457,094 research outputs found

    An Object Oriented Paradigm for Requirements Specifications.

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    Software engineering defines a formalized five-step life-cycle for software development. These steps are: requirements specification, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. The requirements specification phase of the software development life-cycle is responsible for determining the functionality of the proposed system. In this work, a methodology is developed that enhances the generation of accurate requirements specifications, utilizing an object-oriented paradigm. This research realizes four objectives. First, the process of information transferral between the user and the specification team is enhanced. Second, a working base of knowledge containing the domain-specific information within the initial requirements document is established for use by the specification team. Third, techniques for evaluating the overall quality of the initial requirements document are addressed. Specifically, the problems associated with document ambiguity, completeness, consistency and structure are examined. Finally, a specification paradigm is defined utilizing this knowledge-based specification environment. The paradigm permits the automatic generation of an object-oriented specification model. This model may then be used as an input for the design phase. This paradigm defines a methodology for the establishment and evaluation of the knowledge-based specification environment. The environment permits the incorporation of an object-oriented development strategy into the specification process. In addition, the concept of information traceability throughout the specification process is enhanced

    ODA-based modeling for document analysis

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    This article proposes the document model of a hybrid knowledge-based document analysis system for business letters. The model combines requirements of object-oriented representation of both, documents as well as knowledge necessary for analysis tasks, and is based on the ODA platform. Model-driven document analysis increases the flexibility of a system because several analysis specialists can be used in co-operation to assist each other and to improve the results of analysis. The inherent modularity of the system allows for a reuse of knowledge sources and integral constituents of the architecture in other document classes such as forms or cheques

    Separate compilation of structured documents

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    This paper draws a parallel between document preparation and the traditional processes of compilation and link editing for computer programs. A block-based document model is described which allows for separate compilation of various portions of a document. These portions are brought together and merged by a linker program, called dlink, whose pilot implementation is based on ditroff and on its underlying intermediate code. In the light of experiences with dlink the requirements for a universal object-module language for documents are discussed. These requirements often resemble the characteristics of the intermediate codes used by programming-language compilers but with interesting extra constraints which arise from the way documents are executed

    SemTree: An index for supporting semantic retrieval of documents

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    In this paper, we propose SemTree, a novel semantic index for supporting retrieval of information from huge amount of document collections, assuming that semantics of a document can be effectively expressed by a set of (subject, predicate, object) statements as in the RDF model. A distributed version of KD-Tree has been then adopted for providing a scalable solution to the document indexing, leveraging the mapping of triples in a vectorial space. We investigate the feasibility of our approach in a real case study, considering the problem of finding inconsistencies in documents related to software requirements and report some preliminary experimental results

    A Unified Approach for Representing Structurally-Complex Models in SBML Level 3

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    The aim of this document is to explore a unified approach to handling several of the proposed extensions to the SBML Level 3 Core specification. The approach is illustrated with reference to Simile, a modelling environment which appears to have most of the capabilities of the various SBML Level 3 package proposals which deal with model structure. Simile (http://www.simulistics.com) is a visual modelling environment for continuous systems modelling which includes the ability to handle complex disaggregation of model structure, by allowing the modeller to specify classes of object and the relationships between them.

The note is organised around the 6 packages listed on the SBML Level 3 Proposals web page (http://sbml.org/Community/Wiki/SBML_Level_3_Proposals) which deal with model structure, namely comp, arrays, spatial, geom, dyn and multi. For each one, I consider how the requirements which motivated the package can be handled using Simile's unified approach. Although Simile has a declarative model-representation language (in both Prolog and XML syntax), I use Simile diagrams and equation syntax throughout, since this is more compact and readable than large chunks of XML.

The conclusion is that Simile can indeed meet most of the requirements of these various packages, using a generic set of constructs - basically, the multiple-instance submodel, the concept of a relationship (association) between submodels, and array variables. This suggests the possibility of having a single SBML Level 3 extension package similar to the Simile data model, rather than a series of separate packages. Such an approach has a number of potential advantages and disadvantages compared with having the current set of discrete packages: these are discussed in this paper

    A review of the generation of requirements specification in natural language using objects UML models and domain ontology

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    In the software development life cycle, requirements engineering is the main process that is derived from users by informal interviews written in natural language by requirements engineers (analysts). The requirements may suffer from incompleteness and ambiguity when transformed into formal or semi-formal models that are not well understood by stakeholders. Hence, the stakeholder cannot verify if the formal or semi-formal models satisfy their needs and requirements. Another problem faced by requirements is that when code and/or designs are updated, it is often the case that requirements and specifically the requirements document are not updated. Hence ending with a requirements document not reflecting the implemented software.Generating requirements from the design and/or implementation document is seen by many researchers as a way to address the latter issue. This paper presents a survey of some works undertaken in the field of generation natural language specifications from object UML model using the support of an ontology. and analyzing the robustness and limitations of these existing approaches. This includes studying the generation of natural language from a formal model, review the generation of natural language from ontologies, and finally reviews studies about check to generate natural language from OntoUML.N/

    Monitoring the quality of education as a management tool for changes in higher educational institution

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    The purpose of this article is to elaborate means of intellectualizing management of changes in higher educational institutions, analysis of monitoring components as one of the tools for managing system of higher education, identifying problems of its organization and implementation. In the course of the research, we used the following methods: the method of expert assessments; document analysis; analysis of structural divisions work experience; sociological methods: observation, questioning. Every higher educational institution depending to their self-organization creates the internal monitoring model, that is, in any case, an integral system, which, in our opinion, should comprise the following components: purpose; task; requirements; object and subjects, monitoring criteria.Priority in this research is given to "consumer monitorin

    Modeling the object-oriented software process: OPEN and the unified process

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    A short introduction to software process modeling is presented, particularly object-oriented modeling. Two major industrial process models are discussed: the OPEN model and the Unified Process model. In more detail, the quality assurance in the Unified Process tool (formally called Objectory) is reviewed

    Guidelines on stepping up the authentication component in AAIs implementing the AARC BPA

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    A number of research community use cases require users to verify their identity by using more than one type of credentials, for instance using password authentication, together with some physical object such as a phone or usb stick that generates tokens/pins, etc. At the same time, there are services that may require an already logged in user to re-authenticate using a stronger authentication mechanism when accessing sensitive resources. Authentication step-up is then needed to improve the original authentication strength of those users. This document provides guidelines on step-up of the authentication component. It covers requirements and implementation recommendations, describes a proposed authentication step-up model, and outlines related work and documentation

    Extension of the JCGM 106:2012 - Conformity assessment of multicomponent items and finite statistical samples

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    The JCGM 106:2012 document provides guidelines on how to perform conformity assessment of a (scalar) property of interest of a single item (a product, material, object, etc.). In particular, based on a Bayesian approach, it indicates how to model and calculate specific and global risks of the consumer and the producer. In the present work, the JCGM 106 approach is generalized to items that are multicomponent materials (each component having its own property that should undergo conformity assessment with respect to its own requirements), and to a set of N items drawn from a common population (the probability of having a certain number of conforming items within this sample needs to be calculated)