579 research outputs found

    Characterisation of turbulence in an open channel flow and in a fountain with tomographic PIV.

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    This work aims to improve the understanding of the fundamental characteristics of environmental flows by interpreting the turbulence in a 3D measurement domain. This thesis primarily describes the Tomographic PIV technique and the results of three experimental investigations of environmental flows. Two experiments were conducted in an open channel flow, divided into four sequential, identical pools, by a combination of regular grids. The first set of TPIV measurements were in the water column, while the second set of measurements were made along the channel bottom. The instantaneous structures in the flow were visualised and the turbulent kinetic energy k, energy dissipation ε and vorticity ω were analysed; their decay along the streamwise direction was revealed. Ejections (Q2) and sweeps (Q4) were identified along the channel bottom. A major contribution that resulted from the investigation pertains to the vibration correction of the cameras. TPIV measurements were taken of a regime of turbulent, forced fountain flows. The fountains were created by injecting a salt-water solution through a circular opening into the bottom of a reservoir of a water-ethanol solution, with their refractive indices carefully matched. The evolution of the fountain in its initial stages was captured and described in a series of chronological measurement volumes. Measurements of the fully developed fountains captured the large scale structures and their characteristics were analysed by considering the topology of the invariants of the velocity gradient tensor. The TPIV system was designed and built in-house at the University of Sydney. The experimental investigations described in this work revealed some interesting features of the environmental flows. The applicability and versatility of TPIV for these flows were demonstrated. The measurements allowed for the quantification and visualisation of the turbulence in the flows and hence shed light on the physics behind them

    Characterisation of turbulence in an open channel flow and in a fountain with tomographic PIV.

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    This work aims to improve the understanding of the fundamental characteristics of environmental flows by interpreting the turbulence in a 3D measurement domain. This thesis primarily describes the Tomographic PIV technique and the results of three experimental investigations of environmental flows. Two experiments were conducted in an open channel flow, divided into four sequential, identical pools, by a combination of regular grids. The first set of TPIV measurements were in the water column, while the second set of measurements were made along the channel bottom. The instantaneous structures in the flow were visualised and the turbulent kinetic energy k, energy dissipation ε and vorticity ω were analysed; their decay along the streamwise direction was revealed. Ejections (Q2) and sweeps (Q4) were identified along the channel bottom. A major contribution that resulted from the investigation pertains to the vibration correction of the cameras. TPIV measurements were taken of a regime of turbulent, forced fountain flows. The fountains were created by injecting a salt-water solution through a circular opening into the bottom of a reservoir of a water-ethanol solution, with their refractive indices carefully matched. The evolution of the fountain in its initial stages was captured and described in a series of chronological measurement volumes. Measurements of the fully developed fountains captured the large scale structures and their characteristics were analysed by considering the topology of the invariants of the velocity gradient tensor. The TPIV system was designed and built in-house at the University of Sydney. The experimental investigations described in this work revealed some interesting features of the environmental flows. The applicability and versatility of TPIV for these flows were demonstrated. The measurements allowed for the quantification and visualisation of the turbulence in the flows and hence shed light on the physics behind them

    Volumetric velocimetry for fluid flows

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    In recent years, several techniques have been introduced that are capable of extracting 3D three-component velocity fields in fluid flows. Fast-paced developments in both hardware and processing algorithms have generated a diverse set of methods, with a growing range of applications in flow diagnostics. This has been further enriched by the increasingly marked trend of hybridization, in which the differences between techniques are fading. In this review, we carry out a survey of the prominent methods, including optical techniques and approaches based on medical imaging. An overview of each is given with an example of an application from the literature, while focusing on their respective strengths and challenges. A framework for the evaluation of velocimetry performance in terms of dynamic spatial range is discussed, along with technological trends and emerging strategies to exploit 3D data. While critical challenges still exist, these observations highlight how volumetric techniques are transforming experimental fluid mechanics, and that the possibilities they offer have just begun to be explored.SD was partially supported under Grant No. DPI2016-79401-R funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). FC was partially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, Grant No. 1453538)

    Velocimetry-based pressure information for spray analysis – novel experimental, processing and evaluation strategies

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Spraytransport von komplexen Benzindirekteinspritzungssprays (GDI) mittels auf Geschwindigkeitmessung basierter Druckauswertung untersucht. Für diesen Zweck wurden neue Versuchs-, Verarbeitungs- und Auswertestrategien eingeführt, um eine Druckauswertung der Spray-induzierten Strömung zu befähigen und deren Möglichkeiten auszuweiten. Dies umfasst unter anderem ein statistisches Verfahren auf Basis der Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) Gleichungen und Ensemble-Mittelung, welche die Druckauswertung transienter, statistisch stationärer Strömungen mittels konventioneller Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus wurde eine neuartige Technik namens Dual-Plane-Stereo-Astigmatismus (DPSA) entwickelt, die die Auswertung momentaner Druckfelder und damit die Analyse einzelner Einspritzereignisse unter Verwendung eines stereoskopischen Aufbaus und einer einzigen Lichtquelle ermöglicht. Abschließend wurde die Methode der Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) erfolgreich aus dem Bereich des Deep Learnings in die experimentelle Strömungsmechanik und Spray-Analyse übertragen. Das PINN-Verfahren weitet die Möglichkeiten der bisherigen auf Geschwindigkeitsmessung basierenden Druckauswertung aus und ermöglicht die Auswertung von bislang nicht auswertbaren Strömungsbereichen, sowohl in Raum und Zeit. Unter Verwendung der beschriebenen Methoden wurde die Wechselwirkung zwischen Spray und Umgebungsgasströmung für unterschiedliche Betriebsbedingungen und Sprayauslegungen untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass der Impulsaustausch mit höherem Einspritzdruck, Gasdichte, Kraftstofftemperatur, größerer Relativgeschwindigkeit, Spray-Gas-Grenzfläche, Sprayexpansion und stärkerer Zerstäubung bzw. Flash-Boiling zunimmt. Als eine wesentliche Erkenntnis wurde festgestellt, dass die Ablenkung von Sprays bzw. das Phänomen der Strahl-zu-Strahl-Wechselwirkung und Spraykontraktion auf einen Nettoimpuls zurückzuführen ist, der auf einzelne Spraykeulen infolge von induzierten Druckkräften wirkt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde das Vorhandensein eines Niederdruckgebiets im Zentrum von Mehrlochsprays experimentell bestätigt. Es wurde aufgezeigt, dass das Ausmaß der Strahl-zu-Strahl-Wechselwirkung und der Spraykontraktion durch eine enge Spritzlochanordnung und -ausrichtung, eine starke Zerstäubung und ein erhöhtes Tropfen-Folgeverhalten begünstigt wird

    Experimental investigation of helicity in turbulent swirling jet using dual-plane dye laser PIV technique

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    This paper reports a new method of generating two light sheets using a dye laser system and the use of this dual-plane dye laser system to analyse average helicity and energy dissipation in a turbulent swirling flow. The dual-plane PIV system that was used in this study consisted of three cameras and a single frequency Nd:YAG laser, which was used to generate two parallel light sheet planes with differing wavelengths(colour). The method of generating two different light sheet wavelengths using a single laser source is an innovative and new technique. Stereoscopic PIV measurements were obtained in one plane with the use of two CCD cameras, and standard PIV measurements were obtained in the other plane with the use of one CCD camera. The light scattered by the particles on two different light sheets were separated using appropriate optical filters. The measurements obtained were used to estimate the components of the velocity gradient tensor. The tensor components were then used to determine the average vorticity components and helicity quantities of the fluid that was investigated. To determine the average turbulent kinetic energy dissipation, the continuity equation was used to infer the out-of-plane gradient of the out-of-plane velocity. From the analysis of the results, it was found that regions with high helicity were correlated with regions of high turbulent kinetic energy dissipation. © 2008 Springer-Verlag

    Development of Particle Image Velocimetry for In-Vitro Studies of Arterial Haemodynamics

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    Atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are amongst the largest causes of morbidity and mortality in the developed world, causing considerable monetary pressure on public health systems worldwide. Atherosclerosis is characterised by the build up of vascular plaque in medium and large arteries and is a direct precursor to acute vascular syndromes such a myocardial infarction, stroke or peripheral arterial diseases. The causative factors leading to CVD still remain relatively poorly understood, but are becoming increasingly identifiable as a dysfunction of the endothelial cells that line the arterial wall. It is well known that the endothelium responds to the prevailing fluid mechanic (i.e. haemodynamic) environment, which plays a crucial role in the localised occurrence of atherosclerosis near vessel bends and bifurcations. In these areas, disturbed haemodynamics lead to flow separation and very low wall shear stress (WSS), which directly affects the functionality of the endothelium and impedes the transport of important blood borne agonists and antagonists. Detailed full field measurements assessing complex haemodynamics are sparse and consequently this thesis aims to address some of the important questions related to arterial haemodynamics and CVD by performing in-vitro flow measurements in physiologically relevant conditions. In particular, this research develops and uses state-of-the-art Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques to measure three-dimensional velocity and WSS fields in scaled models of the human carotid artery. For this purpose, the necessary theoretical and experimental concepts are developed and in-depth analyses of the underlying factors affecting the local haemodynamics and their relation to CVD are carried out. In the first part, a methodology for the construct of transparent hydraulic flow phantoms from medical imaging data is developed. The arterial geometries are reproduced in optically clear silicone and the flowing blood is modelled with a refractive index matched blood analogue. Subsequently, planar and Stereo-PIV techniques are developed and verified. A novel interfacial PIV (iPIV) technique is introduced to directly measure WSS by inferring the velocity gradient from the recorded particle images. The new technique offers a maximal achievable resolution of 1 pixel and therefore removes the resolution limit near the wall usually associated with PIV. Furthermore, the iPIV performance is assessed on a number of numerical and experimental test cases and iPIV offers a significantly improved measurement accuracy compared to more traditional techniques. Subsequently, the developed methodologies are applied in three studies to characterise the velocity and WSS fields in the human carotid artery under a number of physiological and experimental conditions. The first study focuses on idealised vessel geometries with and without disease and establishes a general understanding of the haemodynamic environment. Secondly, a physiological accurate vessel geometry under pulsatile flow conditions is investigated to provide a more realistic representation of the true in-vivo flow conditions. The prevailing flow structure in both cases is characterised by flow separation, strong secondary flows and large spatial and temporal variations in WSS. Large spatial and temporal differences exist between the different geometries and flow conditions; spatial variations appear to be more significant than transient events. Thirdly, the three-dimensional flow structure in the physiological carotid artery model is investigated by means of stereoscopic and tomographic PIV, permitting for the first time the measurement of the full 3D-3C velocity field and shear stress tensor in such geometries. The flow field within the model is complex and three-dimensional and inherently determined by the vessel geometry and the build up of an adverse pressure gradient. The main features include strong heliocoidal flow motions and large spatial variations in WSS. Lastly, the physiological implications of the current results are discussed in detail and reference to previous work is given. In summary, the present research develops a novel and versatile PIV methodology for haemodynamic in vitro studies and the functionality and accuracy is demonstrated through a number of physiological relevant flow measurements

    Análise da qualidade de medidas F-PIV 2D-2C e 2D-3C da velocidade da fase líquida em uma coluna de bolhas

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    Orientadores: Sávio Souza Venâncio Vianna, Guilherme José de CastilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: A análise da fluidodinâmica em reatores de coluna de bolha é importante na compreensão dos mecanismos relacionados à transferência de calor, transferência de massa e taxa de reação química. A precisão das medições experimentais depende diretamente do domínio de medição. A Velocimetria por imagem de partículas (PIV) é uma técnica não intrusiva utilizada para determinar o campo de velocidade 2D ou 3D. Um campo 2D-3C (bidimensional, três componentes) pode ser determinado por duas câmaras com projeções diferentes numa disposição estereoscópica (PIV 2D-3C). A perda de correlação devido ao movimento fora do plano de pares de imagens de partículas, que é comum em aplicações PIV, pode ser reduzida usando o sistema PIV 2D-3C. Um problema encontrado nas aplicações 2D-3C PIV está relacionado com o acesso óptico em algumas instalações. Para determinar a velocidade da fase líquida, não é interessante registrar as bolhas no escoamento multifásico. Por conseguinte, as partículas traçadoras fluorescentes combinadas com um filtro passa-alta na câmara são utilizadas nos sistemas Fluorescent PIV (F-PIV). Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade das medidas 2D-2C e 2D-3C F-PIV da velocidade da fase líquida no regime de escoamento homogêneo e de transição homogêneo-heterogêneo de uma seção de coluna de bolha. As imagens 2D-2C e 2D-3C F-PIV foram processadas utilizando standard cross-correlation (SCC), ensemble correlation (EC) e sliding-average correlation (SAC) para comparar a qualidade das medições. O coeficiente de correlação cruzada, a relação sinal-ruído (SNR) e a quantificação de incerteza PIV estimada por estatísticas de correlação foram utilizados como indicadores de qualidade. A baixa concentração de imagem de partícula (baixa ppp) e a baixa faixa dinâmica de velocidade (baixa DVR) foram identificadas como fontes de ruído dominante nas medidas PIV. O efeito do baixo ppp foi relacionado diretamente com o comportamento dos indicadores de qualidade baseados na conectividade de vizinhança espacial, erro de reconstrução 3C e no diâmetro do pico de correlação. Quanto às condições de qualidade da abordagem SCC, foram obtidos cinco limites que garantem que os outliers (falsos vetores) podem ser corrigidos sem que o campo vetorial perca a representatividade do escoamento. No regime de escoamento homogêneo, os ruídos randômicos causados pela baixa ppp foram consideravelmente reduzidos utilizando a abordagem SACAbstract: The fluid dynamics analysis in bubble column reactors is important in understanding the mechanisms related to heat transfer, mass transfer and chemical reaction rate. The accuracy of the experimental measurements depends directly on the measurement domain. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is a non-intrusive technique used to determine the 2D or 3D velocity field. A 2D-3C (two dimensional, three-component) field can be determined by two cameras with different projections in a stereoscopic arrangement (2D-3C PIV). The loss of correlation due to the out-of-plane motion of pairs of particle images, which is common in PIV applications, can be reduced using the 2D-3C PIV system. A problem encountered in 2D-3C PIV applications is related to optical access in some facilities. In order to determine the liquid phase velocity, it is not interesting to record bubbles in the multiphase flow. Therefore, fluorescent tracer particles combined with a high-pass filter on the camera are used in the Fluorescent PIV (F-PIV) systems. This work aims to evaluate the quality of the 2D-2C and 2D-3C F-PIV measurements of the liquid phase velocity in the homogeneous and homogeneous-heterogeneous transition flow regime of a bubble column. The 2D-2C and 2D-3C F-PIV images were processed using standard cross-correlation (SCC), ensemble correlation (EC), and sliding-average correlation (SAC) to compare the measurements quality. The cross-correlation coefficient, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and PIV uncertainty estimated by correlation statistics were used as quality indicators. The low particle image concentration (low ppp) and low dynamic velocity range (low DVR) were identified as dominant noise sources in the PIV measurements. The effect of the low ppp was directly related to the behavior of the quality indicators based on the spatial neighborhood connectivity, 3C reconstruction error, and correlation peak diameter. Regarding the quality conditions for SCC approach, five limits were obtained that guarantee that the outliers can be corrected without the vector field losing the representativeness of the flow. In the homogeneous flow regime, the random noise caused by low ppp was considerably reduced using the SAC approachDoutoradoEngenharia QuímicaDoutor em Engenharia Química2296/2013CAPE

    Development of Particle Image Velocimetry for In-Vitro Studies of Arterial Haemodynamics

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    Atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are amongst the largest causes of morbidity and mortality in the developed world, causing considerable monetary pressure on public health systems worldwide. Atherosclerosis is characterised by the build up of vascular plaque in medium and large arteries and is a direct precursor to acute vascular syndromes such a myocardial infarction, stroke or peripheral arterial diseases. The causative factors leading to CVD still remain relatively poorly understood, but are becoming increasingly identifiable as a dysfunction of the endothelial cells that line the arterial wall. It is well known that the endothelium responds to the prevailing fluid mechanic (i.e. haemodynamic) environment, which plays a crucial role in the localised occurrence of atherosclerosis near vessel bends and bifurcations. In these areas, disturbed haemodynamics lead to flow separation and very low wall shear stress (WSS), which directly affects the functionality of the endothelium and impedes the transport of important blood borne agonists and antagonists. Detailed full field measurements assessing complex haemodynamics are sparse and consequently this thesis aims to address some of the important questions related to arterial haemodynamics and CVD by performing in-vitro flow measurements in physiologically relevant conditions. In particular, this research develops and uses state-of-the-art Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques to measure three-dimensional velocity and WSS fields in scaled models of the human carotid artery. For this purpose, the necessary theoretical and experimental concepts are developed and in-depth analyses of the underlying factors affecting the local haemodynamics and their relation to CVD are carried out. In the first part, a methodology for the construct of transparent hydraulic flow phantoms from medical imaging data is developed. The arterial geometries are reproduced in optically clear silicone and the flowing blood is modelled with a refractive index matched blood analogue. Subsequently, planar and Stereo-PIV techniques are developed and verified. A novel interfacial PIV (iPIV) technique is introduced to directly measure WSS by inferring the velocity gradient from the recorded particle images. The new technique offers a maximal achievable resolution of 1 pixel and therefore removes the resolution limit near the wall usually associated with PIV. Furthermore, the iPIV performance is assessed on a number of numerical and experimental test cases and iPIV offers a significantly improved measurement accuracy compared to more traditional techniques. Subsequently, the developed methodologies are applied in three studies to characterise the velocity and WSS fields in the human carotid artery under a number of physiological and experimental conditions. The first study focuses on idealised vessel geometries with and without disease and establishes a general understanding of the haemodynamic environment. Secondly, a physiological accurate vessel geometry under pulsatile flow conditions is investigated to provide a more realistic representation of the true in-vivo flow conditions. The prevailing flow structure in both cases is characterised by flow separation, strong secondary flows and large spatial and temporal variations in WSS. Large spatial and temporal differences exist between the different geometries and flow conditions; spatial variations appear to be more significant than transient events. Thirdly, the three-dimensional flow structure in the physiological carotid artery model is investigated by means of stereoscopic and tomographic PIV, permitting for the first time the measurement of the full 3D-3C velocity field and shear stress tensor in such geometries. The flow field within the model is complex and three-dimensional and inherently determined by the vessel geometry and the build up of an adverse pressure gradient. The main features include strong heliocoidal flow motions and large spatial variations in WSS. Lastly, the physiological implications of the current results are discussed in detail and reference to previous work is given. In summary, the present research develops a novel and versatile PIV methodology for haemodynamic in vitro studies and the functionality and accuracy is demonstrated through a number of physiological relevant flow measurements

    Experimental Investigation into the Boundary Layer of a Robotic Anguilliform Propulsor

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    Boundary layer information local to three longitudinal positions has been characterized for a 130 cm long biomimetic self-propulsor known as NEELBOT-1.1 that swims with undulatory anguilliform-like motions, via analysis of stereo particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements for key moments in the undulation cycle and for numerous combinations of swimming conditions and motion parameters, ideal and non-ideal. No obvious turbulent flow structures or indications of boundary layer separation were observed at nonzero advance speeds, and skin friction coefficients were subsequently estimated for magnitude relative to the dynamic pressure associated with operation at the design swimming speed of Uo = 0.25 m/s. Estimates were correlated with measurements made for an oscillating and non-oscillating cylindrical test article that were benchmarked by initial mono PIV investigations of steady laminar flow over a flat plate at zero incidence which was tested while stationary and oscillating in its own plane. Behavior of boundary layer profiles pertaining to the robot, apparently significantly influenced by the traveling flexion waves characteristic of the anguilliform motions, is clearly distinguished from local oscillatory flow structures related to the other two test articles. Approximately 10–15% increases in local skin friction are observed for the robot over similar conditions for the cylinder, and downstream vortex shedding is readily observed for the oscillating cylinder. The results of this thesis will be used in validation of numerical analyses performed in parallel with this research for the purpose of calculating the time-mean frictional drag experienced by the robot and to determine whether it can produce enough thrust to overcome its drag without simultaneously increasing it beyond realizable thrust generation capabilities. Theoretical hydrodynamic descriptions of the wake velocity field agreed well with previous PIV measurements, but the theory does not treat viscous effects. Furthermore, the preliminary semi-empirical, quasi-static attempts to estimate frictional drag were shown to under-predict the actual drag by net force measurements taken while towing the robot at its design speed which was undulating for that expected swimming speed, hence the necessity of this thesis as further investigation