5 research outputs found

    A análise do PT2020 SI inovação produtiva nas empresas: diagnóstico e propostas de melhoria

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Industrial e da EmpresaA inovação e o desempenho das empresas têm-se tornado evidentes e constituem um tema com relevância a nível académico e também a nível empresarial. Dadas as falhas de mercado e o cenário económico, ao longo de vários anos têm sido implementados programas públicos com a finalidade de uma melhor orientação para a implementação da inovação pelo tecido empresarial, tanta a nível nacional como a nível europeu. Contudo, os estudos existentes sobre a perceção destes programas e a sua eficácia têm vindo a ser medida em termos quantitativos, por exemplo mediante o valor do incentivo pago, pelo que a analise em termos reais necessita de investigação adicional. É objetivo desta investigação o estudo do Impacto do Sistema de Incentivos Inovação Produtiva, que pertence ao quadro comunitário Portugal 2020, nas empresas e particularmente aferir qual é a perceção dos seus efeitos na inovação empresarial e quais os aspetos considerados críticos que podem ser melhorados em programas do mesmo género no futuro. Com a finalidade de aproximar esta temática ao tecido empresarial que concorre a este sistema de incentivos, foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo com base em seis entrevistas às empresas e mais duas entrevistas a quadros do IAPMEI responsáveis pela gestão e execução dos incentivos às empresas. Os resultados possibilitam aferir que o incentivo teve um impacto positivo em todas as empresas entrevistadas, na medida em que conseguiram inovar mais cedo do que caso não tivessem executado o projeto ou possibilitou mesmo a inovação integral no sentido em que se não tivessem beneficiado do incentivo não conseguiriam levar acabo os projetos de inovação. Foi também possível identificar um conjunto de pontos críticos que, através da perceção das empresas retiradas do decorrer da execução física e financeira dos projetos e da avaliação das metas no ano cruzeiro dos projetos, foram bastantes, o que contextualiza a apresentação de propostas de melhoria.The innovation and performance of companies has become evident and is a topic with relevance at an academic level and also at a business level. Given the market failures and the economic scenario, over the years public programs have been implemented with the aim of providing better guidance for the implementation of innovation at national and European level. However, many studies on the perception of these programs and their effectiveness have been measured in quantitative terms, for example by means of the value of the incentive paid, so an analysis in real terms requires additional research. The objective of this investigation is to study the Impact of the Productive Innovation Incentive System, which belongs to the Portugal 2020 community framework, in companies, particularly to assess the perception of its effects on business innovation and which aspects are considered critical that can be improved on similar programs in the future. With the aim of bringing this topic closer to the business fabric that run for this incentive system, a qualitative study was conducted based on six interviews with companies and two more with IAPMEI staff responsible for managing and implementing incentives for companies. The results make it possible to verify that the incentive had a positive impact on all the companies interviewed, insofar as they were able to innovate sooner than if they had not carried out the project or even enabled full innovation in the sense that if they had not benefited from the incentive they would not could practice innovation projects. It was also possible to identify a set of critical points that, through the perception of the companies during the physical and financial execution of the projects and in the year of evaluation of the goals, were enough, which contextualizes the presentation of proposals for improvement

    Do technology strategies matter? A comparison of two electrical engineering corporations, 1988-1998

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    In order to reap competitive advantage from innovation, a firms technology activities should square with its technology strategy - but how do technology strategies relate to activities and financial performance in relevant business areas? This paper investigates this question by means of a comparison between two leading firms in the electrical engineering industry: ABB and General Electric. We show that substantial performance differences between these companies in the power generation field are related to differences in their espoused technology strategies (as indicated by statements in annual reports) and technology activities (as indicated by patenting) and the degree of alignment between these.This is an electronic version of an article published in: Anna Bergek, Christian Berggren and Fredrik Tell , Do technology strategies matter? A comparison of two electrical engineering corporations, 1988-1998, 2009, TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS and STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, (21), 4, 445-470. TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS and STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT is available online at informaworldTM: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09537320902818744 Copyright: Taylor & Francis http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/default.as