21 research outputs found

    A fairness-driven resource allocation scheme based on weighted interference graph in HetNets

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    —One of the most important 5G features is their support for heterogeneous networks (HetNets). Complementing the classic macrocell base stations (MBS), femtocell base stations (FBS) are beneficial in terms of extensive coverage, including indoor, and enhancement of capacity. Unfortunately, FBSs performance in 5G HetNets is affected by complex cross-tier and co-tier interferences, causing reduced quality of service (QoS) and unfairness among users. This paper proposes an innovative resource allocation (RA) algorithm for interference mitigation (IM) based on graph coloring techniques to improve QoS and interuser fairness. The proposed algorithm, named Weighted EdgeWeighted Vertex Interference Mitigation (WEWVIM), employs a weight to the directed edge corresponding to the interference strength from nearby base stations (BSs) and a weight to every vertex, indicating the color with the smallest interference or higher transmission rate. A region of interest (ROI) is formed to find the interfering BSs. Simulation results show that WEWVIM outperforms existing schemes in terms of fairness and QoS, including throughput, packet loss ratio (PLR), delay, and jitter. Index Terms—HetNets, Graph Coloring, Interference Mitigation, 5G, QoS, Resource Allocatio

    Cooperation strategies for inter-cell interference mitigation in OFDMA systems

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    Recently the use of modern cellular networks has drastically changed with the emerging Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) technology. Homogeneous networks which were initially designed for voice-centric and low data rates face unprecedented challenges for meeting the increasing traffic demands of high data-driven applications and their important quality of service requirements. Therefore, these networks are moving towards the so called Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). HetNets represent a new paradigm for cellular networks as their nodes have different characteristics such as transmission power and radio frequency coverage area. Consequently, a HetNet shows completely different interference characteristics compared to homogeneous deployment and attention must be paid to these disparities when different tiers are collocated together. This is mostly due to the potential spectrum frequency reuse by the involved tiers in the HetNets. Hence, efficient inter-cell interference mitigation solutions in co-channel deployments of HetNets remain a challenge for both industry and academic researchers. This thesis focuses on LTE-A HetNet systems which are based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) modulation. Our aim is to investigate the aggressive interference issue that appears when different types of base stations are jointly deployed together and especially in two cases, namely Macro-Femtocells and Macro-Picocells co-existence. We propose new practical power adjustment solutions for managing inter-cell interference dynamically for both cases. In the first part dedicated to Femtocells and Macrocell coexistence, we design a MBS-assisted femtocell power adjustment strategy which takes into account femtocells users performance while mitigating the inter-cell interference on victim macrocell users. Further, we propose a new cooperative and context-aware interference mitigation method which is derived for realistic scenarios involving mobility of users and their varying locations. We proved numerically that the Femtocells are able to maintain their interference under a desirable threshold by adjusting their transmission power. Our strategies provide an efficient means for achieving the desired level of macrocell/femtocell throughput trade-off. In the second part of the studies where Picocells are deployed under the umbrella of the Macrocell, we paid a special attention and efforts to the interference management in the situation where Picocells are configured to set up a cell range expansion. We suggest a MBS-assisted collaborative scheme powered by an analytical model to predict the mobility of Macrocell users passing through the cell range expansion area of the picocell. Our goal is to adapt the muting ratio ruling the frequency resource partitioning between both tiers according to the mobility behavior of the range-expanded users, thereby providing an efficient trade-off between Macrocell and Picocell achievable throughputs.RĂ©cemment, l'utilisation des rĂ©seaux cellulaires a radicalement changĂ© avec l’émergence de la quatriĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration (4G) de systĂšmes de tĂ©lĂ©communications mobiles LTE/LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced). Les rĂ©seaux de gĂ©nĂ©rations prĂ©cĂ©dentes (3G), initialement conçus pour le transport de la voix et les donnĂ©es Ă  faible et moyen dĂ©bits, ont du mal Ă  faire face Ă  l’augmentation accrue du trafic de donnĂ©es multimĂ©dia tout en rĂ©pondant Ă  leurs fortes exigences et contraintes en termes de qualitĂ© de service (QdS). Pour mieux rĂ©pondre Ă  ces besoins, les rĂ©seaux 4G ont introduit le paradigme des RĂ©seaux HĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes (HetNet).Les rĂ©seaux HetNet introduisent une nouvelle notion d’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© pour les rĂ©seaux cellulaires en introduisant le concept des smalls cells (petites cellules) qui met en place des antennes Ă  faible puissance d’émission. Ainsi, le rĂ©seau est composĂ© de plusieurs couches (tiers) qui se chevauchent incluant la couverture traditionnelle macro-cellulaire, les pico-cellules, les femto-cellules, et les relais. Outre les amĂ©liorations des couvertures radio en environnements intĂ©rieurs, les smalls cells permettent d’augmenter la capacitĂ© du systĂšme par une meilleure utilisation du spectre et en rapprochant l’utilisateur de son point d’accĂšs au rĂ©seau. Une des consĂ©quences directes de cette densification cellulaire est l’interfĂ©rence gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e entre les diffĂ©rentes cellules des diverses couches quand ces derniĂšres rĂ©utilisent les mĂȘmes frĂ©quences. Aussi, la dĂ©finition de solutions efficaces de gestion des interfĂ©rences dans ce type de systĂšmes constitue un de leurs dĂ©fis majeurs. Cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse au problĂšme de gestion des interfĂ©rences dans les systĂšmes hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes LTE-A. Notre objectif est d’apporter des solutions efficaces et originales au problĂšme d’interfĂ©rence dans ce contexte via des mĂ©canismes d’ajustement de puissance des petites cellules. Nous avons pour cela distinguĂ©s deux cas d’étude Ă  savoir un dĂ©ploiement Ă  deux couches macro-femtocellules et macro-picocellules. Dans la premiĂšre partie dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  un dĂ©ploiement femtocellule et macrocellule, nous concevons une stratĂ©gie d'ajustement de puissance des femtocellules assistĂ© par la macrocellule et qui prend en compte les performances des utilisateurs des femtocells tout en attĂ©nuant l'interfĂ©rence causĂ©e aux utilisateurs des macrocellules sur leurs liens montants. Cette solution offre l’avantage de la prise en compte de paramĂštres contextuels locaux aux femtocellules (tels que le nombre d’utilisateurs en situation de outage) tout en considĂ©rant des scĂ©narios de mobilitĂ© rĂ©alistes. Nous avons montrĂ© par simulation que les interfĂ©rences sur les utilisateurs des macrocellules sont sensiblement rĂ©duites et que les femtocellules sont en mesure de dynamiquement ajuster leur puissance d'Ă©mission pour atteindre les objectifs fixĂ©s en termes d’équilibre entre performance des utilisateurs des macrocellules et celle de leurs propres utilisateurs. Dans la seconde partie de la thĂšse, nous considĂ©rons le dĂ©ploiement de picocellules sous l'Ă©gide de la macrocellule. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s ici aux solutions d’extension de l’aire picocellulaire qui permettent une meilleure association utilisateur/cellule permettant de rĂ©duire l’interfĂ©rence mais aussi offrir une meilleure efficacitĂ© spectrale. Nous proposons donc une approche basĂ©e sur un modĂšle de prĂ©diction de la mobilitĂ© des utilisateurs qui permet de mieux ajuster la proportion de bande passante Ă  partager entre la macrocellule et la picocellule en fonction de la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour estimĂ©e de ces utilisateurs ainsi que de leur demandes en bande passante. Notre solution a permis d’offrir un bon compromis entre les dĂ©bits rĂ©alisables de la Macro et des picocellules

    Enabling Efficient, Robust, and Scalable Wireless Multi-Hop Networks: A Cross-Layer Approach Exploiting Cooperative Diversity

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    The practical performance in terms of throughput, robustness, and scalability of traditional Wireless Multihop Networks (WMNs) is limited. The key problem is that such networks do not allow for advanced physical layers, which typically require (a) spatial diversity via multiple antennas, (b) timely Channel State Information (CSI) feedback, and (c) a central instance that coordinates nodes. We propose Corridor-based Routing to address these issues. Our approach widens traditional hop-by-hop paths to span multiple nodes at each hop, and thus provide spatial diversity. As a result, at each hop, a group of transmitters cooperates at the physical layer to forward data to a group of receivers. We call two subsequent groups of nodes a stage. Since all nodes participating in data forwarding at a certain hop are part of the same fully connected stage, corridors only require one-hop CSI feedback. Further, each stage operates independently. Thus, Corridor-based Routing does not require a network-wide central instance, and is scalable. We design a protocol that builds end-to-end corridors. As expected, this incurs more overhead than finding a traditional WMN path. However, if the resulting corridor provides throughput gains, the overhead compensates after a certain number of transmitted packets. We adapt two physical layers to the aforementioned stage topology, namely, Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), and Interference Alignment (IA). In OFDMA, we allocate each subchannel to a link of the current stage which provides good channel conditions. As a result, we avoid deep fades, which enables OFDMA to transmit data robustly in scenarios in which traditional schemes cannot operate. Moreover, it achieves higher throughputs than such schemes. To minimize the transmission time at each stage, we present an allocation mechanism that takes into account both the CSI, and the amount of data that each transmitter needs to transmit. Further, we address practical issues and implement our scheme on software-defined radios. We achieve roughly 30% average throughput gain compared to a WMN not using corridors. We analyze OFDMA in theory, simulation, and practice. Our results match in all three domains. Further, we design a physical layer for corridor stages based on IA in the frequency domain. Our practical experiments show that IA often performs poorly because the decoding process augments noise. We find that the augmentation factor depends only on the channel coefficients of the subchannels that IA uses. We design a mechanism to determine which transmitters should transmit to which receivers on which subchannels to minimize noise. Since the number of possible combinations is very large, we use heuristics that reduce the search space significantly. Based on this design, we present the first practical frequency IA system. Our results show that our approach avoids noise augmentation efficiently, and thus operates robustly. We observe that IA is most suitable for stages with specific CSI and traffic conditions. In such scenarios, the throughput gain compared to a WMN not using corridors is 25% on average, and 150% in the best case. Finally, we design a decision engine which estimates the performance of both OFDMA and IA for a given stage, and chooses the one which achieves the highest throughput. We evaluate corridors with up to five stages, and achieve roughly 20% average throughput gain. We conclude that switching among physical layers to adapt to the particular CSI and traffic conditions of each stage is crucial for efficient and robust operation

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modiïŹed our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the ïŹeld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Practical interference mitigation for Wi-Fi systems

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    Wi-Fi's popularity is also its Achilles' heel since in the dense deployments of multiple Wi-Fi networks typical in urban environments, concurrent transmissions interfere. The advent of networked devices with multiple antennas allows new ways to improve Wi-Fi's performance: a host can align the phases of the signals either received at or transmitted from its antennas so as to either maximize the power of the signal of interest through beamforming or minimize the power of interference through nulling. Theory predicts that these techniques should enable concurrent transmissions by proximal sender-receiver pairs, thus improving capacity. Yet practical challenges remain. Hardware platform limitations can prevent precise measurement of the wireless channel, or limit the accuracy of beamforming and nulling. The interaction between nulling and Wi-Fi's OFDM modulation, which transmits tranches of a packet's bits on distinct subcarriers, is subtle and can sacrifice the capacity gain expected from nulling. And in deployments where Wi-Fi networks are independently administered, APs must efficiently share channel measurements and coordinate their transmissions to null effectively. In this thesis, I design and experimentally evaluate beamforming and nulling techniques for use in Wi-Fi networks that address the aforementioned practical challenges. My contributions include: - Cone of Silence (CoS): a system that allows a Wi-Fi AP equipped with a phased-array antenna but only a single 802.11g radio to mitigate interference from senders other than its intended one, thus boosting throughput; - Cooperative Power Allocation (COPA): a system that efficiently shares channel measurements and coordinates transmissions between independent APs, and cooperatively allocates power so as to render received power across OFDM subcarriers flat at each AP's receiver, thus boosting throughput; - Power Allocation for Distributed MIMO (PADM): a system that leverages intelligent power allocation to mitigate inter-stream interference in distributed MIMO wireless networks, thus boosting throughput

    Leveraging Cognitive Radio Networks Using Heterogeneous Wireless Channels

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    The popularity of ubiquitous Internet services has spurred the fast growth of wireless communications by launching data hungry multimedia applications to mobile devices. Powered by spectrum agile cognitive radios, the newly emerged cognitive radio networks (CRN) are proposed to provision the efficient spectrum reuse to improve spectrum utilization. Unlicensed users in CRN, or secondary users (SUs), access the temporarily idle channels in a secondary and opportunistic fashion while preventing harmful interference to licensed primary users (PUs). To effectively detect and exploit the spectrum access opportunities released from a wide spectrum, the heterogeneous wireless channel characteristics and the underlying prioritized spectrum reuse features need to be considered in the protocol design and resource management schemes in CRN, which plays a critical role in unlicensed spectrum sharing among multiple users. The purpose of this dissertation is to address the challenges of utilizing heterogeneous wireless channels in CRN by its intrinsic dynamic and diverse natures, and build the efficient, scalable and, more importantly, practical dynamic spectrum access mechanisms to enable the cost-effective transmissions for unlicensed users. Note that the spectrum access opportunities exhibit the diversity in the time/frequency/space domain, secondary transmission schemes typically follow three design principles including 1) utilizing local free channels within short transmission range, 2) cooperative and opportunistic transmissions, and 3) effectively coordinating transmissions in varying bandwidth. The entire research work in this dissertation casts a systematic view to address these principles in the design of the routing protocols, medium access control (MAC) protocols and radio resource management schemes in CRN. Specifically, as spectrum access opportunities usually have small spatial footprints, SUs only communicate with the nearby nodes in a small area. Thus, multi-hop transmissions in CRN are considered in this dissertation to enable the connections between any unlicensed users in the network. CRN typically consist of intermittent links of varying bandwidth so that the decision of routing is closely related with the spectrum sensing and sharing operations in the lower layers. An efficient opportunistic cognitive routing (OCR) scheme is proposed in which the forwarding decision at each hop is made by jointly considering physical characteristics of spectrum bands and diverse activities of PUs in each single band. Such discussion on spectrum aware routing continues coupled with the sensing selection and contention among multiple relay candidates in a multi-channel multi-hop scenario. An SU selects the next hop relay and the working channel based upon location information and channel usage statistics with instant link quality feedbacks. By evaluating the performance of the routing protocol and the joint channel and route selection algorithm with extensive simulations, we determine the optimal channel and relay combination with reduced searching complexity and improved spectrum utilization. Besides, we investigate the medium access control (MAC) protocol design in support of multimedia applications in CRN. To satisfy the quality of service (QoS) requirements of heterogeneous applications for SUs, such as voice, video, and data, channels are selected to probe for appropriate spectrum opportunities based on the characteristics and QoS demands of the traffic along with the statistics of channel usage patterns. We propose a QoS-aware MAC protocol for multi-channel single hop scenario where each single SU distributedly determines a set of channels for sensing and data transmission to satisfy QoS requirements. By analytical model and simulations, we determine the service differentiation parameters to provision multiple levels of QoS. We further extend our discussion of dynamic resource management to a more practical deployment case. We apply the experiences and skills learnt from cognitive radio study to cellular communications. In heterogeneous cellular networks, small cells are deployed in macrocells to enhance link quality, extend network coverage and offload traffic. As different cells focus on their own operation utilities, the optimization of the total system performance can be analogue to the game between PUs and SUs in CRN. However, there are unique challenges and operation features in such case. We first present challenging issues including interference management, network coordination, and interworking between cells in a tiered cellular infrastructure. We then propose an adaptive resource management framework to improve spectrum utilization and mitigate the co-channel interference between macrocells and small cells. A game-theory-based approach is introduced to handle power control issues under constrained control bandwidth and limited end user capability. The inter-cell interference is mitigated based upon orthogonal transmissions and strict protection for macrocell users. The research results in the dissertation can provide insightful lights on flexible network deployment and dynamic spectrum access for prioritized spectrum reuse in modern wireless systems. The protocols and algorithms developed in each topic, respectively, have shown practical and efficient solutions to build and optimize CRN