2,570 research outputs found

    Parallelized Particle and Gaussian Sum Particle Filters for Large Scale Freeway Traffic Systems

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    Large scale traffic systems require techniques able to: 1) deal with high amounts of data and heterogenous data coming from different types of sensors, 2) provide robustness in the presence of sparse sensor data, 3) incorporate different models that can deal with various traffic regimes, 4) cope with multimodal conditional probability density functions for the states. Often centralized architectures face challenges due to high communication demands. This paper develops new estimation techniques able to cope with these problems of large traffic network systems. These are Parallelized Particle Filters (PPFs) and a Parallelized Gaussian Sum Particle Filter (PGSPF) that are suitable for on-line traffic management. We show how complex probability density functions of the high dimensional trafc state can be decomposed into functions with simpler forms and the whole estimation problem solved in an efcient way. The proposed approach is general, with limited interactions which reduces the computational time and provides high estimation accuracy. The efciency of the PPFs and PGSPFs is evaluated in terms of accuracy, complexity and communication demands and compared with the case where all processing is centralized

    Particle filter state estimator for large urban networks

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    This paper applies a particle filter (PF) state estimator to urban traffic networks. The traffic network consists of signalized intersections, the roads that link these intersections, and sensors that detect the passage time of vehicles. The traffic state X(t) specifies at each time time t the state of the traffic lights, the queue sizes at the intersections, and the location and size of all the platoons of vehicles inside the system. The basic entity of our model is a platoon of vehicles that travel close together at approximately the same speed. This leads to a discrete event simulation model that is much faster than microscopic models representing individual vehicles. Hence it is possible to execute many random simulation runs in parallel. A particle filter (PF) assigns weights to each of these simulation runs, according to how well they explain the observed sensor signals. The PF thus generates estimates at each time t of the location of the platoons, and more importantly the queue size at each intersection. These estimates can be used for controlling the optimal switching times of the traffic light

    A Framework for Robust Assimilation of Potentially Malign Third-Party Data, and its Statistical Meaning

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    This paper presents a model-based method for fusing data from multiple sensors with a hypothesis-test-based component for rejecting potentially faulty or otherwise malign data. Our framework is based on an extension of the classic particle filter algorithm for real-time state estimation of uncertain systems with nonlinear dynamics with partial and noisy observations. This extension, based on classical statistical theories, utilizes statistical tests against the system's observation model. We discuss the application of the two major statistical testing frameworks, Fisherian significance testing and Neyman-Pearsonian hypothesis testing, to the Monte Carlo and sensor fusion settings. The Monte Carlo Neyman-Pearson test we develop is useful when one has a reliable model of faulty data, while the Fisher one is applicable when one may not have a model of faults, which may occur when dealing with third-party data, like GNSS data of transportation system users. These statistical tests can be combined with a particle filter to obtain a Monte Carlo state estimation scheme that is robust to faulty or outlier data. We present a synthetic freeway traffic state estimation problem where the filters are able to reject simulated faulty GNSS measurements. The fault-model-free Fisher filter, while underperforming the Neyman-Pearson one when the latter has an accurate fault model, outperforms it when the assumed fault model is incorrect.Comment: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, special issue on GNSS-based positionin

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe Active Traffic and Demand Management (ATDM) initiative aims to integrate various management strategies and control measures so as to achieve the mobility, environment and sustainability goals. To support the active monitoring and management of real-world complex traffic conditions, the first objective of this dissertation is to develop a travel time reliability estimation and prediction methodology that can provide informed decisions for the management and operation agencies and travelers. A systematic modeling framework was developed to consider a corridor with multiple bottlenecks, and a series of close-form formulas was derived to quantify the travel time distribution under both stochastic demand and capacity, with possible on-ramp and off-ramp flow changes. Traffic state estimation techniques are often used to guide operational management decisions, and accurate traffic estimates are critically needed in ATDM applications designed for reducing instability, volatility and emissions in the transportation system. By capturing the essential forward and backward wave propagation characteristics under possible random measurement errors, this dissertation proposes a unified representation with a simple but theoretically sound explanation for traffic observations under free-flow, congested and dynamic transient conditions. This study also presents a linear programming model to quantify the value of traffic measurements, in a heterogeneous data environment with fixed sensors, Bluetooth readers and GPS sensors. It is important to design comprehensive traffic control measures that can systematically address deteriorating congestion and environmental issues. To better evaluate and assess the mobility and environmental benefits of the transportation improvement plans, this dissertation also discusses a cross-resolution modeling framework for integrating a microscopic emission model with the existing mesoscopic traffic simulation model. A simplified car-following model-based vehicle trajectory construction method is used to generate the high-resolution vehicle trajectory profiles and resulting emission output. In addition, this dissertation discusses a number of important issues for a cloud computing-based software system implementation. A prototype of a reliability-based traveler information provision and dissemination system is developed to offer a rich set of travel reliability information for the general public and traffic management and planning organizations