27 research outputs found

    A Multiagent System for Dynamic Data Aggregation in Medical Research

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    The collection of medical data for research purposes is a challenging and long-lasting process. In an effort to accelerate and facilitate this process we propose a new framework for dynamic aggregation of medical data from distributed sources. We use agent-based coordination between medical and research institutions. Our system employs principles of peer-to-peer network organization and coordination models to search over already constructed distributed databases and to identify the potential contributors when a new database has to be built. Our framework takes into account both the requirements of a research study and current data availability. This leads to better definition of database characteristics such as schema, content, and privacy parameters. We show that this approach enables a more efficient way to collect data for medical research

    Contributions to Context-Aware Smart Healthcare: A Security and Privacy Perspective

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    Les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació han canviat les nostres vides de manera irreversible. La indústria sanitària, una de les indústries més grans i de major creixement, està dedicant molts esforços per adoptar les últimes tecnologies en la pràctica mèdica diària. Per tant, no és sorprenent que els paradigmes sanitaris estiguin en constant evolució cercant serveis més eficients, eficaços i sostenibles. En aquest context, el potencial de la computació ubiqua mitjançant telèfons intel·ligents, rellotges intel·ligents i altres dispositius IoT ha esdevingut fonamental per recopilar grans volums de dades, especialment relacionats amb l'estat de salut i la ubicació de les persones. Les millores en les capacitats de detecció juntament amb l'aparició de xarxes de telecomunicacions d'alta velocitat han facilitat la implementació d'entorns sensibles al context, com les cases i les ciutats intel·ligents, capaços d'adaptar-se a les necessitats dels ciutadans. La interacció entre la computació ubiqua i els entorns sensibles al context va obrir la porta al paradigma de la salut intel·ligent, centrat en la prestació de serveis de salut personalitzats i de valor afegit mitjançant l'explotació de grans quantitats de dades sanitàries, de mobilitat i contextuals. No obstant, la gestió de dades sanitàries, des de la seva recollida fins a la seva anàlisi, planteja una sèrie de problemes desafiants a causa del seu caràcter altament confidencial. Aquesta tesi té per objectiu abordar diversos reptes de seguretat i privadesa dins del paradigma de la salut intel·ligent. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi pretenen ajudar a la comunitat científica a millorar la seguretat dels entorns intel·ligents del futur, així com la privadesa dels ciutadans respecte a les seves dades personals i sanitàries.Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han cambiado nuestras vidas de forma irreversible. La industria sanitaria, una de las industrias más grandes y de mayor crecimiento, está dedicando muchos esfuerzos por adoptar las últimas tecnologías en la práctica médica diaria. Por tanto, no es sorprendente que los paradigmas sanitarios estén en constante evolución en busca de servicios más eficientes, eficaces y sostenibles. En este contexto, el potencial de la computación ubicua mediante teléfonos inteligentes, relojes inteligentes, dispositivos wearables y otros dispositivos IoT ha sido fundamental para recopilar grandes volúmenes de datos, especialmente relacionados con el estado de salud y la localización de las personas. Las mejoras en las capacidades de detección junto con la aparición de redes de telecomunicaciones de alta velocidad han facilitado la implementación de entornos sensibles al contexto, como las casas y las ciudades inteligentes, capaces de adaptarse a las necesidades de los ciudadanos. La interacción entre la computación ubicua y los entornos sensibles al contexto abrió la puerta al paradigma de la salud inteligente, centrado en la prestación de servicios de salud personalizados y de valor añadido mediante la explotación significativa de grandes cantidades de datos sanitarios, de movilidad y contextuales. No obstante, la gestión de datos sanitarios, desde su recogida hasta su análisis, plantea una serie de cuestiones desafiantes debido a su naturaleza altamente confidencial. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo abordar varios retos de seguridad y privacidad dentro del paradigma de la salud inteligente. Los resultados de esta tesis pretenden ayudar a la comunidad científica a mejorar la seguridad de los entornos inteligentes del futuro, así como la privacidad de los ciudadanos con respecto a sus datos personales y sanitarios.Information and communication technologies have irreversibly changed our lives. The healthcare industry, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries, is dedicating many efforts in adopting the latest technologies into daily medical practice. It is not therefore surprising that healthcare paradigms are constantly evolving seeking for more efficient, effective and sustainable services. In this context, the potential of ubiquitous computing through smartphones, smartwatches, wearables and IoT devices has become fundamental to collect large volumes of data, including people's health status and people’s location. The enhanced sensing capabilities together with the emergence of high-speed telecommunication networks have facilitated the implementation of context-aware environments, such as smart homes and smart cities, able to adapt themselves to the citizens needs. The interplay between ubiquitous computing and context-aware environments opened the door to the so-called smart health paradigm, focused on the provision of added-value personalised health services by meaningfully exploiting vast amounts of health, mobility and contextual data. However, the management of health data, from their gathering to their analysis, arises a number of challenging issues due to their highly confidential nature. In particular, this dissertation addresses several security and privacy challenges within the smart health paradigm. The results of this dissertation are intended to help the research community to enhance the security of the intelligent environments of the future as well as the privacy of the citizens regarding their personal and health data

    An Agent Framework for Dynamic Health Data Aggregation for Research Purposes

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    This paper presents a model of a MAS framework for dynamic aggregation of population health data for research purposes. The contribution of the paper is twofold: First, it describes a MAS architecture that allows one to built on the fly anonymized databases from the distributed sources of data. Second, it shows how to improve the utility of the data with the growth of the database

    Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing-Based Recommender Systems for E-Commerce & Health Services

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    En l’actualitat, els sistemes de recomanació han esdevingut un mecanisme fonamental per proporcionar als usuaris informació útil i filtrada, amb l’objectiu d’optimitzar la presa de decisions, com per exemple, en el camp del comerç electrònic. La quantitat de dades existent a Internet és tan extensa que els usuaris necessiten sistemes automàtics per ajudar-los a distingir entre informació valuosa i soroll. No obstant, sistemes de recomanació com el Filtratge Col·laboratiu tenen diverses limitacions, com ara la manca de resposta i la privadesa. Una part important d'aquesta tesi es dedica al desenvolupament de metodologies per fer front a aquestes limitacions. A més de les aportacions anteriors, en aquesta tesi també ens centrem en el procés d'urbanització que s'està produint a tot el món i en la necessitat de crear ciutats més sostenibles i habitables. En aquest context, ens proposem solucions de salut intel·ligent (s-health) i metodologies eficients de caracterització de canals sense fils, per tal de proporcionar assistència sanitària sostenible en el context de les ciutats intel·ligents.En la actualidad, los sistemas de recomendación se han convertido en una herramienta indispensable para proporcionar a los usuarios información útil y filtrada, con el objetivo de optimizar la toma de decisiones en una gran variedad de contextos. La cantidad de datos existente en Internet es tan extensa que los usuarios necesitan sistemas automáticos para ayudarles a distinguir entre información valiosa y ruido. Sin embargo, sistemas de recomendación como el Filtrado Colaborativo tienen varias limitaciones, tales como la falta de respuesta y la privacidad. Una parte importante de esta tesis se dedica al desarrollo de metodologías para hacer frente a esas limitaciones. Además de las aportaciones anteriores, en esta tesis también nos centramos en el proceso de urbanización que está teniendo lugar en todo el mundo y en la necesidad de crear ciudades más sostenibles y habitables. En este contexto, proponemos soluciones de salud inteligente (s-health) y metodologías eficientes de caracterización de canales inalámbricos, con el fin de proporcionar asistencia sanitaria sostenible en el contexto de las ciudades inteligentes.Our society lives an age where the eagerness for information has resulted in problems such as infobesity, especially after the arrival of Web 2.0. In this context, automatic systems such as recommenders are increasing their relevance, since they help to distinguish noise from useful information. However, recommender systems such as Collaborative Filtering have several limitations such as non-response and privacy. An important part of this thesis is devoted to the development of methodologies to cope with these limitations. In addition to the previously stated research topics, in this dissertation we also focus in the worldwide process of urbanisation that is taking place and the need for more sustainable and liveable cities. In this context, we focus on smart health solutions and efficient wireless channel characterisation methodologies, in order to provide sustainable healthcare in the context of smart cities

    Aggregating privatized medical data for secure querying applications

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     This thesis analyses and examines the challenges of aggregation of sensitive data and data querying on aggregated data at cloud server. This thesis also delineates applications of aggregation of sensitive medical data in several application scenarios, and tests privatization techniques to assist in improving the strength of privacy and utility

    Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics

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    This book includes 15 articles published in the Special Issue "Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics" of Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994). This Special Issue is devoted to original and significant contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. The aim was to bring together research papers linking different areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, as well as applications of discrete mathematics to other areas of science and technology. The Special Issue covers topics in discrete mathematics including (but not limited to) graph theory, cryptography, numerical semigroups, discrete optimization, algorithms, and complexity

    Contributions to privacy protection for ubiquitous computing

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    El desenvolupament de noves tecnologies ha introduït el concepte de Computació Ubiqua, a on els objectes que ens envolten poden tenir processadors integrats i establir la comunicació amb altres sistemes, amb la finalitat d'oferir serveis personalitzats per ajudar-nos amb les nostres tasques habituals. No obstant això, a causa de que és possible tenir ordinadors en gairebé qualsevol lloc o objecte, això ha obert noves discussions sobre temes tals com la privadesa i la seguretat, considerats des de diferents punts de vista, com el desenvolupaments jurídics, socials, econòmics i tecnològics, amb una importància cada vegada major al món actual. En aquesta tesi discutim i analitzem algunes de les principals qüestions de seguretat i privadesa a les tecnologies actuals, tals com a telèfons intel·ligents, dispositius RFID o ciutats intel·ligents, i proposem alguns protocols per fer front a aquests temes garantint la privadesa dels usuaris a tot moment.El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha introducido el concepto de Computación Ubicua , en donde los objetos que nos rodean pueden tener procesadores integrados y establecer la comunicación con otros sistemas, con el fin de ofrecer servicios personalizados para ayudarnos con nuestras tareas habituales. Sin embargo, debido a que es posible tener ordenadores en casi cualquier lugar u objeto, esto ha abierto nuevas discusiones sobre temas tales como la privacidad y la seguridad, considerado desde diferentes puntos de vista, como el desarrollos jurídicos, sociales, económicos y tecnológicos, con una importancia cada vez mayor en el mundo actual. En esta tesis discutimos y analizamos algunas de las principales cuestiones de seguridad y privacidad en las tecnologías actuales, tales como teléfonos inteligentes, dispositivos RFID o ciudades inteligentes, y proponemos algunos protocolos para hacer frente a estos temas garantizando la privacidad de los usuarios en todo momento.The development of new technologies has introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing, whereby the objects around us can have an embedded computer and establish communications with each other, in order to provide personalized services to assist with our tasks. However, because it is possible to have computers almost anywhere and within any object, this has opened up new discussions on issues such as privacy and security, considered from many different views, such as the legal, social, economic and technological development perspectives, all taking an increasingly significant importance in today’s world. In this dissertation we discuss and analyze some of the main privacy and security issues in current technologies, such as smartphones, RFIDs or smart cities, and we propose some protocols in order to face these issues guarantying users' privacy anytime

    Blockchain-based recommender systems: Applications, challenges and future opportunities

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    Recommender systems have been widely used in different application domains including energy-preservation, e-commerce, healthcare, social media, etc. Such applications require the analysis and mining of massive amounts of various types of user data, including demographics, preferences, social interactions, etc. in order to develop accurate and precise recommender systems. Such datasets often include sensitive information, yet most recommender systems are focusing on the models' accuracy and ignore issues related to security and the users' privacy. Despite the efforts to overcome these problems using different risk reduction techniques, none of them has been completely successful in ensuring cryptographic security and protection of the users' private information. To bridge this gap, the blockchain technology is presented as a promising strategy to promote security and privacy preservation in recommender systems, not only because of its security and privacy salient features, but also due to its resilience, adaptability, fault tolerance and trust characteristics. This paper presents a holistic review of blockchain-based recommender systems covering challenges, open issues and solutions. Accordingly, a well-designed taxonomy is introduced to describe the security and privacy challenges, overview existing frameworks and discuss their applications and benefits when using blockchain before indicating opportunities for future research. 2021 Elsevier Inc.This paper was made possible by National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) grant No. 10-0130-170288 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Scopu

    Towards evidence-based, GIS-driven national spatial health information infrastructure and surveillance services in the United Kingdom

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    The term "Geographic Information Systems" (GIS) has been added to MeSH in 2003, a step reflecting the importance and growing use of GIS in health and healthcare research and practices. GIS have much more to offer than the obvious digital cartography (map) functions. From a community health perspective, GIS could potentially act as powerful evidence-based practice tools for early problem detection and solving. When properly used, GIS can: inform and educate (professionals and the public); empower decision-making at all levels; help in planning and tweaking clinically and cost-effective actions, in predicting outcomes before making any financial commitments and ascribing priorities in a climate of finite resources; change practices; and continually monitor and analyse changes, as well as sentinel events. Yet despite all these potentials for GIS, they remain under-utilised in the UK National Health Service (NHS). This paper has the following objectives: (1) to illustrate with practical, real-world scenarios and examples from the literature the different GIS methods and uses to improve community health and healthcare practices, e.g., for improving hospital bed availability, in community health and bioterrorism surveillance services, and in the latest SARS outbreak; (2) to discuss challenges and problems currently hindering the wide-scale adoption of GIS across the NHS; and (3) to identify the most important requirements and ingredients for addressing these challenges, and realising GIS potential within the NHS, guided by related initiatives worldwide. The ultimate goal is to illuminate the road towards implementing a comprehensive national, multi-agency spatio-temporal health information infrastructure functioning proactively in real time. The concepts and principles presented in this paper can be also applied in other countries, and on regional (e.g., European Union) and global levels