147,775 research outputs found

    Digital entrepreneurship in a resource-scarce context: A focus on entrepreneurial digital competencies

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    Purpose – Thepurpose of this paper is to criticallyexplorehow context asan antecedent to entrepreneurial digital competencies (EDCs) influences digital entrepreneurship in a resource-scarce environment. Design/methodology/approach – The data comprises semi-structured interviews with 16 digital entrepreneurs, as owner-managers of small digital businesses in Cameroon. Findings – The results reveal the ways in which EDCs shape the entry (or start-up) choices and post-entry strategic decisions of digital entrepreneurs in response to context-specific opportunities and challenges associated with digital entrepreneurship. Research limitations/implications – The data comes from one African country and 16 digital businesses thus the research setting limits the generalisability of the results. Practical implications – This paper highlights important implications for encouraging digital entrepreneurship by focussing on institutional, technology and local dimensions of context and measures to develop the entrepreneurial and digital competencies. This includes policy interventions to develop the information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, transport and local distribution infrastructure, and training opportunities to develop the EDCs of digital entrepreneurs. Originality/value – Whereas the capabilities to adopt and use ICTs and the internet by small businesses have been examined, this is among the first theoretically sensitised study linking context, EDCs and digital entrepreneurship

    Digital entrepreneurship

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    As more companies start doing digital business - whether by selling their products online, by selling digital wares, or both - the question of how starting a digital venture differs from starting a traditional venture grows more important. We present a framework of digital entrepreneurship that includes a topology of new digital ventures, the characteristics of each type of new digital venture, and a discussion of how those characteristics shape the critical success factors of each type of venture. Specific issues addressed include digital or virtual products and services, digital or virtual workplaces and the effects of relying on computer-mediated communication, the changing role of market orientation across the different types of new ventures, and the instant globalization effect

    Eras of Digital Entrepreneurship

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    While recent research continues to emphasize the importance of digital entrepreneurship, the historical terminology of this field is often overlooked. Digital entrepreneurship tends to be considered a new phenomenon despite emerging in the early 1990s. Building on a scoping literature review, this study analyzes 1354 publications that use nine different terms interchangeably to describe the phenomenon of digital entrepreneurship. Based on the number of publications per year, three eras in the historical development of digital entrepreneurship research are outlined. Digital technologies are identified as external enablers, and certain practical events are considered to be influencing factors. The results show that recent research has not adequately recognized the contributions of previous publications and that the understanding of digital entrepreneurship is quite similar with regard to the terms used and over time. This study shows how emerging digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and big data analytics, might shape the future of digital entrepreneurship research. The study occupies the intersection between entrepreneurship and information systems literature and its main contribution is to provide new insights into the eras of digital entrepreneurship from the past to the present and into the future

    Researching Digital Entrepreneurship: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Directions

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    This report documents the outcomes of a professional development workshop (PDW) held at the 40th International Conference on Information Systems in Munich, Germany. The workshop focused on identifying how information systems (IS) researchers can contribute to enriching our knowledge about digital entrepreneurship—that is, the point at which digital technologies and entrepreneurship intersect. The PDW assembled numerous IS researchers working on different aspects of digital entrepreneurship. Jointly, we delineated digital entrepreneurship from related phenomena and conceptualized the different roles that digital technologies can have in entrepreneurial endeavors. We also identified relevant strategies, opportunities, and challenges in conducting digital entrepreneurship research. This report summarizes the shared views that emerged from the interactions at the PDW and our collaborative effort to write this report. The report provides IS researchers interested in digital entrepreneurship with food for thought and a foundation for future research


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    ABSTRAKKebijakan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi digital menuntut para pelaku UMKM untuk dapat bertransformasi ke arah digitalisasi melalui pengembangan Kewirausahaan Digital (Digital Entrepreneurship). Namun demikian, pengembangan Digital Entrepreneurship di Indonesia dinilai masih rendah. Keterbatasan kemampuan UMKM dalam menggunakan teknologi serta kurangnya edukasi dan pemahaman literasi digital disinyalir menjadi hambatan dalam pengembangan Digital Entrepreneurship. Permasalahan ini juga dirasakan oleh para pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk pengembangan dan penguatan literasi Digital Entrepreneurship serta memotivasi para pelaku UMKM agar dapat bertransformasi ke arah digitalisasi dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah para pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing yang berjumlah ± 30 orang dengan jenis usaha bergerak dibidang pengolahan makanan, minuman, konveksi dan pertanian. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan (ceramah), tutorial dan diskusi interaktif. Melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam pengembangan “Digital Entrepreneurship” bagi pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman literasi digital serta menumbuhkan motivasi bagi UMKM agar dapat bertransformasi ke arah digitalisasi. Pelatihan dan pendampingan ini juga diharapkan dapat menciptakan dan mengembangkan strategi bisnis yang lebih inovatif serta berdaya saing global yang dapat membantu penciptaan lapangan kerja dan meningkatan perekonomian desa. Kata kunci: digital entrepreneurship; ekonomi digital; UMKM. ABSTRACTIndonesian government's policy for accelerating rapidly the digital economic growth requires MSME to transform towards digitalization through the development of Digital Entrepreneurship. However, the development of Digital Entrepreneurship in Indonesia is still considered low. The limited ability of MSMEs in using technology and the lack of education and understanding of digital literacy are alleged to be obstacles in the development of Digital Entrepreneurship. This problem is also felt by MSME in Kerinjing Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The purpose of this activity is to develop and strengthen Digital Entrepreneurship literacy and motivate MSME to be able to transform towards digitalization in doing their business. The target audience in this community service activity are MSME in Kerinjing Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, totaling 30 people with the type of business engaged in food processing, beverages, convection and agriculture. The method of implementing this activity is using socialization through presentations, tutorials and interactive discussions. Through training and mentoring in the development of "Digital Entrepreneurship" for MSME in Kerinjing Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, it is expected to increase knowledge and understanding of digital literacy and bulid a motivation for MSMEs to be able to transform towards digitalization. This training and mentoring are also expected to create and develop more innovative and globally competitive business strategies that can help create jobs and improve the  economy in Kerinjing, Ogan Ilir ,South Sumatera. Keywords: digital entrepreneurship; digital economic; MSMEs.

    Digital Entrepreneurship Dimensions and Strategies: Crowdsourcing and Digital Financing

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    [EN] This paper aims to investigate an agile, knowledge-based, innovative, and integrated solution for businesses, i.e., Digital entrepreneurship, which means creating new ventures and transforming existing businesses by developing novel digital technologies and novel usage of such technologies. On the one hand, financing the projects is unaffordable for the companies, and a crowdsourcing platform is a good way to mitigate the burden of expenditure. The Digital Entrepreneurship process is a multidisciplinary field: developing software is rooted in information systems (IS), conceptualising business models, and formulating strategy. In addition to that, digital entrepreneurship is located at the junction of knowledge, business, and institutional entrepreneurship. This complicated nature of digital entrepreneurship requires a strategy. The type of opportunities they pursue characterises the strategy of formation and sustainability for a new venture; therefore, the entrepreneurs need to select strategies to make the best position according to their resources or the attainable resources through crowdsourcing. We shed light on the importance of crowdsourcing to have a successful stateÂżofÂżtheÂżart business after reviewing the background of digital entrepreneurship, crowdsourcing, and the digital entrepreneurship strategy.GarrigĂłs SimĂłn, FJ.; Alizadeh Moghadam, SS.; Abdi, L.; Pourmirali, Z.; Abdi, B. (2021). Digital Entrepreneurship Dimensions and Strategies: Crowdsourcing and Digital Financing. Management and Business Research Quarterly. 18:1-15. https://doi.org/10.32038/mbrq.2021.18.01S1151

    Prestige over Profit: The Practice of Digital Entrepreneurship among Millennial Generation in Indonesia

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    Digital entrepreneurship has recently become a trend in cyberspace and it is often associated with the millennials who were previously said to be the least entrepreneurial generation. The millennials are digital natives who tend to follow a trend because of globalization which opens up unlimited public spaces. This article aims to examine the motives of the Indonesian millennial generation in doing digital entrepreneurship through qualitative research methods and Jean Baudrillard's post-modern theory approach. The required data were collected through interview and observation methods. This article argues that the main motive of Indonesian millennials in digital entrepreneurship is not profit-seeking, but rather prestige-seeking by following trends on social media so that digital entrepreneurship develops among millennials. The results of the study show that the tendency of being social media trend followers has encouraged Indonesian millennials to run digital entrepreneurship. The millennials tried to follow the trend of digital entrepreneurship to express their identities in the public sphere to create a good image of themselves. By doing so, they expected to be considered prestigious members of digital society with higher social status

    Digital entrepreneurship: opportunities, but not a panacea - implications for premium products and entrepreneurship education

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    Although the opportunities arising from, and impact of, effective digital entrepreneurship are widely understood and promoted, this work highlights some precautionary tales concerning the potential negative impacts of digital entrepreneurship activities on customer reactions and brand perception. It also reveals some opportunities for enhancing entrepreneurship education. The research triangulates the content and findings of three recent papers (Gutierrez et al, 2019; O’Leary, 2017; Carlotto and O’Leary, 2018) in the context of many recent developments in the digital entrepreneurship field. The findings suggest that degrees of caution are recommended in adopting digital entrepreneurship approaches as a means for gaining competitive edge

    Digital entrepreneurship: context and conceptualization

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    Recognizing how the lines between digital and traditional forms of entrepreneurship are blurring, this forward-thinking book combines digital technology and entrepreneurship perspectives to advance knowledge on this paradigm-shifting typology of entrepreneurship


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    Entrepreneurship learning is still a subject that is considered difficult for students because it is considered incompatible between theory and practice. Ease of access to information technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is considered to be one of the hopes in achieving learning success, especially in entrepreneurship courses. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of digital entrepreneurship teaching materials accompanied by Islamic values in entrepreneurship courses. This research involved 31 students taking entrepreneurship courses at one of the universities in Indonesia. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative using percentages. The instrument used was a survey questionnaire in the form of a Google form which was distributed to students 5 times in 10 meetings. The results show that digital entrepreneurship teaching materials are interesting and help students understand the material. Students' difficulties were seen at the beginning of the meeting in using digital entrepreneurship teaching materials, but over time students began to get used to and easily use digital teaching materials. The implementation of digital entrepreneurship teaching materials accompanied by Islamic values in lectures has proven to support interactions between lecturers and students and is able to improve the independent learning process for students so that they become more effective and efficient. Keywords : digital entrepreneurship teaching materials; implementation; Islamic value
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