506 research outputs found

    Automated Code Management for Service Oriented Computing in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Ad hoc networks are dynamic environments where fre-quent disconnections and transient interactions lead to de-coupled computing. Typically, participants in an ad hoc network are small mobile devices such as PDAs or cellu-lar phones that have a limited amount of resources avail-able locally, and must leverage the resources on other co-located devices to provide the user with a richer set of func-tionalities. Service-oriented computing (SOC), an emerging paradigm that seeks to establish a standard way of mak-ing resources and capabilities available for use by others in the form of services, is a useful model for engineering soft-ware that seeks to exploit capabilities on remote devices. This paper proposes an automatic code management sys-tem supporting SOC in ad hoc networks. The system is re-sponsible for ensuring that the binary code required to use a service on a remote machine is available on the local host only when required. To support this functionality, a local code base is maintained by discovering and installing code from remote hosts. Since the system is speciļ¬cally designed for ad hoc networks, it incorporates additional features that help it withstand the inherent dynamism of the network. We present an architecture for our system supporting automatic code management and follow it with a discussion of a Java-based implementation

    E-services in e-business engineering

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    Extended Service Registry for Efficient Web Service Search

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    Service registries and web service engines are the main approaches for discovering web services. Current service directories are mainly based on Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), which is an industry standard for service registries, developed to solve the web service search problem. However, UDDI offers limited search functionalities which may return a huge number of irrelevant services. Often consumers may be unaware of precise keywords to retrieve the required services satisfactorily and may be looking for services capable of providing certain outputs. In this paper, we propose a new system called Extended Service Registry (ESR) for extended and efficient service search using an object relational database. The functional requirements are provided by the user as a set of input parameters provided for and output parameters desired from the web service. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of service search in our Extended Service Registry (ESR) and the variety of user queries supported

    Sharing humanities data for e-research: conceptual and technical issues

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    The humanities, as defined by the Australian Academy of the Humanities, encompass the following disciplines: Archaeology; Asian Studies; Classical Studies; English; European Languages and Cultures; History; Linguistics; Philosophy, Religion and the History of Ideas; Cultural and Communication Studies; the Arts. Researchers in some of these fields employ quantitative and qualitative methodologies similar to those used in the sciences and social sciences, but most research in the humanities is perceived as distinctive and different from research in other fields, both in its methodologies and in its approach to data. Archiving and sharing humanities data for reuse by other researchers is crucial in the development and application of e-research in the humanities. There has been considerable debate about the applicability of e-research in the humanities, particularly around the relevance of programmes to digitize source materials on a large scale. Conceptualized and designed properly, however, a humanities data archive can provide the platform on which data-intensive e-research can be based, and to which e-research processes and tools can be applied. This paper looks at the distinctive characteristics of humanities data, and examines how various models of the humanities research process help in understanding the meaning of 'data' in the humanities. It reviews existing services and approaches to building data archives and e-research services for the humanities, and the assumptions they make about the nature of data. It also analyses some conceptual and technical frameworks which could serve as the basis for future developments, focusing particularly on the place of Linked Open Data in building large-scale humanities e-research environments.PARADISEC (Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures), Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Ethnographic E-Research Project and Sydney Object Repositories for Research and Teaching

    Sharing humanities data for e-research: conceptual and technical issues

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    The humanities, as defined by the Australian Academy of the Humanities, encompass the following disciplines: Archaeology; Asian Studies; Classical Studies; English; European Languages and Cultures; History; Linguistics; Philosophy, Religion and the History of Ideas; Cultural and Communication Studies; the Arts. Researchers in some of these fields employ quantitative and qualitative methodologies similar to those used in the sciences and social sciences, but most research in the humanities is perceived as distinctive and different from research in other fields, both in its methodologies and in its approach to data. Archiving and sharing humanities data for reuse by other researchers is crucial in the development and application of e-research in the humanities. There has been considerable debate about the applicability of e-research in the humanities, particularly around the relevance of programmes to digitize source materials on a large scale. Conceptualized and designed properly, however, a humanities data archive can provide the platform on which data-intensive e-research can be based, and to which e-research processes and tools can be applied. This paper looks at the distinctive characteristics of humanities data, and examines how various models of the humanities research process help in understanding the meaning of 'data' in the humanities. It reviews existing services and approaches to building data archives and e-research services for the humanities, and the assumptions they make about the nature of data. It also analyses some conceptual and technical frameworks which could serve as the basis for future developments, focusing particularly on the place of Linked Open Data in building large-scale humanities e-research environments.PARADISEC (Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures), Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Ethnographic E-Research Project and Sydney Object Repositories for Research and Teaching

    Smart Cloud Engine and Solution Based on Knowledge Base

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    AbstractComplexity of cloud infrastructures needs models and tools for process management, configuration, scaling, elastic computing and healthiness control. This paper presents a Smart Cloud solution based on a Knowledge Base, KB, with the aim of modeling cloud resources, Service Level Agreements and their evolution, and enabling the reasoning on structures by implementing strategies of efficient smart cloud management and intelligence. The solution proposed provides formal verification tools and intelligence for cloud control. It can be easily integrated with any cloud configuration manager, cloud orchestrator, and monitoring tool, since the connections with these tools are performed by using REST calls and XML files. It has been validated in the large ICARO Cloud project with a national cloud service provider

    Service Oriented Computing Imperatives in Ad Hoc Wireless Settings

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    Service oriented computing is a new paradigm that is gaining popularity in dis-tributed computing environments due to its emphasis on highly specialized, modular and platform-agnostic code facilitating interoperability of systems. It borrows concepts from more mature paradigms such as object-oriented and component computing. This results in a progression from object-oriented computing to component computing and ļ¬nally to service oriented computing, a new paradigm for designing and delivering software. Just as an object encapsulates state and behavior at a ļ¬ne level of granularity, a service oļ¬€ers similar encapsulation at a larger scale. This evolution raises the level of abstraction at which systems are engineered, while preserving beneļ¬cial properties such as modularity, substitution and encapsulation. Every participant in a service oriented computing system is a provider or user of a service, or both. The service oriented computing paradigm is characterized by a minimalist philosophy, in that a user needs to carry only a small amount of code in its local storage, and exploits other services by discovering and using their capabilities to complete its assigned task. This chapter is the result of our experiences with designing and building service oriented computing frameworks for ad hoc wireless networks (Handorean & Roman, 2002). It examines the salient imperatives required to deliver a service oriented computing frame-work for ad hoc wireless networks. Ad hoc wireless networks are collections of hosts capable of wireless communication. Hosts within proximity of each other opportunistically form a network which changes due to host mobility. An ad hoc wireless network is a dynamic environment by necessity, which exhibits transient interactions, decoupled computing, physical mobility of hosts, and logical mobility of code. The network infrastructure is supported by the participating hosts themselves and there is no dependence on external, ļ¬xed resources. Ad hoc wireless environments are especially challenging to program when compared against other classes of ļ¬xed wireless environments because of the implications of mobility, i.e., frequent disconnections and inherent dynamism of the network on program execution. An important class of ad hoc mobile systems is based on small, portable devices, and this class of systems is the focus of this chapter. Such devices have limited storage capacity and battery power, which restricts the number of programs they can store and run locally. Service oriented computing oļ¬€ers a solution to this problem. By its very nature, service oriented computing is designed to facilitate sharing of capabilities while minimizing the amount of functionality a single host needs to maintain. Such a design is especially eļ¬€ective in ad hoc networks where storage space on individual hosts is at a premium, yet where the open environment allows a large number of hosts to contribute small functions resulting in a rich set of capabilities being available in the network as a whole. Service oriented computing has received much attention from researchers worldwide. However, most of this work has been focused on architectures and implementations for wired networks. Migrating service oriented computing to ad hoc networks is non-trivial and requires a systematic rethinking of core concepts. Many lessons have been learned from the work done in the wired setting, especially regarding description and matching of services. However, the more demanding environment of an ad hoc wireless network requires novel approaches to advertising, discovering and invoking services. We envision such ad hoc networks being used in a range of application domains, such as response coordination by ļ¬remen and police at disaster sites, or command and control of military units in a battleļ¬eld. Such scenarios demand reliability despite the dynamic nature of the underlying network. The motivation for this chapter is to understand the unique imperatives for a viable service oriented computing framework in ad hoc wireless settings, and to illustrate selected solution strategies. We begin by examining current technologies, algorithms and capabilities that have been implemented for use in wired networks as a baseline. We then extend these concepts to cater to the special challenges of service oriented computing in ad hoc networks and direct the readerā€™s attention to research issues in this area, presenting some of our own contributions in the process. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. We describe existing service oriented computing architectures and the Semantic Web eļ¬€ort in the Background section. The section on Ad Hoc Wireless Network Perspective on Service Oriented Computing represents the main thrust of this chapter and discusses the elements of a service oriented computing framework, examining current technologies alongside our ideas on how these concepts may be applied to ad hoc networks. We cover potential areas of research in the Future Trends section. Finally, we summarize our ļ¬ndings in the Conclusion section

    BlogForever D3.2: Interoperability Prospects

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    This report evaluates the interoperability prospects of the BlogForever platform. Therefore, existing interoperability models are reviewed, a Delphi study to identify crucial aspects for the interoperability of web archives and digital libraries is conducted, technical interoperability standards and protocols are reviewed regarding their relevance for BlogForever, a simple approach to consider interoperability in specific usage scenarios is proposed, and a tangible approach to develop a succession plan that would allow a reliable transfer of content from the current digital archive to other digital repositories is presented

    Evaluation of Link Traversal Query Execution over Decentralized Environments with Structural Assumptions

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    To counter societal and economic problems caused by data silos on the Web, efforts such as Solid strive to reclaim private data by storing it in permissioned documents over a large number of personal vaults across the Web. Building applications on top of such a decentralized Knowledge Graph involves significant technical challenges: centralized aggregation prior to query processing is excluded for legal reasons, and current federated querying techniques cannot handle this large scale of distribution at the expected performance. We propose an extension to Link Traversal Query Processing (LTQP) that incorporates structural properties within decentralized environments to tackle their unprecedented scale. In this article, we analyze the structural properties of the Solid decentralization ecosystem that are relevant for query execution, and provide the SolidBench benchmark to simulate Solid environments representatively. We introduce novel LTQP algorithms leveraging these structural properties, and evaluate their effectiveness. Our experiments indicate that these new algorithms obtain accurate results in the order of seconds for non-complex queries, which existing algorithms cannot achieve. Furthermore, we discuss limitations with respect to more complex queries. This work reveals that a traversal-based querying method using structural assumptions can be effective for large-scale decentralization, but that advances are needed in the area of query planning for LTQP to handle more complex queries. These insights open the door to query-driven decentralized applications, in which declarative queries shield developers from the inherent complexity of a decentralized landscape.Comment: Not peer-reviewe
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