34 research outputs found

    Programming in Mathematics Education: An Intermediary between the Real-World and the Mathematical Model

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    In realistic mathematics education students expand their common sense through guided reinvention, aiming to prevent the dichotomy between what the students experience as real and the associated mathematical model. The mathematics curriculum is, however, often comprehensive and ambitious, and many students will find it challenging to develop the required skills and knowledge. In order to solve the complicated problems required at exams, students and teachers will yield to memorizing formulas and procedures, letting large parts of mathematics education reside in the formal mathematical model. In this paper we propose to utilize programming as an intermediary between the realworld problems and formal mathematics, not merely as a tool to solve the problems or find approximate solutions, but to increase understanding and to guide the student’s mathematical reinvention

    Lessons from delivering a STEM workshop using educational robots given language limitations

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    Educational robots are increasingly being used in schools as learning tools to support the development of skills such as computational thinking because of the growing number of technology-related jobs. Using robots as a tool inside the classroom has been proved to increase motivation, participation and inclination towards STEM subjects at both primary and secondary levels; however, language has usually not been considered as a mitigating factor. This paper reports our experience delivering nine workshops in English, using Thymio robots, to over two hundred students aged 9–12 across a week in the French cities of Nancy and Metz. Our goal was to test whether students would still have fun, learn something new and gain an interest in STEM even when the workshop was conducted in a foreign language. Our results indicate that using language that is easy to understand, although foreign, has a strong direct correlation (p ~ 10-3 ) with having fun and that the latter positively affects learning and increased interest in STEM.</p

    Educational Robotics Application in Primary and Secondary Education: A Challenge for the Greek Teachers Society

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    This paper presents the results of a postgraduate study that was designed to investigate the attitudes and views of Greek teachers in primary and secondary education on the application of Educational Robotics (ER), towards the goal of drawing useful insights on how it can be further integrated in Greek schools. A total of 70 teachers participated in this study, currently working for primary and secondary schools in Greece and being involved in ER projects and ER-related activities. According to the research findings, ER has significant benefits for students and educators, as it fosters positive attitudes towards STEM education, encourages independent and active learning, facilitates teaching, and provides opportunities for the development of cognitive, social and communication skills. However, factors such as the lack of funding and physical infrastructure, the inadequate training of teachers and curriculum scheduling inflexibility, hinder its application. Thus, several structural and procedural actions should be taken in order to further integrate ER in Greek schools

    La aplicación de la robótica y programación por bloques en la enseñanza elemental

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    This study shows the relevance of introducing visual block programming and robotics in primary education. The study describes how robotics are effectively implemented in schools, based on computational concepts and the classroom activities. We describe, apply and present specific resources teachers, who may think of introducing programming and robotics in education must consider. These resources can be adapted to their students’ levels and education stages. It is essential to be aware of the resources available and adapt them to students’ needs. The analysis involves 107 fifth-grade students in primary education at three schools. The sample of the study was non-probabilistic and intentional. The study is bidimensional. The first dimension is a quasi-experimental design obtaining data from a test. Construct validity was tested by an exploratory factor analysis. The second dimension details the results for four scales previously described: active learning, computational concepts, perceived usefulness and enjoyment. This dimension examines the results of the aforementioned scale, which analyses the pedagogical interactions. Statistically significant improvements were achieved in the understanding of basic computational concepts such as sequences, loops, conditional statements, parallel execution, event handling and use of robotics. Improvements were also noted in didactic interaction, and in greater enjoyment, enthusiasm, efficiency and active participation of students. They also showed stronger motivation, commitment and interest in the process.Este estudio demuestra la importancia de un diseño para la educación que incorpore la programación de visual por bloques y la robótica en educación primaria. Este estudio describe cómo la robótica se implementa de manera efectiva en las escuelas, basándose en conceptos computacionales y las actividades del aula. Describimos, aplicamos y presentamos varios recursos, los docentes que deseen comenzar a trabajar con la programación y la robótica en la educación deben considerar los recursos requeridos y cómo se pueden adaptar a los niveles y etapas de la educación de sus alumnos. Es fundamental conocer los recursos disponibles y adaptarlos a las necesidades de los discentes. El análisis involucra a 107 estudiantes de quinto curso de educación primaria en tres centros escolares, la muestra fue no probabilística e intencional. La primera dimensión es un diseño cuasi-experimental que obtiene datos de una prueba, la validez de constructo se probó mediante análisis factorial exploratorio. La segunda dimensión detalla los resultados para las cuatro escalas descritas anteriormente: aprendizaje activo, conceptos computacionales, utilidad percibida y disfrute, esta dimensión examina los resultados de la escala antes mencionada que analiza las interacciones pedagógicas. Se lograron mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la comprensión de conceptos computacionales básicos: secuencias, bucles, declaraciones condicionales, ejecución paralela, manejo de eventos y uso de robótica. También se observaron mejoras en la interacción didáctica, y en un mayor disfrute, entusiasmo, eficiencia y participación activa, mostrando los estudiantes una mayor motivación, compromiso e interés en el proceso

    Introduction to Computational Thinking with Scratch for Teacher Training for Spanish Primary School Teachers in Mathematics

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    In recent years, the inclusion of computational thinking in education has become very important. This is a response to the needs of the evolution of our society and the skills demanded in students to obtain practical and integrated training. For this reason, the educational inclusion of these types of practices, strategies, and skills has been the subject of study in recent years. However, it is equally important to prepare and analyse the initial training of future teachers in this area. This research paper presents an empirical experience in which the degree of development of skills associated with computational thinking in preservice primary teachers is examined. For this purpose, programming practices with Scratch were carried out with a total of 149 students of primary education university degrees as part of their training in mathematics education. An experiment was designed for a control group and an experimental group with initial and final measurements using a validated diagnostic instrument consisting of 30 questions associated with computational concepts and their application: a computational thinking test. The result of the experience is positive, as a more significant improvement was observed in the experimental group, which was also accompanied by the impressions, provided by participants, that point in a positive, useful, and practical direction in terms of the development of this type of educational practice being relevant enough to introduce to the teaching and learning process of mathematics

    The case of prospective teachers’ integration of coding-robotics practices into science teaching with STEM approach

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    The aim of this study is to determine the level of integration of teacher candidates’ acquisitions in course of “Coding and Robotics in Primary School” into the science teaching; and to explore teacher candidates’ opinions on coding-robotics and the usage of them in lessons. For this purpose, a case study with 11 junior prospective primary school teachers was conducted in 2017-18 education year. After the participants took “Coding and robotics in primary school” at fall semester, they were asked to make STEM-based teaching by using robotic applications in the scope of the course of “Science and Technology Teaching II”. Participants’ teaching was rated with rubrics prepared by the researchers, and their lesson plans were analyzed through document analysis. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted to take the opinions of the participants on usage of robotics. The results showed that prospective teachers were mainly able to integrate robotics to the STEM-based science teaching. Additionally, prospective teachers suggested that robotics should be integrated to all courses, especially science, and that this would contribute to the problem solving and algorithmic thinking skills of the students. © 2020, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    Benefits of SpinBOT Playful Robotic Environment in the Development of Cognitive Abilities

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    [EN] Children with physical disabilities are at high risk of developing adverse effects on their cognitive development, due to their lack of ability to interact with the world around them. Multiple studies have demonstrated the potential of robots as tools used to assist playful activities, which allow the learning of cognitive, social, motor and language skills. In this area of application, this article describes a study with 4 children between 11 and 17 years of age, in order to evaluate a low-cost, technological assistance environment for the rehabilitation of the upper limb, which during the treatment with the Robot, allowed to demonstrate the cognitive concepts of causality, negation, symbolic play and sequencing. At the beginning and the end of the intervention, an evaluation was carried out by professionals in the psychology and physiotherapy area. An interview was applied to the therapists and parents or caregivers, where the progress of the cognitive component was observed through the use of the robot.[ES] Los niños que presentan discapacidad física corren un alto riesgo de desarrollar efectos adversos en su desarrollo cognitivo, debido a su incapacidad de interactuar con el medio. Múltiples estudios han demostrado el potencial de los robots como herramientas usadas para asistir actividades lúdicas, dado que, permiten el aprendizaje de habilidades cognitivas, sociales, motrices y de lenguaje. En este ámbito de aplicación, este artículo describe un estudio con 4 niños entre 11 y 17 años de edad, con el fin de evaluar un ambiente lúdico de asistencia tecnológica de bajo costo, para la rehabilitación del miembro superior, que, durante el tratamiento con el robot, permitió demostrar los conceptos cognitivos de causalidad, negación, juego simbólico y secuenciación. Al inicio y final de la intervención, se hizo una valoración por profesionales del área de psicología y fisioterapia. También, se entrevistó a los terapeutas y padres o cuidadores, donde se observó el progreso del componente cognitivo mediante el uso operativo del robot.Este trabajo ha sido hecho gracias a la Asesoría de la Asociación ABRAZAR, ubicada en Calarcá/Quindío Colombia. Agradecemos a su coordinadora Mónica Lorena Piedrahita, la terapeuta Julieth Calderón, al psicólogo Alejandro Valencia y a la trabajadora social Diana Lady Hurtado.Acevedo-Londoño, JA.; Caicedo-Bravo, E.; Ferney Castillo-García, J. (2019). Beneficios del Ambiente Robótico Lúdico SpinBOT en el Desarrollo de Habilidades Cognitivas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática. 16(2):171-177. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2017.8763SWORD17117716

    A Literature Review Exploring the use of Programming in Mathematics Education

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    Programming is now included in mathematics curricula in several countries; thus, the purpose of this literature review is to determine the research-based justifications for these educational decisions. From a selection of relevant articles, 15 articles were identified and analyzed, each of which had varying study types, themes, and designs. Three themes from the studies were identified: the motivation to learn mathematics, student performance in mathematics, and the collaboration between students and the changed role of the teacher. It was found that in certain circumstances, including programming in mathematics education could improve student motivation to learn mathematics and improve student performance in mathematics. To gain a better understanding of the potential of programming in mathematics education, the entire collective learning process should be considered by discussing the roles of the teacher and the collaboration between students as part of these roles.publishedVersio

    Learning mathematics through activities with robots

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    There are several countries that integrate programming into their mathematics curricula, thereby making robotics an interesting aspect of mathematics education. However, the benefits of using robotics for mathematics education are still unclear. This article addresses the use of mathematical tools with robot-based, problem-solving activities by discussing how mathematical tools are used in robot-based activities. This ethnographic intervention study took place in one secondary school in Norway as a part of an elective class in which videotaped data were gathered by observing the activity of groups of two or three students using Lego Mindstorm robots during an eight-week period. Through the use of activity system analysis in Cultural–Historical Activity Theory, we found that students used different kinds of mathematical tools. Furthermore, we found that mathematics can change its role from instrumental tool to object, that is, to an integrated aspect of the purpose of the activity.acceptedVersio

    Role of teachers in students' mathematics learning processes based on robotics integration

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    We analyze the role of the teacher in the collective learning processes of students using Engeström's (1987) activity system analysis in cultural–historical activity theory (CHAT). CHAT enables the analysis of the effect of various components, such as the role of the teacher in collective learning processes. CHAT considers teaching to be one part of students' learning processes and enables researchers to analyze learning and the teacher's role in collective learning processes where the teacher is a participant (Engeström & Sannino, 2012). In this model, knowledge is distributed among participants and tools. Learning is thus viewed and analyzed as a development of the collective knowledge of a group rather than as knowledge transferred from the teacher to the students (Engeström, 2005). In the sessions analyzed as part of this research, teaching and learning were affected through innovative, collective group processes, as well as through interactions between students and the teacher. Our analysis concentrates on student–teacher relationships as measured through interactions and negotiations between the teacher and the students during the open learning processes with robots.publishedVersio