11 research outputs found

    Indexes to Find the Optimal Number of Clusters in a Hierarchical Clustering

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    Clustering analysis is one of the most commonly used techniques for uncovering patterns in data mining. Most clustering methods require establishing the number of clusters beforehand. However, due to the size of the data currently used, predicting that value is at a high computational cost task in most cases. In this article, we present a clustering technique that avoids this requirement, using hierarchical clustering. There are many examples of this procedure in the literature, most of them focusing on the dissociative or descending subtype, while in this article we cover the agglomerative or ascending subtype. Being more expensive in computational and temporal cost, it nevertheless allows us to obtain very valuable information, regarding elements membership to clusters and their groupings, that is to say, their dendrogram. Finally, several sets of data have been used, varying their dimensionality. For each of them, we provide the calculations of internal validation indexes to test the algorithm developed, studying which of them provides better results to obtain the best possible clustering

    A bioinformatics potpourri

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    © 2018 The Author(s). The 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) was held at Tsinghua University, Shenzhen from September 20 to 22, 2017. The annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network featured six keynotes, two invited talks, a panel discussion on big data driven bioinformatics and precision medicine, and 66 oral presentations of accepted research articles or posters. Fifty-seven articles comprising a topic assortment of algorithms, biomolecular networks, cancer and disease informatics, drug-target interactions and drug efficacy, gene regulation and expression, imaging, immunoinformatics, metagenomics, next generation sequencing for genomics and transcriptomics, ontologies, post-translational modification, and structural bioinformatics are the subject of this editorial for the InCoB2017 supplement issues in BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Systems Biology and BMC Medical Genomics. New Delhi will be the location of InCoB2018, scheduled for September 26-28, 2018

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 2)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publication of the results, among others

    Divisive hierarchical maximum likelihood clustering

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    Abstract Background Biological data comprises various topologies or a mixture of forms, which makes its analysis extremely complicated. With this data increasing in a daily basis, the design and development of efficient and accurate statistical methods has become absolutely necessary. Specific analyses, such as those related to genome-wide association studies and multi-omics information, are often aimed at clustering sub-conditions of cancers and other diseases. Hierarchical clustering methods, which can be categorized into agglomerative and divisive, have been widely used in such situations. However, unlike agglomerative methods divisive clustering approaches have consistently proved to be computationally expensive. Results The proposed clustering algorithm (DRAGON) was verified on mutation and microarray data, and was gauged against standard clustering methods in the literature. Its validation included synthetic and significant biological data. When validated on mixed-lineage leukemia data, DRAGON achieved the highest clustering accuracy with data of four different dimensions. Consequently, DRAGON outperformed previous methods with 3-,4- and 5-dimensional acute leukemia data. When tested on mutation data, DRAGON achieved the best performance with 2-dimensional information. Conclusions This work proposes a computationally efficient divisive hierarchical clustering method, which can compete equally with agglomerative approaches. The proposed method turned out to correctly cluster data with distinct topologies. A MATLAB implementation can be extraced from http://www.riken.jp/en/research/labs/ims/med_sci_math/ or http://www.alok-ai-lab.co

    Divisive hierarchical maximum likelihood clustering

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    Background Biological data comprises various topologies or a mixture of forms, which makes its analysis extremely complicated. With this data increasing in a daily basis, the design and development of efficient and accurate statistical methods has become absolutely necessary. Specific analyses, such as those related to genome-wide association studies and multi-omics information, are often aimed at clustering sub-conditions of cancers and other diseases. Hierarchical clustering methods, which can be categorized into agglomerative and divisive, have been widely used in such situations. However, unlike agglomerative methods divisive clustering approaches have consistently proved to be computationally expensive. Results The proposed clustering algorithm (DRAGON) was verified on mutation and microarray data, and was gauged against standard clustering methods in the literature. Its validation included synthetic and significant biological data. When validated on mixed-lineage leukemia data, DRAGON achieved the highest clustering accuracy with data of four different dimensions. Consequently, DRAGON outperformed previous methods with 3-,4- and 5-dimensional acute leukemia data. When tested on mutation data, DRAGON achieved the best performance with 2-dimensional information. Conclusions This work proposes a computationally efficient divisive hierarchical clustering method, which can compete equally with agglomerative approaches. The proposed method turned out to correctly cluster data with distinct topologies. A MATLAB implementation can be extraced from

    Application of CASA technology and multivariate analysis to optimize the semen evaluation in domestic and wild animal species

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    Los sistemas CASA permiten el análisis de un gran número de células en muy poco tiempo, además de proporcionar una batería considerable de datos cuantitativos sobre cinética o morfometría de espermatozoides, lo que permite optimizar la cantidad y la confiabilidad de las dosis seminales producidas. Centrándose en la tecnología CASA, para obtener datos cuantitativos confiables, es necesario definir protocolos óptimos para la evaluación de cada parámetro seminal que garantice la consistencia y universalidad de la aplicación de los resultados. Sin embargo, hemos encontrado que este tipo de trabajo de estandarización de los protocolos aún no se ha llevado a cabo de manera integradora, lo que constituye el objetivo general de la presente tesis doctoral. En el primer trabajo (capítulo IV), el enfoque estadístico "clásico", basado en el análisis de varianza, el análisis de componentes principales (PC) mostró que las variables se agruparon en PC1, en relación con el tamaño y la PC2 con la forma. El análisis de la estructura de la subpoblación mostró cuatro grupos, a saber, grandes, pequeños, cortos y estrechos respecto de sus características. El segundo trabajo (capítulo V) mostró que la velocidad de fotogramas (FR) afectaba a todos los parámetros cinemáticos, siendo la velocidad curvilínea (VCL) la más sensible. Para estudios futuros basados únicamente en la motilidad progresiva, se deben usar 100 Hz durante 0,5 s, mientras que cuando se debe considerar la cinemática, se deben analizar a 212 Hz durante un segundo. En el tercer trabajo (capítulo VI), la motilidad total y progresiva no se vio afectada por el tiempo de captura. El tiempo de captura tuvo un efecto significativo en los valores de velocidad e índices (P 0.05) por el efecto animal. El análisis de componentes principales (PC) mostró que las variables se agruparon en cuatro componentes: PC1, relacionada con la progresividad, PC2 a la velocidad, PC3 a la oscilación y PC4 al tamaño de la cabeza del esperma. Las distribuciones de cada subpoblación de espermatozoides variaron entre los animales que potencialmente representan una relación con la capacidad de fertilización. Este estudio representa el primer trabajo en análisis CASA en espermatozoides de Caimán

    An integrated semantic-based framework for intelligent similarity measurement and clustering of microblogging posts

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    Twitter, the most popular microblogging platform, is gaining rapid prominence as a source of information sharing and social awareness due to its popularity and massive user generated content. These include applications such as tailoring advertisement campaigns, event detection, trends analysis, and prediction of micro-populations. The aforementioned applications are generally conducted through cluster analysis of tweets to generate a more concise and organized representation of the massive raw tweets. However, current approaches perform traditional cluster analysis using conventional proximity measures, such as Euclidean distance. However, the sheer volume, noise, and dynamism of Twitter, impose challenges that hinder the efficacy of traditional clustering algorithms in detecting meaningful clusters within microblogging posts. The research presented in this thesis sets out to design and develop a novel short text semantic similarity (STSS) measure, named TREASURE, which captures the semantic and structural features of microblogging posts for intelligently predicting the similarities. TREASURE is utilised in the development of an innovative semantic-based cluster analysis algorithm (SBCA) that contributes in generating more accurate and meaningful granularities within microblogging posts. The integrated semantic-based framework incorporating TREASURE and the SBCA algorithm tackles both the problem of microblogging cluster analysis and contributes to the success of a variety of natural language processing (NLP) and computational intelligence research. TREASURE utilises word embedding neural network (NN) models to capture the semantic relationships between words based on their co-occurrences in a corpus. Moreover, TREASURE analyses the morphological and lexical structure of tweets to predict the syntactic similarities. An intrinsic evaluation of TREASURE was performed with reference to a reliable similarity benchmark generated through an experiment to gather human ratings on a Twitter political dataset. A further evaluation was performed with reference to the SemEval-2014 similarity benchmark in order to validate the generalizability of TREASURE. The intrinsic evaluation and statistical analysis demonstrated a strong positive linear correlation between TREASURE and human ratings for both benchmarks. Furthermore, TREASURE achieved a significantly higher correlation coefficient compared to existing state-of-the-art STSS measures. The SBCA algorithm incorporates TREASURE as the proximity measure. Unlike conventional partition-based clustering algorithms, the SBCA algorithm is fully unsupervised and dynamically determine the number of clusters beforehand. Subjective evaluation criteria were employed to evaluate the SBCA algorithm with reference to the SemEval-2014 similarity benchmark. Furthermore, an experiment was conducted to produce a reliable multi-class benchmark on the European Referendum political domain, which was also utilised to evaluate the SBCA algorithm. The evaluation results provide evidence that the SBCA algorithm undertakes highly accurate combining and separation decisions and can generate pure clusters from microblogging posts. The contributions of this thesis to knowledge are mainly demonstrated as: 1) Development of a novel STSS measure for microblogging posts (TREASURE). 2) Development of a new SBCA algorithm that incorporates TREASURE to detect semantic themes in microblogs. 3) Generating a word embedding pre-trained model learned from a large corpus of political tweets. 4) Production of a reliable similarity-annotated benchmark and a reliable multi-class benchmark in the domain of politics

    Additional file 2: of Divisive hierarchical maximum likelihood clustering

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    Computational consideration of DRAGON search. In this file derivation of computational complexity of DRAGON search is given. (PDF 84 kb

    Additional file 3: of Divisive hierarchical maximum likelihood clustering

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    Clustering accuracy using InfoGain feature selection method. In this file, InfoGain filtering method was used to perform feature selection. Thereafter, various clustering methods were used to evaluate the performance of DRAGON method. (PDF 68 kb