13 research outputs found

    Do University-Industry co-publication volumes correspond with university funding from business firms?

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    Trabajo presentado a la 19th Science and Technology Indicators Conference: "Context counts: Pathways to Master Big and Little Data" celebrada en leiden (Paises Bajos) del 3 al 9 de 2014.Analysts of university-industry interaction sometimes measure it through numbers of university-industry co-publications (UICs), because of their relative availability and international comparability. However, we do not know whether UICs correspond to a more direct measure of interaction: university funding from firms. We propose a conceptual model on four types of relationships between UICs and university funding from firms, emphasising the interactive nature of their relation. We test the model with UIC and income data from the Polytechnic University of Valencia at individual level: around 6-7% of researchers participating in projects with firms were authors of UICs published in 2008-2011; and around 27% of those UIC authors were participating in projects with firms during that period. Overall, we do not find evidence of any significant positive correlation between UIC output and university funding from the business sector in general. The one exception is a minority of authors who participate in business-funded projects, where we found a positive association of current UICs and business funding.Peer Reviewe

    Productividad científica profesional mediante indicadores de reconocimiento o visibilidad y de pertenencia repulsiva

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    El propósito del estudio fue valorar la productividad científica profesional mediante indicadores de reconocimiento o visibilidad y de pertenencia repulsiva. Se analizó la productividad científica mediante nueve indicadores agrupados en dos categorías: I) de reconocimiento o visibilidad y II) de pertenencia repulsiva. En la primera categoría se agrupó: publicación de artículo científico, libro o capítulo de libro, registro de patente e índice-H. En la segunda categoría se agrupó: número de proyecto, ponencia en eventos científicos, asesoría de tesis, curso de posgrado impartido y contribución directa al desarrollo empresarial. A cada indicador se le asignó un punto y al compararse los resultados entre dos investigadores (A y B) hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05) donde el puntaje total resultó menor para el investigador B, a pesar de presentar índice-H y no, el cumplimiento de otros indicadores. Se concluyó que, al mostrarse contribuciones sociales y no son aceptadas, existe pertenencia cognoscitiva repulsiva la cual desfavorece la productividad científica pudiendo ser la misma subjetiva solo si se considera el índice-H


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    The correct wording on problematization is a necessary condition for publication in a scientific journal although what is published does not always denote a criterion or potential value in the methodology of scientific research. The aim of study was to describe the logical selection and hermeneutical for methodological understanding in scientific research. The gnoseological publication in ecotoxicology was selected by non-probabilistic sampling for convenience by using environmental tools (I: physicochemical parameters, II: bioassays, and III: biomarkers) in the 1995-2015 chronological series of four journals with high impact factor: 1) Science of The Total Environment (SE), 2) Chemosphere (Ch), 3) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (EES); and 4) Environmental Pollution (EP). The order of the published articles was: SE (275) = EP: 275> Ch = 273> EES = 260 where there were statistically significant differences (p SE (5)> Ch (2) = EP (2). According to the observations, the need to propose a practical exercise for logic and hermeneutics of methodological understanding in scientific research was interpreted. The trend in the use of fish biomarkers was shown and, on the other hand, recognition of the practical exercise as a guide for scientific research

    Do university-industry co-publication outputs correspond with university funding from firms?

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    [EN] Analysts of university-industry interaction sometimes measure it through numbers of university-industry co-publications (UICs), because of their relative availability and international comparability. However, we do not know whether UICs correspond to another measure of interaction: university funding from firms. We propose a conceptual model on four types of relationships between UICs and university funding from firms, emphasizing the interactive nature of their relation, e.g. not only funding can lead to UICs, but also UICs can signal competences that motivate funding. We test the model with UIC and income data from the Polytechnic University of Valencia at individual level: around 6-7% of researchers participating in projects with firms were authors of UICs published in 2008-11; and around 27% of those UIC authors were participating in projects with firms during that period. Overall, we do not find evidence of any significant positive correlation between UIC output and university funding from the business sector in general. The one exception is a minority of authors who participate in business-funded projects, where we find a positive association of current UICs and business funding.A.Y.Y. and R.J.W.T. received financial support from the CWTS-CHERPA research project (funded by the Netherlands Ministry for Education, Culture and Science).Yegros Yegros, A.; Azagra Caro, JM.; López Ferrer, MT.; Tijssen, RJ. (2016). Do university-industry co-publication outputs correspond with university funding from firms?. Research Evaluation. 25(2):136-150. doi:10.1093/reseval/rvv045S13615025

    Do co-publications with industry lead to higher levels of university technology commercialization activity?

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    10.1109/ITMC.2011.5996031Proceedings of the 1st International Technology Management Conference, ITMC 2011592-60

    Researcher Mobility Workshop Report: Researcher mobility among APEC economies

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    There is growing acknowledgement around the world that contemporary research is increasingly – and needs to be – international. In a globalised world common problems can only be solved through the sharing of expertise and pooling of resources. At the same time, research developments are critical in stimulating economic growth in knowledge economies. Ensuring that researchers can access best practice through international research collaboration is essential in facilitating innovation. Policies and structures can go a long way to supporting increased international research collaboration. Online communication technologies have become a vital part of researcher mobility, enabling researchers to unite in conducting collaborative research across the world. It is inevitable that policy makers may regard communication developments as taking the place of physical researcher mobility and hence reducing the cost involved. Research indicates, however, that face-to-face interaction remains vital in successful research collaborations, particularly at the early stage of projects and when multi-disciplinary approaches are required1. This is due to the role of face-to-face interaction in creating trust between researchers. Thus, international research collaborations are fundamentally premised on researcher mobility and, hence, researcher mobility lies at the core of efforts to enhance the quality, impact and capacity of research to inform innovation in all APEC economies. This report has been written for the APEC Researcher Mobility Workshop, held in Jakarta in December 2015. Chapters 1 to 7 were prepared to stimulate consideration of the issues surrounding researcher mobility. They provide an overview of pertinent literature, case studies, data sets and policy of relevance to the topics that were discussed at the workshop. Chapter 8 provides a report on discussions at the workshop and identifies recommendations made by workshop participants

    The relationship between university incubators, university-industry linkages, financial resources and commercialisation performance in Paksitani Universities

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    Commercialisation performance has emerged as an important objective of universities apart from teaching and research to contribute to the economic development. The main purpose for universities to engage in commercialisation of research is to generate revenue and to rely less on public funding. However, many universities are facing challenges to achieve the targeted level of commercialisation and showing low commercialisation output. Current literature reveals that university incubators and university-industry linkages can influence commercialisation performance. Nevertheless, there are a very few empirical studies on the effectiveness of university incubators and university-industry linkages for commercialisation performance. The study investigated the relationships of university incubators and university-industry linkages with commercialisation performance and the moderating effects of financial resources. A questionnairesurvey based on quantitative research design was used to collect data through multistage sampling procedure from 347 respondents of 118 tenant firms at ten Pakistani universities. Structural equation modelling (SEM) technique using AMOS 22 software was employed to test the validity of measurement and structural model of the study. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used in testing the measurement model. The direct relationships between university incubators, university-industry linkages and commercialisation performance and interaction effects of financial resources were analysed in the structural model. The results of the study showed that university incubators and university-industry linkages have a positive relationship with commercialisation performance. Moreover, financial resources moderated the relationship between university incubators, university-industry linkages and commercialisation performance. Based on the findings of the study, it is suggested that university incubators and universityindustry linkages can be stimulated with the provision of financial resources to raise commercialisation output. In addition, this study would be helpful for universities, government and industries to make strategic decisions to stimulate commercialisation performance at the optimum level for the benefit of society

    Factores que afectan el uso y/o comercialización del conocimiento codificado en patentes académicas

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    RESUMEN: Este trabajo presenta una revisión sistemática de literatura sobre los factores que afectan el uso y/o comercialización de las patentes producidas por las instituciones universitarias. Para ello se consideran aspectos institucionales (políticos-contextuales), organizacionales e individuales (a nivel de inventor). La revisión se hace a partir de cuatro fuentes secundarias: Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar y Lens.org, seleccionando un total de 100 documentos. Para el análisis se emplea la bibliometría y el análisis de contenido crítico, recopilando 289 factores. Tras su revisión, se identificaron seis categorías correspondientes a Recursos e infraestructura, Estrategia, Relacionamiento, Políticas, Estructura organizacional y capacidades, y Cultura. A raíz de la revisión de recurrencias, se consolidaron 36 factores, siendo el eje organizacional el de mayor número con 19. Los resultados muestran que el uso y/o comercialización de las patentes académicas es altamente complejo, en el que intervienen varios factores asociados a las políticas, la estrategia, los recursos, las capacidades y la cultura. Es necesario comprender su relación con los ejes institucional, organizacional e individual como clave para el diseño de estrategias, que puedan mejorar los procesos de transferencia en las universidades.ABSTRACT: This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the factors that affect the use and / or commercialization of patents produced by university institutions. For this, institutional (political-contextual), organizational and individual aspects (at the inventor's level) are considered. The review is made from four secondary sources: Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar and Lens.org, selecting a total of 100 documents. Bibliometric and critical content analysis are used for the analysis, compiling 289 factors. After its review, six categories corresponding to Resources and infrastructure, Strategy, Relationship, Policies, Organizational structure and capacities, and Culture were identified. Following the review of recurrences, 36 factors were consolidated, the organizational axis being the one with the highest number of 19. The results show that the use and / or commercialization of academic patents is highly complex, in which several factors associated with policies, strategy, resources, capabilities and culture. It is necessary to understand its relationship with the institutional, organizational and individual axes as a key to the design of strategies that can improve the transfer processes in universities

    The Interdependence of Scientists in the Era of Team Science: An Exploratory Study Using Temporal Network Analysis

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    How is the rise in team science and the emergence of the research group as the fundamental unit of organization of science affecting scientists’ opportunities to collaborate? Are the majority of scientists becoming dependent on a select subset of their peers to organize the intergroup collaborations that are becoming the norm in science? This dissertation set out to explore the evolving nature of scientists’ interdependence in team-based research environments. The research was motivated by the desire to reconcile emerging views on the organization of scientific collaboration with the theoretical and methodological tendencies to think about and study scientists as autonomous actors who negotiate collaboration in a dyadic manner. Complex Adaptive Social Systems served as the framework for understanding the dynamics involved in the formation of collaborative relationships. Temporal network analysis at the mesoscopic level was used to study the collaboration dynamics of a specific research community, in this case the genomic research community emerging around GenBank, the international nucleotide sequence databank. The investigation into the dynamics of the mesoscopic layer of a scientific collaboration networked revealed the following—(1) there is a prominent half-life to collaborative relationships; (2) the half-life can be used to construct weighted decay networks for extracting the group structure influencing collaboration; (3) scientists across all levels of status are becoming increasingly interdependent, with the qualification that interdependence is highly asymmetrical, and (4) the group structure is increasingly influential on the collaborative interactions of scientists. The results from this study advance theoretical and empirical understanding of scientific collaboration in team-based research environments and methodological approaches to studying temporal networks at the mesoscopic level. The findings also have implications for policy researchers interested in the career cycles of scientists and the maintenance and building of scientific capacity in research areas of national interest