66,447 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Adaptive Feedback Scheduling of Wireless Control Systems

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    There is a trend towards using wireless technologies in networked control systems. However, the adverse properties of the radio channels make it difficult to design and implement control systems in wireless environments. To attack the uncertainty in available communication resources in wireless control systems closed over WLAN, a cross-layer adaptive feedback scheduling (CLAFS) scheme is developed, which takes advantage of the co-design of control and wireless communications. By exploiting cross-layer design, CLAFS adjusts the sampling periods of control systems at the application layer based on information about deadline miss ratio and transmission rate from the physical layer. Within the framework of feedback scheduling, the control performance is maximized through controlling the deadline miss ratio. Key design parameters of the feedback scheduler are adapted to dynamic changes in the channel condition. An event-driven invocation mechanism for the feedback scheduler is also developed. Simulation results show that the proposed approach is efficient in dealing with channel capacity variations and noise interference, thus providing an enabling technology for control over WLAN.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures; Open Access at http://www.mdpi.org/sensors/papers/s8074265.pd

    Bulk Scheduling with the DIANA Scheduler

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    Results from the research and development of a Data Intensive and Network Aware (DIANA) scheduling engine, to be used primarily for data intensive sciences such as physics analysis, are described. In Grid analyses, tasks can involve thousands of computing, data handling, and network resources. The central problem in the scheduling of these resources is the coordinated management of computation and data at multiple locations and not just data replication or movement. However, this can prove to be a rather costly operation and efficient sing can be a challenge if compute and data resources are mapped without considering network costs. We have implemented an adaptive algorithm within the so-called DIANA Scheduler which takes into account data location and size, network performance and computation capability in order to enable efficient global scheduling. DIANA is a performance-aware and economy-guided Meta Scheduler. It iteratively allocates each job to the site that is most likely to produce the best performance as well as optimizing the global queue for any remaining jobs. Therefore it is equally suitable whether a single job is being submitted or bulk scheduling is being performed. Results indicate that considerable performance improvements can be gained by adopting the DIANA scheduling approach.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. To be published in the IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science, IEEE Press. 200

    Cosmological Simulations on a Grid of Computers

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    The work presented in this paper aims at restricting the input parameter values of the semi-analytical model used in GALICS and MOMAF, so as to derive which parameters influence the most the results, e.g., star formation, feedback and halo recycling efficiencies, etc. Our approach is to proceed empirically: we run lots of simulations and derive the correct ranges of values. The computation time needed is so large, that we need to run on a grid of computers. Hence, we model GALICS and MOMAF execution time and output files size, and run the simulation using a grid middleware: DIET. All the complexity of accessing resources, scheduling simulations and managing data is harnessed by DIET and hidden behind a web portal accessible to the users.Comment: Accepted and Published in AIP Conference Proceedings 1241, 2010, pages 816-82

    Adaptive Resource Control in 2-hop Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This paper presents a simple resource control\ud mechanism with traffic scheduling for 2-hop ad-hoc networks, in\ud which the Request-To-Send (RTS) packet is utilized to deliver\ud feedback information. With this feedback information, the\ud Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) limit of the sources can be\ud controlled to balance the traffic. Furthermore, a bottleneck\ud transmission scheduling scheme is introduced to provide fairness\ud between local and forwarding flows. The proposed mechanism is\ud modeled and evaluated using the well-known 20-sim dynamic\ud system simulator. Experimental results show that a fairer and\ud more efficient bandwidth utilization can be achieved than\ud without the feedback mechanism. The use of the structured and\ud formalized control-theoretical modeling framework has as\ud advantage that results can be obtained in a fast and efficient way
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