42 research outputs found

    Microservice Transition and its Granularity Problem: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Microservices have gained wide recognition and acceptance in software industries as an emerging architectural style for autonomic, scalable, and more reliable computing. The transition to microservices has been highly motivated by the need for better alignment of technical design decisions with improving value potentials of architectures. Despite microservices' popularity, research still lacks disciplined understanding of transition and consensus on the principles and activities underlying "micro-ing" architectures. In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping study that consolidates various views, approaches and activities that commonly assist in the transition to microservices. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the transition; it also contributes a working definition of the transition and technical activities underlying it. We term the transition and technical activities leading to microservice architectures as microservitization. We then shed light on a fundamental problem of microservitization: microservice granularity and reasoning about its adaptation as first-class entities. This study reviews state-of-the-art and -practice related to reasoning about microservice granularity; it reviews modelling approaches, aspects considered, guidelines and processes used to reason about microservice granularity. This study identifies opportunities for future research and development related to reasoning about microservice granularity.Comment: 36 pages including references, 6 figures, and 3 table

    Service Integration Design Patterns in Microservices

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    “Microservices” is a new term in software architecture that was defined in 2014 [1]. It is a method to build a software application with a set of small services. Each service has its process to serve a single purpose and communicates with other services through lightweight mechanisms. Because of a great deal of independently distributed services, it is a challenge to integrate the loose services fully. Too many trivial relationships can be messed up easily during deployment. Also, it is hard to modify the relationships if the services are updated as the source codes need to be re-edited and tested. The microservices architecture is attracting much attention recently. More and more software-developers are producing continuous applications and microservices deliveries [2]. There is a need to develop a mechanism to better integrate the scattered services during the application delivery process. The thesis proposes three general design patterns to integrate services in microservices architecture. These patterns are classified by the inter-service communication mechanisms and described with specific problems, contexts, solutions, example implementations and consequences. Besides, the informative guidelines are provided to make these patterns apply in different applications quickly. The service integration design patterns help compose services and facilitate the process of building applications in microservices. All the patterns are helpful tools to address the service integration issues in microservices. Each approach is simple and flexible to apply generally. The structures can be easily modified through these approaches

    Migrations to Microservices-Based Architectures - a Tale of Technical and Organizational Change

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    As software systems evolve and scale faster than the foundations on which they are structured on, software architecture migrations to modern, cutting edge paradigms of development are becoming common. An example of such a paradigm is Microservices-based Architectures (MSAs). With MSAs, organizations can manage the complexity of their software and deploy individual pieces autonomously and independently.\ua0However, migrating towards microservices entails a lot of complexity. The evolution of the structures that a migration predisposes is multifaceted, with a socio-technical nature.Therefore, this thesis aims to first of all understand the process in which decisions are made by engineers to migrate their software architecture towards microservices. In addition, this thesis targets to aggregate the migration journey of organizations that change their software architecture to microservices. Finally, it is demonstrated how an organization\u27s operations implement different processes for software architecture migrations and development methodologies

    Road to Microservices

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    This document intends to elucidate the complexity of microservices decomposition and this its inherent process of implementation. Developments in technology and design, achieving higher performance, reliability, or lowering costs are valid reasons to consider controlling the product’s quality by guaranteeing its conformance with established characteristics and standards. Control is made possible by adding quality control, inspection routines, and trend analysis to a manufacturing process. These techniques are established in the Quality field academically and business-wise. Repeat Part Management (RPM) is software that allows users to apply these techniques efficiently and has brought value to the company. However, RPM has been growing, and issues have emerged due to customer needs - accumulated technical debt. These ever-growing modifications are common through different business areas, and architectures’ research evolution has accompanied them. This demand for highly modifiable, rapid development, and independent systems has resulted in the adoption of microservices. There is a concern for existing systems for decomposition due to the characteristics of microservices, which encourages approach/technique research. This architecture promotes legacy system analysis to map current functionalities and dependencies between components. Furthermore, critical concepts in a microservices architecture are researched and implemented in a new system that encompasses Repeat Part Management’s functionalities. This thesis explores the microservices’ architecture evolution with an already defined mature domain in quality assessment.Este documento pretende especificar a complexidade do processo de decomposição em microsserviços e do seu processo de implementação. Avanços na tecnologia e design, alcançar melhor performance, ou a confiabilidade do produto, ou diminuir custos são justificações válidas para considerar controlar a qualidade do produto e, inerentemente, garantir a sua conformidade com as características previamente definidas e com padrões da indústria. É possível garantir controlo sob os produtos ao acrescentar, ao processo produtivo, métodos de controlo de qualidade, rotinas de inspeção e análise de tendências (de desvio). Estas técnicas estão bem estabelecidas academicamente e, de um ponto de vista do mercado, na área da Qualidade e garantia da qualidade. O Repeat Part Management (RPM) é um software que permite aos seus utilizadores a utilização eficiente destas técnicas de qualidade, o que resulta numa adição de valor para a empresa. Porém, devido às crescentes necessidades dos clientes, alguns problemas têm sido identificados - relacionados com o conceito de acumulação de technical debt. Esta crescente necessidade de alteração é comum em diversas áreas de negócio, e a investigação de soluções arquiteturais tem acompanhado esta pesquisa. Esta solução arquitetura pode ser caracterizada pela facilidade de sistemas facilmente modificáveis, pelo rápido desenvolvimento e implementação, e pela independência dos serviços decompostos. Aquando de uma migração para microsserviços num sistema maturo, existe uma maior preocupação na decomposição da aplicação e definição dos serviços dada a característica dos microsserviços, o que incentiva a uma pesquisa detalhada sobre as técnicas de decomposição. Pela mesma razão, esta arquitetura incentiva ao mapeamento e documentação das dependências entre serviços e componentes e o estudo da aplicação legacy. Para além disto, estes conceitos, e a sua implementação devem ser planeados, justificados e documentados, o que explica a complexidade do processo de migração e implementação, que deve ter em consideração as funcionalidades existentes no Repeat Part Management. Dessa forma, esta tese explora a implementação desta arquitetura numa aplicação matura na área de Garantia de Qualidade

    La arquitectura de software basada en microservicios: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    El estilo de arquitectura de software basado en microservicios se ha ido convirtiendo en un tema de interés debido a los múltiples beneficios que otorga a las organizaciones que lo adoptan para el desarrollo de sus sistemas de software. Este estilo propone desarrollar la aplicación como un conjunto de pequeños servicios, cada uno ejecutándose independientemente y comunicándose entre sí. El presente artículo busca identificar patrones, buenas prácticas y técnicas relacionadas con la arquitectura de software basada en microservicios. Para la identificación de los elementos mencionados se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos reconocidas. De un total de 394 artículos revisados, se identificaron 24 artículos que hacen referencia a la arquitectura basada en microservicios y sus elementos. Luego de realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura se pudo identificar 8 patrones en los cuales se destaca la contenerización de servicios y la descomposición de monolitos, 1 técnica relacionada a la migración de aplicaciones monolíticas a microservicios y 4 buenas prácticas destacadas las cuales pertenecen a DevOps.Trabajo de investigaciónLIMAEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería de SistemasIngeniería de Softwar

    Microservice architecture patterns with GraphQL

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    In this thesis the GraphQL query language was studied in the context of the microservice architecture. The thesis was a combination of a literary study and expert interviews. Most prevalent microservice architecture patterns were gathered from peer reviewed studies and grey literature. Four expert interviews were held to detect which patterns were used in projects which used a microservice architecture and GraphQL APIs. Based on the interviews, a typical GraphQL microservice architecture consists of up to 10 REST or GraphQL microservices exposed to public networks using a GraphQL API gateway. The studied microservice architectures typically had a flat structure where a GraphQL API gateway exposed the other microservices in a protected network, which used a persistence layer to store data. Most of the microservice architectures seemed to rely on synchronous communication patterns, using a platform provided service discovery mechanisms to implement load balancing. The most prominent authorization mechanism was to use web tokens via an authorization header. An aggregating GraphQL service seemed to work well as an API gateway layer, which exposes the functionality of underlying microservices to clients. A pattern called schema stitching was successfully used in some of the interviewed projects to automatically combine multiple microservice GraphQL schemas together. Overall the interviewed developers had a positive experience using GraphQL in their projects. The API exploration tools and built-in documentation enabled by the GraphQL schema introspection functionality made client application development easier

    The impact of microservices: an empirical analysis of the emerging software architecture

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringThe applications’ development paradigm has faced changes in recent years, with modern development being characterized by the need to continuously deliver new software iterations. With great affinity with those principles, microservices is a software architecture which features characteristics that potentially promote multiple quality attributes often required by modern, large-scale applications. Its recent growth in popularity and acceptance in the industry made this architectural style often described as a form of modernizing applications that allegedly solves all the traditional monolithic applications’ inconveniences. However, there are multiple worth mentioning costs associated with its adoption, which seem to be very vaguely described in existing empirical research, being often summarized as "the complexity of a distributed system". The adoption of microservices provides the agility to achieve its promised benefits, but to actually reach them, several key implementation principles have to be honored. Given that it is still a fairly recent approach to developing applications, the lack of established principles and knowledge from development teams results in the misjudgment of both costs and values of this architectural style. The outcome is often implementations that conflict with its promised benefits. In order to implement a microservices-based architecture that achieves its alleged benefits, there are multiple patterns and methodologies involved that add a considerable amount of complexity. To evaluate its impact in a concrete and empirical way, one same e-commerce platform was developed from scratch following a monolithic architectural style and two architectural patterns based on microservices, featuring distinct inter-service communication and data management mechanisms. The effort involved in dealing with eventual consistency, maintaining a communication infrastructure, and managing data in a distributed way portrayed significant overheads not existent in the development of traditional applications. Nonetheless, migrating from a monolithic architecture to a microservicesbased is currently accepted as the modern way of developing software and this ideology is not often contested, nor the involved technical challenges are appropriately emphasized. Sometimes considered over-engineering, other times necessary, this dissertation contributes with empirical data from insights that showcase the impact of the migration to microservices in several topics. From the trade-offs associated with the use of specific patterns, the development of the functionalities in a distributed way, and the processes to assure a variety of quality attributes, to performance benchmarks experiments and the use of observability techniques, the entire development process is described and constitutes the object of study of this dissertation.O paradigma de desenvolvimento de aplicações tem visto alterações nos últimos anos, sendo o desenvolvimento moderno caracterizado pela necessidade de entrega contínua de novas iterações de software. Com grande afinidade com esses princípios, microsserviços são uma arquitetura de software que conta com características que potencialmente promovem múltiplos atributos de qualidade frequentemente requisitados por aplicações modernas de grandes dimensões. O seu recente crescimento em popularidade e aceitação na industria fez com que este estilo arquitetural se comumente descrito como uma forma de modernizar aplicações que alegadamente resolve todos os inconvenientes apresentados por aplicações monolíticas tradicionais. Contudo, existem vários custos associados à sua adoção, aparentemente descritos de forma muito vaga, frequentemente sumarizados como a "complexidade de um sistema distribuído". A adoção de microsserviços fornece a agilidade para atingir os seus benefícios prometidos, mas para os alcançar, vários princípios de implementação devem ser honrados. Dado que ainda se trata de uma forma recente de desenvolver aplicações, a falta de princípios estabelecidos e conhecimento por parte das equipas de desenvolvimento resulta em julgamentos errados dos custos e valores deste estilo arquitetural. O resultado geralmente são implementações que entram em conflito com os seus benefícios prometidos. De modo a implementar uma arquitetura baseada em microsserviços com os benefícios prometidos existem múltiplos padrões que adicionam considerável complexidade. De modo a avaliar o impacto dos microsserviços de forma concreta e empírica, foi desenvolvida uma mesma plataforma e-commerce de raiz segundo uma arquitetura monolítica e duas arquitetura baseadas em microsserviços, contando com diferentes mecanismos de comunicação entre os serviços. O esforço envolvido em lidar com consistência eventual, manter a infraestrutura de comunicação e gerir os dados de uma forma distribuída representaram desafios não existentes no desenvolvimento de aplicações tradicionais. Apesar disso, a ideologia de migração de uma arquitetura monolítica para uma baseada em microsserviços é atualmente aceite como a forma moderna de desenvolver aplicações, não sendo frequentemente contestada nem os seus desafios técnicos são apropriadamente enfatizados. Por vezes considerado overengineering, outras vezes necessário, a presente dissertação visa contribuir com dados práticos relativamente ao impacto da migração para arquiteturas baseadas em microsserviços em diversos tópicos. Desde os trade-offs envolvidos no uso de padrões específicos, o desenvolvimento das funcionalidades de uma forma distribuída e nos processos para assegurar uma variedade de atributos de qualidade, até análise de benchmarks de performance e uso de técnicas de observabilidade, todo o desenvolvimento é descrito e constitui o objeto de estudo da dissertação

    ASiMOV: Microservices-based verifiable control logic with estimable detection delay against cyber-attacks to cyber-physical systems

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    The automatic control in Cyber-Physical-Systems brings advantages but also increased risks due to cyber-attacks. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a novel reference architecture for distributed control applications increasing the security against cyber-attacks to the control logic. The core idea is to replicate each instance of a control application and to detect attacks by verifying their outputs. The verification logic disposes of an exact model of the control logic, although the two logics are decoupled on two different devices. The verification is asynchronous to the feedback control loop, to avoid the introduction of a delay between the controller(s) and system(s). The time required to detect a successful attack is analytically estimable, which enables control-theoretical techniques to prevent damage by appropriate planning decisions. The proposed architecture for a controller and an Intrusion Detection System is composed of event-driven autonomous components (microservices), which can be deployed as separate Virtual Machines (e.g., containers) on cloud platforms. Under the proposed architecture, orchestration techniques enable a dynamic re-deployment acting as a mitigation or prevention mechanism defined at the level of the computer architecture. The proposal, which we call ASiMOV (Asynchronous Modular Verification), is based on a model that separates the state of a controller from the state of its execution environment. We provide details of the model and a microservices implementation. Through the analysis of the delay introduced in both the control loop and the detection of attacks, we provide guidelines to determine which control systems are suitable for adopting ASiMOV. Simulations show the behavior of ASiMOV both in the absence and in the presence of cyber-attacks