946 research outputs found

    Human behavior analysis in video surveillance: A Social Signal Processing perspective

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    The analysis of human activities is one of the most intriguing and important open issues for the automated video surveillance community. Since few years ago, it has been handled following a mere Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition perspective, where an activity corresponded to a temporal sequence of explicit actions (run, stop, sit, walk, etc.). Even under this simplistic assumption, the issue is hard, due to the strong diversity of the people appearance, the number of individuals considered (we may monitor single individuals, groups, crowd), the variability of the environmental conditions (indoor/outdoor, different weather conditions), and the kinds of sensors employed. More recently, the automated surveillance of human activities has been faced considering a new perspective, that brings in notions and principles from the social, affective, and psychological literature, and that is called Social Signal Processing (SSP). SSP employs primarily nonverbal cues, most of them are outside of conscious awareness, like face expressions and gazing, body posture and gestures, vocal characteristics, relative distances in the space and the like. This paper is the first review analyzing this new trend, proposing a structured snapshot of the state of the art and envisaging novel challenges in the surveillance domain where the cross-pollination of Computer Science technologies and Sociology theories may offer valid investigation strategies

    Multi-Policy Decision Making for Reliable Navigation in Dynamic Uncertain Environments

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    Navigating everyday social environments, in the presence of pedestrians and other dynamic obstacles remains one of the key challenges preventing mobile robots from leaving carefully designed spaces and entering our daily lives. The complex and tightly-coupled interactions between these agents make the environment dynamic and unpredictable, posing a formidable problem for robot motion planning. Trajectory planning methods, supported by models of typical human behavior and personal space, often produce reasonable behavior. However, they do not account for the future closed-loop interactions of other agents with the trajectory being constructed. As a consequence, the trajectories are unable to anticipate cooperative interactions (such as a human yielding), or adverse interactions (such as the robot blocking the way). Ideally, the robot must account for coupled agent-agent interactions while reasoning about possible future outcomes, and then take actions to advance towards its navigational goal without inconveniencing nearby pedestrians. Multi-Policy Decision Making (MPDM) is a novel framework for autonomous navigation in dynamic, uncertain environments where the robot's trajectory is not explicitly planned, but instead, the robot dynamically switches between a set of candidate closed-loop policies, allowing it to adapt to different situations encountered in such environments. The candidate policies are evaluated based on short-term (five-second) forward simulations of samples drawn from the estimated distribution of the agents' current states. These forward simulations and thereby the cost function, capture agent-agent interactions as well as agent-robot interactions which depend on the ego-policy being evaluated. In this thesis, we propose MPDM as a new method for navigation amongst pedestrians by dynamically switching from amongst a library of closed-loop policies. Due to real-time constraints, the robot's emergent behavior is directly affected by the quality of policy evaluation. Approximating how good a policy is based on only a few forward roll-outs is difficult, especially with the large space of possible pedestrian configurations and the sensitivity of the forward simulation to the sampled configurations. Traditional methods based on Monte-Carlo sampling often missed likely, high-cost outcomes, resulting in an over-optimistic evaluation of a policy and unreliable emergent behavior. By re-formulating policy evaluation as an optimization problem and enabling the quick discovery of potentially dangerous outcomes, we make MPDM more reliable and risk-aware. Even with the increased reliability, a major limitation is that MPDM requires the system designer to provide a set of carefully hand-crafted policies as it can evaluate only a few policies reliably in real-time. We radically enhance the expressivity of MPDM by allowing policies to have continuous-valued parameters, while simultaneously satisfying real-time constraints by quickly discovering promising policy parameters through a novel iterative gradient-based algorithm. Overall, we reformulate the traditional motion planning problem and paint it in a very different light --- as a bilevel optimization problem where the robot repeatedly discovers likely high-cost outcomes and adapts its policy parameters avoid these outcomes. We demonstrate significant performance benefits through extensive experiments in simulation as well as on a physical robot platform operating in a semi-crowded environment.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150017/1/dhanvinm_1.pd

    Backwards is the way forward: feedback in the cortical hierarchy predicts the expected future

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    Clark offers a powerful description of the brain as a prediction machine, which offers progress on two distinct levels. First, on an abstract conceptual level, it provides a unifying framework for perception, action, and cognition (including subdivisions such as attention, expectation, and imagination). Second, hierarchical prediction offers progress on a concrete descriptive level for testing and constraining conceptual elements and mechanisms of predictive coding models (estimation of predictions, prediction errors, and internal models)

    Toward an Analysis of the Abductive Moral Argument for God’s Existence: Assessing the Evidential Quality of Moral Phenomena and the Evidential Virtuosity of Christian Theological Models

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    The moral argument for God’s existence is perhaps the oldest and most salient of the arguments from natural theology. In contemporary literature, there has been a focus on the abductive version of the moral argument. Although the mode of reasoning, abduction, has been articulated, there has not been a robust articulation of the individual components of the argument. Such an articulation would include the data quality of moral phenomena, the theoretical virtuosity of theological models that explain the moral phenomena, and how both contribute to the likelihood of moral arguments. The goal of this paper is to provide such an articulation. Our method is to catalog the phenomena, sort them by their location on the emergent hierarchy of sciences, then describe how the ecumenical Christian theological model exemplifies evidential virtues in explaining them. Our results show that moral arguments are neither of the highest or lowest quality yet can be assented to on a principled level of investigation, especially given existential considerations

    Agent Based Modeling and Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management

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    This research develops a flexible agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) framework for supply chain risk management with significant enhancements to standard ABMS methods and supply chain risk modeling. Our framework starts with the use of software agents to gather and process input data for use in our simulation model. For our simulation model, we extend an existing mathematical framework for discrete event simulation (DES) to ABMS and then implement the concepts of variable resolution modeling from the DES domain to ABMS and provide further guidelines for aggregation and disaggregation of supply chain models. Existing supply chain risk management research focuses on consumable item supply chains. Since the Air Force supply chain contains many reparable items, we fill this gap with our risk metrics framework designed for reparable item supply chains, which have greater complexity than consumable item supply chains. We present new metrics, along with existing metrics, in a framework for reparable item supply chain risk management and discuss aggregation and disaggregation of metrics for use with our variable resolution modeling

    Anomaly Detection in Airline Routine Operations Using Flight Data Recorder Data

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    In order to improve safety in current air carrier operations, there is a growing emphasis on proactive safety management systems. These systems identify and mitigate risks before accidents occur. This thesis develops a new anomaly detection approach using routine operational data to support proactive safety management. The research applies cluster analysis to detect abnormal flights based on Flight Data Recorder (FDR) data. Results from cluster analysis are provided to domain experts to verify operational significance of such anomalies and associated safety hazards. Compared with existing methods, the cluster-based approach is capable of identifying new types of anomalies that were previously unaccounted for. It can help airlines detect early signs of performance deviation, identify safety degradation, deploy predictive maintenance, and train staff accordingly. The first part of the detection approach employs data-mining algorithms to identify flights of interest from FDR data. These data are transformed into a high-dimensional space for cluster analysis, where normal patterns are identified in clusters while anomalies are detected as outliers. Two cluster-based anomaly detection algorithms were developed to explore different transformation techniques: ClusterAD-Flight and ClusterAD-Data Sample. The second part of the detection approach is domain expert review. The review process is to determine whether detected anomalies are operationally significant and whether they represent safety risks. Several data visualization tools were developed to support the review process which can be otherwise labor-intensive: the Flight Parameter Plots can present raw FDR data in informative graphics; The Flight Abnormality Visualization can help domain experts quickly locate the source of such anomalies. A number of evaluation studies were conducted using airline FDR data. ClusterAD-Flight and ClusterAD-Data Sample were compared with Exceedance Detection, the current method in use by airlines, and MKAD, another anomaly detection algorithm developed at NASA, using a dataset of 25519 A320 flights. An evaluation of the entire detection approach was conducted with domain experts using a dataset of 10,528 A320 flights. Results showed that both cluster-based detection algorithms were able to identify operationally significant anomalies that beyond the capacities of current methods. Also, domain experts confirmed that the data visualization tools were effective in supporting the review process.The work was supported by the Federal Aviation Administration under the Joint University Project (JUP) FAA 11-G-016 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Grant # NNA06CN23A

    Exploring QCD matter in extreme conditions with Machine Learning

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    In recent years, machine learning has emerged as a powerful computational tool and novel problem-solving perspective for physics, offering new avenues for studying strongly interacting QCD matter properties under extreme conditions. This review article aims to provide an overview of the current state of this intersection of fields, focusing on the application of machine learning to theoretical studies in high energy nuclear physics. It covers diverse aspects, including heavy ion collisions, lattice field theory, and neutron stars, and discuss how machine learning can be used to explore and facilitate the physics goals of understanding QCD matter. The review also provides a commonality overview from a methodology perspective, from data-driven perspective to physics-driven perspective. We conclude by discussing the challenges and future prospects of machine learning applications in high energy nuclear physics, also underscoring the importance of incorporating physics priors into the purely data-driven learning toolbox. This review highlights the critical role of machine learning as a valuable computational paradigm for advancing physics exploration in high energy nuclear physics.Comment: 146 pages,53 figure

    Measuring the direction of innovation: frontier tools in unassisted machine learning

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    NSF SciSIP grant, SES-1564368. - National Science FoundationOthe
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