117 research outputs found

    Formation of digital competence of future teachers of elementary school using blended learning and personal learning environment

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    The article is devoted to the issue of formation and increasing digital competence of future primary school teachers. The article addresses the issue of the implementation of blended learning in higher education, analysis methods and software applications with which scientific and teaching staff engaged in educational activities. The characteristic features and needs of the new generation Z have been determined, the concepts of macro, meso and micro trends in European education have been analyzed. The authors discovered the meaning of Personal learning environment (PLE), substantiated the idea that giving students the opportunity to work in a qualitatively formed e-environment will allow them to acquire professional and soft-skills for later life, create their own e-portfolio, manage their own educational formal and informal learning process throughout life. There are highlighted and described the characteristic features of informal learning in the article. The emphasis in the work is on the personalization of educational trajectories of students, thanks to PLE tools. The use of ICT, in particular, network services, allows us to create the appropriate pedagogical and technological basis for the maintenance of modern informational systems of educational purposes, which are the priority in the basis of any educational process, the formation of digital competence, and the effective organization of the educational environment of an educational institution

    Formation of digital competence of future teachers of elementary school using blended learning and personal learning environment

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    The article is devoted to the issue of formation and increasing digital competence of future primary school teachers. The article addresses the issue of the implementation of blended learning in higher education, analysis methods and software applications with which scientific and teaching staff engaged in educational activities. The characteristic features and needs of the new generation Z have been determined, the concepts of macro, meso and micro trends in European education have been analyzed. The authors discovered the meaning of Personal learning environment (PLE), substantiated the idea that giving students the opportunity to work in a qualitatively formed e-environment will allow them to acquire professional and soft-skills for later life, create their own e-portfolio, manage their own educational formal and informal learning process throughout life. There are highlighted and described the characteristic features of informal learning in the article. The emphasis in the work is on the personalization of educational trajectories of students, thanks to PLE tools. The use of ICT, in particular, network services, allows us to create the appropriate pedagogical and technological basis for the maintenance of modern informational systems of educational purposes, which are the priority in the basis of any educational process, the formation of digital competence, and the effective organization of the educational environment of an educational institution


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    The article considers ways to improve the digital competence of future teachers to ensure the quality of pedagogical education. Levels of digital training and ways of formation are allocated.У статті розглянуто шляхи удосконалення цифрової компетентності майбутнього вчителя для забезпечення якості педагогічної освіти. Виділено рівні цифрової підготовки та шляхи формування

    Professional educators in the Circumpolar North: A model for the digital competence of future teachers

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    This article is based on a study that considers future teachers’ digital competencies in the Arctic education context with special attention to the necessary cultural and contextual dimensions of teachers’ work. This study explored the professional competencies teachers require when teaching diverse and multicultural pupils in the Circumpolar North drawing on the multiple affordances offered by the digital world. Previous research draws attention to specific teaching and teacher competencies required for rural schools in the Circumpolar North considering the unique assets and characteristics of rural places in this region. This study presents a model of Digital Competence for Future Teachers (DCFT) that illustrates the competencies required by teachers in rural schools in the Arctic. Within the proposed model, four types of digital knowledge-based competencies necessary for holistic education were identified: techno-cultural, intercultural, self-cultural, and micro-cultural. The model was created through a process of analysis of existing models of teachers’ digital competencies: MAP-, TPACK- and PEAT-models which are then reflected on the findings of an earlier international comparative multiple-case study by the same authors examining the sudden change to remote online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Cultural Competence for Equity and Inclusion (CCEI) framework. Although the presented study focused on the Circumpolar North, the findings have implications for teacher education and policy production more widely in national and international educational environments

    Improving future teachers’ digital competence using active methodologies

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    Contemporary society demands a university education based on active and participatory educational models that enable the development of competences, with digital competence being amongst the most demanded ones. This work presents the results of an educational innovation at the university level. It intends to analyse whether the implementation of an active methodology supported by technological tools in a virtual classroom contributes to students’ digital development. A quantitative methodology with a pre-experimental pretest-posttest design was used. The sample comprised 30 students studying the Curriculum Design module on the Biology and Geology Specialism of the Master’s in Teacher Training at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. The results show an improvement in the five areas of the digital competence specified by the Common Framework for Teachers’ Digital Competence (MCCDD) established by Spain’s National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), with a large effect size. It is concluded that the educational experiment implemented has enabled an increment in the level of digital competence of future teachers

    ETeach3D: Designing a 3D virtual environment for evaluating the digital competence of preservice teachers

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    The acquisition of teacher digital competence is a key aspect in the initial training of teachers. However, most existing evaluation instruments do not provide sufficient evidence of this teaching competence. In this study, we describe the design and development process of a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment for evaluating the teacher digital competence of future teachers, through a performance-based, collaborative and contextual evaluation. This environment, named ETeach3D, has been constructed using the educational design research approach. It is based on successive iterative cycles and is in accordance with the criteria of usefulness, validity, and effectiveness. In addition to the research team responsible for the project, participating in this study were 187 Spanish undergraduate students of Education and 22 experts in the field of educational technology. Results show that these environments, in addition to other characteristics, should (a) function smoothly and have simple interfaces, realistic scenes, and interactive activities and (b) follow a systematic evaluation procedure that integrates several strategies and levels of complexity. This research helps to improve the initial training of preservice teachers and contributes to the growing number of educational design research studies that focus in the field of evaluation of the curriculum domain.This research is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, SIMUL@B (ref: EDU2013-42223-P), and supported by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Department of Economy and Knowledge, Government of Catalonia. The project is coordinated by the ARGET research group (ref: 2014SGR1399)

    Аналіз досвіду країн Східної Азії з підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи шляхом імплементації цифрових технологій

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    Digital and cloud-oriented technologies gained extremely powerful traction, Big Data and Web technologies are widely used, artificial intelligence is becoming popular as well as the Internet of things, smartphones and other devices have become an integral part of living in civilized society. Prompt digitalization predetermined the situation when learning is conducted spontaneously and informally. In today's realities educational process has to transform quickly and support gaining digital competence by all the participants. It is essential to follow the rules of secure and effective interaction with digital content, form media culture and media information literacy. To overcome challenges that appear in digital era it is necessary to provide high quality preparation of future teachers, that is why our aim was to research and analyze peculiarities of educational process of higher educational institutions of countries which have got significant gains in the field of creation and dissemination of the most modern IT technologies. The article analyzes the educational process of preparation of future elementary school teachers in East Asian countries, namely: South Korea, Japan, China (describes the levels of preparation in the higher education institution (HEI), specifies the peculiarities of the educational program and lists the educational goals that a future elementary teacher should achieve). It provides information on a study initiated and conducted by theThe Republic of Korean Research Foundation and outlines basic ideas for SMART education in understanding South Korean counterparts. Found out how future primary school teachers inThe Republic of Korea are trained in six core subjects with a combination of digital literacy to be taught in junior high. The vector of Japan's higher education reform is presented, which aims at developing conceptually new approaches to the organization of the educational space with a combination of classical pedagogy and IT, as well as information on the certification features of future and current teachers. The article focuses on educational innovations (interaction between IT and education), outlined by President Xi Jinping. The list of qualities that a Chinese teacher should possess in the 21st century is given.Надзвичайно потужного розвитоку набули цифрові та хмаро орієнтовані технології, широко застосовуються BigData та Web-технології, набуває популяризації штучний інтелект та інтернет «розумних речей», смартфони та інші ґаджети стали невід’ємною частиною існування у цивілізованому суспільстві. Стрімка диджиталізація зумовила ситуацію, коли навчання відбувається стихійно та неформально. В сучасних реаліях освітній процес має швидко трансформуватись та сприяти набуттю цифрових компетенцій у всіх його учасників. Необхідно дотримуватись правил безпечної та ефективної взаємодії із цифровим контентом, формувати медіакультуру та медіаінформаційну грамотність. Для подолання викликів, які постають у цифрову епоху, неоюхідно забезпечити якісну підготовку майбутніх учителів, тому нашою метою було дослідити та проаналізувати особливості освітнього процесу ЗВО країн як мають значні здобутки у сфері створення та розповсюдження найсучасніших ІТ-технологій. В статті проаналізовано освітній процес підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи країн Східної Азії, а саме: Кореї, Японії, Китаю (описано рівні підготовки у ЗВО, вказано на особливості формування освітньої програми та перераховано освітні цілі, які має досягти майбутній учитель початкових класів). Наведено відомості щодо дослідженя, яке ініційовано та проведено Корейським дослідницьким фондом та описано основні ідеї SMART-освіти у розумінні корейських колег. З’ясовано як здійснюється підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової школи Кореї із шести основних предметів із поєднанням цифрової грамотності, які будуть викладатись у молодшій школі. Представлено вектор реформування вищої освіти Японії, який спрямований на розвиток концептуально нових підходів організації освітнього простору із поєднанням класичної педагогіки та ІТ, також представлено відомості про особливості сертифікації майбутніх та діючих учителів. У статі приділено увагу освітнім інноваціям (взаємодію між IT і освітою), які було окреслено Головою КНР Сі Цзіньпін. Надано перелік якостей, якими має володіти китайський учитель у ХХІ столітті

    Digital competence, higher education and teacher training: a metaanalysis study on the Web of Science

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la producción científica de mayor impacto sobre competencia digital de los futuros docentes en la base de datos de la Web of Science (WoS). Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio bibliométrico o de metaanálisis mediante el empleo de cuatro búsquedas combinadas delimitadas por el empleo de cuatro palabras clave extraídas de Thesaurus ERIC: digital competence, teacher training, digital skills y higher education. Se han considerado nueve variables de estudio: año de publicación, procedencia de los archivos, autores con mayor producción científica, instituciones, países, tipología de documento, áreas, idioma de publicación y referencias más citadas. En total, se han analizado 154 referencias indexadas en esta base de datos. Se concluye con la extracción de una potente línea de investigación que ha cobrado una relevancia exponencial en la actualidad, destacando la existencia de una mayor producción científica sobre competencia digital en España.The present research aims to analyze the scientific production with the greatest impact on digital competence of future teachers on the Web of Science (WoS). To this end, a meta-analysis was carried out using four combined searches delimited by the use of four keywords extracted from ERIC Thesaurus: digital competence, teacher training, digital skills and higher education. Nine study variables have been considered: year of publication, origin of the files, authors with the highest scientific production, institutions, countries, document typology, areas, language of publication and most cited references. In total, we analyzed 154 references indexed in the database. We conclude with the extraction of a powerful line of research that has claimed an exponential relevance today, highlighting the existence of greater scientific production on digital competence in Spain


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    The paper considers the use of cloud technologies in education through the prism of bibliographic analysis. The article characterizes the current state of cloud technologies in education, summarizes the trends, and forecasts the directions of recent scientific research. The leading research methods were bibliographic (visual and quantitative) analysis of keyword networks and qualitative discussion. The bibliographic analysis is based on publications indexed by the scientometric database Web Of Science over the past 20 years. The sample for analysis was formed by searching for the words cloud technology, education, learning, and teaching. The results of the study showed: a significant increase in the popularity of cloud technologies in education in recent years; an increase in the number of studies related to various aspects of educational activities under the influence of Industry 4.0; a gradual increase in the number of studies on the virtualization of the educational process and the use of artificial intelligence in education; dissemination of research on the effectiveness of various types of training using cloud services and teaching methods based on artificial intelligence; the relevance of the trend of visualization of educational material and visual analysis in education. The qualitative discussion provided grounds to identify general trends regarding future research directions.: development of mass online courses and learning technologies (immersive, the use of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, gaming learning technologies, BYOD approach); further virtualization of universities; development of inclusive education, educational analytics, and assessment (formative and adaptive computer assessment); early training of teachers to use cloud technologies and specialized services in subject learning; research related to visualization (big data, design, simulation, simulation of various processes, etc.) and the designing of relevant new academic disciplines; research of STEM and STEAM education.W artykule omówiono wykorzystanie technologii chmurowych w edukacji pod kątem analizy bibliograficznej. W artykule scharakteryzowano obecny stan wykorzystania technologii chmurowych w edukacji, podsumowano trendy i prognozy kierunków odpowiednich badań naukowych. Wiodącymi metodami badawczymi były wizualna i ilościowa analiza sieci słów kluczowych oraz dyskusja jakościowa. Analiza bibliograficzna została przeprowadzona na publikacjach indeksowanych przez scjentometryczną bazę Web Of Science przez ostatnie 20 lat. Próbkę do analizy tworzy się poprzez wyszukiwanie słów words cloud technology, education, learning, teaching. Wyniki analizy wykazały: znaczący wzrost popularności technologii chmurowych w edukacji w ostatnich latach; wzrost liczby badań związanych z różnymi aspektami działalności edukacyjnej pod wpływem Przemysłu 4.0; stopniowy wzrost liczby badań nad wirtualizacją procesu edukacyjnego i wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji w edukacji; upowszechnianie badań nad efektywnością różnego rodzaju szkoleń z wykorzystaniem usług chmurowych oraz metod nauczania opartych na sztucznej inteligencji; znaczenie trendu wizualizacji materiałów edukacyjnych i analizy wizualnej w edukacji. Dyskusja jakościowa dała podstawy do przewidywania kierunków odpowiednich badań: rozwoju masowych kursów online i technologii uczenia się (immersyjne, wykorzystanie rzeczywistości wirtualnej, rozszerzonej i mieszanej, technologie uczenia się w grach, podejście BYOD); dalsza wirtualizacja uczelni; rozwój uczenia się włączającego, analityki edukacyjnej i oceny (formatywna i adaptacyjna ocena komputerowa); proaktywne szkolenie nauczycieli w zakresie korzystania z technologii chmurowych i specjalistycznych usług w zakresie uczenia się przedmiotów; badania związane z wizualizacją (big data, projektowanie, symulacja, symulacja różnych procesów itp.) oraz rozwój nowych dyscyplin akademickich do prezentacji różnych danych; badanie edukacji STEM i STEAM