31,553 research outputs found


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    Recenzja książki: G. Bodard i S. Mahony (red.), Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity, Ashgate 2010, 210 s

    Artefacts and Errors: Acknowledging Issues of Representation in the Digital: Imaging of Ancient Texts

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    It is assumed, in palaeography, papyrology and epigraphy, that a certain amount of uncertainty is inherent in the reading of damaged and abraded texts. Yet we have not really grappled with the fact that, nowadays, as many scholars tend to deal with digital images of texts, rather than handling the texts themselves, the procedures for creating digital images of texts can insert further uncertainty into the representation of the text created. Technical distortions can lead to the unintentional introduction of ‘artefacts’ into images, which can have an effect on the resulting representation. If we cannot trust our digital surrogates of texts, can we trust the readings from them? How do scholars acknowledge the quality of digitised images of texts? Furthermore, this leads us to the type of discussions of representation that have been present in Classical texts since Plato: digitisation can be considered as an alternative form of representation, bringing to the modern debate of the use of digital technology in Classics the familiar theories of mimesis (imitation) and ekphrasis (description): the conversion of visual evidence into explicit descriptions of that information, stored in computer files in distinct linguistic terms, with all the difficulties of conversion understood in the ekphratic process. The community has not yet considered what becoming dependent on digital texts means for the field, both in practical and theoretical terms. Issues of quality, copying, representation, and substance should be part of our dialogue when we consult digital surrogates of documentary material, yet we are just constructing understandings of what it means to rely on virtual representations of artefacts. It is necessary to relate our understandings of uncertainty in palaeography and epigraphy to our understanding of the mechanics of visualization employed by digital imaging techniques, if we are to fully understand the impact that these will have

    Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and late antique Egypt : outline of a new research programme

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    In October 2017, the European Research Council awarded a Starting Grant to Klaas Bentein for his project EVWRIT: Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt: A socio-semiotic study of communicative variation. In what follows, the research goals, methodology, and corpus of this new project are briefly outlined

    Late antiquity and the antiquarian

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    Arnaldo Momigliano, the most influential modern student of antiquarianism, advanced the view that there was a late antique antiquarianism, but also lamented the absence of study of the history of antiquarianism in this period. Part of the challenge, however, has been to define the object of such a study. Rather than "finding" antiquarianism in late antiquity as Momigliano did, this article argues that a history that offers explicit analogies between late antique evidence and the avowed antiquarianism of early modern Europe allows a more self-conscious and critical history of late antique engagement with the past. The article offers three examples of this form of analysis, comparing practices of statue collecting in Renaissance Rome and the late RomanWest, learned treatises on the Roman army by Vegetius and Justus Lipsius, and feelings of attachment to a local past as a modern antiquarian stereotype and in a pair of letters to and from Augustine of Hippo

    Where Rhetoric and Lean Meet

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    This paper aims at an initial analysis and explanation of lean through the lens of the discipline of rhetoric. First, the ancient origin, central ideas, subsequent history and current interpretations of rhetoric are outlined. Then, the overall meeting points of rhetoric and lean are discussed. At the outset, it is contended that certain arguments that can be used as a justification in rhetoric seem fertile for understanding the difference between lean and conventional management. Then, persuasion towards compliance in production is discussed. The field of visual management is argued to have an implicit foundation in rhetoric. The existence of a common ground of values, facts and presumptions between the speaker and the audience is emphasized in rhetoric; it is contended that lean construction in many ways endeavours to create such a common ground among the project participants. Regarding deliberation, the rhetorical dimensions in the methods of A3 and Choosing by Advantages are discussed. Further, Target Value Design is identified as based, for their part, on rhetorical ideas. In conclusion, it is contended that many aspects of lean, which as such may seem odd and perhaps peri

    A moment in time: from the digital record of a migrating library

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    This paper draws on the work of the Arts & Humanities Research Council-funded Glasgow Cassirer Project, which makes correspondence and documents relating to the German philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) available online. The paper concentrates on the relocation in 1933 of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg, developed from the personal library of Aby Warburg (1866-1929), from its home in Hamburg to London, where it opened as the Warburg Institute in 1934. The problems which faced the emigre staff of the Library are discussed, as well as the circumstances facing the scholars most associated with the KBW in Hamburg, notably Cassirer, and their subsequent dispersal. Evidence is presented to challenge the view that the impact on British scholars of the newly-arrived Institute was limited

    GRK 26: Herodotus and Thucydides

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    Syllabus and bibliography for an advanced Greek seminar taught at Dartmouth in Winter 201

    Value and doubt: the persuasive power of 'authenticity' in the antiquities market

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    No abstract available