17 research outputs found

    A Mobile Geo-Communication Dataset for Physiology-Aware DASH in Rural Ambulance Transport

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    Use of telecommunication technologies for remote, continuous monitoring of patients can enhance effectiveness of emergency ambulance care during transport from rural areas to a regional center hospital. However, the communication along the various routes in rural areas may have wide bandwidth ranges from 2G to 4G; some regions may have only lower satellite bandwidth available. Bandwidth fluctuation together with real-time communication of various clinical multimedia pose a major challenge during rural patient ambulance transport.; AB@The availability of a pre-transport route-dependent communication bandwidth database is an important resource in remote monitoring and clinical multimedia transmission in rural ambulance transport. Here, we present a geo-communication dataset from extensive profiling of 4 major US mobile carriers in Illinois, from the rural location of Hoopeston to the central referral hospital center at Urbana. In collaboration with Carle Foundation Hospital, we developed a profiler, and collected various geographical and communication traces for realistic emergency rural ambulance transport scenarios. Our dataset is to support our ongoing work of proposing "physiology-aware DASH", which is particularly useful for adaptive remote monitoring of critically ill patients in emergency rural ambulance transport. It provides insights on ensuring higher Quality of Service (QoS) for most critical clinical multimedia in response to changes in patients' physiological states and bandwidth conditions. Our dataset is available online for research community.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys'17), Pages 158-163, Taipei, Taiwan, June 20 - 23, 201

    Quality-Control algorithm for adaptive streaming services over wireless channels

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    Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a recent MPEG standard for IP video delivery whose aim is the convergence of existing adaptive-streaming proprietary solutions. However, it does not impose any adaptation logic for selecting the quality of the media segments requested by the client, which is crucial to cope effectively with bandwidth fluctuations, notably in wireless channels. We therefore propose a solution to this control problem through Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). This approach requires a probabilistic characterization of the system, as well as the definition of a cost function that the control strategy aims to minimize. This cost function is designed taking into account factors that may influence the quality perceived by the users. Unlike previous works, which compute control policies online by learning from experience, our algorithm solves the control problem offline, leading promptly to better results. In addition, we compared our algorithm to others during a streaming simulation and we analyzed the objective results by means of a Quality of Experience (QoE) oriented metric. Moreover, we conducted subjective tests to complete the evaluation of the performance of our algorithm. The results show that our proposal outperforms the other approaches in terms of both the QoE-oriented metric and the subjective evaluation

    Video Compression and Optimization Technologies - Review

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    The use of video streaming is constantly increasing. High-resolution video requires resources on both the sender and the receiver side. There are many compression techniques that can be utilized to compress the video and simultaneously maintain quality. The main goal of this paper is to provide an overview of video streaming and QoE. This paper describes the basic concepts and discusses existing methodologies to measure QoE. Subjective, objective, and video compression technologies are discussed. This review paper gathers the codec implementation developed by MPEG, Google, and Apple. This paper outlines the challenges and future research directions that should be considered in the measurement and assessment of quality of experience for video services

    Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming on Heterogeneous TVWS and Wi-Fi Networks

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    Nowadays, people usually connect to the Internet through a multitude of different devices. Video streaming takes the lion's share of the bandwidth, and represents the real challenge for the service providers and for the research community. At the same time, most of the connections come from indoor, where Wi-Fi already experiences congestion and coverage holes, directly translating into a poor experience for the user. A possible relief comes from the TV white space (TVWS) networks, which can enhance the communication range thanks to sub-GHz frequencies and favorable propagation characteristics, but offer slower datarates compared with other 802.11 protocols. In this paper, we show the benefits that TVWS networks can bring to the end user, and we present CABA, a connection aware balancing algorithm able to exploit multiple radio connections in the favor of a better user experience. Our experimental results indicate that the TVWS network can effectively provide a wider communication range, but a load balancing middleware between the available connections on the device must be used to achieve better performance. We conclude this paper by presenting real data coming from field trials in which we streamed an MPEG dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP video over TVWS and Wi-Fi. Practical quantitative results on the achievable quality of experience for the end user are then reported. Our results show that balancing the load between Wi-Fi and TVWS can provide a higher playback quality (up to 15% of average quality index) in scenarios in which the Wi-Fi is received at a low strength

    Predictive CDN Selection for Video Delivery Based on LSTM Network Performance Forecasts and Cost-Effective Trade-Offs

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    Owing to increasing consumption of video streams and demand for higher quality content and more advanced displays, future telecommunication networks are expected to outperform current networks in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs). Currently, content delivery networks (CDNs) are used to enhance media availability and delivery performance across the Internet in a cost-effective manner. The proliferation of CDN vendors and business models allows the content provider (CP) to use multiple CDN providers simultaneously. However, extreme concurrency dynamics can affect CDN capacity, causing performance degradation and outages, while overestimated demand affects costs. 5G standardization communities envision advanced network functions executing video analytics to enhance or boost media services. Network accelerators are required to enforce CDN resilience and efficient utilization of CDN assets. In this regard, this study investigates a cost-effective service to dynamically select the CDN for each session and video segment at the Media Server, without any modification to the video streaming pipeline being required. This service performs time series forecasts by employing a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to process real time measurements coming from connected video players. This service also ensures reliable and cost-effective content delivery through proactive selection of the CDN that fits with performance and business constraints. To this end, the proposed service predicts the number of players that can be served by each CDN at each time; then, it switches the required players between CDNs to keep the (Quality of Service) QoS rates or to reduce the CP's operational expenditure (OPEX). The proposed solution is evaluated by a real server, CDNs, and players and delivering dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH), where clients are notified to switch to another CDN through a standard MPEG-DASH media presentation description (MPD) update mechanismThis work was supported in part by the EC projects Fed4Fire+, under Grant 732638 (H2020-ICT-13-2016, Research and Innovation Action), and in part by Open-VERSO project (Red Cervera Program, Spanish Government's Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology

    Fair-RTT-DAS: A robust and efficient dynamic adaptive streaming over ICN

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    To sustain the adequate bandwidth demands over rapidly growing multimedia traffic and considering the effectiveness of Information-Centric Networking (ICN), recently, HTTP based Dynamic Adaptive Streaming (DASH) has been introduced over ICN, which significantly increases the network bandwidth utilisation. However, we identified that the inherent features of ICN also causes new vulnerabilities in the network. In this paper, we first propose a novel attack called as Bitrate Oscillation Attack (BOA), which exploits fundamental ICN characteristics: in-network caching and interest aggregation, to disrupt DASH functionality. In particular, the proposed attack forces the bitrate and resolution of video received by the attacked client to oscillate with high frequency and high amplitude during the streaming process. To detect and mitigate BOA, we design and implement a reactive countermeasure called Fair-RTT-DAS. Our solution ensures efficient bandwidth utilisation and improves the user perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) in the presence of varying content source locations. For this purpose, Fair-RTT-DAS consider DASH\u2019s two significant features: round-trip-time (RTT) and throughput fairness. In the presence of BOA in a network, our simulation results show an increase in the annoyance factor in user\u2019s spatial dimension, i.e., increase in oscillation frequency and amplitude. The results also show that our countermeasure significantly alleviates these adverse effects and makes dynamic adaptive streaming friendly to ICN\u2019s implicit features

    DASHbed: a testbed framework for large scale empirical evaluation of real-time DASH in wireless scenarios

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    Recent years have witnessed an explosion of multimedia traffic carried over the Internet. Video-on-demand and live streaming services are the most dominant services. To ensure growth, many streaming providers have invested considerable time and effort to keep pace with ever-increasing users’ demand for better quality and stall abolition. HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) algorithms are at the core of every major streaming provider service. Recent years have seen sustained development in HAS algorithms. Currently, to evaluate their proposed solutions, researchers need to create a framework and numerous state-of-the-art algorithms. Often, these frameworks lack flexibility and scalability, covering only a limited set of scenarios. To fill this gap, in this paper we propose DASHbed, a highly customizable real-time framework for testing HAS algorithms in a wireless environment. Due to its low memory requirement, DASHbed offers a means of running large-scale experiments with a hundred competing players. Finally, we supplement the proposed framework with a dataset consisting of results for five HAS algorithms tested in various evaluated scenarios. The dataset showcases the abilities of DASHbed and presents the adaptation metrics per segment in the generated content (such as switches, buffer-level, P.1203.1 values, delivery rate, stall duration, etc.), which can be used as a baseline when researchers compare the output of their proposed algorithm against the state-of-the-art algorithms