392 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal techniques in multimodal imaging for brain mapping and epilepsy

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThis thesis explored multimodal brain imaging using advanced spatiotemporal techniques. The first set of experiments were based on simulations. Much controversy exists in the literature regarding the differences between magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG}, both practically and theoretically. The differences were explored using simulations that evaluated the expected signal-to-noise ratios from reasonable brain sources. MEG and EEG were found to be complementary, with each modality optimally suited to image activity from different areas of the cortical surface. Consequently, evaluations of epileptic patients and general neuroscience experiments will both benefit from simultaneously collected MEG/EEG. The second set of experiments represent an example of MEG combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) applied to healthy subjects. The study set out to resolve two questions relating to shape perception. First, does the brain activate functional areas sequentially during shape perception, as has been suggested in recent literature? Second, which , if any, functional areas are active time-locked with reaction-time? The study found that functional areas are non-sequentially activated, and that area IT is active time-locked with reaction-time. These two points, coupled with the method for multimodal integration , can help further develop our understanding of shape perception in particular, and cortical dynamics in general for healthy subjects. Broadly, these two studies represent practical guidelines for epilepsy evaluations and brain mapping studies. For epilepsy studies, clinicians could combine MEG and EEG to maximize the probability of finding the source of seizures. For brain mapping in general, EEG, MEG, MRI and fMRI can be combined in the methods outlined here to obtain more sophisticated views of cortical dynamics

    Causality and synchronisation in complex systems with applications to neuroscience

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    This thesis presents an investigation, of synchronisation and causality, motivated by problems in computational neuroscience. The thesis addresses both theoretical and practical signal processing issues regarding the estimation of interdependence from a set of multivariate data generated by a complex underlying dynamical system. This topic is driven by a series of problems in neuroscience, which represents the principal background motive behind the material in this work. The underlying system is the human brain and the generative process of the data is based on modern electromagnetic neuroimaging methods . In this thesis, the underlying functional of the brain mechanisms are derived from the recent mathematical formalism of dynamical systems in complex networks. This is justified principally on the grounds of the complex hierarchical and multiscale nature of the brain and it offers new methods of analysis to model its emergent phenomena. A fundamental approach to study the neural activity is to investigate the connectivity pattern developed by the brain’s complex network. Three types of connectivity are important to study: 1) anatomical connectivity refering to the physical links forming the topology of the brain network; 2) effective connectivity concerning with the way the neural elements communicate with each other using the brain’s anatomical structure, through phenomena of synchronisation and information transfer; 3) functional connectivity, presenting an epistemic concept which alludes to the interdependence between data measured from the brain network. The main contribution of this thesis is to present, apply and discuss novel algorithms of functional connectivities, which are designed to extract different specific aspects of interaction between the underlying generators of the data. Firstly, a univariate statistic is developed to allow for indirect assessment of synchronisation in the local network from a single time series. This approach is useful in inferring the coupling as in a local cortical area as observed by a single measurement electrode. Secondly, different existing methods of phase synchronisation are considered from the perspective of experimental data analysis and inference of coupling from observed data. These methods are designed to address the estimation of medium to long range connectivity and their differences are particularly relevant in the context of volume conduction, that is known to produce spurious detections of connectivity. Finally, an asymmetric temporal metric is introduced in order to detect the direction of the coupling between different regions of the brain. The method developed in this thesis is based on a machine learning extensions of the well known concept of Granger causality. The thesis discussion is developed alongside examples of synthetic and experimental real data. The synthetic data are simulations of complex dynamical systems with the intention to mimic the behaviour of simple cortical neural assemblies. They are helpful to test the techniques developed in this thesis. The real datasets are provided to illustrate the problem of brain connectivity in the case of important neurological disorders such as Epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. The methods of functional connectivity in this thesis are applied to intracranial EEG recordings in order to extract features, which characterize underlying spatiotemporal dynamics before during and after an epileptic seizure and predict seizure location and onset prior to conventional electrographic signs. The methodology is also applied to a MEG dataset containing healthy, Parkinson’s and dementia subjects with the scope of distinguishing patterns of pathological from physiological connectivity

    Connectivity Analysis in EEG Data: A Tutorial Review of the State of the Art and Emerging Trends

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    Understanding how different areas of the human brain communicate with each other is a crucial issue in neuroscience. The concepts of structural, functional and effective connectivity have been widely exploited to describe the human connectome, consisting of brain networks, their structural connections and functional interactions. Despite high-spatial-resolution imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) being widely used to map this complex network of multiple interactions, electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings claim high temporal resolution and are thus perfectly suitable to describe either spatially distributed and temporally dynamic patterns of neural activation and connectivity. In this work, we provide a technical account and a categorization of the most-used data-driven approaches to assess brain-functional connectivity, intended as the study of the statistical dependencies between the recorded EEG signals. Different pairwise and multivariate, as well as directed and non-directed connectivity metrics are discussed with a pros-cons approach, in the time, frequency, and information-theoretic domains. The establishment of conceptual and mathematical relationships between metrics from these three frameworks, and the discussion of novel methodological approaches, will allow the reader to go deep into the problem of inferring functional connectivity in complex networks. Furthermore, emerging trends for the description of extended forms of connectivity (e.g., high-order interactions) are also discussed, along with graph-theory tools exploring the topological properties of the network of connections provided by the proposed metrics. Applications to EEG data are reviewed. In addition, the importance of source localization, and the impacts of signal acquisition and pre-processing techniques (e.g., filtering, source localization, and artifact rejection) on the connectivity estimates are recognized and discussed. By going through this review, the reader could delve deeply into the entire process of EEG pre-processing and analysis for the study of brain functional connectivity and learning, thereby exploiting novel methodologies and approaches to the problem of inferring connectivity within complex networks


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    This is a practical book on MEG that covers a wide range of topics. The book begins with a series of reviews on the use of MEG for clinical applications, the study of cognitive functions in various diseases, and one chapter focusing specifically on studies of memory with MEG. There are sections with chapters that describe source localization issues, the use of beamformers and dipole source methods, as well as phase-based analyses, and a step-by-step guide to using dipoles for epilepsy spike analyses. The book ends with a section describing new innovations in MEG systems, namely an on-line real-time MEG data acquisition system, novel applications for MEG research, and a proposal for a helium re-circulation system. With such breadth of topics, there will be a chapter that is of interest to every MEG researcher or clinician

    Utility of Independent Component Analysis for Interpretation of Intracranial EEG

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    Electrode arrays are sometimes implanted in the brains of patients with intractable epilepsy to better localize seizure foci before epilepsy surgery. Analysis of intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings is typically performed in the electrode channel domain without explicit separation of the sources that generate the signals. However, intracranial EEG signals, like scalp EEG signals, could be linear mixtures of local activity and volume-conducted activity arising in multiple source areas. Independent component analysis (ICA) has recently been applied to scalp EEG data, and shown to separate the signal mixtures into independently generated brain and non-brain source signals. Here, we applied ICA to unmix source signals from intracranial EEG recordings from four epilepsy patients during a visually cued finger movement task in the presence of background pathological brain activity. This ICA decomposition demonstrated that the iEEG recordings were not maximally independent, but rather are linear mixtures of activity from multiple sources. Many of the independent component (IC) projections to the iEEG recording grid were consistent with sources from single brain regions, including components exhibiting classic movement-related dynamics. Notably, the largest IC projection to each channel accounted for no more than 20–80% of the channel signal variance, implying that in general intracranial recordings cannot be accurately interpreted as recordings of independent brain sources. These results suggest that ICA can be used to identify and monitor major field sources of local and distributed functional networks generating iEEG data. ICA decomposition methods are useful for improving the fidelity of source signals of interest, likely including distinguishing the sources of pathological brain activity

    Optimal Inertial Sensor Placement and Motion Detection for Epileptic Seizure Patient Monitoring

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    Use of inertial sensory systems to monitor and detect seizure episodes in patients suffering from epilepsy is investigated via numerical simulations and experiments. Numerical simulations employ a mathematical model that is able to predict human body dynamic responses during a typical epileptic seizure. An optimized inertial sensor placement procedure is developed to address achievement of highest possible sensing resolution in determining angular accelerations with minimal errors. In addition, a joint torque estimation procedure is formulated to assist in the future development of a possible detection scheme. Experimental motion data obtained from an epileptic seizure patient as well as a healthy subject via a cluster of inertial measurement sensors formed a basis for proposing a suitable detection scheme based on non-linear response analysis. In particular, preliminary experimental data analysis has shown that the proposed modified Poincaré Map based scheme can become an effective tool in detecting of seizure via inertial measurements


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    With the vision of including authors from different parts of the world, different educational backgrounds, and offering open-access to their published work, InTech proudly presents the latest edited book in epilepsy research, Epilepsy: Histological, electroencephalographic, and psychological aspects. Here are twelve interesting and inspiring chapters dealing with basic molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying epileptic seizures, electroencephalographic findings, and neuropsychological, psychological, and psychiatric aspects of epileptic seizures, but non-epileptic as well

    EpiGauss : caracterização espacio-temporal da actividade cerebral em epilepsia

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaA epilepsia é uma patologia cerebral que afecta cerca de 0,5% da população mundial. Nas epilepsias focais, o principal objectivo clínico é a localização da zona epileptogénica (área responsável pelas crises), uma informação crucial para uma terapêutica adequada. Esta tese é centrada na caracterização da actividade cerebral electromagnética do cérebro epiléptico. As contribuições nesta área, entre a engenharia e neurologia clínica, são em duas direcções. Primeiro, mostramos que os conceitos associados às pontas podem ser imprecisos e não ter uma definição objectiva, tornando necessária uma reformulação de forma a definir uma referência fiável em estudos relacionados com a análise de pontas. Mostramos que as características das pontas em EEG são estatisticamente diferentes das pontas em MEG. Esta constatação leva a concluir que a falta de objectividade na definição de ponta na literatura pode induzir utilizações erradas de conceitos associados ao EEG na análise de MEG. Também verificamos que o uso de conjuntos de detecções de pontas efectuadas por especialistas (MESS) como referência pode fornecer resultados enganadores quando apenas baseado em critérios de consenso clínico, nomeadamente na avaliação da sensibilidade e especificidade de métodos computorizados de detecção de pontas Em segundo lugar, propomos o uso de métodos estatísticos para ultrapassar a falta de precisão e objectividade das definições relacionadas com pontas. Propomos um novo método de neuroimagem suportado na caracterização de geradores electromagnéticos – EpiGauss – baseado na análise individual dos geradores de eventos do EEG que explora as suas estruturas espacio-temporais através da análise de “clusters”. A aplicação de análise de “clusters” à análise geradores de eventos do EEG tem como objectivo usar um método não supervisionado, para encontrar estruturas espacio-temporais dps geradores relevantes. Este método, como processo não supervisionado, é orientado a utilizadores clínicos e apresenta os resultados sob forma de imagens médicas com interpretação similar a outras técnicas de imagiologia cerebral. Com o EpiGauss, o utilizador pode determinar a localização estatisticamente mais provável de geradores, a sua estabilidade espacial e possíveis propagações entre diferente áreas do cérebro. O método foi testado em dois estudos clínicos envolvendo doentes com epilepsia associada aos hamartomas hipotalâmicos e o outro com doentes com diagnóstico de epilepsia occipital. Em ambos os estudos, o EpiGauss foi capaz de identificar a zona epileptogénica clínica, de forma consistente com a história e avaliação clínica dos neurofisiologistas, fornecendo mais informação relativa à estabilidade dos geradores e possíveis percursos de propagação da actividade epileptogénica contribuindo para uma melhor caracterização clínica dos doentes. A conclusão principal desta tese é que o uso de técnicas não supervisionadas, como a análise de “clusters”, associadas as técnicas não-invasivas de EMSI, pode contribuir com um valor acrescido no processo de diagnóstico clínico ao fornecer uma caracterização objectiva e representação visual de padrões complexos espaciotemporais da actividade eléctrica epileptogénica.Epilepsy is a brain pathology that affects 0.5% of the world population. In focal epilepsies, the main clinical objective is the localization of the epileptogenic zone (brain area responsible for the epileptic seizures – EZ), a key information to decide an adequate therapeutic approach. This thesis is centred on electromagnetic activity characterization of the epileptic brain. Our contribution to this boundary area between engineering and clinical neurology is two-folded. First we show that spike related clinical concepts can be unprecise and some do not have objective definitions making necessary a reformulation in order to have a reliable reference in spike related studies. We show that EEG spike wave quantitative features are statistically different from their MEG counterparts. This finding leads to the conclusion that the lack of objective spike feature definitions in the literature can induce the wrong usage of EEG feature definition in MEG analysis. We also show that the use of multi-expert spike selections sets (MESS) as gold standard, although clinically useful, may be misleading whenever defined solely in terms of clinical agreement criteria, namely as references for automatic spike detection algorithms in sensitivity and specificity method analysis. Second, we propose the use of statistical methods to overcome some lack of precision and objectivity in spike related definitions. In this context, we propose a new ElectroMagnetic Source Imaging (EMSI) method – EpiGauss – based on cluster analysis that explores both spatial and temporal information contained in individual events sources analysis characterisation. This automatic cluster method for the analysis of spike related electric generators based in EEG is used to provide an unsupervised tool to find their relevant spatio-temporal structures. This method enables a simple unsupervised procedure aimed for clinical users and presents its results in an intuitive representation similar to other brain imaging techniques. With EpiGauss, the user is able to determine statistically probable source locations, their spatial stability and propagation patterns between different brain areas. The method was tested in two different clinical neurophysiology studies, one with a group of Hypothalamic Hamartomas and another with a group of Occipital Epilepsy patients. In both studies EpiGauss identified the clinical epileptogenic zone, consistent with the clinical background and evaluation of neurophysiologists, providing further information on stability of source locations and their probable propagation pathways that enlarges their clinical interpretation. This thesis main conclusion is that the use of unsupervised techniques, such as clustering, associated with EMSI non-invasive techniques, can bring an added value in clinical diagnosis process by providing objective and visual representation of complex epileptic brain spatio-temporal activity patterns