228 research outputs found

    The evolution of Internet addiction: A global perspective

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    Kimberly Young’s early work on Internet addiction (IA)has been pioneering and her early writings on the topic inspired many others to carry out research in the area. Young's (2015) recent paper on the 'evolution of Internet addiction' featured very little European research, and did not consider the main international evidence that has contributed to our current knowledge about the conceptualization, epidemiology, etiology, and course of Internet-related disorders. This short commentary paper elaborates on important literature omitted by Young that the present authors believe may be of use to researchers. We also address statements made in Young’s (2015) commentary that are incorrect (and therefore misleading) and not systematically substantiated by empirical evidence

    A content analysis of interviews with players of massively multiplayer online role-play games (MMORPGs).

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    This paper explores the intrapersonal and interpersonal motivations involved in the playing of MMORPGs, and the impacts of gaming on online and offline relationships. Twenty-one participants completed an online synchronous interview in which they discussed their personal experiences of playing MMORPGs. An online survey was then developed to further explore the findings of the interviews and this was completed by 52 participants. A content-analysis of the interview transcripts showed that interpersonal factors (such as social communication and group cohesion) were the strongest motivators for game-playing, supporting previous research [1]. The interview data also showed that there tended to be conflict, rather than integration, between online and offline relationships, however the questionnaire data showed the opposite. This was a small-scale pilot study and a further larger study is planned which will investigate whether Social Identity Theory can be used to explain players’ perceptions of group and personal identity


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui gambaran siswa SMP yang mengalami kecanduan game online di salah satu sekolah SMP yang berada di  Kecamatan  Cikalongwetan Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan, dengan fenomena yang terjadi saat ini yaitu banyaknya siswa yang bermain game online. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan cara  wawancara dan observasi. Subjek penelitian yaitu 3 siswa yang mengalami kecanduan game online dan guru BK. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa tersebut mengalami kecanduan game online mobile legends karena mereka setiap harinya bermain sehingga menghabiskan waktu sepulang sekolah 4 sampai  6 jam lebih mereka bermain game tersebut. Akibatnya 3 siswa yang kecanduan tersebut sering bolos sekolah, motivasi belajar kurang, sering mengantuk bahkan tidur di kelas saat belajar berlangsung. Kata Kunci: Game online, Siswa SM

    Online Gaming Issues in Offline Couple Relationships: A Primer for Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs)

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    Although the challenges around participation in online gaming grow, gamers and their partners who experience online relationship issues related to gaming, present a new set of treatment challenges for therapists. In this article, we report on the findings of a hermeneutic research study aimed at evaluating the scholarly literature related to online gaming and interpret these texts to determine the effect such online activity has on the couple relationship. We reviewed 18 articles published between 1998 and 2010 related to online gaming and interpersonal relationships, focusing solely on empirical articles related to the search criteria. Our interpretation of the text concluded that online gaming might add to and/or interfere with a couple’s life. Based on these potential problem areas, practical considerations for treatment are also outlined

    Impaired decisional impulsivity in pathological videogamers

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    Abstract Background Pathological gaming is an emerging and poorly understood problem. Impulsivity is commonly impaired in disorders of behavioural and substance addiction, hence we sought to systematically investigate the different subtypes of decisional and motor impulsivity in a well-defined pathological gaming cohort. Methods Fifty-two pathological gaming subjects and age-, gender- and IQ-matched healthy volunteers were tested on decisional impulsivity (Information Sampling Task testing reflection impulsivity and delay discounting questionnaire testing impulsive choice), and motor impulsivity (Stop Signal Task testing motor response inhibition, and the premature responding task). We used stringent diagnostic criteria highlighting functional impairment. Results In the Information Sampling Task, pathological gaming participants sampled less evidence prior to making a decision and scored fewer points compared with healthy volunteers. Gaming severity was also negatively correlated with evidence gathered and positively correlated with sampling error and points acquired. In the delay discounting task, pathological gamers made more impulsive choices, preferring smaller immediate over larger delayed rewards. Pathological gamers made more premature responses related to comorbid nicotine use. Greater number of hours played also correlated with a Motivational Index. Greater frequency of role playing games was associated with impaired motor response inhibition and strategy games with faster Go reaction time. Conclusions We show that pathological gaming is associated with impaired decisional impulsivity with negative consequences in task performance. Decisional impulsivity may be a potential target in therapeutic management

    The Impact of Motivation and Prevention Factors on Game Addiction

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    Adolescents\u27 addiction to game has a negative impact on the aberrance of adolescents. Although limited research has been done on the cause of game addiction, no research has been conducted on the effectiveness of prevention measures. In this paper, we propose a model to study the impact of both the motivation and prevention factors on game addiction. Surveys were conducted among middle school students in Shanghai, with 623 valid responses. The analysis results show that among all prevention factors, only attention switch has significant negative impact on game addiction, however, dissuasion and parental monitoring have positive correlation with game addiction. The rational, resource shortage and cost have no significant impacts on game addiction. The analysis results also show that among all motivation factors, mechanics, relationship and escapism have significant positive impact on addiction


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    Introduction: Addiction to online games can affect physical health, social relations, cause physical weakness as a result of reduced sleep hours, uneven nutrition and can lead to dehydration. And lazy to do physical activities such as sports. Objective: This study aims to assess the effect of the intensity of playing online games on the patterns of physical activity of students. Methods: This study was a descriptive correlation study with the population of Advent Menia Junior High School students, Sabu Rai Jua District, NTT totaling 46 students and the sample was recruited with saturated sampling techniques. Results: data shows that 80% are in the low intensity category of online game play and 20% in the moderate category. 80% have low physical activity patterns and 20% have moderate physical activity patterns. There is a significant relationship between the intensity of playing online games with physical activity patterns. Discussion: Community nursing care in the prevention of obesity and addiction to online games in adolescents can be a consideration in service to the community and the focus of subsequent research.Pendahuluan: Kecanduan game online dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan fisik, hubungan sosial, menimbulkan kelemahan fisik sebagai akibat berkurangnya jam tidur, gizi yang tidak seimbang dan dapat mengakibatkan dehidrasi. Serta malas melakukan aktivitas fisik seperti berolahraga. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkajin pengaruh intensitas bermain game online terhadap pola aktivitas fisik siswa. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelasi dengan populasi siswa SMP Advent Menia, Kabupaten Sabu Rai Jua, NTT yang berjumlah 46 siswa dan sample direkrut dengan tehnik sampling jenuh. Hasil: data menunjukkan bahwa 80% berada pada kategori intensitas bermain game online yang rendah dan 20% pada kategori sedang. 80% memiliki pola aktivitas fisik yang rendah dan 20% memiliki pola aktivitas fisik sedang. terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas bermain game online dengan pola aktivitas fisik. Diskusi: Asuhan keperawatan komunitas dalam pencegahan obesitas dan kecanduan game online pada remaja dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam pelayanan kepada masyarakat serta focus dari penelitian berikutnya


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    Kebiasaan bermain game online membuat individu terasing dari lingkungannya. kecanduan bermain game online umumnya dilakukan seorang diri, dan itu dilakukan dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Semakin kecanduan game online, semakin sedikit waktu yang tersedia untuk berinteraksi dengan teman seusianya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecenderungan kecanduan game online dengan interaksi sosial pada siswa SMAN X di kabupaten Bekasi. Hipotesis yang diajukan pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan negatif antara kecanduan game online dengan interaksi sosial pada siswa SMAN X di kabupaten Bekasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 111 orang yang bermain game online dengan usia 15-18 tahun dan merupakan siswa SMAN X di kabupaten Bekasi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampling insidental. Skala pengukuran penelitian yang digunakan adalah skala Kecanduan Game Online dan skala interaksi sosial. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Spearman dengan nilai Rho = -0,298 dengan nilai signifikansi 0.001 (p<0.01) artinya terdapat hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara kecanduan game online dengan interaksi sosial. Semakin tinggi tingkat kecenderungan kecanduan game online maka semakin rendah tingkat interaksi sosial, begitu juga sebaliknya. Hipotesis yang diajukan diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan negatif antara kecanduan game online dengan interaksi sosial pada siswa SMAN X di Kabupaten Bekasi
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