48 research outputs found

    Disk-Directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors

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    Many scientific applications that run on today\u27s multiprocessors are bottlenecked by their file I/O needs. Even if the multiprocessor is configured with sufficient I/O hardware, the file-system software often fails to provide the available bandwidth to the application. Although libraries and improved file-system interfaces can make a significant improvement, we believe that fundamental changes are needed in the file-server software. We propose a new technique, \em disk-directed I/O, that flips the usual relationship between server and client to allow the disks (actually, disk servers) to determine the flow of data for maximum performance. Our simulations show that tremendous performance gains are possible. Indeed, disk-directed I/O provided consistent high performance that was largely independent of data distribution, and close to the maximum disk bandwidth

    Disk-directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors

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    Many scientific applications that run on today\u27s multiprocessors are bottlenecked by their file I/O needs. Even if the multiprocessor is configured with sufficient I/O hardware, the file-system software often fails to provide the available bandwidth to the application. Although libraries and improved file-system interfaces can make a significant improvement, we believe that fundamental changes are needed in the file-server software. We propose a new technique, disk-directed I/O, that flips the usual relationship between server and client to allow the disks (actually, disk servers) to determine the flow of data for maximum performance. Our simulations show that tremendous performance gains are possible. Indeed, disk-directed I/O provided consistent high performance that was largely independent of data distribution, and close to the maximum disk bandwidth

    Interfaces for Disk-Directed I/O

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    In other papers I propose the idea of disk-directed I/O for multiprocessor file systems. Those papers focus on the performance advantages and capabilities of disk-directed I/O, but say little about the application-programmer\u27s interface or about the interface between the compute processors and I/O processors. In this short note I discuss the requirements for these interfaces, and look at many existing interfaces for parallel file systems. I conclude that many of the existing interfaces could be adapted for use in a disk-directed I/O system

    Оптимизация обработки больших масcивов данных в кластерных системах

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    Для задач параллельной обработки больших наборов данных узким местом, как правило, оказывается файловое хранилище. Рассмотрено влияние упаковки данных на скорость вычислений. На основе ранее разработанной модели получены оценки минимального времени выполнения программ с учетом времени упаковки/распаковки и коэффициента сжатия данных. Полученные оценки опробованы на примере сжатия временных кубов для ускорения процедуры миграции сейсмограмм.For tasks of massive dataset processing the file storage usually provided to be a bottleneck. The data compression affect on computation speed is examined. On the base of the earlier built model the minimal execution time estimates with accounting the pack/unpack time and the data compression coefficient are obtained. The obtained estimates have been verified on the sample of time cubes compression for acceleration of seismic migration procedure

    CloudJet4BigData: Streamlining Big Data via an Accelerated Socket Interface

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    Big data needs to feed users with fresh processing results and cloud platforms can be used to speed up big data applications. This paper describes a new data communication protocol (CloudJet) for long distance and large volume big data accessing operations to alleviate the large latencies encountered in sharing big data resources in the clouds. It encapsulates a dynamic multi-stream/multi-path engine at the socket level, which conforms to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) and thereby can accelerate any POSIX-compatible applications across IP based networks. It was demonstrated that CloudJet accelerates typical big data applications such as very large database (VLDB), data mining, media streaming and office applications by up to tenfold in real-world tests

    A Java Graphical User Interface for Large-Scale Scientific Computations in Distributed Systems

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    Large-scale scientific applications present great challenges to computational scientists in terms of obtaining high performance and in managing large datasets. These applications (most of which are simulations) may employ multiple techniques and resources in a heterogeneously distributed environment. Effective working in such an environment is crucial for modern large-scale simulations. In this paper, we present an integrated Java graphical user interface (IJ-GUI) that provides a control platform for managing complex programs and their large datasets easily. As far as performance is concerned, we present and evaluate our initial implementation of two optimization schemes: data replication and data prediction. Data replication can take advantage of \u27temporal locality\u27 by caching the remote datasets on local disks; data prediction, on the other hand, provides prefetch hints based on the datasets\u27 past activities that are kept in databases. We first introduce the data contiguity concept in such an environment that guides data prediction. The relationship between the two approaches is discussed

    Low-Level Interfaces for High-Level Parallel I/O

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    As the I/O needs of parallel scientific applications increase, file systems for multiprocessors are being designed to provide applications with parallel access to multiple disks. Many parallel file systems present applications with a conventional Unix-like interface that allows the application to access multiple disks transparently. By tracing all the activity of a parallel file system in a production, scientific computing environment, we show that many applications exhibit highly regular, but non-consecutive I/O access patterns. Since the conventional interface does not provide an efficient method of describing these patterns, we present three extensions to the interface that support \em strided, \em nested-strided, and \em nested-batched I/O requests. We show how these extensions can be used to express common access patterns. As the I/O needs of parallel scientific applications increase, file systems for multiprocessors are being designed to provide applications with parallel access to multiple disks. Many parallel file systems present applications with a conventional Unix-like interface that allows the application to access multiple disks transparently. By tracing all the activity of a parallel file system in a production, scientific computing environment, we show that many applications exhibit highly regular, but non-consecutive I/O access patterns. Since the conventional interface does not provide an efficient method of describing these patterns, we present three extensions to the interface that support \em strided, \em nested-strided, and \em nested-batched I/O requests. We show how these extensions can be used to express common access patterns

    Disk-directed I/O for an Out-of-Core Computation

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    New file systems are critical to obtain good I/O performance on large multiprocessors. Several researchers have suggested the use of collective file-system operations, in which all processes in an application cooperate in each I/O request. Others have suggested that the traditional low-level interface (read, write, seek) be augmented with various higher-level requests (e.g., read matrix), allowing the programmer to express a complex transfer in a single (perhaps collective) request. Collective, high-level requests permit techniques like two-phase I/O and disk-directed I/O to significantly improve performance over traditional file systems and interfaces. Neither of these techniques have been tested on anything other than simple benchmarks that read or write matrices. Many applications, however, intersperse computation and I/O to work with data sets that cannot fit in main memory. In this paper, we present the results of experiments with an ``out-of-core\u27\u27 LU-decomposition program, comparing a traditional interface and file system with a system that has a high-level, collective interface and disk-directed I/O. We found that a collective interface was awkward in some places, and forced additional synchronization. Nonetheless, disk-directed I/O was able to obtain much better performance than the traditional system

    A layout-aware optimization strategy for collective i/o

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    ABSTRACT In this study, we propose an optimization strategy to promote a better integration of the parallel I/O middleware and parallel file systems. We illustrate that a layout-aware optimization strategy can improve the performance of current collective I/O in parallel I/O system. We present the motivation, prototype design and initial verification of the proposed layout-aware optimization strategy. The analytical and initial experimental testing results demonstrate that the proposed strategy has a potential in improving the parallel I/O system performance

    Dynamic File-Access Characteristics of a Production Parallel Scientific Workload

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    Multiprocessors have permitted astounding increases in computational performance, but many cannot meet the intense I/O requirements of some scientific applications. An important component of any solution to this I/O bottleneck is a parallel file system that can provide high-bandwidth access to tremendous amounts of data in parallel to hundreds or thousands of processors. Most successful systems are based on a solid understanding of the characteristics of the expected workload, but until now there have been no comprehensive workload characterizations of multiprocessor file systems. We began the CHARISMA project in an attempt to fill that gap. We instrumented the common node library on the iPSC/860 at NASA Ames to record all file-related activity over a two-week period. Our instrumentation is different from previous efforts in that it collects information about every read and write request and about the mix of jobs running in the machine (rather than from selected applications). The trace analysis in this paper leads to many recommendations for designers of multiprocessor file systems. First, the file system should support simultaneous access to many different files by many jobs. Second, it should expect to see many small requests, predominantly sequential and regular access patterns (although of a different form than in uniprocessors), little or no concurrent file-sharing between jobs, significant byte- and block-sharing between processes within jobs, and strong interprocess locality. Third, our trace-driven simulations showed that these characteristics led to great success in caching, both at the compute nodes and at the I/O nodes. Finally, we recommend supporting strided I/O requests in the file-system interface, to reduce overhead and allow more performance optimization by the file system