3,684 research outputs found

    Early Study of Digital Control Systems and Information at the House for Audio

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    The digital control system will make memorable house was inhabited, althoughabandoned for a few days. This control system worked as long as 24 hours a day bymaking use of changes in light intensity.The digital control tool can be ignited or extinguished in accordance with the desireof user. These tools provide the means to control multiple electrical devices thatignited and extinguished on a certain day such as lighting, television, tape recorder orthe radio. For tape recorders to be used can be filled with an assortment of soundeffects sound like little children crying, the sound the rooster crows, the sound ofsomeone taking a bath and others

    Digital Control Systems

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    Modeling digital control systems with MA-prefiltered measurements

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    Three discrete state variable representations are derived for a continuous-time plant driven by a zero-order-hold with a combination of instantaneous measurements and measurements prefiltered by moving-average (MA) digital filters. These representations allow the control system engineer to accurately model plants of this type in a form which permits him to use standard techniques to design digital feedback controllers for them. An example is presented which illustrates how to obtain the coefficient matrices in each representation. Guidelines are presented for choosing the best representation to use for any given point

    Exact state reconstruction in deterministic digital control systems

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    A state reconstructor for deterministic digital systems is presented which is ideal in the following sense: if the plant parameters are known exactly, the output of the state reconstructor will exactly equal the true state of the plant, not just approximate it. Furthermore, this ideal state reconstructor adds no additional states or eigenvalues to the system. Nor does it affect the plant equation for the system in any way; it affects only the measurement equation. While there are countless ways of choosing the ideal state reconstructor parameters, two distinct methods are described here. An example is presented which illustrates the procedures to completely design the ideal state reconstructor using both methods

    A method for reducing sampling jitter in digital control systems

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    Digital phase lock loop system is designed by smoothing the proportional control with a low pass filter. This method does not significantly affect the loop dynamics when the smoothing filter bandwidth is wide compared to loop bandwidth

    Digital filter for reducing sampling jitter in digital control systems Patent

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    Digital filter for reducing jitter in digital control system

    More on exact state reconstruction in deterministic digital control systems

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    Presented is a special form of the Ideal State Reconstructor for deterministic digital control systems which is simpler to implement than the most general form. The Ideal State Reconstructor is so named because, if the plant parameters are known exactly, its output will exactly equal, not just approximate, the true state of the plant and accomplish this without any knowledge of the plant's initial state. Besides this, it adds no new states or eigenvalues to the system. Nor does it affect the plant equation for the system in any way; it affects the measurement equation only. It is characterized by the fact that discrete measurements are generated every T/N seconds and input into a multi-input/multi-output moving-average (MA) process. The output of this process is sampled every T seconds and utilized in reconstructing the state of the system

    Further developments in modeling digital control systems with MA-prefiltered measurements

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    State variable representations are presented for a continuous-time plant driven by a zero-order-hold with multirate-sampled measurements prefiltered by multi-input/multi-output moving average (MA) processes. These representations have broad application, but are known to be useful in the aerospace field for modeling systems with star trackers and some state-of-the-art rate-gyroscopes and accelerometers

    A new approach to state estimation in deterministic digital control systems

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    The paper presents a new approach to state estimation in deterministic digital control systems. The scheme is based on sampling the output of the plant at a high rate and prefiltering the discrete measurements in a multi-input/multi-output moving average (MA) process. The coefficient matrices in the MA prefilter are selected so the estimated state equals the true state. An example is presented which illustrates the procedure to follow to completely design the estimator

    Further developments in exact state reconstruction in deterministic digital control systems

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    A more general version of the ideal state reconstructor for deterministic digital control systems previously developed is presented. In the original version, measurements prefiltered by a multi-input/multi-output moving-average (MA) process were utilized in the state reconstruction process. In this version, the MA-prefiltered measurements can be supplemented by standard instantaneous measurements. The ideal state reconstructor is so named because: if the plant parameters are known exactly, its output will exactly equal the true state of the plant, not just approximate it. Furthermore, it adds no additional states or eigenvalues to the system. Nor does it affect the plant equation for the system in any way; it affects the measurement equation only. An example is presented which illustrates the procedure for choosing the parameters in it
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