69 research outputs found

    Distributed systems: principles and paradigms (2nd edition)

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    This book presents the authors' updated view on the most relevant topics of distributed systems. This second edition shares most of the contents with the previous one in terms of contents/chapters, but many of the chapters have been updated and some new material has been added. Most notably, a new chapter on distributed systems architectures has been added as Chapter 2, giving a general view on the ways distributed systems can be organized

    Distributed systems: principles and paradigms (2nd edition) : Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen Pearson Education, Inc., 2007 ISBN: 0-13-239227-5

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    This book presents the authors' updated view on the most relevant topics of distributed systems. This second edition shares most of the contents with the previous one in terms of contents/chapters, but many of the chapters have been updated and some new material has been added. Most notably, a new chapter on distributed systems architectures has been added as Chapter 2, giving a general view on the ways distributed systems can be organized.Facultad de Informátic

    Концепция разработки специализированного ПО для распределенных информационно-вычислительных систем

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    Описана концепція розробки ПЗ для бездротової розподіленої інформаційно-обчислювальної системи, робота якого заснована на використанні розподілених документів у вигляді спрощених конфігураційних файлів, вміст яких описується за допомогою спеціалізованої скриптової мови і обробляється за допомогою спеціалізованого інтерпретатора сценаріїв. Результатом розробки є створення та аналіз впровадження базового структурованого ПЗ, спеціалізованого інтерпретатора конфігураційних файлів та спеціалізованої скриптової мови, а також використання їх в тестовій розподіленій інформаційно-обчислювальній системі для вивчення іноземних мов. Описується складові ПЗ розробленої РІОС та їх функціональність. Наводяться основні характеристики розробленого ПЗ. Описані файли конфігурації, за допомогою яких відбувається динамічне керування алгоритмами роботи РІОС. Розроблені принципи мережевої взаємодії окремих складових частин РІОС в основних режимах роботи.The concept of development for the wireless distributed information-computational system is described. Its work is based on the use of distributed documents in the form of simplified configuration files. Their content is described using specialized scripting language and processed using specialized script interpreter. The result of the development is the creation and the analysis of the basic structured software implementation, specialized script interpreter, and the specialized scripting language, as well as their use in the test distributed information-computational system for learning foreign languages. The components of the developed system and their functionality are described. The main characteristics of the developed software are considered. The configuration files that contain dynamic control algorithms of the system work are described. Network interaction principles between each system component in the main modes are developed.Описана концепция разработки ПО для беспроводной распределенной информационно-вычислительной системы, работа которого основана на использовании распределенных документов в виде упрощенных конфигурационных файлов, содержание которых описывается с помощью специализированного скриптового языка обрабатывается с помощью специализированного интерпретатора сценариев. Результатом разработки является создание и анализ внедрения базового структурированного ПО, специализированного интерпретатора конфигурационных файлов и специализированного языка сценариев, а также их использование в тестовой распределенной информационно-вычислительной системе, для изучения иностранных языков. Описываются составляющие разработанной РИВС и их функциональность. Приводятся основные характеристики разработанного ПО. Описаны файлы конфигурации, с помощью которых происходит динамическое управление алгоритмами работы РИВС. Разработаны принципы сетевого взаимодействия отдельных составляющих РИВС в основных режимах работы

    A horizontally-scalable multiprocessing platform based on Node.js

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    This paper presents a scalable web-based platform called Node Scala which allows to split and handle requests on a parallel distributed system according to pre-defined use cases. We applied this platform to a client application that visualizes climate data stored in a NoSQL database MongoDB. The design of Node Scala leads to efficient usage of available computing resources in addition to allowing the system to scale simply by adding new workers. Performance evaluation of Node Scala demonstrated a gain of up to 74 % compared to the state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication as a conference paper for the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA-15

    Predictive runtime code scheduling for heterogeneous architectures

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    Heterogeneous architectures are currently widespread. With the advent of easy-to-program general purpose GPUs, virtually every re- cent desktop computer is a heterogeneous system. Combining the CPU and the GPU brings great amounts of processing power. However, such architectures are often used in a restricted way for domain-speci c appli- cations like scienti c applications and games, and they tend to be used by a single application at a time. We envision future heterogeneous com- puting systems where all their heterogeneous resources are continuously utilized by di erent applications with versioned critical parts to be able to better adapt their behavior and improve execution time, power con- sumption, response time and other constraints at runtime. Under such a model, adaptive scheduling becomes a critical component. In this paper, we propose a novel predictive user-level scheduler based on past performance history for heterogeneous systems. We developed sev- eral scheduling policies and present the study of their impact on system performance. We demonstrate that such scheduler allows multiple appli- cations to fully utilize all available processing resources in CPU/GPU- like systems and consistently achieve speedups ranging from 30% to 40% compared to just using the GPU in a single application mode.Postprint (published version

    CPL: A Core Language for Cloud Computing -- Technical Report

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    Running distributed applications in the cloud involves deployment. That is, distribution and configuration of application services and middleware infrastructure. The considerable complexity of these tasks resulted in the emergence of declarative JSON-based domain-specific deployment languages to develop deployment programs. However, existing deployment programs unsafely compose artifacts written in different languages, leading to bugs that are hard to detect before run time. Furthermore, deployment languages do not provide extension points for custom implementations of existing cloud services such as application-specific load balancing policies. To address these shortcomings, we propose CPL (Cloud Platform Language), a statically-typed core language for programming both distributed applications as well as their deployment on a cloud platform. In CPL, application services and deployment programs interact through statically typed, extensible interfaces, and an application can trigger further deployment at run time. We provide a formal semantics of CPL and demonstrate that it enables type-safe, composable and extensible libraries of service combinators, such as load balancing and fault tolerance.Comment: Technical report accompanying the MODULARITY '16 submissio

    Iris: A decentralized approach to backend messaging middlewares

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    In this work we introduce the design and internal workings of the Iris decentralized messaging framework. Iris takes a midway approach between the two prevalent messaging middleware models: the centralized one represented by the AMQP family and the socket queuing one represented by ZeroMQ; by turning towards peer-to-peer overlays as the internal transport for message distribution and delivery. A novel concept is introduced, whereby a distributed service is composed not of individual application instances, but rather clusters of instances responsible for the same sub-service. Supporting this new model, a collection of higher level messaging patterns have been identified and successfully implemented: broadcast, request/reply, publish/subscribe and tunnel. This conceptual model and supporting primitives allow a much simpler way to specify, design and implement distributed, cloud based services. Furthermore, the proposed system achieves a significant switching speed, which - given its decentralized nature - can be scaled better than existing messaging frameworks, whilst incurring zero configuration costs.</jats:p