68 research outputs found

    Deep Learning in Cardiology

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    The medical field is creating large amount of data that physicians are unable to decipher and use efficiently. Moreover, rule-based expert systems are inefficient in solving complicated medical tasks or for creating insights using big data. Deep learning has emerged as a more accurate and effective technology in a wide range of medical problems such as diagnosis, prediction and intervention. Deep learning is a representation learning method that consists of layers that transform the data non-linearly, thus, revealing hierarchical relationships and structures. In this review we survey deep learning application papers that use structured data, signal and imaging modalities from cardiology. We discuss the advantages and limitations of applying deep learning in cardiology that also apply in medicine in general, while proposing certain directions as the most viable for clinical use.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, 10 table

    Nonlinear Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Cardiovascular System Dynamics - Diagnostic and Prognostic Applications

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    The purpose of this investigation is to develop monitoring, diagnostic and prognostic schemes for cardiovascular diseases by studying the nonlinear stochastic dynamics underlying complex heart system. The employment of a nonlinear stochastic analysis combined with wavelet representations can extract effective cardiovascular features, which will be more sensitive to the pathological dynamics instead of the extraneous noises. While conventional statistical and linear systemic approaches have limitations for capturing signal variations resulting from changes in the cardiovascular system states. The research methodology includes signal representation using optimal wavelet function design, feature extraction using nonlinear recurrence analysis, and local recurrence modeling for state prediction.Industrial Engineering & Managemen

    The Application of Computer Techniques to ECG Interpretation

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    This book presents some of the latest available information on automated ECG analysis written by many of the leading researchers in the field. It contains a historical introduction, an outline of the latest international standards for signal processing and communications and then an exciting variety of studies on electrophysiological modelling, ECG Imaging, artificial intelligence applied to resting and ambulatory ECGs, body surface mapping, big data in ECG based prediction, enhanced reliability of patient monitoring, and atrial abnormalities on the ECG. It provides an extremely valuable contribution to the field

    Intelligent Biosignal Processing in Wearable and Implantable Sensors

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    This reprint provides a collection of papers illustrating the state-of-the-art of smart processing of data coming from wearable, implantable or portable sensors. Each paper presents the design, databases used, methodological background, obtained results, and their interpretation for biomedical applications. Revealing examples are brain–machine interfaces for medical rehabilitation, the evaluation of sympathetic nerve activity, a novel automated diagnostic tool based on ECG data to diagnose COVID-19, machine learning-based hypertension risk assessment by means of photoplethysmography and electrocardiography signals, Parkinsonian gait assessment using machine learning tools, thorough analysis of compressive sensing of ECG signals, development of a nanotechnology application for decoding vagus-nerve activity, detection of liver dysfunction using a wearable electronic nose system, prosthetic hand control using surface electromyography, epileptic seizure detection using a CNN, and premature ventricular contraction detection using deep metric learning. Thus, this reprint presents significant clinical applications as well as valuable new research issues, providing current illustrations of this new field of research by addressing the promises, challenges, and hurdles associated with the synergy of biosignal processing and AI through 16 different pertinent studies. Covering a wide range of research and application areas, this book is an excellent resource for researchers, physicians, academics, and PhD or master students working on (bio)signal and image processing, AI, biomaterials, biomechanics, and biotechnology with applications in medicine

    Multiscale Cohort Modeling of Atrial Electrophysiology : Risk Stratification for Atrial Fibrillation through Machine Learning on Electrocardiograms

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    Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern sind einem fünffach erhöhten Risiko für einen ischämischen Schlaganfall ausgesetzt. Eine frühzeitige Erkennung und Diagnose der Arrhythmie würde ein rechtzeitiges Eingreifen ermöglichen, um möglicherweise auftretende Begleiterkrankungen zu verhindern. Eine Vergrößerung des linken Vorhofs sowie fibrotisches Vorhofgewebe sind Risikomarker für Vorhofflimmern, da sie die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für die Aufrechterhaltung der chaotischen elektrischen Depolarisation im Vorhof erfüllen. Mithilfe von Techniken des maschinellen Lernens könnten Fibrose und eine Vergrößerung des linken Vorhofs basierend auf P Wellen des 12-Kanal Elektrokardiogramms im Sinusrhythmus automatisiert identifiziert werden. Dies könnte die Basis für eine nicht-invasive Risikostrat- ifizierung neu auftretender Vorhofflimmerepisoden bilden, um anfällige Patienten für ein präventives Screening auszuwählen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde untersucht, ob simulierte Vorhof-Elektrokardiogrammdaten, die dem klinischen Trainingssatz eines maschinellen Lernmodells hinzugefügt wurden, zu einer verbesserten Klassifizierung der oben genannten Krankheiten bei klinischen Daten beitra- gen könnten. Zwei virtuelle Kohorten, die durch anatomische und funktionelle Variabilität gekennzeichnet sind, wurden generiert und dienten als Grundlage für die Simulation großer P Wellen-Datensätze mit genau bestimmbaren Annotationen der zugrunde liegenden Patholo- gie. Auf diese Weise erfüllen die simulierten Daten die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung eines Algorithmus für maschinelles Lernen, was sie von klinischen Daten unterscheidet, die normalerweise nicht in großer Zahl und in gleichmäßig verteilten Klassen vorliegen und deren Annotationen möglicherweise durch unzureichende Expertenannotierung beeinträchtigt sind. Für die Schätzung des Volumenanteils von linksatrialem fibrotischen Gewebe wurde ein merkmalsbasiertes neuronales Netz entwickelt. Im Vergleich zum Training des Modells mit nur klinischen Daten, führte das Training mit einem hybriden Datensatz zu einer Reduzierung des Fehlers von durchschnittlich 17,5 % fibrotischem Volumen auf 16,5 %, ausgewertet auf einem rein klinischen Testsatz. Ein Long Short-Term Memory Netzwerk, das für die Unterscheidung zwischen gesunden und P Wellen von vergrößerten linken Vorhöfen entwickelt wurde, lieferte eine Genauigkeit von 0,95 wenn es auf einem hybriden Datensatz trainiert wurde, von 0,91 wenn es nur auf klinischen Daten trainiert wurde, die alle mit 100 % Sicherheit annotiert wurden, und von 0,83 wenn es auf einem klinischen Datensatz trainiert wurde, der alle Signale unabhängig von der Sicherheit der Expertenannotation enthielt. In Anbetracht der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit können Elektrokardiogrammdaten, die aus elektrophysiologischer Modellierung und Simulationen an virtuellen Patientenkohorten resul- tieren und relevante Variabilitätsaspekte abdecken, die mit realen Beobachtungen übereinstim- men, eine wertvolle Datenquelle zur Verbesserung der automatisierten Risikostratifizierung von Vorhofflimmern sein. Auf diese Weise kann den Nachteilen klinischer Datensätze für die Entwicklung von Modellen des maschinellen Lernens entgegengewirkt werden. Dies trägt letztendlich zu einer frühzeitigen Erkennung der Arrhythmie bei, was eine rechtzeitige Auswahl geeigneter Behandlungsstrategien ermöglicht und somit das Schlaganfallrisiko der betroffenen Patienten verringert

    Strategies for neural networks in ballistocardiography with a view towards hardware implementation

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of LutonThe work described in this thesis is based on the results of a clinical trial conducted by the research team at the Medical Informatics Unit of the University of Cambridge, which show that the Ballistocardiogram (BCG) has prognostic value in detecting impaired left ventricular function before it becomes clinically overt as myocardial infarction leading to sudden death. The objective of this study is to develop and demonstrate a framework for realising an on-line BCG signal classification model in a portable device that would have the potential to find pathological signs as early as possible for home health care. Two new on-line automatic BeG classification models for time domain BeG classification are proposed. Both systems are based on a two stage process: input feature extraction followed by a neural classifier. One system uses a principal component analysis neural network, and the other a discrete wavelet transform, to reduce the input dimensionality. Results of the classification, dimensionality reduction, and comparison are presented. It is indicated that the combined wavelet transform and MLP system has a more reliable performance than the combined neural networks system, in situations where the data available to determine the network parameters is limited. Moreover, the wavelet transfonn requires no prior knowledge of the statistical distribution of data samples and the computation complexity and training time are reduced. Overall, a methodology for realising an automatic BeG classification system for a portable instrument is presented. A fully paralJel neural network design for a low cost platform using field programmable gate arrays (Xilinx's XC4000 series) is explored. This addresses the potential speed requirements in the biomedical signal processing field. It also demonstrates a flexible hardware design approach so that an instrument's parameters can be updated as data expands with time. To reduce the hardware design complexity and to increase the system performance, a hybrid learning algorithm using random optimisation and the backpropagation rule is developed to achieve an efficient weight update mechanism in low weight precision learning. The simulation results show that the hybrid learning algorithm is effective in solving the network paralysis problem and the convergence is much faster than by the standard backpropagation rule. The hidden and output layer nodes have been mapped on Xilinx FPGAs with automatic placement and routing tools. The static time analysis results suggests that the proposed network implementation could generate 2.7 billion connections per second performance

    Machine learning and signal processing contributions to identify circulation states during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

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    212 p. (eusk) 216 p. (eng.)Bat-bateko bihotz geldialdia (BBG) ustekabeko bihotz jardueraren etenaldi gisa definitzen da [9], non odol perfusioa ez baita iristenez burmuinera, ez beste ezinbesteko organoetara. BBGa ahalik eta azkarren tratatu behar da berpizte terapien bidez bat-bateko bihotz heriotza (BBH) ekiditeko [10, 11]. Ohikoena BBGa ospitalez kanpoko inguruneetan gertatzea da [12] eta kasu gehienetan ez da lekukorik egoten [13]. Horregatik, berpizte terapien aplikazio goiztiarra erronka mediku eta soziala da gaur egun

    Towards a better understanding of the precordial leads : an engineering point of view

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    This thesis provides comprehensive literature review of the electrocardiography evolution to highlight the important theories behind the development of the electrocardiography device. More importantly, it discusses different electrode placement on the chest, and their clinical advantages. This work presents a technical detail of a new ECG device which was developed at MARCS institute and can record the Wilson Central Terminal (WCT) components in addition to the standard 12-lead ECG. This ECG device was used to record from 147 patients at Campbelltown hospital over three years. The first two years of recording contain 92 patients which was published in the Physionet platform under the name of Wilson Central Terminal ECG database (WCTECGdb). This novel dataset was used to demonstrate the WCT signal characterisation and investigate how WCT impacts the precordial leads. Furthermore, the clinical influence of the WCT on precordial leads in patients diagnosed with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is discussed. The work presented in this research is intended to revisit some of the ECG theories and investigate the validity of them using the recorded data. Furthermore, the influence of the left leg potential on recording the precordial leads is presented, which lead to investigate whether the WCT and augmented vector foot (aVF) are proportional. Finally, a machine learning approach is proposed to minimise the Wilson Central Terminal

    Analysis and interpretation of electrocardiogram signals for the detection of hypoglycaemia.

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    Diabetes is a complication of metabolism where the glucose control system of the human body is impaired and cannot preserve the blood glucose levels in the normal range. This research investigated the relationship between abnormally low glucose levels (hypoglycaemia) and cardiac function in human subjects with Type 1 diabetes. The aim of the research was to detect the onset of spontaneous nocturnal hypoglycaemia indirectly through analysis of the subject's Electrocardiogram (ECG). The research hypothesis follows from previous studies, that suggested changes in ECG morphology, in particular prolongation of the QT interval and flattening of the T-wave, during hypoglycaemia.The research methodology involved ECG feature extraction and classification of extracted features into euglycaemic (normal glucose levels) and hypoglycaemic categories. A number of time-domain ECG features were evaluated and a few ECG annotation algorithms were investigated for detection of onsets, peaks and offsets of the ECG components. Autoregressive (AR) modelling was also employed as a means of describing and characterising post-QRS ECG segments. ECG segment classification was carried out using Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) neural networks. Statistical classifiers were also employed namely, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and the k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN).This research proposed a new methodology for detection of spontaneous nocturnal hypoglycaemia by combining time-domain characterisation and classification of the post-QRS ECG segment. Two novel ECG features were introduced to characterise T-wave morphology. MLPs achieved better classification of ECG feature vectors compared to LDA. Also ECG representation by AR coefficients was marginally superior to individual ECG features, according to classification performance by LDA. Finally a Knowledge-Based System (KBS) was designed for ECG monitoring during the night. It was developed and tested onoffline data in a m anner that simulated an online monitoring scenario. The system was able to detect ECG abnormalities related to spontaneous nocturnal hypoglycaemia and to raise an alarm if necessary. In its optimal configuration, the system correctly monitored 30 out of the 32 recorded nights (originating from 19 patients) while there were 2 false alarms. This performance corresponds to accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 93.75%, 100% and 91.30% respectively.The main contribution to knowledge from this research was successful detection of the onset of spontaneous nocturnal hypoglycaemia indirectly, using solely ECG information. This result supports the hypothesis stating that spontaneous hypoglycaemia affects the cardiac function and is manifested on the ECG. A. detailed analysis of the ECG signal for the detection of hypoglycaemia was carried out in the thesis. ECG features were extracted and assessed as predictors of the clinical condition. A number of approaches for ECG representation and classification (MLP, kNN, LDA) were examined and compared. Moreover, a KBS capable of achieving satisfactory monitoring performance on offline data from diabetic patients was designed. It was found that ECG changes in response to hypoglycaemia were short-time transients and incorporation of temporal information in the classification system caused significant improvement in performance. Successful continuation of this work may lead to a hypoglycaemia-detection system for the bedside