsy" nutzt moderne Imaging-Technologie, um die klassische Dokumentation der Autopsie zu optimieren. Vorteile der Virtopsy sind die untersucherunabhängige, objektive 3D-Dokumentation von Körperbefunden und der nichtinvasive Ansatz. Virtopsy ist eine Option bei Autopsieablehnung durch die Familie oder aus religiösen Gründen. Virtopsy eignet sich bei Massenkatastrophen für eine schnelle Identifizierung von Opfern. Für Staatsanwälte und Gerichte können medizinische Befunde dreidimensional ohne blutige Bilder gezeigt werde

    German-German Relations in the Fields of Sport, with Particular Reference to the Olympic Games 1952-1972

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    This thesis explores the surprising phenomenon of the existence of joint German-German teams in the three successive Olympic years of 1956, 1960 and 1964. This unusual example of cooperation – in the midst of Cold War hostilities - between the two antagonistic Germanys, West and East, was caused by: • the idealistic though illusionary conviction of Avery Brundage, influential President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), that German-German cooperation in the field of Olympics, as initiated by him, would also result in closer political relations between the Federal Republic (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR): ‘a development in which politicians have patently failed’, he remarked; • the interest and hope of the GDR leadership that participation with the FRG in joint Olympic teams would open doors for international recognition of their country, a status the East struggled to achieve; • the expectation by leaders of the West German sports movement that cooperation with the GDR in the Olympic field would result in improved relations: this despite reservations in official quarters that striving for better relations with East Germany ran the risk of alienating its Western allies; • the concern of West German sports leaders that to spurn the Brundage initiative might leave the field free for Germany’s Olympic presence to become the sole domain of the GDR. In spite of much behind the scenes squabbling, West-East cooperation gathered pace in the 1950s, only to end with the summer Games at Mexico City in 1968. The demise of the experiment was preceded by an IOC decision of 1965 to abandon its support for a joint German team and to grant full recognition to a separate team of the GDR, as well as to the Federal Republic. With their aim achieved, the GDR lost interest in further joint ventures and the 1972 Munich Games witnessed the participation of two antagonistic German teams. The history of German-German Olympic cooperation remains a neglected theme in modern sports history. As well as exploring the origins, developments and unravelling of West-East cooperation – set within a changing diplomatic and sporting context – the thesis examines the return to more realistic, albeit cold, German-German relations. Avery Brundage’s dream was over, but it was remarkable that in the midst of the Cold War cooperation prevailed for over a decade

    Sprachtechnologie für übersetzungsgerechtes Schreiben am Beispiel Deutsch, Englisch, Japanisch

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    Wir [...] haben uns zur Aufgabe gesetzt, Wege zu finden, wie linguistisch basierte Software den Prozess des Schreibens technischer Dokumentation unterstützen kann. Dabei haben wir einerseits die Schwierigkeiten im Blick, die japanische und deutsche Autoren (und andere Nicht-Muttersprachler des Englischen) beim Schreiben englischer Texte haben. Besonders japanische Autoren haben mit Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen, weil sie hochkomplexe Ideen in einer Sprache ausdrücken müssen, die von Informationsstandpunkt her sehr unterschiedlich zu ihrer Muttersprache ist. Andererseits untersuchen wir technische Dokumentation, die von Autoren in ihrer Muttersprache geschrieben wird. Obwohl hier die fremdsprachliche Komponente entfällt, ist doch auch erhebliches Verbesserungspotential vorhanden. Das Ziel ist hier, Dokumente verständlich, konsistent und übersetzungsgerecht zu schreiben. Der fundamentale Ansatz in der Entwicklung linguistisch-basierter Software ist, dass gute linguistische Software auf Datenmaterial basiert und sich an den konkreten Zielen der besseren Dokumentation orientiert