20 research outputs found

    Characterization of Impactite Clay Minerals with Implications for Mars Geologic Context and Mars Sample Return

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    Geological processes, including impact cratering, are fundamental throughout rocky bodies in the solar system. Studies of terrestrial impact structures, like the Ries impact structure, Germany, have informed on impact cratering processes – e.g., early hot, hydrous degassing, autometamorphism, and recrystallization/devitrification of impact glass – and products – e.g., impact melt rocks and breccias comprised of clay minerals. Yet, clay minerals of authigenic impact origin remain understudied and their formation processes poorly-understood. This thesis details the characterization of impact-generated clay minerals at Ries, showing that compositionally diverse, abundant Al/Fe/Mg smectite clays formed through these processes in thin melt-bearing breccia deposits of the ejecta, as well as at depth. The inherent complexity of smectites – their formation, type, structure, and composition – makes their provenance difficult to discern; these factors may explain why impact-generated and altered materials, which comprise an appreciable volume and extent of Mars’ ancient Noachian crust, are not generally recognized as a source of the enigmatic clays that are ubiquitous in those regions. Clay minerals can provide a defining window into a planet’s geologic and climatic past as an indicator of water availability and geochemistry; the presence of clay minerals on Mars has been used to support the hypothesis of climatically “warm, wet” ancient conditions. Yet, climate modeling of Early Mars suggests that the likely nature of the climate was not conducive to long-term aqueous activity. We suggest that the omission of impact-generated materials in current models of Mars clay mineral formation leaves a fundamental gap in our understanding of Noachian crustal materials – materials that were continually recycled and completely transformed on a global scale over millennia on Mars. The opportunity to investigate clay-bearing impactites and strata-bound clay minerals will be presented to the upcoming NASA Mars 2020 and ESA ExoMars rovers; this thesis offers caution in assigning clay mineral provenance until samples are returned to Earth from these missions. We furthermore suggest a methodological approach to augment current rover-based exploration frameworks to characterize potential impact-origin. Discerning clay species and provenance – and acknowledging the implications of that provenance – is central to understanding the geologic context of Mars, and thus its past climatic conditions and habitability potential

    Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object

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    Exoplanet discoveries since the mid-1990’s have revealed an astounding diversity of planetary systems. Studying these systems is essential to understanding planetary formation processes, as well as the development of life in the universe. Unfortunately, humanity can only observe limited aspects of exoplanetary systems by telescope, and the significant distances between stars presents a barrier to in situ exploration. In this study, we propose an alternative path to gain insight into exoplanetary systems: Bridge, a mission concept design to fly by an interstellar object as it passes through our solar system. Designed as a New Frontiers-class mission during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Planetary Science Summer School, Bridge would provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into potential physical, chemical, and biological differences between solar systems as well as the possible exchange of planetary materials between them. Bridge employs ultraviolet/visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared point spectrometers, a visible camera, and a guided impactor. We also provide a quantitative Monte Carlo analysis that estimates wait times for a suitable target, and examines key trades between ground storage and a parking orbit, power sources, inner versus outer solar system encounters, and launch criteria. Due to the fleeting nature of interstellar objects, reaching an interstellar object may require an extended ground storage phase for the spacecraft until a suitable ISO is discovered, followed by a rapid response launch strategy. To enable rapid response missions designed to intercept such unique targets, language would need to be added to future NASA announcements of opportunity such that ground storage and rapid response would be allowable components of a proposed mission

    Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference : April 24–26, 2018, St. Louis, Missouri

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    The PSIDA conference provides a forum to discuss approaches, challenges, and applications of informatics and data analytics technologies and capabilities in planetary science.Institutional Support NASA Planetary Data System Geosciences, Lunar and Planetary Institute.Chairs Tom Stein, Washington University, St. Louis, USA, Dan Crichton, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA ; Program Committee Alphan Altinok, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA 
 [and 8 others]PARTIAL CONTENTS: ESA Planetary Science Archive Architecture and Data Management--SPICE for ESA Planetary Missions--VESPA: Enlarging the Virtual Observatory to Planetary Science--SeaBIRD: A Flexible and Intuitive Planetary Datamining Infrastructure--Model-Driven Development for PDS4 Software and Services--The Need for a Planetary Spatial Data Clearinghouse--The Relationship Between Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure and the Planetary Data System--Update on the NASA-USGS Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure Inter-Agency Agreement--MoonDB - A Data System for Analytical Data of Lunar Samples--Large-Scale Numerical Simulations of Planetary Interiors--Scalable Data Processing with the LROC Processing Pipelines--PACKMAN-Net: A Distributed, Open-Access, and Scalable Network of User-Friendly Space Weather Stations

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) on geological samples : compositional differentiation and relative hardness quantification

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    This master’s thesis is focused on the LIBS technique for compositional differentiation and relative hardness quantification of selected geological samples. The experimental part of this thesis was conducted at the National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES) in Cairo, Egypt where a simple LIBS system was constructed. In parallel to the experimental work, the literature review was surveyed with the aim to give a thorough view of the history, fundamentals and all the factors related to LIBS. LIBS is a developing analytical technique, which is used to perform qualitative and semi-quantitative elemental analysis of materials (solid, liquid and gas). The fast data collection and the lack of sample preparation made LIBS be an attractive technique to be used for geological samples. This study was done to improve analytical methods for geochemical analysis of samples during different exploration phases (Mining, filed analysis, etc.), as a real-time analysis method to save money and time spent in labs. For a generation of laser induced plasma, a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser operated at 10 Hz and wavelength of 1064 nm was employed on the surface of the samples. A spectrometer fitted with an intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) was used to disperse and detect the spectrum; then fed to a computer for recording and further processing of the data. The sample set was compiled from samples collected from different areas (South Africa and Namibia). Using principal component analysis (PCA), it was found that LIBS was able to differentiate between the samples even those of the same area. The results from the LIBS technique were correlated with subsequent analysis of the same samples by Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). The feasibility of relative hardness estimation using LIBS was done by measuring the plasma excitation temperature for different samples. LIBS with its advantages as an elemental analysis technique made it possible to estimate the hardness of geological samples. Based on theory and results, an analytical technique for compositional differentiation and quantification of relative hardness of geological samples is proposed.National Research Foundation (South Africa)PhysicsM Sc. (Physics

    Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute: Year Three Annual Report 2016

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    NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) is pleased to present the 2016 Annual Report. Each year brings new scientific discoveries, technological breakthroughs, and collaborations. The integration of basic research and development, industry and academic partnerships, plus the leveraging of existing technologies, has further opened a scientific window into human exploration. SSERVI sponsorship by the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) continues to enable the exchange of insights between the human exploration and space science communities, paving a clearer path for future space exploration. SSERVI provides a unique environment for scientists and engineers to interact within multidisciplinary research teams. As a virtual institute, the best teaming arrangements can be made irrespective of the geographical location of individuals or laboratory facilities. The interdisciplinary science that ensues from virtual and in-person interactions, both within the teams and across team lines, provides answers to questions that many times cannot be foreseen. Much of this research would not be accomplished except for the catalyzing, collaborative environment enabled by SSERVI. The SSERVI Central Office, located at NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California, provides the leadership, guidance and technical support that steers the virtual institute. At the start of 2016, our institute had nine U.S. teams, each mid-way through their five-year funding cycle, plus nine international partnerships. However, by the end of the year we were well into the selection of four new domestic teams, selected through NASA's Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) process, and a new international partnership. Understanding that human and robotic exploration is most successful as an international endeavor, international partnerships collaborate with SSERVI domestic teams on a no-exchange of funds basis, but they bring a richness to the institute that is priceless. The international partner teams interact with the domestic teams in a number of ways, including sharing students, scientific insights, and access to facilities. We are proud to introduce our newest partnership with the Astrophysics and Planetology Research Institute (IRAP) in Toulouse, France. In 2016, Principal Investigator Dr. Patrick Pinet assembled a group of French researchers who will contribute scientific and technological expertise related to SSERVI research. SSERVI's domestic teams compete for five-year funding opportunities through proposals to a NASA CAN every few years. Having overlapping proposal selection cycles allows SSERVI to be more responsive to any change in direction NASA might experience, while providing operational continuity for the institute. Allowing new teams to blend with the more seasoned teams preserves corporate memory and expands the realm of collaborative possibilities. A key component of SSERVI's mission is to grow and maintain an integrated research community focused on questions related to the Moon, Near-Earth asteroids, and the moons of Mars. The strong community response to CAN-2 demonstrated the health of that effort. NASA Headquarters conducted the peer-review of 22 proposals early in 2017 and, based on recommendations from the SSERVI Central Office and NASA SSERVI program officers, the NASA selecting officials determined the new teams in the spring of 2017. We are pleased to welcome the CAN-2 teams into the institute, and look forward to the collaborations that will develop with the current teams. The new teams are: The Network for Exploration and Space Science (NESS) team (Principal Investigator (PI) Prof. Jack Burns/U. Colorado); the Exploration Science Pathfinder Research for Enhancing Solar System Observations (ESPRESSO) team (PI Dr. Alex Parker/Southwest Research Institute); the Toolbox for Research and Exploration (TREX) team (PI Dr. Amanda Hendrix/ Planetary Science Institute); and the Radiation Effects on Volatiles and Exploration of Asteroids & Lunar Surfaces (REVEALS) team (PI Prof. Thomas Orlando/ Georgia Institute of Technology). In this report, you will find an overview of the 2016 leadership activities of the SSERVI Central Office, reports prepared by the U.S. teams from CAN-1, and achievements from several of the SSERVI international partners. Reflecting on the past year's discoveries and advancements serves as a potent reminder that there is still a great deal to learn about NASA's target destinations. Innovation in the way we access, sample, measure, visualize, and assess our target destinations is needed for further discovery. At the same time, let us celebrate how far we have come, and strongly encourage a new generation that will make the most of future opportunities

    Forty-first Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

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    Special sessions were: A New Moon: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Results ; Water in the Solar System: Incorporation into Primitive Bodies and Evolution ; A New Moon: LCROSS, Chandrayaan, and Chang-E-1 ; Water in the Solar System: Moon ; A New Moon: Spectral Constraints on Lunar Crustal Composition ; Characterizing Near-Earth Objects ; A New Moon: Lunar Volcanism and Impact. This CD-ROM contains the contents, program, abstracts, and author indexes for the 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.by Lunar and Planetary Institute, NASA Johnson Space Centerconference co-chairs, Stephen Mackwell, Lunar and Planetary Institute [and] Eileen Stansbery, NASA Johnson Space Center.PARTIAL CONTENTS: Roughness and Radar Polarimetry of Lunar Polar Craters: Testing for Ice Deposits / B.J. Thomson, P.D. Spudis, D.B.J. Bussey, L. Carter, R.L. Kirk, C. Neish, G. Patterson, R.K. Raney, H. Winters, and the Mini-RF Team--Formation of Jupiter's Atmosphere from a Supernova-Contaminated Molecular Cloud / H.B. Throop--Ancient Lunar Dynamo: Absence of Evidence is Not the Evidence of Absence / S.M. Tikoo, B.P. Weiss, J. Buz, I. Garrick-Bethell, T.L. Grove, and J. Gattaccaea--Dark Dunes in Ka'u Desert (Hawaii) as Terrestrial Analogs to Dark Dunes on Mars / D. Tirsch, R.A. Craddock, and R. Jaumann--Mars Ice Condensation and Density Orbiter / T.N. Titus, T. Prettyman, A. Brown, T.I. Michaels, and A. Colaprete--The Atacama Desert Cave Shredder: A Case for Conduction Thermodynamics / T.N. Titus, J.J. Wynne, D. Ruby, and N. Cabrol

    Rare Earth Elements analysis to identify anthropogenic signatures at Valle del Serpis (Spain) Neolithic settlements

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    Due to their particular geochemical properties and stability Rare Earth Elements (REE) can act as a ‘fingerprint’ for soils, and as a consequence have been employed in a variety of different archaeological scenarios in order to identify past human activities.In this study, for the first time, we apply REE signatures in different Spanish Neolithic settlements, all located in the Valle del Serpis region. More than 100 Neolithic settlements have been identified in this area, and most of these open sites are characterised by dark brown strata that are in contrast with the light brown soils of the valley. These dark brown deposits are usually covered by paleosols and have been interpreted as markers of anthropogenic activities. However, in order to demonstrate whether these strata are anthropogenic or natural features requires a better understand-ing of soil development processes. A total of fifty samples were taken across six different sites, and from each site the sam-pling was carried out at different depths through 3m deep sections. Four sites are clearly associated with archaeological findings (sites BF, LP, PB and AC); another one is from a natural section near the Neolithic site of Mas d’Is (MD) and has been radiocarbon dated to the beginning of the Holocene (7751-7611 cal BC); and the last corresponds to a place of uncertain attribution (BK). Major, minor and trace elements including REE were determined using XRF and ICP- MS, with Principal Components Analysis (PCA) used to statistically analyze these data. Results were then compared with the strata soil properties analysed by XRD and particle size analysis, and cross-referenced with archaeological data to aid interpretation. The results demonstrate that REE analyses provide significant details regarding anthropogenic activities and strata development history, and in this instance confirm and elaborate on the archaeological interpretation that these dark brown deposits are evidence of a region-wide agricultural system in the Neolithic Valle del Serpis

    The source of the building stones from the Sagunto Castle archaeological area and its surroundings

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    A multidisciplinary study was carried out on the building stones of the masonries belonging to the Castle of Sagunto (Valencia, Spain), an important historical and archeological complex, characterized by several construction phases from the Roman Period to the Modern Ages. For the first time, the stones of the Sagunto Castle have been analysed to determine their chemical, mineralogical and petrographic features, the main physical and mechanical properties, and to understand their decay, use and recycling dynamics in the different building during the entire occupational period. Geochemical and mineralogical analyses employing X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were carried out together with optical and electronic microscope analysis to observe the stone macro- and micro-structures. The collected data were processed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to highlight differences among the studied structures. The results show that the stones employed to build Sagunto`s structures during the different historical periods are related to a specific quarried area located nearby Sagunto Castle hill and differences between the studied samples are mostly related to the conservation state of the buildings. Therefore, geochemical analyses confirm the origin of the raw materials, while petrographic and physical analyses have been useful to evaluate the conservation state of the studied Sagunto Castle structures

    An astrobiological study of high latitude martian analogue environments

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    The search for life on Mars is in part reliant on the understanding of Martian environments, both past and present, in terms of what life may inhabit these environments, how this life may be preserved in the rock record, and how this rock record may be detected during future missions to Mars. In particular, the upcoming European Space Agency mission ‘ExoMars’ has the primary aim to identify evidence of past or present life on Mars, and the work presented here is carried out within this context. Volcanism is a geological process common to both Earth and Mars, and this work sought to conduct a multidisciplinary astrobiological study of terrestrial volcanic and associated hydrothermal environments that exist geographically at high latitudes. Specifically, subglacial basaltic volcanic environments were explored in terms of phylogenetic diversity, preservation of biosignatures, and habitability under Martian conditions. Additionally, these and other volcanic environments were utilised in the development and testing of the Panoramic Camera – an instrument that will form an integral component of the ExoMars rover instrument suite. Results presented within this thesis demonstrate that subglacially erupted lavas provide a habitat for a diverse bacterial community, and that when such a community is subject to present-day Martian analogue conditions, survivability is significantly enhanced when a simulated subglacial volcanic system (i.e. heat and ice) is present. However, the generation of bioalteration textures – a biosignature common to glassy basaltic lavas – appears to be less common in subglacially-erupted lavas than their oceanic counterparts. Lastly, this work demonstrates the ability of the ExoMars PanCam in the detection of astrobiological targets, and shows the importance of utilising Martian analogue terrains both for biological studies, and also for testing rover instrumentation in preparation for upcoming missions