936,152 research outputs found

    Possibilistic Information Flow Control for Workflow Management Systems

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    In workflows and business processes, there are often security requirements on both the data, i.e. confidentiality and integrity, and the process, e.g. separation of duty. Graphical notations exist for specifying both workflows and associated security requirements. We present an approach for formally verifying that a workflow satisfies such security requirements. For this purpose, we define the semantics of a workflow as a state-event system and formalise security properties in a trace-based way, i.e. on an abstract level without depending on details of enforcement mechanisms such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). This formal model then allows us to build upon well-known verification techniques for information flow control. We describe how a compositional verification methodology for possibilistic information flow can be adapted to verify that a specification of a distributed workflow management system satisfies security requirements on both data and processes.Comment: In Proceedings GraMSec 2014, arXiv:1404.163

    Confidentiality-Preserving Publish/Subscribe: A Survey

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    Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is an attractive communication paradigm for large-scale distributed applications running across multiple administrative domains. Pub/sub allows event-based information dissemination based on constraints on the nature of the data rather than on pre-established communication channels. It is a natural fit for deployment in untrusted environments such as public clouds linking applications across multiple sites. However, pub/sub in untrusted environments lead to major confidentiality concerns stemming from the content-centric nature of the communications. This survey classifies and analyzes different approaches to confidentiality preservation for pub/sub, from applications of trust and access control models to novel encryption techniques. It provides an overview of the current challenges posed by confidentiality concerns and points to future research directions in this promising field

    Monitoring the CMS strip tracker readout system

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    The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker at the LHC comprises a sensitive area of approximately 200 m2 and 10 million readout channels. Its data acquisition system is based around a custom analogue front-end chip. Both the control and the readout of the front-end electronics are performed by off-detector VME boards in the counting room, which digitise the raw event data and perform zero-suppression and formatting. The data acquisition system uses the CMS online software framework to configure, control and monitor the hardware components and steer the data acquisition. The first data analysis is performed online within the official CMS reconstruction framework, which provides many services, such as distributed analysis, access to geometry and conditions data, and a Data Quality Monitoring tool based on the online physics reconstruction. The data acquisition monitoring of the Strip Tracker uses both the data acquisition and the reconstruction software frameworks in order to provide real-time feedback to shifters on the operational state of the detector, archiving for later analysis and possibly trigger automatic recovery actions in case of errors. Here we review the proposed architecture of the monitoring system and we describe its software components, which are already in place, the various monitoring streams available, and our experiences of operating and monitoring a large-scale system

    A Logical Framework for Reputation Systems

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    Reputation systems are meta systems that record, aggregate and distribute information about the past behaviour of principals in an application. Typically, these applications are large-scale open distributed systems where principals are virtually anonymous, and (a priori) have no knowledge about the trustworthiness of each other. Reputation systems serve two primary purposes: helping principals decide whom to trust, and providing an incentive for principals to well-behave. A logical policy-based framework for reputation systems is presented. In the framework, principals specify policies which state precise requirements on the past behaviour of other principals that must be fulfilled in order for interaction to take place. The framework consists of a formal model of behaviour, based on event structures; a declarative logical language for specifying properties of past behaviour; and efficient dynamic algorithms for checking whether a particular behaviour satisfies a property from the language. It is shown how the framework can be extended in several ways, most notably to encompass parameterized events and quantification over parameters. In an extended application, it is illustrated how the framework can be applied for dynamic history-based access control for safe execution of unknown and untrusted programs

    Object-based Information Flow Control in Peer-to-peer Publish/Subscribe Systems

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    Distributed systems are getting so scalable like IoT (Internet of Things) and P2P (Peer-to-Peer) systems that millions of devices are connected and support various types of applications. Here, distributed systems are required to be secure in addition to increasing the performance, reliability, and availability and reducing the energy consumption. In distributed systems, information in objects flows to other objects by transactions reading and writing data in the objects. Here, some information of an object may illegally flow to a subject which is not allowed to get the information of the object. Especially, a leakage of sensitive information is to be prevented from occurring. In order to keep information systems secure, illegal information flow among objects has to be prevented. Types of synchronization protocols are so far discussed based on read and write access rights in the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) model to prevent illegal information flow.In this thesis, we newly propose a P2PPSO (P2P type of topic-based PS (Publish/Subscribe) with Object concept) model and discuss the models and protocols for information flow control. A P2PPSO model is composed of peer processes (peers) which communicate with one another by publishing and subscribing event messages. Each peer can both publish and receive event messages with no centralized coordinator compared with traditional centralized PS models. Each event message published by a source peer carries information to a target peer. The contents carried by an event message are considered to be composed of objects. An object is a unit of data resource. Objects are characterized by topics, and each event message is also characterized by topics named publication topics.In order to make a P2PPSO system secure, we first newly propose a TBAC (Topic-Based Access Control) model. Here, an access right is a pair ⟨t, op⟩ of a topic t and a publish or subscribe operation op. A peer is allowed to publish an event message with publication topics and subscribe interesting topics only if the publication and subscription access rights are granted to the peer, respectively. Suppose an event message e_j published by a peer p_j carries an object on some topics into a target peer p_i. Here, information in the peer p_j illegally flows to the peer p_i if the target peer p_i is not allowed to subscribe the topics. An illegal object is an object whose topics a target peer is not allowed to subscribe. Even if an event message is received by a target peer by checking topics, objects carried by the event message may be illegal at the target peer. Hence, first, we propose a TOBS (Topics-of-Objects-Based Synchronization) protocol to prevent target peers from being delivered illegal objects in the P2PPSO system. Here, even if an event message is received by a target peer, illegal objects in the event message are not delivered to the target peer.In the TOBS protocol, every event message is assumed to be causally delivered to every common target peer in the underlying network. Suppose an event message e_2 is delivered to a target peer p_i before another event message e_1 while the event message e_1 causally precedes the event message e_2 (e_1 →_c e_2). Here, the event message e_2 is premature at the peer p_i. Hence, secondly, we propose a TOBSCO (TOBS with Causally Ordering delivery) protocol where the function to causally deliver every pair of event messages is added to the TOBS protocol. Here, we assume the underlying network supports reliable communication among every pair of peers, i.e. no event message loss, no duplicate message, and the sending order delivery of messages. Every pair of event messages received by using topics are causally delivered to every common target peer by using the vector of sequence numbers.In the TOBS and TOBSCO protocols, objects delivered to target peers are held as replicas of the objects by the target peers. If a peer updates data of an object, the peer distributes event messages, i.e. update event messages, to update every replica of the object obtained by other peers. If a peer updates an object without changing topics, the object is referred to as altered. Here, an update event message for the altered object is meaningless since peers check only topics to exchange event messages. Hence, thirdly, we propose an ETOBSCO (Efficient TOBSCO) protocol where update event messages of objects are published only if topics of the objects are updated to reduce the network overhead.In the evaluation, first, we show how many numbers of event messages and objects are prevented from being delivered to target peers in the TOBS protocol. Next, we show every pair of event messages are causally delivered but it takes longer to deliver event messages in the TOBSCO protocol than the TOBS protocol. Finally, we show the fewer number of event messages are delivered while it takes longer to update replicas of altered objects in the ETOBSCO protocol than the TOBSCO protocol.博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Resource-efficient path-following control for a self-driving car in a networked control system

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    [EN] In recent years, in-vehicle networks are increasingly being incorporated to self-driving cars in order to interconnect spatially distributed devices such as sensors, actuators, and controllers, leading to networked control systems (NCS). The main aim of this work is to reduce the use of resources in a NCS (bandwidth, device batteries) while maintaining an accurate path following for a self-driving car. Some typical network-induced drawbacks such as time-varying delays, packet dropouts and packet disorder will also be coped with. In order to reach the goals, a systematic integration of periodic event-triggered sampling techniques, packet-based control strategies, and state estimation methods is proposed. A novel non-uniform dual-rate extended Kalman filter (NUDREKF) is formulated to estimate the system state at fast, control rate from scarce slow-rate measurements. Due to its mathematical simplicity and low computational cost, the dynamic control law is designed from an inverse kinematic bicycle model and a proportional feedforward controller. Interestingly, optimal parameters for the event-triggered conditions are reached, leading to a satisfactory trade-off between resource savings and control performance. Simulation results for a real trajectory considering actual limitations for the actuators reveal the benefits of the control proposal compared to a conventional control approach.Alite, G.; Cuenca, Á.; Salt Llobregat, JJ.; Tomizuka, M. (2023). Resource-efficient path-following control for a self-driving car in a networked control system. IEEE Access. 11:108011-108023. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.33212691080111080231

    Attribute-Based Encryption Optimized for Cloud Computing

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    Abstract. In this work, we aim to make attribute-based encryption (ABE) more suitable for access control to data stored in the cloud. For this purpose, we concentrate on giving to the encryptor full control over the access rights, providing feasible key management even in case of multiple independent authorities, and enabling viable user revocation, which is essential in practice. Our main result is an extension of the decentralized CP-ABE scheme of Lewko and Waters [LW11] with identity-based user revocation. Our revocation system is made feasible by removing the computational burden of a revocation event from the cloud service provider, at the expense of some permanent, yet acceptable overhead of the encryption and decryption algorithms run by the users. Thus, the computation overhead is distributed over a potentially large number of users, instead of putting it on a single party (e.g., a proxy server), which would easily lead to a performance bottleneck. Besides describing our scheme, we also give a formal proof of its security in the generic bilinear group and random oracle models.

    Decentralized detection in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks

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    We present a mathematical model to study decentralized detection in clustered wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Sensors and fusion centers (FCs) are distributed with the aim of detecting an event of interest. Sensors are organized in clusters, with FCs acting as cluster heads, and are supposed to observe the same common binary phenomenon. A query-based application is accounted for; FCs periodically send queries and wait for replies coming from sensors. After reception of data, FCs perform data fusion with a majority-like fusion rule and send their decisions to an access point (AP), where a final data fusion is carried out and an estimate of the phenomenon is obtained. We assume that sensors are IEEE 802.15.4-compliant devices and use the medium access control (MAC) protocol defined by the standard, based on carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoidance. Decentralized detection and MAC issues are jointly investigated through analytical modelling. The proposed framework allows the derivation of the probability of decision error at the AP, when accounting for packets' losses due to possible collisions. Our results show that MAC losses strongly affect system performance. The impact of different clustering configurations and of noisy communications is also investigated