7 research outputs found

    Organisational learning as an antecedent of technology transfer and new product development :A study of manufacturing firms in Malaysia

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of organisational learning (comprising absorptive capacity, nature and type of alliances and learning environment) through strategic technology alliances on technology transfer and new product development. The paper is based on a larger research on alliances in the Malaysian manufacturing industry. Design/methodology/approach – The antecedents and outcomes of organisational learning were tested using structural equation modelling, based on data collected from 335 organisations through an online survey questionnaire. Findings – The findings depict that absorptive capacity, nature and type of alliances and learning environment significantly affect technology transfer in Malaysian manufacturers, but not necessarily new product development simultaneously. Nevertheless, the results establish technology transfer as an effective means for building innovative capabilities in developing new products. This is imperative for attaining Malaysia’s current goal in improving the manufacturing industry and becoming an industrialised nation by the year 2020. Research limitations/implications – The findings advocate further deliberations for manufacturers in Malaysia in shaping their strategies and learning objectives when embarking on collaborative relations, as these can result in technological competencies and ultimately the capacity to develop new innovative products. Practical implications – The paper offers useful insights for manufacturers when forming technology alliances; and facilitate decisions by current practitioners in managing collaborations. The paper also informs Malaysian Government institutions in developing mechanisms, economic policy strategies and business support services for enhancing the economic and commercial viability of Malaysian manufacturing activities and products. Originality/value – The value of this paper lies in discerning the current capabilities and strategies of manufacturing firms in developing nations in order to remain competitive

    Gestión de la calidad en los Centros de Desarrollo Tecnológicos (CDT): revisión sistemática

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    El propósito de este artículo es presentar el analisis de los principales factores asociados a los procesos y procedimientos llevados a cabo en la gestión de la calidad y la operación integral de los CDT, teniendo en cuenta que la implementación de estándares y procesos de calidad permiten garantizar la fiabilidad y eficiencia en las actividades de investigación y desarrollo. Para lo anterior,  se llevó a cabo un análisis documental de las normas de gestión de calidad y la guía técnica para el reconocimiento de actores establecida por Minciencias, en el que se analizaron las categorias de gestión de la calidad y Centros de Desarrollo Tecnológico. Como resultado de esto, se destacan algunas de las mejores prácticas en la gestión de la calidad que los centros de desarrollo tecnológicos implementan tales como: planeación estrategica, sistema de gestión de calidad documentado, formación y capacitación del personal en temas de calidad, y la participación activa en programas de certificación reconocidos. Finalmente, este artículo propone una metodología conceptual siguiendo el ciclo PHVA que podría ser implementado por los CDT para adoptar mejores prácticas en la gestión de la calidad, alcanzar buenos estándares de rendimiento y mantener su posición dentro del sistema de ciencia y tecnología

    The moderating effect of government support in the relationship between open innovation and firm's innovation performance of small and medium enterprises in Malaysia furniture manufacturing sector

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    Open innovation is a viable source to leverage economic viability and success of firms amidst contemporarily global, highly competitive, and transformative postindustrial society. To date, most open innovation research focused exclusively on large companies, while neglecting the specific competitive challenges and strategies of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in particular of developing countries. This study aimed to fill this gap by investigating open innovation landscape of furniture manufacturing SMEs (FMSMEs) due to their significant roles in Malaysia’s economic development. Based on open innovation model and resource-based view theory, this study investigated the influence of open innovation activities and government support in determining firms’ innovative performances. Data were collected based on random sampling surveys of 880 FMSMEs in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Data analysis of useable 210 questionnaires were done using hierarchical multiple regression analyses. Results revealed a statistical significance of open innovation activities in determining FMSMEs firms’ innovative performances. Moreover, it is found that government support is a strong moderator of firms’ innovative performances. Findings derived from this study contributed to better understanding of the open innovation activities and practices of FMSMEs in Malaysia. Finally, this study suggests more future research to explore open innovation, innovative performance and government support in the service sector as well as in industries of different nature

    Competing through sourcing: manufacturing firms in Bangladesh

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    Manufacturing firms are confronted with the challenge to respond to uniqueness of customer demands, uncertain market environment and performance improvement. This study therefore, aimed to provide an integrated strategic model to manufacturing firms to overcome these challenges. The framework was comprised of sourcing strategy, competitive strategy, strategic flexibility, strategic capability and sourcing relationship quality to enhance the firm 's performance. To achieve this, a quantitative research approach was used to collect primary data and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the hypothesized effects. Data were collected from manufacturing firm situated in Bangladesh. This study found positive direct effect of exogenous variable; cost-leadership strategy, related product diversification, manufacturing capability and purchasing capability on firm performance and sourcing strategy. Differentiation strategy and unrelated product diversification have not direct effect on manufacturing firm's performance. In addition, sourcing strategy effect on firm performance was positive. Significant positive mediating effect of sourcing strategy was reported in between exogenous variables and firm performance. Moderating effect of sourcing relationship quality was found significant. Sourcing relationship quality therefore, strengthen the relationship of sourcing strategy and firm performance. Empirical evidence of proposed integrated framework was established, and this will help manufacturing firms to improve performance. Manufacturing firms can consider the strategic fit of the study variables and outcome which might help for appropriate decision making and remain competitive. This study also shed light on strategic management literature by approaching moderated mediation model

    Gli ecosistemi dell'innovazione. Relazioni e dinamiche nel cultural heritage

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    Il lavoro indaga gli ecosistemi dell’innovazione, quale prospettiva emergente negli studi di management dell’ultimo ventennio, sviluppando un percorso che parte dall’analisi del legame tra economia evoluzionista ed innovazione, per giungere ai diversi contesti dell’innovazione e focalizzare l’attenzione sull’innovation ecosystem. Attraverso la ricerca-azione partecipativa in due progetti che coniugano conoscenza, tecnologia, patrimonio culturale e turismo, il lavoro si propone di delineare il ruolo delle relazioni nel favorire l’emergere degli ecosistemi dell’innovazione, utilizzando l’ottica meso-level per colmare il gap, riscontrato in letteratura, tra livello micro e livello macro

    The political economy of FDI in Thailand and its implications for sustainable economic development

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    This thesis analyses the determinants and consequences of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Thailand, with particular emphasis on reviewing the Thai government’s FDI policies, and these policies’ effectiveness for enabling the country’s sustainable development. Past research has indicated that, despite developing countries’ various attempts to improve their economic growth and increase their standard of living via internationalisation, many of these attempts have proven unsuccessful. In the case of Thailand, there is debate regarding how the government can influence and regulate FDI in a manner that is most beneficial to the country’s long-term growth and development. It has long been recognised that Thailand’s economic policies are determined in a political environment that is driven mainly by individuals’ and groups’ personal interest. Thus, research on the political process of policy formation is essential to predict future policy directions. This thesis takes a more concentrated approach by examining the effects of FDI on Thailand’s economic growth in the context of the political economy. The main areas examined are: (i) whether FDI has had a positive effect on the Thai economy; (ii) in which sector FDI has been most productive; (iii) whether the Thai government has been successful in achieving improved economic growth through implementing its FDI policies; and (4) if not, which areas have reported failure, what possible alternative policies exist, and what the expectations are for Thailand’s future. In assessing Thailand’s performance, this study found that the contribution of FDI to gross domestic product and employment growth varies across sectors. Generally, there is room for improvement in all sectors, which can be achieved by addressing the structural weaknesses in Thailand’s financial system and improving the country’s infrastructure, education and health. Appropriate measures will improve human capital, increase absorptive capacity, and thereby enhance the overall spillover effects of FDI

    Estudio de la innovación tecnológica en el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de producto: aplicación a las PyMEs de la industria auxiliar del automóvil: caso comparativo Estado de México y Cataluña.

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    The technological innovation consists of an idea transformation in a new marketable or improved product and the design is directly responsible for the success of the products, as a whole, they play an important role in the competitiveness of the companies, nevertheless, these managerial properties, are well known prodigies but they are used in a little degree in the medium and small enterprise. The subject of the research is ¿the technological innovation in the design process of second and third level automotion parts¿ and it is orientated to the analysis of the strategies of design and the relation it keeps with the technological innovation in the interior of the company. An exploration is realized in the automotive manufactured sector, doing a comparative study of the process of design and technological innovation between Mexico (State of Mexico) and Spain (Catalonia), through a field research from the selection and analysis of a sample of Spanish and Mexican companies for which the information is obtained by means of a survey carried out by an interview and the resolution of a designed questionnaire, consequently, the information obtained is processed with a statistical IT program, subsequently, with the analysis of the information obtained, a model of innovation is projected based on the real needs as well as of the good practices that the companies develop in the diverse surveyed sectors, immediately an experimental application is done in some of the companies of the sector. The thesis has two definite objectives: 1.To determine the level of technological innovation in the process of design and development of products in small and medium companies, concretely, those which give services to the automotive sector. 2.The creation and validation of a model of innovation based on processes of design, in order to support companies in their consolidation in the market; to modernize their work organizational structure; to conform a dynamic design process according to their specific needs; to promote their capacities so that these do have a sustainable benefit to the business. The hypotheses formulated in this thesis raise that: The diversity of strategic products which the SMEs develop and their relation with the commercial position of their competitors, influences directly in the creation of competitive advantages; the high costs in technological investment provoke that the SMEs in Mexico continue with obsolete technologies and processes of design; the existence of an inadequate culture in the matter of technological innovation in the key departments in the technological development of manufacturing PyMEs in Mexico. The results obtained, show that: * The SMEs depend on the number of strategic products to sustain the markets in which the company is developed. * The investment in machinery is very important, in its majority of foreign origin. The innovation is tacitly understood, the activities regarding this are originated in the business plans realized previously and of the requirements based in the customers, the projects times and the tendencies that the market demands. * The designer becomes as the main point, as much in the coordination as in the execution of the decisions, the information contributed, turns round about the definition of the product, supervising directly in the factory, the development of the products and establishing interpersonal relations with different actors of the production, distribution and consumption.La tesis tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de innovación tecnológica en el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de productos en pequeñas y medianas empresas, en concreto, las que prestan servicios al sector automotriz. Se busca contribuir a la comprensión del significado que poseen estos procesos para la empresa y de todos los aspectos que deben ser tomados en cuenta para que puedan llevarse a cabo de manera óptima. Se realiza una exploración y análisis del sector de manufacturas automotrices haciendo un estudio comparativo del proceso de diseño y la innovación tecnológica entre México (Estado de México) y España (Cataluña), estableciendo tendencias, conductas y determinando las perspectivas que se tienen a medio y largo plazo en ambas zonas geográficas. [...] En esta investigación se emplean cuatro líneas principales de trabajo: (a) Definición de conceptos a partir de los cuales conseguir entender mejor el significado del desarrollo de productos, innovación y diseño en el empresariado PyME; (b) identificación de las prácticas habituales en el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de productos de las PyMEs de acuerdo con sus niveles de incorporación tecnológica y procesos de innovación; (c) determinación de las principales fortalezas y debilidades manifestadas por la empresa en el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de productos en cuanto a conocimiento y aplicación de técnicas; (d) confirmación empírica a nivel experimental del funcionamiento del modelo propuesto de innovación