712 research outputs found

    Digitizing Offline Shopping Behavior Towards Mobile Marketing

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    The proliferation of mobile technologies makes it possible for mobile advertisers to go beyond the real-time snapshot of the static location and contextual information about consumers. In this study, we propose a novel mobile advertising strategy that leverages full information on consumers’ offline moving trajectories. To evaluate the effectiveness of this strategy, we design a large-scale randomized field experiment in a large shopping mall in Asia based on 83,370 unique user responses for two weeks in 2014. We found the new mobile trajectory-based advertising is significantly more effective for focal advertising store compared to several existing baselines. It is especially effective in attracting high-income consumers. Interestingly, it becomes less effective during the weekend. This indicates closely targeted mobile ads may constrict consumer focus and significantly reduce the impulsive purchase behavior. Our finding suggests marketers should carefully design mobile advertising strategy, depending on different business contexts

    The Development Ideas for Travel Applications Featuring Three Tourism Objects in Indonesia

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    In recent years, digital transformation has changed the way an organization operates.  In the tourism industry, such transformation becomes the necessity as technology keeps developing. Travel can be made easier in some ways, one of which is through the development of travel applications. It is crucial to identify the tourists’ needs and the expectations regarding the user-friendly travel applications. There are in fact a number of applications sprung up in the tourism sector, however, only some of them fulfil the criteria. This study is conducted to develop applications that are considered users-friendly and meet both the needs and the expectations of the tourists. It further investigates what tourists need and expect concerning the related applications.  The novelty of this research lies in identifying the expectations and needs of travel apps among millennial by raising case studies in three tourist destinations, namely Borobudur and Dieng, both are in Central Java, and Bayan Village in Lombok. This is a research with a qualitative method. The primary data were obtained through focus group discussions (FGD) and online interviews, whereas the secondary data were generated through literature study. The results indicated that the tourists’ expectations and needs for travel applications are categorized into two groups, the first is the technical aspect and the second is the application content. It was found  that tourists require applications with attractive look, supported by clear and updated information.  In addition, the applications should be easy to use, help build the enthusiasm to visit, make travel more convenient

    Young consumers online and offline channel purchase behaviour

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    Consumers purchase path has become increasingly fragmented, as consumers now shop across various online and offline channels to complete a single transaction. Certain aspects need to be taken into consideration, to understand how consumers choose between these online and offline channels during their purchase journey to fulfil their requirements. The main aim of this study was to understand young consumers online and offline channel purchase behaviour. This was done by evaluating channel usage from three different directions, 1) channel influencers, 2) purchase journey, 3) value dimensions. The empirical part of the thesis was based on quantitative research method. Primary data for the thesis was collected through survey questionnaires in two phases. The research revealed that young consumers preferred online channel for information search and offline channels for product acquisition. Due to channel evolution, it was possible for them to switch between online and offline channels effortlessly through search and acquisition. It seemed obvious for the young consumers to prefer the circular journey, as this journey narrows down the purchase path significantly compared to the other journeys. Value dimensions play a very important motivating role in channel purchase behaviour among young consumers and an important deciding factor on their channel specific usage during their purchases

    Multi-Channel Choice in Retail Banking Services: Exploring the Role of Service Characteristics

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    Companies are moving towards omni-channel management offering all products and services on all channels. Yet, some of these investments might be obsolete as certain products are associated with certain channels. At this point, service companies are still left behind as past research focused on product categories and it remains unclear if the results are transferrable to services. Our study addresses this gap by analyzing the influence of service characteristics on channel choice. We tested our research model by surveying 2,000 banking customers in Germany on their past channel choices for five financial services. The results show that complex services with a high value are rather purchased in a branch than the online channel. Thereby, demographics and behavior-related constructs are important control variables. The results improve the understanding of channel choice behavior in a multi-channel context for services and provide guidance for practitioners to right-channel IT investments

    Digitizing other markets:lessons from the Bush Internet of Island Melanesia

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    Digital markets are regularly equated with digital capitalism. However, markets are also central features of longstanding other economic systems, such as the bush markets of Malaita, Solomon Islands, where saltwater and bush people have traded with each other for at least seven hundred years, if not longer. This article interrogates the digitization of this bush market system based on classically-conceived long-term ethnographic fieldwork that aims to develop a better empirical understanding of possibilities for diverse economic systems and markets in the digital age. We identify continuities between Solomon Islands-centric Facebook ‘buy and sell’ groups and bush markets and demonstrate how these continuities strengthen other economic systems and values in the country. Despite their avid use of Facebook, Solomon Islanders are able to resist the industrial-capitalism embedded in platform design and to reaffirm social networks and a broader reciprocal moral economy.</p


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    Background and Purpose: Online payment is an important method of transaction widely practiced across the globe. Due to its flexibility and convenience, it has been a popular method of payments in recent times especially in important religious matters such as zakat, one of the pillars of Islam. Since it is an important religious obligation, the relevant authorities need to identify factors that would facilitate the payment of zakat from the perspective of zakat payers, especially in difficult times of the 2020-2021 pandemic situation. Thus, the aim of this paper is to identify factors that influence the intention of using electronic payment (e-payment) platforms to pay zakat. In addition, the mediating role of attitude will also be analysed in examining the relationships between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to zakat payment intention. &nbsp; Methodology: The present study employed a survey method to assemble data pertaining to attitude, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as potential factors that determine user’s behavioural intention of e-payment zakat in Malaysia. 193 questionnaires were responded to and analysed via Partial Least Square (PLS) with the Smart-PLS 3.0 software. &nbsp; Findings: Results showed that significant aspects such as perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have positive bearings on attitude and intention to use zakat e-payment platform.&nbsp; The study also found that Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) are growing in popularity and the zakat authorities and fin-tech companies are establishing greater synergies tool. &nbsp; Contributions:&nbsp; The findings put forward that Zakat institutions may need to improvise their e-payment platform to attract zakat payers. Besides, the findings also highlight the behavioural intention of zakat payers in response to technological advancement that the providers and users should acknowledge. Hence, it is expected that the collection of zakat would be increased in the future via e-payment platform. &nbsp; Keywords: Zakat, e-payment, attitude, intention, online payment. &nbsp; Cite as: Hamzah, M. Z., Rahim, H., Abdul Rasool, M. S., Abdul Khir, M. F., &amp; Zakaria, N. B. (2023). Ease and usefulness of zakat e-payment: The mediating role of attitude towards intention. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(TI), 408-428. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8issTIpp408-42

    The Interdependencies between Customer Journey, Business Model, and Technology in Creating Digital Customer Experiences – A Configurational Analysis at the Example of Brick-and-Mortar Retail

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    As brick-and-mortar retail increasingly disappears while online retail flourishes, the customer experience (CX) becomes a critical source of competitive advantage. Customers expect the same information, personalization, and availability in a brick-and-mortar store as they do online. While digital technology enables such CXs and enhances the advantage of the physical experience, brick-and-mortar retailers struggle with the complexity of these digital transformations. We analyze 38 cases of retailers implementing digital transformations to create digital CXs by conducting a qualitative comparative analysis. In eight expert interviews, we refine our understanding of CX in retail and discuss the validity and generalizability of the three resulting configurations: value chain innovation, seamless purchase experience, and personal experience. They provide actionable pathways to digital CX representing individual transformation initiatives. Since the configurations overlap strongly, we discuss the necessity to combine the three configurations to implement digital CX across all phases of the customer journey and business model

    Digitalization in traditional pharmacies: The effect on efficiency, access to information, proximity and personalization

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    The main objective of this study is to determine what new technologies bring in a traditional pharmacy on the patient purchasing experience. Since new technologies are now part of our lives and have started to take hold in many physical outlets. This study measures the importance of these new technologies in today's pharmacies and its impact on customer satisfaction to understand its role. Some studies have underlined the benefits of digitization in a point of sale for the manager of the point of sale. And a few highlighted the benefits of point-of-sale digitization for customers. And if some have helped to determine the impact on the purchasing experience of customers, no study has been conducted to determine the level of acceptance of the digitization of a pharmacy, a health store apart from all other physical stores. The empirical analysis uses the satisfaction scale to measure the satisfaction of 2 groups of respondents. One being immersed in traditional pharmacy and the second in digital pharmacy. The objective of these results is to observe the preference of the French population according to 5 criteria. The statistical analysis of these 120 respondents was made via IBM SPSS Statistics software using a T test for two independent samples, and then an ANOVA to go further in the analysis according to the age of the respondents. The digitalization of a traditional pharmacy brings 2 benefits to the customer shopping experience. The results show that digitization makes it possible to gain efficiency and gain access to information, but also that age plays a predominant role in the acceptance and satisfaction of digitalization in pharmacies. Indeed, new technologies are not sufficiently developed in France to be fully appreciated in pharmacies. People over 36 are the most reluctant to make this change.O objetivo principal deste estudo é determinar o que as novas tecnologias trazem em uma farmácia tradicional na experiência de compra do paciente. Já que as novas tecnologias agora fazem parte de nossas vidas e começaram a se estabelecer em muitos estabelecimentos físicos. Este estudo mede a importância dessas novas tecnologias na farmácia de hoje e seu impacto na satisfação do cliente para entender seu papel. Alguns estudos sublinharam os benefícios da digitalização em um ponto de venda para o gerente do ponto de venda. E alguns destacaram os benefícios da digitalização do ponto de venda para os clientes da loja. E se alguns ajudaram a determinar o impacto na experiência de compra dos clientes, nenhum estudo foi realizado para determinar o nível de aceitação da digitalização de uma farmácia, uma loja de produtos naturais, separada de todas as outras lojas físicas. A análise empírica usa a escala de satisfação para medir a satisfação de 2 grupos de respondentes. Um estando imerso em farmácia tradicional e o segundo em farmácia digital. O objetivo desses resultados é observar a preferência da população francesa de acordo com 5 critérios. A análise estatística desses 120 respondentes foi feita por meio do software IBM SPSS Statistics usando um teste T para duas amostras independentes e, em seguida, uma ANOVA para ir mais longe na análise de acordo com a idade dos respondentes. A digitalização de uma farmácia tradicional traz 2 benefícios à experiência de compra do cliente. Os resultados mostram que a digitalização permite ganhar eficiência e obter acesso à informação, mas também que a idade desempenha um papel preponderante na aceitação e satisfação da digitalização nas farmácias. Na verdade, as novas tecnologias não estão suficientemente desenvolvidas na França para serem totalmente apreciadas nas farmácias. Pessoas com mais de 36 anos são as mais relutantes em fazer essa mudança

    Digital or human touchpoints? Insights from consumer-facing in-store services

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    Purpose Prior research highlights the extent to which consumers largely appreciate the possibility to choose among different digital touchpoints during the in-store experience, which results in a pervasive introduction of digital touchpoints as the first point of contact between retailers and consumers. However, consumers also give value to the human interactions in the service channels. The previous studies do not conclusively indicate the best balance of digital and human services. The purpose of this paper is to understand consumer-facing in-store services in new technology-enriched retail settings. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative approach involving face-to-face semi structured interviews was applied. To this end, the authors recruited 26 participants in Northern Italy between October and November 2017. Findings Results reveal motivations, preferences and discouraging factors leading consumers' interactions with digital or human touchpoints. Findings ultimately provide useful guidelines to managers on understanding consumers' attitudes toward digital vs human touchpoints phenomenon. Originality/value By identifying the key drivers of either digital and human touchpoints selection in offline retail settings, the present study figured out the attributes playing the crucial role in determining consumers' preference regarding the in-store alternatives. Findings allow a further greater clarification of the practical issues, with emphasis on the new of human-machine integration