11,247 research outputs found

    Generalized Fibonacci broadcasting: An efficient VOD scheme with user bandwidth limit

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    AbstractBroadcasting is attractive in delivering popular videos in video-on-demand service, because the server broadcast bandwidth is independent of the number of users. However, the required server bandwidth does depend on how much bandwidth each user can use, as well as on the user's initial waiting time. This paper addresses the issue of limiting the user bandwidth, and proposes a new broadcasting scheme, named Generalized Fibonacci Broadcasting (GFB). In terms of many performance graphs, we show that, for any given combination of the server bandwidth and user bandwidth, GFB can achieve the least waiting time among all the currently known fixed-delay broadcasting schemes. Furthermore, it is very easy to implement GFB. We also demonstrate that there is a trade-off between the user waiting time and the buffer requirement at the user

    Quality of service assurance for the next generation Internet

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    The provisioning for multimedia applications has been of increasing interest among researchers and Internet Service Providers. Through the migration from resource-based to service-driven networks, it has become evident that the Internet model should be enhanced to provide support for a variety of differentiated services that match applications and customer requirements, and not stay limited under the flat best-effort service that is currently provided. In this paper, we describe and critically appraise the major achievements of the efforts to introduce Quality of Service (QoS) assurance and provisioning within the Internet model. We then propose a research path for the creation of a network services management architecture, through which we can move towards a QoS-enabled network environment, offering support for a variety of different services, based on traffic characteristics and user expectations

    A vehicle-to-infrastructure communication based algorithm for urban traffic control

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    We present in this paper a new algorithm for urban traffic light control with mixed traffic (communicating and non communicating vehicles) and mixed infrastructure (equipped and unequipped junctions). We call equipped junction here a junction with a traffic light signal (TLS) controlled by a road side unit (RSU). On such a junction, the RSU manifests its connectedness to equipped vehicles by broadcasting its communication address and geographical coordinates. The RSU builds a map of connected vehicles approaching and leaving the junction. The algorithm allows the RSU to select a traffic phase, based on the built map. The selected traffic phase is applied by the TLS; and both equipped and unequipped vehicles must respect it. The traffic management is in feedback on the traffic demand of communicating vehicles. We simulated the vehicular traffic as well as the communications. The two simulations are combined in a closed loop with visualization and monitoring interfaces. Several indicators on vehicular traffic (mean travel time, ended vehicles) and IEEE 802.11p communication performances (end-to-end delay, throughput) are derived and illustrated in three dimension maps. We then extended the traffic control to a urban road network where we also varied the number of equipped junctions. Other indicators are shown for road traffic performances in the road network case, where high gains are experienced in the simulation results.Comment: 6 page

    Quantifying subjective quality evaluations for mobile video watching in a semi-living lab context

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    This paper discusses results from an exploratory study in which Quality of Experience aspects related to mobile video watching were investigated in a semi-living lab setting. More specifically, we zoom in on usage patterns in a natural research context and on the subjective evaluation of high and low-resolution movie trailers that are transferred to a mobile device using two transmission protocols for video (i.e., real-time transport protocol and progressive download using HTTP). User feedback was collected by means of short questionnaires on the mobile device, combined with traditional pen and paper diaries. The subjective evaluations regarding the general technical quality, perceived distortion, fluentness of the video, and loading speed are studied and the influence of the transmission protocol and video resolution on these evaluations is analyzed. Multinomial logistic regression results in a model to estimate the subjective evaluations regarding the perceived distortion and loading speed based on objectively-measured parameters of the video session

    Cooperative Interval Caching in Clustered Multimedia Servers

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    In this project, we design a cooperative interval caching (CIC) algorithm for clustered video servers, and evaluate its performance through simulation. The CIC algorithm describes how distributed caches in the cluster cooperate to serve a given request. With CIC, a clustered server can accommodate twice (95%) more number of cached streams than the clustered server without cache cooperation. There are two major processes of CIC to find available cache space for a given request in the cluster: to find the server containing the information about the preceding request of the given request; and to find another server which may have available cache space if the current server turns out not to have enough cache space. The performance study shows that it is better to direct the requests of the same movie to the same server so that a request can always find the information of its preceding request from the same server. The CIC algorithm uses scoreboard mechanism to achieve this goal. The performance results also show that when the current server fails to find cache space for a given request, randomly selecting a server works well to find the next server which may have available cache space. The combination of scoreboard and random selection to find the preceding request information and the next available server outperforms other combinations of different approaches by 86%. With CIC, the cooperative distributed caches can support as many cached streams as one integrated cache does. In some cases, the cooperative distributed caches accommodate more number of cached streams than one integrated cache would do. The CIC algorithm makes every server in the cluster perform identical tasks to eliminate any single point of failure, there by increasing availability of the server cluster. The CIC algorithm also specifies how to smoothly add or remove a server to or from the cluster to provide the server with scalability

    Traffic analysis of Internet user behavior and content demand patterns

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    El estudio del trafico de internet es relevante para poder mejorar la calidad de servicio de los usuarios. Ser capaz de conocer cuales son los servicios más populares y las horas con más usuarios activos permite identificar la cantidad de tráfico producido y, por lo tanto, diseñar una red capaz de soportar la actividad esperada. La implementación de una red considerando este conocimiento puede reducir el tiempo de espera considerablemente, mejorando la experiencia de los usuarios en la web. Ya existen análisis del trafico de los usuarios y de sus patrones de demanda. Pero, los datos utilizados en estos estudios no han sido renovados, por lo tanto los resultados obtenidos pueden estar obsoletos y se han podido producir cambios importantes. En esta tesis, se estudia la cantidad de trafico entrante y saliente producido por diferentes aplicaciones y se ha hecho una evolución teniendo en cuenta datos presentes y pasados. Esto nos permitirá entender los cambios producidos desde 2007 hasta 2015 y observar las tendencias actuales. Además, se han analizado los patrones de demanda de usuarios del inicio de 2016 y se han comparado con resultados previos. La evolución del tráfico demuestra cambios en las preferencias de los usuarios, a pesar de que los patrones de demanda siguen siendo los mismos que en años anteriores. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis confirman las predicciones sobre un aumento del tráfico de 'Streaming Media'; se ha comprobado que el tráfico de 'Streaming Media' es el tráfico total dominante, con Netflix como el mayor contribuidor.L'estudi del trànsit d'Internet és rellevant per a poder millor la qualitat de servei dels usuaris. Ser capaç de conèixer quins són els serveis més popular i les hores amb més usuaris actius permet identificar la quantitat de trànsit produït i, per tant, dissenyar una xarxa capaç de soportar la activitat esperada. L'implementació d'una xarxa considerant aquest coneixement pot reduir el temps d'espera considerablement, millorant l'experiència dels usuaris a la web. Ja existeixen anàlisis del transit dels usuaris i els seus patrons de demanda. Però, les dades utilitzades en aquests estudis no han sigut renovades, per tant els resultats obtinguts poden estar obsolets i s'han produït canvis importants. En aquesta tesis, s'estudia la quantitat de transit entrant i sortint produit per diferents aplicacions i s'ha fet una evolució, tenint en compte dades presents i passades. Això ens permetrà entendre els canvis produïts des de 2007 fins 2015 i observar les tendències actuals. A més, s'han analitzat els patrons de demanda de usuaris de principis de 2016 i s'han comparat amb resultats previs. L'evolució del trànsit mostra canvis en las preferències dels usuaris, en canvi els patrons de demanda continuen sent els mateixos que en anys posteriors. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesis confirmen les prediccions sobre un augment del trànsit de 'Streaming Media'; s'ha comprovat que el trànsit de 'Streaming Media' es el trànsit total dominant, amb Netflix com el major contribuïdor.The study of Internet traffic is relevant in order to improve the quality of service of users. Being able to know which are the most popular services and the hours with most active users can let us identify the amount of inbound and outbound traffic produced, and hence design a network able to support the activity expected. The implementation of a network considering that knowledge can reduce the waiting time of users considerably, improving the users’ experience in the web. Analysis of users’ traffic and user demand patterns already exist. However, the data used in these studies is not renewed, thus the results found can be obsolete and considerable changes would have happened. In this bachelor’s thesis, it is studied the amount of inbound and outbound traffic produced considering different applications and the evolution when regarding previous and actual data has been taken into account. This would let us understand the changes produced from 2007 to 2015 and observe the tendencies nowadays. In addition, it has been analyzed the user demand patterns in the beginning of 2016 and it has been contrasted with previous results. The evolution of traffic has shown changes in users’ preferences, although their demand patterns are still the same as previous years. The results found in this thesis confirmed the expectations about an increase of streaming media Internet traffic; it was proved that streaming media traffic is the dominant total traffic, with Netflix as the major contributor

    Evaluation of cross-layer reliability mechanisms for satellite digital multimedia broadcast

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    This paper presents a study of some reliability mechanisms which may be put at work in the context of Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (SDMB) to mobile devices such as handheld phones. These mechanisms include error correcting codes, interleaving at the physical layer, erasure codes at intermediate layers and error concealment on the video decoder. The evaluation is made on a realistic satellite channel and takes into account practical constraints such as the maximum zapping time and the user mobility at several speeds. The evaluation is done by simulating different scenarii with complete protocol stacks. The simulations indicate that, under the assumptions taken here, the scenario using highly compressed video protected by erasure codes at intermediate layers seems to be the best solution on this kind of channel