82 research outputs found

    Dimensionality Reduction for Classification of Object Weight from Electromyography

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a simple, non-invasive, and cost-effective technology for measuring muscle activity. However, multi-muscle EMG is also a noisy, complex, and high-dimensional signal. It has nevertheless been widely used in a host of human-machine-interface applications (electrical wheelchairs, virtual computer mice, prosthesis, robotic fingers, etc.) and, in particular, to measure the reach-and-grasp motions of the human hand. Here, we developed an automated pipeline to predict object weight in a reach-grasp-lift task from an open dataset, relying only on EMG data. In doing so, we shifted the focus from manual feature-engineering to automated feature-extraction by using pre-processed EMG signals and thus letting the algorithms select the features. We further compared intrinsic EMG features, derived from several dimensionality-reduction methods, and then ran several classification algorithms on these low-dimensional representations. We found that the Laplacian Eigenmap algorithm generally outperformed other dimensionality-reduction methods. What is more, optimal classification accuracy was achieved using a combination of Laplacian Eigenmaps (simple-minded) and k-Nearest Neighbors (88% F1 score for 3-way classification). Our results, using EMG alone, are comparable to other researchers’, who used EMG and EEG together, in the literature. A running-window analysis further suggests that our method captures information in the EMG signal quickly and remains stable throughout the time that subjects grasp and move the object

    Dimensionality Reduction for Classification: Comparison of Techniques and Dimension Choice

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    We investigate the effects of dimensionality reduction using different techniques and different dimensions on six two-class data sets with numerical attributes as pre-processing for two classification algorithms. Besides reducing the dimensionality with the use of principal components and linear discriminants, we also introduce four new techniques. After this dimensionality reduction two algorithms are applied. The first algorithm takes advantage of the reduced dimensionality itself while the second one directly exploits the dimensional ranking. We observe that neither a single superior dimensionality reduction technique nor a straightforward way to select the optimal dimension can be identified. On the other hand we show that a good choice of technique and dimension can have a major impact on the classification power, generating classifiers that can rival industry standards. We conclude that dimensionality reduction should not only be used for visualisation or as pre-processing on very high dimensional data, but also as a general preprocessing technique on numerical data to raise the classification power. The difficult choice of both the dimensionality reduction technique and the reduced dimension however, should be directly based on the effects on the classification power

    Dictionary Learning Based Dimensionality Reduction for Classification

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    In this article we present a signal model for classification based on a low dimensional dictionary embedded into the high dimensional signal space. We develop an alternate projection algorithm to find the embedding and the dictionary and finally test the classification performance of our scheme in comparison to Fisher’s LDA

    Limitations of Principal Component Analysis for Dimensionality-Reduction for Classification of Hyperspectral Data

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    It is a popular practice in the remote-sensing community to apply principal component analysis (PCA) on a higher-dimensional feature space to achieve dimensionality-reduction. Several factors that have led to the popularity of PCA include its simplicity, ease of use, availability as part of popular remote-sensing packages, and optimal nature in terms of mean square error. These advantages have prompted the remote-sensing research community to overlook many limitations of PCA when used as a dimensionality-reduction tool for classification and target-detection applications. This thesis addresses the limitations of PCA when used as a dimensionality-reduction technique for extracting discriminating features from hyperspectral data. Theoretical and experimental analyses are presented to demonstrate that PCA is not necessarily an appropriate feature-extraction method for high-dimensional data when the objective is classification or target-recognition. The influence of certain data-distribution characteristics, such as within-class covariance, between-class covariance, and correlation on PCA transformation, is analyzed in this thesis. The classification accuracies obtained using PCA features are compared to accuracies obtained using other feature-extraction methods like variants of Karhunen-Loève transform and greedy search algorithms on spectral and wavelet domains. Experimental analyses are conducted for both two-class and multi-class cases. The classification accuracies obtained from higher-order PCA components are compared to the classification accuracies of features extracted from different regions of the spectrum. The comparative study done on the classification accuracies that are obtained using above feature-extraction methods, ascertain that PCA may not be an appropriate tool for dimensionality-reduction of certain hyperspectral data-distributions, when the objective is classification or target-recognition

    Towards a Theoretical Analysis of PCA for Heteroscedastic Data

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    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a method for estimating a subspace given noisy samples. It is useful in a variety of problems ranging from dimensionality reduction to anomaly detection and the visualization of high dimensional data. PCA performs well in the presence of moderate noise and even with missing data, but is also sensitive to outliers. PCA is also known to have a phase transition when noise is independent and identically distributed; recovery of the subspace sharply declines at a threshold noise variance. Effective use of PCA requires a rigorous understanding of these behaviors. This paper provides a step towards an analysis of PCA for samples with heteroscedastic noise, that is, samples that have non-uniform noise variances and so are no longer identically distributed. In particular, we provide a simple asymptotic prediction of the recovery of a one-dimensional subspace from noisy heteroscedastic samples. The prediction enables: a) easy and efficient calculation of the asymptotic performance, and b) qualitative reasoning to understand how PCA is impacted by heteroscedasticity (such as outliers).Comment: Presented at 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton
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