37,208 research outputs found


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    Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities are, historically seen, in focus of different communities as well as approaching different research topics and - from an organizational point of view - departments. However, are they that different? The idea of this joint article involving digital humanists and heritage researchers is to examine communities, concepts and research applications as well as shared challenges. Beyond a collection of problem-centred essays this is intended to initiate a fruitful discussion about commonalities and differences between both scholarly fields as well as to assess to which extent they are two sides of the same medal

    Consolidating research data management infrastructure: towards sustainable digital scholarship

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    The sustainability of digital research outputs, particularly in the Humanities where these frequently comprise archives of digital cultural heritage material, has always offered a challenge to the researchers and institutions who have responsibility for them. The amount of upfront care, effort and funding that goes into developing a research project during the active (and funded) research phase is rarely replicated within the post-project maintenance and curation of the delivered digital assets or archives. What often defines the sustainability of a research project and its archive is a combination of research method and expected life span for the digital collection. Innovation in research data design is often at the expense of its longevity. But this doesn’t need to be so. The trade-off between longevity and functionality is a false dichotomy. Yet what is clear is that care and consideration in planning the research data storage or archive for a project can make a big difference. A data management plan that meets grant funder requirements is asked for many research projects, but is more than simply a funding document. Good research data management and ensures outputs are available online for years to come, and available for future research and innovation. This paper offers a practical insight to the methods being employed at the University of Oxford to support Digital Humanities scholars (and beyond) safeguard their digital legacy for future generations

    Growing an international Cultural Heritage Labs community

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    ‘Cultural Heritage Labs’ in galleries, libraries, archives and museums around the world help researchers, artists, entrepreneurs, educators and innovators to work on, experiment, incubate and develop their ideas of working with digital content through competitions, awards, projects, exhibitions and other engagement activities. They do this by providing services and infrastructure to enable, facilitate and give access to their data both openly online and onsite for research, inspiration and enjoyment. In September 2018, the British Library Labs team organised a ‘Building Library Labs’' international workshop. The event provided the opportunity for colleagues that are planning or already have digital experimental ‘Labs’ to share knowledge, experiences and lessons learned. The workshop, which attracted over 40 institutions from North America, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa, demonstrated a clear need and enthusiasm for establishing an international support network. Within 6 months, a second international workshop was organised at the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen in March 2019. In total we have brought together some 120 participants and an even wider community of around 250 people online. Some have been sharing their experiences in setting, using and running innovation labs, but there was a sizeable group of attendees who are planning to set up such labs and need advice and support in how to do this. The aim of this short paper is to present the journey and development of the International Labs community and outline our future activities

    Into the Wide – Into the Deep: Manuscript Research in the Digital Age. Introduction

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    Manuscript research is a wide field of scholarship which is integrated in core disciplines such as history, philology, or library science. Yet manuscript research is also crucial in other fields such as archaeology, history of arts, musicology or Egyptology, to name but a few. For all these disciplines, manuscripts are fundamental sources. There are different approaches to different types of manuscripts, but questions and perspectives, methodologies and tools are often quite similar. Innovations and new research strategies from one discipline can be transferred to and adopted by others. This article is an introduction to the second volume of the anthology "Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age" and gives an overview of current aspects in the field of manuscript studies in both theory and practice by showing the relatedness of the contributions to the volume at hand as well as its predecessor. The texts are roughly assigned to five interrelated areas of manuscript research: (I) the photographic capturing of the manuscript surface, (II) the description of the manuscript for a catalogue, (III) the scientific examination of material aspects, (IV) the analysis of the script and (V) the deep encoding of the text itself

    Who is Patrick? – Answers from the Saint Patrick's Confessio HyperStack. Supporting Digital Humanities, Copenhagen 17 - 18 November 2011, Conference Proceedings

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    Not everyone realizes that there are two Latin works, still surviving, that can definitely be attributed to Saint Patrick’s own authorship. On 14th September 2011 the Royal Irish Academy published his writings in a freely accessible form on line, both in the original Latin and in a variety of modern languages (including Irish). Designed to be of interest to the general public as well as to academic researchers, the Saint Patrick’s Confessio Hypertext Stack includes such features as digital images of the medieval manuscripts involved, a specially commissioned historical reconstruction that evocatively describes life in pre-Viking Ireland, articles, audio presentations, and some ten thousand internal and external digital links that make it truly a resource to be explored

    A Conceptual Model for Scholarly Research Activity

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    This paper presents a conceptual model for scholarly research activity, developed as part of the conceptual modelling work within the ???Preparing DARIAH??? European e-Infrastructures project. It is inspired by cultural-historical activity theory, and is expressed in terms of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, extending its notion of activity so as to also account, apart from historical practice, for scholarly research planning. It is intended as a framework for structuring and analyzing the results of empirical research on scholarly practice and information requirements, encompassing the full research lifecycle of information work and involving both primary evidence and scholarly objects; also, as a framework for producing clear and pertinent information requirements, and specifications of digital infrastructures, tools and services for scholarly research. We plan to use the model to tag interview transcripts from an empirical study on scholarly information work, and thus validate its soundness and fitness for purpose

    Digital Preservation Services : State of the Art Analysis

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    Research report funded by the DC-NET project.An overview of the state of the art in service provision for digital preservation and curation. Its focus is on the areas where bridging the gaps is needed between e-Infrastructures and efficient and forward-looking digital preservation services. Based on a desktop study and a rapid analysis of some 190 currently available tools and services for digital preservation, the deliverable provides a high-level view on the range of instruments currently on offer to support various functions within a preservation system.European Commission, FP7peer-reviewe

    UCL (University College London) Libraries Masterplan: Library Report to Estates Management Committee January 2008

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    This document is a Report from UCL Library Services to UCL on Master Planning activities and outputs which have been undertaken to quantify use and development of estate in UCL Library Services. Prioritised options have been identified for the UCL Main and Science Libraries, and for a new central site option. This work has also addressed the needs of UCL for long-term offsite storage, which concludes that UCL needs to retain its facility at Wickford for at least the next ten years

    DARIAH and the Benelux

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