2 research outputs found

    Rack Level Study of Hybrid Liquid/Air Cooled Servers: The Impact of Flow Distribution and Pumping Configuration on Central Processing Units Temperature

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    The flow distribution and central processing unit (CPU) temperatures inside a rack of thirty 1 U (single rack unit) Sun Fire V20z servers retrofitted with direct-to-chip liquid cooling and two coolant pumping configuration scenarios (central and distributed) are investigated using the EPANET open source network flow software. The results revealed that the servers in the top of the rack and close to the cooling distribution unit can receive up 30% higher flow rate than the servers in the bottom of the rack, depending on the pumping scenario. This results in a variation in the CPU temperatures depending on the position in the rack. Optimization analysis is carried out and shows that increasing the flow distribution manifold’s dimensions can reduce the flow variation through the servers and increase the total coolant flow rate in the rack by roughly 10%. In addition, activating the small pumps in the direct-to-chip liquid cooling loops inside the servers (distributed pumping) resulted in an increase of 2 °C in the CPU temperatures at the high computational workload

    Direct-to-chip liquid cooling for reducing power consumption in a subarctic supercomputer centre

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    Reduction of data centre power consumption is a timely challenge. Waste heat reuse is another focus area when developing energy efficient and sustainable data centres. And these two issues are interconnected through liquid cooling of server racks and/or direct-to-chip liquid cooling. Both of these solutions make it possible to transfer a significant proportion of the waste heat energy back to profitable use. Nevertheless, the heat reusing opportunity is not the only benefit direct-to-chip liquid cooling may offer. Another benefit is the notable reduction of power consumption related to cooling fans associated with server blades and rack-level cooling systems. To evaluate this benefit, we performed power consumption and performance measurements in a subarctic supercomputer centre hosting a cluster of 632 blade nodes. Our study concentrated on a 47-node subset that we analysed when the servers were executing the LINPACK benchmark. Our conclusion is that direct-to-chip liquid cooling can reduce the total power consumption, in this case, up to 14.4% depending on the inlet air temperature.Peer reviewe