10 research outputs found

    Modelação comportamental e pré-distorção digital de transmissores de rádio-frequência

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaNos atuais sistemas de telecomunicações, os transmissores de rádio-frequência são desenvolvidos tendo maioritariamente em conta a eficiência da conversão da potência fornecida da fonte em potência de rádio-frequência. Este tipo de desenho resulta em amplificadores de potência com características de transmissão não-lineares, que distorcem severamente o envelope de informação no processo de amplificação, gerando distorção fora da banda. Para corrigir este problema utiliza-se um processo de compensação não linear, sendo que a pré-distorção digital se tem favorecido pela sua flexibilidade e precisão. Este método é tipicamente aplicado de uma forma cega, por força bruta até se obter a compensação desejada. No entanto, quando o método se mostra ineficaz, como se verificou em amplificadores de potência baseados em transístores de nitreto de gálio, é difícil saber o que modificar nos sistemas para os tornar de novo úteis. De forma a compreender e desenhar sistemas de pré-distorção digital robustos é necessário, por um lado, perceber o comportamento dos amplificadores de rádio-frequência, por outro, perceber as limitações e relações entre os modelos digitais e o comportamento real do amplificador. Nesse sentido, esta tese explora e descreve estas relações de forma a suportar a escolha de modelos de pré-distorção, desenvolve novos modelos baseados no comportamento dos transístores, e propõe métodos de caracterização para os amplificadores de RF.In current telecommunication systems, the main concern when developing the radio frequency transmitter is power efficiency. This type of design generally leads to a highly nonlinear transmission characteristic, mainly due to the radio frequency power amplifier. This nonlinear transmission severely distorts the information envelope, leading to spectral regrowth, out-of-band distortion. To correct this problem a nonlinear compensation process is employed. For this application, digital predistortion is generally favored for its flexibility and accuracy. Digital predistortion is mostly applied in a blind manner, using brute force until the desired compensation is achieved. Because of this, when the method fails, as it has in gallium nitride based power amplifiers, it is difficult to modify the system to achieve the desired results. To understand and design robust predistortion systems, it is both necessary to have knowledge of the power amplifiers’ behavior, on one hand, and understand the limitations and relations between the digital models and these behaviors, on the other. To do this, this thesis explores and describes these relationships, granting support to the digital predistortion model choice, it further develops new predistortion models based on the physics of the transistors’ behaviors, and it proposes methods for the characterization of radio frequency power amplifiers

    Behavioral modeling and FPGA implementation of digital predistortion for RF and microwave power amplifiers

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    With the high interest in digital modulation techniques which are very sensitive to the PA nonlinearity, modern wireless communication systems require the usage of linearization techniques to improve the linear behavior of the RF power amplifier. The powerful and cheap digital processing technology makes the digital predistortion (DPD) a competitive candidate for the linearization of the PA. This thesis introduces the basic principle of DPD, its implementation on FPGA and the adaptive DPD system. The linearization of 4 PAs with DPD technique has been introduced: for the hybrid class AB PA operating at 2.6 GHz with a WiMAX testing signal, 33.7 dBm average power, 29.6 % drain efficiency, 13 dB ACPR and 9 dB NMSE improvement have been obtained; for the hybrid Doherty PA operating at 3.4 GHz with an I/Q testing signal, 35.0 dBm average power, 36.8 % drain efficiency, 12 dB ACPR and 13 dB NMSE improvement have been obtained; for the MMIC class AB PA operating at 7 GHz with an I/Q testing signal, 29.4 dBm average power, 25.7 % drain efficiency, 12 dB ACPR and 12 dB NMSE improvement have been obtained; for the two-stage PA operating at 24 GHz with an I/Q testing signal, 23.5 dBm average power, more than 14.0 % drain efficiency, 11 dB ACPR and 11 dB NMSE improvement have been obtained. The DPD algorithm has been implemented on FPGA with two methods based on LUT and a direct structure with only adders and multipliers. The block RAM on the FPGA board is chosen as the table in the LUT methods. The linearization performance for these three methods is similar. The test PA is the hybrid Doherty PA mentioned above and the test signal is the I/Q signal with 7.4 dB PAPR. 35.1 dBm average power, 36.8 % efficiency, 11 dB ACPR and 11 dB NMSE improvement have been obtained. The cost of logic resources for the direct structure method is the largest with 1,172 flip-flops, while the number of flip-flops for the two LUT methods are 263 and 583, respectively. A new adaptive algorithm has been proposed in this thesis for the adaptive DPD system. This new algorithm improves the performance in extracting the model parameters in complex number domain. With the experimental data from a combined class AB PA, the final accuracy of the model extracted by the new algorithm has been improved from -20 dB to about -40 dB and the converge speed is faster

    Efficient solid state power amplifiers: power combining and highly accurate AM/AM and AM/PM behavioural models with application to linearisation

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    Radio Frequency (RF) Power Amplifiers (PAs) are a major contributor to modern communication systems, both in terms of being an enabling technology as well as having the most impact on overall system availability, linearity and power consumption. In order to achieve the most optimum system outcome there needs to be an appropriate method for selecting the most suitable RF PA design approach, as well as being able to select the most appropriate RF PA output device, based on a range of varying requirements, specifications and technologies. The ability to perform these tasks quickly, with improved accuracy, using existing available device data, with minimal or no further device testing and from a range of existing and emerging technologies would provide RF PA designers with significant benefits. The investigations and research provided in this thesis consider a range of existing and emerging RF PA technologies and power combining methods and compares them via a new selection and design methodology developed in this thesis. The new methodology builds on modern design and statistical approaches including manufacturing options that enable an appropriate technology to be selected for Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) design. In addition to hard design specifications, the current thesis also considers less tangible specifications, such as graceful degradation, time tomarket and ease of use, as well as alternative design approaches, such as fuzzy logic approaches. With a suitable technology approach determined, a selection of a suitable RF output device(s) is considered. As the demand for new communication services continues to increase, requiring tighter specifications and reduced product delivery time scales, then the ability to accurately and quickly compare available RF PA devices from a range of device technologies or devices from different manufacturers, at both the system and component level, makes such a selection paramount. In this thesis, simplememoryless (AmplitudeModulation/AmplitudeModulation (AM/AM) only) and Quasi-Memoryless (QM) Behavioural Models (BMs) (AM/AM combined with Amplitude Modulation/Phase Modulation (AM/PM)) are reviewed, extended and improved upon, with up to 20 dB Normalised Mean Squared Error (NMSE) modelling improvement achieved over a range of technologies, allowing effective RF PA device selection using these newly developed simple and fast models. This thesis uses recent existing accurate and powerful semi-physical memoryless BMs, suited to RF PA devices, and develops and extends their use for QM modelling. The trade-off from the improvement in the overall accuracy is some further simple processing steps. Furthermore, this thesis also provides a comparison of other models, presented in the literature. The improved simple RF PA device models and extension techniques presented in this thesis show, via simulation and measurement, that the new models are suitable for use over a wide range. Lineariser improvements, linked to the accuracy improvements of the proposed models of this thesis, are also investigated, showing further benefits from this research. Physically based simple QM BMs are also used to model thermal and bias network memory effects, which are becomingmore relevant tomodern communication services that use wider bandwidths, enabling the impacts of RF PA device memory effects to be determined and compared. The feasibility of the developed models and improvements are also utilised in the simulation of a low cost RF PA lineariser. With the trend to smaller localised low cost and power RF mobile wireless repeater cells being away from larger more expensive and complex hardware, used to perform linearisation, this thesis presents a trade-off between complexity and linearisation performance and demonstrates, through modelling and simulation, that 8-10 dB improvement in linearisation performance is achievable with the use of the newly developed models.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 201

    Concurrent Dual Band Radio-over-Fiber Transmission Using 1-bit Envelope Delta-Sigma Modulation

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    With the growing demand for bandwidth and transmission speed, mobile communication network designs must stay adaptable, efficient and cost-effective. A key integration has been Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) transmission systems that provide a cheaper option and low loss for high frequency signal transfer. For the optical transmitter, delta-sigma modulation (DSM) can be a beneficial addition. The partnership simplifies the Digital-Radio-over-Fiber setup by removing the need for additional converters and prompts adjustments based on system need. Main factors in delta-sigma modulators are the amount of quantization bits and the order of the modulator. Changing quantization bits to a single bit allows the system to use less processing bandwidth and less error experienced from optical transmission. High order structures provide more noise shaping to shift noise away from the band of interest. Still, such setups are prone to linearity problems due to clock jitter from multiple feedback loops. Different adaptations of delta-sigma modulation have been designed to combat the problems, but a key standout is the implementation of an envelope delta-sigma modulation (EDSM). Envelope delta-sigma modulation’s separate processing of envelope and phase delivers time alignment and noise shaping counter the negative implications from high order DSMs. Combining envelope delta-sigma modulation with RoF transmission is an attractive option, but research has yet to delve into carrier aggregation with these setups. This thesis explores concurrent dual band 64-QAM 20 MHz LTE Radio-over-Fiber using 1-bit envelope delta-sigma modulation. It expands transmitter functionality by concurrent signal integration. Inside the EDSM is a 4th order bandpass delta-sigma modulator custom tailored one of two carrier frequencies. The two frequencies come from two different LTE bands to show interband compatibility. The carrier frequencies are 2.112 GHz from LTE band 1 and 2.64 GHz from LTE band 7. Simulation and experimental results confirm the functionality of the proposed envelope delta-sigma modulation RoF system in single and dual band for LTE standards (error vector magnitude < 8%). Experimental results confirm that EDSM is more resilient to RoF transmission than BP-DSM. However, the EVM values for BP-DSM are better for carrier aggregated transmission

    Atmospheric compensation experiments on free-space optical coherent communication systems

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    In the last years free-space optical communications systems for wireless links have been proposed, studied, and implemented mainly due to the higher bandwidth that this technology is able to provide. Still, radio frequency (RF) systems have been maintained in practical wireless communications systems due to the improvement of the microwave sources and the development of high speed electronics. Nowadays the circumstances are changing as a consequence of the increasing data-rate needed in terrestrial and outer space communications. The shift from RF systems to optical communication systems in the free space applications provide a wide set of advantageous characteristics that are motivating the use of these optical technologies in detriment of the RF systems. One of the key reasons is the advantage of working with optical wavelengths in compare to the RF spectral band. As well as the already mentioned increase in the available bandwidth due to the fact that higher optical frequencies directly mean wider bandwidths, the use of optical frequencies lead to a better performance in terms of the received power: for equal antenna sizes the received signal goes inversely as the square of the wavelength. Of the most interest, recent coherent optical communication systems address modulation and detection techniques for high spectral efficiency and robustness against transmission impairments. Coherent detection is an advanced detection technique for achieving high spectral efficiency and maximizing power or signal-to-noise (SNR) efficiency, as symbol decisions are made using the in-phase and quadrature signals, allowing information to be encoded in all the available degrees of freedom. In this context, the effects of Earth's atmosphere must be taken into account. Turbulenceinduced wavefront distortions affect the transmitted beam responsible for deterioration of the link bit error rate (BER). The use of adaptive optics to mitigate turbulence-induced phase fluctuations in links employing coherent (synchronous) detection is poised to reduce performance penalties enabling a more capable next generation of free-space optical communications. In this work, we describe the implementation of a free space optical coherent communication system using QPSK modulation and heterodyne downconvertion that uses adaptive optics techniques and digital signal processing to mitigate turbulenceinduced phase fluctuations and channel impairments in coherent receivers. A new method for generating atmospheric turbulence based on binary computer generated holography (BCGH) using binary arrays is presented and its performance is evaluated. The feasibility of FSO coherent systems working with adaptive optics is demonstrated and the system performance in terms of the BER is experimentally evaluated under the influence of atmospheric turbulence. The resulting system performance is compared against the theoretical models. The viability of the approach to improve the system efficiency and sensitivity of coherent receivers is experimentally demonstrated.En los últimos años las comunicaciones ópticas en el espacio libre han sido propuestas, analizadas e implementadas debido, principalmente, al gran ancho de banda disponible mediante esta tecnología. Aún así, en la práctica, los sistemas de radiofrecuencia (RF) han sido mantenidos en las aplicaciones comerciales debido a la mejora de los dispositivos utilizados y al desarrollo de equipos electrónicos con gran velocidad de procesado. Hoy en día la situación está cambiando como consecuencia de un incremento en la tasa de transmisión requerida en sistemas de comunicaciones terrestres y en el espacio exterior. El cambio de sistemas de RF hacia sistemas ópticos en el espacio libre implica una serie de ventajas clave que motiva la transición hacia estas tecnologías. La primera y gran ventaja de trabajar con frecuencias pertenecientes al espectro óptico es el aumento del ancho de banda disponible, ya que trabajar a alta frecuencia implica directamente un incremento en el ancho de banda. Además, la eficiencia en términos de potencia es incrementada, ya que, para un tamaño de antena fijo, la potencia de señal recivida es proporcional al inverso de la longitud de onda al cuadrado. De especial interés es el desarrollo de sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos que utilicen modulaciones complejas, lo que implica una mayor eficiencia espectral y una mayor robustez contra efectos perniciosos introducidos por el canal. La detección coherente es una avanzada técnica que permite un aumento en la eficiencia espectral y maximiza la eficiencia de la potencia recibida. Esto es debido a que los simbolos son demodulados utilizando las señales en fase y cuadratura, aumentando los grados de libertad del sistema. En este contexto, los efectos de la atmósfera sobre las comunicaciones ópticas coherentes deben ser analizadas en detalle. Las turbulencias atmosféricas distorsionan el frente de onda y son responsables del deterioro de la tasa de error en las comunicaciones ópticas en el espacio libre. El uso de óptica adaptativa para mitigar los efectos de turbulencia atmosphérica abre una ventana a la implementación de la próxima generación de sistemas de comunicaciones, basados en tecnologías coherentes. En este trabajo se describe la implementación de un sistema completo de comunicaciones ópticas coherentes utilizando una modulación coherente (QPSK) y detección heterodina. Un sistema de óptica adaptativa y algoritmos de procesado de señal son implementados con el objetivo de mitigar los diferentes efectos introducidos por el canal. Por otro lado, un nuevo método para generar frentes de onda distorsionados por el canal atmosférico es desarrollado y su eficiencia es analizada. Este método se basa en el uso de holografía binaria generada por computador (BCGH) junto con un dispositivo de modulación óptica binaria de bajo coste (DLP). El funcionamiento del sistema completo es verificado y su eficiencia, en términos de tasa de error, son analizados. La eficiencia obtenida experimentalmente es comparada contra los modelos teóricos propuestos en la literatura. La viabilidad del uso de óptica adaptativa para mitigar efectos en sistemas ópticos coherentes es experimentalmente demostrada

    Design of indoor communication infrastructure for ultra-high capacity next generation wireless services

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    The proliferation of data hungry wireless devices, such as smart phones and intelligent sensing networks, is pushing modern wireless networks to their limits. A significant shortfall in the ability of networks to meet demand for data is imminent. This thesis addresses this problem through examining the design of distributed antenna systems (DAS) to support next generation high speed wireless services that require high densities of access points and must support multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) protocols. First, it is shown that fibre links in DAS can be replaced with low-cost, broadband free-space optical links, termed radio over free-space optics (RoFSO) links. RoFSO links enable the implementation of very high density DAS without the need for prohibitively expensive cabling infrastructure. A 16m RoFSO link requiring only manual alignment is experimentally demonstrated to provide a spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of > 100dB/Hz^2/3 over a frequency range from 300MHz- 3.1GHz. The link is measured to have an 802.11g EVM dynamic range of 36dB. This is the first such demonstration of a low-cost broadband RoFSO system. Following this, the linearity performance of RoFSO links is examined. Because of the high loss nature of RoFSO links, the directly-modulated semiconductor lasers they use are susceptible to high-order nonlinear behaviour, which abruptly limits performance at high powers. Existing measures of dynamic range, such as SFDR, assume only third-order nonlinearity and so become inaccurate in the presence of dominant high-order effects. An alternative measure of dynamic range called dynamic-distortion-free dynamic range (DDFDR) is then proposed. For two different wireless services it is observed experimentally that on average the DDFDR upper limit predicts the EVM knee point to within 1dB, while the third-order SFDR predicts it to within 6dB. This is the first detailed analysis of high-order distortion effects in lossy analogue optical links and DDFDR is the first metric able to usefully quantify such behaviour. Next, the combination of emerging MIMO wireless protocols with existing DAS is examined. It is demonstrated for the first time that for small numbers of MIMO streams (up to ~4), the capacity benefits of MIMO can be attained in existing DAS installations simply by sending the different MIMO spatial streams to spatially separated remote antenna units (RAU). This is in contrast to the prevailing paradigm of replicating each MIMO spatial stream at each RAU. Experimental results for two representative DAS layouts show that replicating spatial streams provides an increase of only ~1% in the median channel capacity over merely distributing them. This compares to a 3-4% increase of both strategies over traditional non-DAS MIMO. This result is shown to hold in the multiple user case with 20 users accessing 3 base stations. It is concluded that existing DAS installations offer negligible capacity penalty for MIMO services for small numbers of spatial streams, including in multi-user MIMO scenarios. Finally, the design of DAS to support emerging wireless protocols, such as 802.11ac, that have large numbers of MIMO streams (4-8) is considered. In such cases, capacity is best enhanced by sending multiple MIMO streams to single remote locations. This is achieved using a novel holographic mode division multiplexing (MDM) system, which sends each separate MIMO stream via a different propagation mode in a multimode fibre. Combined channel measurements over 2km of mode-multiplexed MMF and a typical indoor radio environment show in principle a 2x2 MIMO link providing capacities of 10bit/s/Hz over a bandwidth of 6GHz. Using a second experimental set-up it is shown that the system could feasibly support at least up to a 4x4 MIMO system over 2km of MMF with a condition number >15dB over a bandwidth of 3GHz, indicating a high degree of separability of the channels. Finally, it is shown experimentally that when a fibre contains sharp bends (radius between 20mm and 7.2mm) the first 6 mode-groups used for multiplexing exhibit no additional power loss or cross-coupling compared with unbent fibre, although mode-groups 7, 8 and 9 are more severely affected. This indicates that at least 6x6 multiplexing is possible in standard installations with tight fibre bends.For their financial support, I would like to thank the Rutherford Foundation of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the EPSRC